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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 640x640, 6CA3E04C-5787-435B-885E-2167732DC954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21824841 No.21824841 [Reply] [Original]

Listen anon,

Who here wants to get in on the so called next “big thing”. Yup, they’re even comparing it that Link of a meme coin. I was nice enough to shill this project yesterday whilst it was still around 8 cents and now 0.22cents.....
Take heed and get in!

>> No.21824878

It's exploding right now
$1 EOW !

>> No.21824903

This is being shilled the fuck out.

But I don't care, I am sold on it, this shit has to go to at least 200 mill MC

>> No.21824919

Yeah this is going to top 50 pretty quick, Really the best low market cap gem for this year.

>> No.21824929

2€ before eoy

>> No.21824957

Real question is, will Biz actually DYOR and for once get in on a legit project....

>> No.21825009

$10 EOW

>> No.21825018

The PRQ train is off towards top 100

>> No.21825044

this will explode when it hits binance

>> No.21825090

Not on Coinbase, can't buy it yet. Will it come soon?

>> No.21825121

Uniswap, coinmetro, hotbit, idex..........poloniex

>> No.21825126

>I was nice enough to shill this project yesterday whilst it was still around 8 cents and now 0.22cents.....
>was 8 cents and now 0.22 cents
being this retarded

Yeah I'd totally trust you

>> No.21825149

>PRQ shill
>always hating on link
go back and prepare to be dumped on

>> No.21825153

This project doesn’t need coinbase or binance etc etc, sure it will help but PRQ will turn heads undoubtedly without them

>> No.21825174

Definitely a gem. Full solid product, FIAT entry to service for mass adoption. Great tokenomics for long term. Still way undervalued for where this product is at. Easy top 100 in the coming weeks.

>> No.21825188

Great Fud, please carry on, more replies we get the more exposure

>> No.21825217

start saving some wojacks newnigger

>> No.21825230
File: 106 KB, 1435x763, PRQ Project Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried out some of the PRQ tools and they are pretty neat actually, not a shitcoin – a pleasant surprise desu. I could see this going to 200-300m marketcap over the next few months pretty easily.

>> No.21825418
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 90A91243-59BC-4A25-B6C1-A55CDD7EEC60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Customers also have options to spend PRQ within our platform. Discount mechanics are in the works

>> No.21825435

Stay POOR kek!

>> No.21825554

They know their tokenomics are not the strongest.

They are working on it right now. We're talking about a FINISHED PRODUCT and the team is still doing serious development backdoors and promised updates soon.

>> No.21825555

cheers boys, ima enjoying buying cheaper 12 hours from now.

You know whats funny, non of you anons know about the 5m+ PRQ whale that was constantly selling 50k for profit taking at 6 cents. I'm sure you'll meet him at some point today!

>> No.21825608

Sold my stack at 0.24, will rebuy tomorrow hoping it fucking dips

>> No.21825692

same, sold around that area. Unsustainable as fuck and i've been in since 3c.

They're going to enjoy meeting the whale with 5m+ prq tat selling 50k at a time until he bleeds it dry. If he was doing it at 6c im sure he'll do it at 20c

>> No.21825994

I recommend everyone sells and no one fomos back in to buy.

let the youtube normies bleed eachother out, it will be glorious.

>> No.21826215

shit advice, its going parabolic RIGHT NOW

>> No.21826240

It’s literally dumping

>> No.21826419

That whale is gonna get chewed up bro

>> No.21826589

Lol I didn't even know what this project is about. Listening to a bit of explanations now, this is going double digits isn't it?
We're very very lucky

>> No.21827553
File: 2.62 MB, 640x360, PRQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swingies get the rope. I'm not selling.

>> No.21827668


>> No.21827675

I’m telling you anon, watch the above YouTube vid, Elliot explains it very well

>> No.21828290

their tool is actually made to monitor this. EVERYBODY in the discord is monitoring his wallet, and sharing update on it at every movement.
Retard you don't even know what their product does.

>> No.21829147

even if they're monitoring it, how does that prevent the market forces of 5 million tokens being dumped

>> No.21829260

do you take in the ass, Elliott?

>> No.21829330

>We're very very lucky
I've been 100% in link since 2018

Now? Bought myself some PRQ.
Thankful to you anons who are finally shilling useful projects again before they pull a 10x

>> No.21829552

Do make sure to inform if that whale starts dumping though

>> No.21829584

Damn, we got pumped and dumped, didn't we?

>> No.21829596


>> No.21829633

did you get around the whale using 1inch and a mixer?

>> No.21829658

If you FOMO in and buy the top thinking something is "OMG ITS GOING PARABOLIC" then no, you didn't get pumped and dumped. You're just a retard :(

>> No.21829674

this guy fucks

>> No.21829960

oh yeah, this guy fucks hard

>> No.21830553
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1598287990498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21830652

no, it's a blessing.

>> No.21830697

>healthy correction
>you get to increase your stack by buying off of fomo'ing youtube retards
what's not to love

>> No.21830779

Correct, consolidate, commence.

>> No.21830834

I got scammed again biz, I hate you all, I finally understand everyone here is trying to scam me

>> No.21830859

The project is much much bigger than this guy, he is just shilling his channel saying he is 'working' with them

>> No.21831004

Just a healthy retrace, nothing to worry here. This was expected after 200 % price increase..

>> No.21831105

Just took off again in €. $ seems to lag a bit.

>> No.21831195

you bought in after it jumped from 0.12 to 0.22 and it's correcting to 0.14-0.15 just hold idiot

>> No.21831469
File: 24 KB, 531x424, Screenshot_2020-08-24 0 151500 PRQEUR Exchange CoinMetro com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21831610

Even though it pumped and dumped we are still up 5c+ today, which is fucking huge. We will make it boys, stay calm

>> No.21832078

should I covert my XCM to PQR or just hold? My port is 50/50

>> No.21832116
File: 1.45 MB, 3840x2400, Parsiq_Orange_Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parsiq needs some nice imagery. Are there already some good ones?

