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21814943 No.21814943 [Reply] [Original]

Will I make it bros... I'm a poorfag in third world, 5k is nice already desu

>> No.21814958

Should go all in on PNK.

0.2 LINK.. is this what being old feels like?

>> No.21814960

Which country?

>> No.21814980

I converted my old shitcoins in 2018 and buy some linkies

>> No.21814990
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sorry to break it to you, Jamal, but thats 500, not 5k. Other than that just try to accumulate more ETH for steady gains

>> No.21815000


>> No.21815003

Pool your zzz for naps. And consolidate some of your shitcoins. Too little money to be stretched so thin.

>> No.21815016

I mean if I got 5k from this it would be really nice really

>> No.21815027

Consolidating doesn't increase returns necessarily but happy that you've learned a new word.

>> No.21815053

Don't diversify too much, pick 1 to 2 lowcaps which you research heavily and think can do well, then sell at a targeted multiple - if this is a bull market, this is almost guaranteed (i.e x times your money)
I similarly started with $1k in 2017, participated in ICOs and had an ATH of around 45k - that was a pretty median return compared to the crazy returns made by some people.
I'll throw you a bone: All-in $BASED

>> No.21815080

spread so thin its gonna take forever and even then your gains will be measly. consolidate some of your tinier coins into ones you feel most safe bets(If I were you those would be OCEAN and AKRO but maybe you know something I dont). Concentration is key to growing money, diversification is key to preserving it. Right now you're over diversified.

>> No.21815092

Anons playing too safe and spending too much time chasing shit coins.

>> No.21815141

alright, I'll try to convert my coins on Binance for something like DOT or more LINK.

>> No.21815155
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Fellow poorfag here, started off with 250 at the start of the month - will I make it? I’d be happy with 5k too tbqh.

>> No.21815350

I'll just look for it now, website looks interesting and the devs look really dedicated to it tho
Good luck bros, we'll gonna make it eoy at least...

>> No.21815392

btw should I stake with naps instead right? the dreamer staking gets me only 14$ per week by website's calculation lol

>> No.21815407

Use that money to buy weapons and hire thugs, become a warlord, bribe and blackmail high ranking officers in the low functioning militia your country calls its 'army'
Begin a political campaign that leverages on the insecurities of whatever the locals fear and/or stylise yourself as some kind of born again religious figure or diety, once you have enough local support (doesn't have to be a lot if your followers are violent enough) then use your indebted officer friends to stage a military coup and take over, your welcome

>> No.21815497
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you seem to know what country I'm on anon, judging from my time r-right?

also 500$ isn't enough for a weapon though, let alone hiring thugs lmfao. I'm the locals here. maybe I can find some weapons for cheaper in the dark market but hell.

>> No.21815616

Honestly no idea, but all 3rd world countries have this vulnerability, the people generally aren't well educated enough to know a power grab when they see it, or desperate enough that they don't care and just hope it'll work out for them in some way, once you're in power you have a few options. 1. Sell off the rights to your natural resources to China and take a slice for yourself (basically all of sub-saharan Africa's heads of state have done this) 2. Loosen up your tax laws enough to attract foreign criminals looking to launder dirty money and take a slice (think countries like the cayman Islands, its not a complete shit tip but if you take a step back and look at it, it probably should be. 3. Actively trade with the taboo states like North Korea or Iran, you won't make much and the people will suffer but you didn't get to this point because you cared about them.

>> No.21815639

Maybe you don't have the funds to start it yourself, but perhaps its already happening? You could just latch on and ride the wave

>> No.21815685

I started with staking nap and switched to dreamer because I was curious but it seems I was making more with nap.

>> No.21815707

Hmm judging by your reaction, i’d’ve to guess Thailand or Philippines

>> No.21815754

I wouldn't call them 3rd world, but the southern thai border with Malaysia is pretty lawless, low intensity Islamic insurgency has been bubbling away for decades, could join up with them in the jungle and just return to monke, or if it's the Philippines he could learn some magic tricks and get the pygmy people in the Philippines to worship him like the ewoks divinated c3po

>> No.21815763

>not all in AKRO

Do you hate money?

>> No.21815784

no akro or ftm, wut r u doin

>> No.21815792

Only have 2 coins max. LUKSO and one other.

>> No.21815797

What country is SEA?

>> No.21815821

The former yea, lol.

desu I don't think they'll accept me except I have to convert to Islam or some shit, I'm buddist and I kinda don't want to get cuck with those "strict" rules. I just want to eat some bacon peacefully bros..

>> No.21815851

Spent a week on koh phangan in 2011 and met some southern Thais, couldn’t understand their dialect at all. The idea of funding SEA pirates with my link gains is making me giggle.

>> No.21815862

South-East Asia

>> No.21815899

Bruh I totally forgot about piracy

>> No.21815906

well their accent and some local language are pretty different from the typical thais though. think of something like scottish vs londoner

>> No.21815921

So i guess its Thailand then, Thailand isn't third world by a long shot, fuck I've been there on holiday twice

>> No.21815937

I just barely got out of akro lmfao, it keeps dropping like no tomorrow. maybe I'll just speculate it for a while instead

>> No.21815967

I don't know, everyone is struggling to make money right now, including me high unemployment etc etc. not to mention we have a protest against the gov. coming.

