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21835935 No.21835935 [Reply] [Original]

>Covid-19 news: Researchers find first case of coronavirus reinfection

Economic recovery is years/decades away. Vaccines will not work. This is the worst possible outcome for everyone - enjoy the new normal.

>> No.21836049

"Experts say no conclusions on immunity can be drawn from one patient - and larger studies are needed."

Nice FUD

>> No.21836096

I should have read the fpbp cos I just sold everything and bought gold. How fucked am I?

>> No.21836136

The time to hedge is now. This will cause a multi-trillion decline in the economy once validated.

>> No.21836160

>$2 linkies

>> No.21836187

Oh my God. A reinfection just flew over my house

>> No.21836266

Plus it’s a fake pandemic. So second wave, third wave. It’s whatever we are told it is.

>> No.21836356

it’s like the flu. this is as retarded as saying “OH MUH GERD YOU CAN GET THE FLU TWICE SELLLLL!!!11!!!!!”


>> No.21836587

Good point. Millions of people get flu shots every year even though they do absolutely nothing, and thousands die from it. With Covid and sloppy rushed vaccines skipping clinical trials we will likely see hundreds of thousands dead or millions and little no preventive effect.

>> No.21836662

not an unlikely possibility

>> No.21836771
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>Researchers find first case of coronavirus reinfection.

Coronavirus has been infecting the human race for thousands of years. Nobody has received a vaccination for Spanish Flu and you haven't died from the flu yet. Wuhan Flu is going to be over by summer of 2021 and will never return.

>> No.21836912

Did you read all of it then? NO. Let me help you: 'Brendan Wren at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said it is important to take these results into context: “This is a very rare example of reinfection and it should not negate the global drive to develop covid-19 vaccines.”'

Read more: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-researchers-find-first-case-of-coronavirus-reinfection/#ixzz6W4gNRmJ1

>> No.21837055

If they had new information that could cut the global ecooomy in half, do you think they would announce things so quickly? Do you faggots understand how smart money hedges on news?

>> No.21837083

Covid tests are literally fake.

>> No.21837134

> nothingburger
> can be a nothingburger again

oh noes

>> No.21837141

stupid fucking faggot. the "reinfection" was asymptomatic. even CNN said that it was extremely posititve news kek. if all reinfections are asymptomatic, or the majority of them are, this shits done for and we are back to normal. kys.

>> No.21837184

I have literally never met anyone with covid

>> No.21837228
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>even CNN said that
good goy. now I know we are fucked

>> No.21837261

it's bullshit and I wish it wasn't, is it really so much to ask for a boomer plague?

>> No.21837278
File: 32 KB, 340x277, Downwithcaptainobvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, its a cold. people get colds. There is no vaccine for the common cold and there will be no vaccine for covid. Well there might be a "vaccine" for covid but i wouldnt suggest taking it. The true cure for covid is Chicken Noodle soup and Coca cola classic or 7 up, your choice.

>> No.21837320

Another possible cure could be November 11th.

>> No.21837329

what? they are the biggest proponents and pushers of the "le doom world ending new normal" virus. they have no incentive to spread hopeful or optimistic news about the virus. if they were cornered to say this was optimistic, then you better believe its pretty damn good news. again, kys. you probably wear a mask outside

>> No.21837387
File: 94 KB, 800x450, 1594816910289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>November 11th.
and a 7up is best cure

>> No.21837491

LMAO gtfo

>> No.21837524

same, no larp. I am however antisocial. So take it as you will

>> No.21837579

fake virus

>> No.21837625

Its nothing like the flu. Flu utilizes H (hemagglutinin) and N (Neuraminidase) as its primary adhesion and infection proteins. H grabs glycans on the cell surface, N cleaves them allowing the virus to work its way to cell surface.

COVID uses novel Spike protein for its infection, not to mention major M, E, N glycoproteins which have variable glycosylation ranging from high mannose to hybrid to complex. Variable glycosylations and those of similar comparison to our own makes it harder to handle by the body. So right out the gates the appearance and way the virus infects is completely different. Not to mention that COVID is a positive sense ssRNA and influenza is a negative sense ssRNA virus.

Learn to read before you say stupid shit.

>> No.21838384
