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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21817982 No.21817982 [Reply] [Original]

Permissionless listings? Hmmmmmmmm

>> No.21818026

you heard it here first this is a Kleros TCR integration

>> No.21818079
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>> No.21818092
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>> No.21818142

Oh shit, they're doing yield farming? Get the fuck in

>> No.21818250

Fuck kleros

>> No.21818326

Lol fuck BZRX is such an easy bet. Imagine hating money that much, that you wouldn't buy into BZRX

>> No.21818681

soon rich boizzzz

>> No.21818751

so any shit token on ETH can be margin traded? kinda huge i guess

>> No.21818788

Seems so, plus no KYC like Bitmex now.

>> No.21818826
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More importantly: are the team White?

>> No.21818858
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Do it for her

>> No.21819191

kinda huge? kek

>> No.21819257


>> No.21819609

Kinda huge is an understatement my friend. Anyone with bags today is going to be a rich man by EOY.

>> No.21819945


I'm holding a bag of DIA, should I flip it all into bZRX?

>> No.21820064

Man I'm new to Crypto and don't have a ton of money. I only managed to buy 5k of this. This is such good news though, $1 end of year?

>> No.21820214

Anon there is no reason for this not to be $5+ by year end

>> No.21820311

$1 Eoy? try Eow

>> No.21820440

When is the launch?

>> No.21820466


>> No.21820932


>> No.21821185

The King of DeFi is returning! Top 20 soon.

>> No.21821512

What about eom? What will it be eom? Eony?

>> No.21821902

Just bought a 15k bag, will I make it?

>> No.21821942
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Yes, chasing pumps and buying coins as they're mooning is always a good idea...

>> No.21821981

eom $1
eony.. hopefully $3-5

you will profit

>> No.21822037

ok, what is permission listing?

>> No.21822120


I know, right fren? That's what I keep telling my wife every single fucking day, but she just calls me a stupid nigger and doesn't seem to care. What a brave new life i will lead ..

>> No.21822126

permissionless listing? just like you can trade any shitcoin on uniswap with just the contract address
apply that to decentralized lending, borrowing and margin

>> No.21822190

sounds bullish. so not only can I stack my bzrx stack, I can make money off my biz shitcoins like RSR and PNK?

>> No.21822222

*stake, fuck my spelling today

>> No.21822244

Mostly white. One possible kike.

>> No.21823051
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>> No.21823076

I only hold 300.
What am I in for?

>> No.21823096
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how does 900 dollars sound?

>> No.21823131

How does $300,000 sound

>> No.21823257


>> No.21823491

the coin with literally no jeets on /biz/
I must be dreaming
I should just go all in at this point

>> No.21823794

I’m considering it unironically. The staking returns are going to be crazy if the platform catches on, which is looking likely.

>> No.21823905

Only tokens with a price feed from an oracle. The ability the trade any token on margin would be massive but there is no way around the fact it requires an oracle.

>> No.21824747
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Will this outperform DIA?

Thinking of swapping my bags.

>> No.21824775

oracle hype is fading out IMO.

t. tellor bagholder

>> No.21824917

cant oracles fetch the price from say uniswap? i mean i get that oracles provide smart contracts with data from the >outside< (not on the chain). but how do we then price stuff if there is no way to fetch prices from DEX which live on ETH itself?

>> No.21824967

Will this outperform ARPA?

>> No.21825012

That's an actual 10/10

>> No.21825420

return of the king

>> No.21825448
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Correct. White roasties simply could not compete.

>oracle hype is fading out IMO.

Tellor has just started its run. It's already got a good chunk of the secured feed business and will be favoured by the Ethereum developer ecosystem rather than LINK.

>> No.21825560

>Tellor has just started its run. It's already got a good chunk of the secured feed business and will be favoured by the Ethereum developer ecosystem rather than LINK.

literally zero projects are using tellor. I hate that fact but it's the truth

>> No.21825574

Will there be 1 more dump? I want to dump every alt bag i have for this but dont want to fomo in.

>> No.21825980

This is unironically big.
This makes bZx the only DEX with permissionless listings that has an orderbook, right? Everything else permissionless is just pool swaps, like Uniswap unless I'm forgetting one.
Also the only DEX with leverage on permissionless listings. Huge. Feeling pretty confident in $2+ soon.

>> No.21825985

Is there any other site with permissionless margin trading?

>> No.21826443

Pretty good if you consider I bought at $0.12

>> No.21827120

so u can margin trade synthetic BTC
this will be so big anon
so big.
you have no idea.

>> No.21827212
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>literally zero projects are using tellor.

Stay retarded.

>> No.21827277

Buy vbzrx

>> No.21827291

This guy knows

>> No.21827924

holy digits batman