>> No.21832121

how the fuck am i supposed to get into this now that is up 150%? am i fucked lads

>> No.21832133

I would keep it 50/50, pretty sure these will complement each other for some reason I'm not sure of or won't mention.

>> No.21832149

you were supposed to buy the dip that just occured 20 minutes ago

>> No.21832180

Only seen one so far, that's how early we are.

>> No.21832204

so since i missed it should i kms?

>> No.21832241

you can still FOMO in since it can go up quite a bit from here

>> No.21832252

Does anyone know what the current circulating supply is?

>> No.21832281

XCM/PRQ is the comfiest double-stack to hold at this time

>> No.21832329


>PRQ is coinmetros pet coin (they held the ICO)
>coinmetro is estonian, prq is estonina (+anonymous devs)
>xcm and prq both shilled hard last few days
>both pumping at the same time

this shit was obivious from the beginning

this is the reason why i dont long term invest into russians/ projects from eastern europe/ post soviet colonies

>> No.21832388

XCM has a bit of catch up to do but caught a bid today. I'm comfy.

>> No.21832447

From their website:
>Currently the actual circulating “free market” supply is around 100,809,872 tokens.

>> No.21832482

Here you go faggot

>> No.21832507

The devs aren't anonymous? They have the team listed on the site. I mean, this project could be bullshit, but that is false.

>> No.21832520

So 4/5ths aren't circulating?
By the time it gets on coinbase its way too late lol

>> No.21832526
File: 21 KB, 128x102, 214124124124142142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Im sure they have worked hard months/years to deliver a solid product, just to use it to pump and dump the associated coin.

>> No.21832594

product actually looks very nice
coin seems pointless and stupid

>> No.21832631

All white, no women. I wouldn't be so heavy in this if they weren't.

>> No.21832735

Stop counter-signaling the FUD

>> No.21832739

>coin seems pointless and stupid
Heard this being said in these threads many times, but the truth it, does it even matter? Does the coin itself have to have an important function?
The coin doesn't always have to be the product. As long as theres a solid product and team behind the business, the coin will grow with it. The coin value is more so a representation of their position in the crypto market. And it will continue to be so.

>> No.21832778

Kek no I just FOMOed in at 12c

>> No.21832800

250k got offered to the public, but only around 100k were sold. The other 150k are in a retention wallet.

More info: https://www.parsiq.io/token

>> No.21832818

Good choice because it seems like we're going for round 2

>> No.21832902


>> No.21832963

12c is a pretty good price if you didn't hear about it in the earlier threads

>> No.21833030

it is 22 right now?

>> No.21833034

Currently selling PRQ to buy XCM. The price seems less sensitive to $1k sales than it was earlier today. Still not much liquidity though.

>> No.21833058

2x my investment what a fucking scam, not even 30x in one day. Must be a pump and dump scam just sold my 10k stack

>> No.21833079

Holy shit, that dude has an annoying voice

>> No.21833115
File: 594 KB, 828x1792, 3325F383-9D22-45E0-9AB1-2B65B80891B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard it yesterday had problems transferring woke up checked my coins, at 9am check PRQ and fomoed

>> No.21833625

jesus christ its pumping like mad
so tempted to swing it

>> No.21833680
File: 79 KB, 1350x1328, PRQ_Deathstar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're mooning AGAIN
Is this real life, or is this just a fantasy?

>> No.21833736


how do we know if this is a double top or not? didn't swing the first time, thinking about it this time

then again I hate swingies and overtraders

>> No.21833786

Okay so price discovery now again?

>> No.21833804

Is 10$ possible in few years?

>> No.21833828

just pool at this point anon

>> No.21833849


>> No.21833876

brainlet here, I don't even know what that is or what it does fren. Care to explain as if I'm an 8 year old please?

>> No.21833969

10$ in a few years is definitely FUD. I can unironically see this one storm into the Top50 within months

>> No.21833985

eil5... have to have equal parts prq/eth... on uniswap, choose the "pool" tab.. add to the pool.. you get portion of the fees, but your assets are used for liquidity.. if price drops, you're gonna "lose" some eth while gaining prq... up is the opposite "lose" some prq while gaining eth... good time to pool is if you think it's near a top, or will eventually drop down below the point you're pooling at (assuming you want to stay in the token). otherwise you may suffer some impertant loss

>> No.21834161

if you do it right, it's basically a bit of hedge swing desu. you're not gonna make as much if it drops. you're not gonna lose as much if it rises.

>> No.21834466

What is the market cap right now? There is no information on coingecko :/

>> No.21834705

fully diluted about 115m i think.. but i think only 1/5 of supply in circ.. so more like 23m??

>> No.21834834

>buy the green arrows
never change biz

>> No.21834965

What a day boys, I pretty much doubled the value of my entire portfolio because of this pump.

>> No.21835009

looks like i missed selling a top
oh well there'll be time for swinging later

>> No.21835133

it's nice, and will likely be nice in 1m/1y.. but still, you haven't doubled unless you sold desu

>> No.21835140

And just like that in one day 20c is the new normal, under $1 will be a steal in a weeks time maybe even couple days

>> No.21835172

Whaddayamean the top is still there right now.
Also dont swing faggot swingies get the rope.

>> No.21835196

yeah, i used to swing, now i pool. maybe i'm a bitch, but whatever

>> No.21835231

it was like 26c in uniswap just a little while ago when i checked now its 20c
could've increased my stack by 50%

>> No.21835258

>you haven't doubled unless you sold desu
True, but I have faith in this product and team, its not going to crash