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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 1200x628, DOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21832324 No.21832324 [Reply] [Original]

Polkadot have recently been listed on multiple big exchanges including binance and kraken.
Coingecko has it at ran fucking 8.

It's sure to be listed on coinbase soon. Yet no one on biz is talking about it. Except for its partnership with chainlink. What gives?

>> No.21832369

fuck off nigga

>> No.21832397

overvalued shitcoin the dump is going to be one of the top keks of this year

>> No.21832409


>> No.21832452


>> No.21832500


>> No.21832529

What makes you think it wont be the ETH killer

>> No.21832533

Coinmarketcap isn't ranking it. Weird.

>> No.21832535

op btfo

>> No.21832583

(you) will miss out pajeet

>> No.21832615

you fuck off. /biz/ always misses out

>> No.21832655


>> No.21832698

(User has been banned for this post)

>> No.21832801

ngmi brainlet

>> No.21832806

What the hell kind of thread is this?

>> No.21832822

don't worry OP, we will make it.

>> No.21832846

Checked, and yes, 75% port is POL, comfy

>> No.21832882

The goal is to 10x from KSM > go all in DOT for the final pump of the year before retiring.

>> No.21832957

Delete I'm still accumulating

>> No.21832997

12% for staking on kraken
ouch, this is gonna go down in value

>> No.21833020


>> No.21833055

DOT was shilled and talked about heavily back during their OTC 1. Now every normie and nigger influencer knows about it. Is that kind of discussion you want to have on 4chan?

It doesn't advertise itself as an ETH killer, at least read their whitepaper.

>> No.21833102

Did you even reading their why pappah?

>> No.21833656
File: 85 KB, 785x757, dgdlzqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and DOTpilled

>> No.21833801

fpbp. DOT is garbage.

>> No.21833846

>What makes you think it wont be the ETH killer
The absolute state of brainless DOT shills. DOT is an interoperability protocol. It's not supposed to kill ETH you idiot.

>> No.21833924

Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner.

>> No.21834155

Kek OP rekt

>> No.21834245

it will kill eth indirectly because it allows new and better smart contract platforms to emerge

>> No.21834271

What makes you think it wont do a 3x first?
I'm not shilling, I don't know much about the project

>> No.21834310

Isn't Gavin wood a pedo?

>> No.21834417

a DOT thread

>> No.21834440
File: 168 KB, 1200x900, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the retards calling it overvalued are still looking at the old DOT price.

Emotional trading will get you nowhere you retard

>> No.21834471

he is, but he will make us rich

>> No.21834797

>What makes you think it wont do a 3x first?
Nothing? I didn't even say it won't do a 3x?

>> No.21834854
File: 25 KB, 540x628, a4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


KEK you forgot to change your IP on literally all your posts


>> No.21834860

Well isn't it going to pump hard in the shorterm then? If it's just been listed, seems like a pretty sure bet if you can time the top

>> No.21835018

Polkadot will dump so damn hard. Quant is way better so why would anyone buy this?

>> No.21835087

You’re the retard kek. The absolute state

>> No.21835136
File: 20 KB, 428x670, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, after it makes new all time highs kek

>> No.21835247
File: 93 KB, 564x705, 33fa0fce6be389449992b7d15c9a2d89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

founded by Gavin Wood himself, the cofounder ETH and creator or solidity, I converted some small stack of my ETH into this. LETS GO NIGGA

>> No.21835363
File: 894 KB, 840x700, MADEIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally mooning RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Stay poor retarded, faggot

>> No.21835473

Fly me to the moon

>> No.21835956

This, i know its been around for a bit but this denomination re-shift has actually given me the opportunity to buy in, plus it's some seriously solid tech.

Since the denomination change, it's being maintained position on coingecko, gone from 10-7 in the matter of days, I honestly see this overtaking LINK in the next week.

Big fundamental difference is it's a working product with the COFOUNDER of ETH only with years of refined skill and comprehension of what this space is trying to achieve.

LINK doesn't even have Devs lol.

This truly could challenge the mcap of ETH in the next few years.

>> No.21836497

The denomination change was a fucking gift. Was never planning on buying Old dot cause price too high and when I saw it go for $2.60 on Binance, couldn't help myself but to buy a fat bag.

The FUD is absolutely hilarious and pointless.

>> No.21836541


>> No.21836642

Topkek. Imagine still holding QNT bags.

>> No.21836796

Must be the same person who thinks Roger Ver is not a scam..

>> No.21836879

DOT is super normie friendly

>> No.21837181

Ver, Wright, etc are all scams and attention whores.

>> No.21837677

They were so focused on mocking eth killers that they didn't see the btc killer in front of them.

>> No.21837714


>> No.21837948



>> No.21838035

lul what project has a 500 MC on dot?

>> No.21838054

absolute state of QNTlets

>> No.21838080


>> No.21838125
File: 40 KB, 360x450, 1597358988340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im all in

>> No.21838346

Well, LINK would be the biggest one.

>> No.21838541
File: 32 KB, 310x326, 0a878b66870e8744ce91424970fa89f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doesn't know what the fuck interoperability means
> can't comprehend how big polka/eth is going to be


>> No.21838624

is 1000 a make it stack?