>> No.21815997

Oh for sure, at the time I was with a friend who speaks thai and I understand some but we could barely order food.
And to keep in topic you should probably get rid of the neo and tron.

>> No.21816001
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Become a pirate, kidnap rich tourists from coastal resorts and demand ransom payment in crypto, or if that's a bit grim then hijack container ships. sorted.

>> No.21816019

I imagine that's because the economy is so dependant on tourism and no one can fly there right now? Sucks bro

>> No.21816018

I already did a convert on Binance, maybe put it on DOT or more LINK.. hmm.

>> No.21816051

I think smaller scale would work, container ships and you’d be competing against the Muslims. I’m thinking rich tourist, snatch and grabs from beach front bungalows.

>> No.21816064

yes, we're so dependent on tourism and exports it's not funny, like 90% of this shithole's GDP.

>> No.21816068

Listen here buddy. Sell EVERYTHING and go all in on XRP. Come back in a year

>> No.21816075

I want to tell you link but at these prices I’m also having a hard time accumulating more.

>> No.21816108

Do not do this.

>> No.21816152

I still have "some" XRP in my binance lmao, got burned in 2018 and I just left it in my wallet. but don't think I'll buy it again.

yeah waiting for the dips

>> No.21816172

unironically buy loads of BZRX

>> No.21816195

Alright take care thai anon.

>> No.21816199
File: 320 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200824-123831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow poorfag, started off with approx 250 bucks 2 months ago.
Am I gonna make it?

>> No.21816230

Go all in on HOT

>> No.21816253

what app is that? is there anything like this but for windows?

>> No.21816262
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what do thai people think about guys like pic related?

>> No.21816290

you too bro

I don't know I'll just wait for the pump to finish then, also don't want to diversify too much anymore.

Delta, don't know if there's web version but only on iOS and Android.

>> No.21816337


could do better desu, get out of tourist trap and find a better guy for 2000 baht ;)

>> No.21816358

go all in on SBREE and STAKE and you will make it

>> No.21816378

they all traded up
almost pulled the trigger yesterday but friend told not to, did I fuck up?

>> No.21816393

You only have 500 bucks. Go all in on pnk.
Once you DCA your way into PNK get more holdings of BTC/ETH and LINK.

>> No.21816492
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Since we are rating.

>> No.21816720
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just keep grinding
you will make it

>> No.21816796

Nice, im at middle picture comparatively

>> No.21816833

didnt get a pic of $2500 and still waiting for $250000
just keep grinding
as little tip most of my losses have been selling too early and not holding any btc

i still dont do the last one lol

>> No.21816911

I fuck arsed around and lost heaps in 2017-18 chasing pumps and pussying out and selling early, money came with emotional maturity for me, to just pick some real shit and hold.

>> No.21816982

500 isn't 5k dood

>> No.21816996


>> No.21817045

you went from 250$ to 90k$?
Am I reading this right?

>> No.21817079

How long ago were you at $250?

>> No.21817087

All in PNK or LINKUP (3x leveraged long chainlink token on Binance)

>> No.21817095
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My bad

>> No.21817099

Meant for

>> No.21817111 [DELETED] 

eth profit percentage fucked up though, can't fix it

>> No.21817433
File: 96 KB, 946x2048, 118522164_997610560687952_9219512790368935662_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same babe the 25k went to 2-3k after, just converted all into link and xsn, good holds long time
see pic current, from $250 boi
May 2017 when btc was $3k

>> No.21817646

so let me get this you traded up riding pumps from 250 to 150k?
or did you kept putting money in

>> No.21817837

didnt really put in much after initial amount, i have tons of pictures tho

my first big pumps was iota and 0x

>> No.21817858
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>> No.21818036

Fuck I REALLY have to buy some shit at uniscam to make a killing ain't I? I got ~$700 and too scared to move my eth out of binance what do?

>> No.21818151

Can't find it on Uniswap

>> No.21818257

>the devs look really dedicated to it tho
What devs you lying shit

>> No.21818458

CBB Mobil and Telia DK. Literally from one of the most 1st world highest paid (before taxes) countries there is.

>> No.21818575

The App is Delta, available on windows ( you can connect your Binance acc, watch over ERC20 addresses, and sync it on your mobile ).
If you keep only ERC20s on your adress, would suggest Zerion tho

>> No.21818866

I second the all in PNK. Dude too many fucking coins holy shit

>> No.21818888

I mean the website looks well-built

>> No.21818995

just go all in unitrade and wait for the 10x

>> No.21819004
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>ee pic current, from $250 boi
absolutely based

>> No.21819063

wtf is wrong with you, first of all that's $500, secondly why the FUCK are you diversifying $500

Go all in on a lowcap with good FA and sell half on 2x, keep the rest for the moon mission, ez. If you manage to build to $5000, diversify between 3 coins MAX and make sure one of them is ETH.

>> No.21819102

poo in loo subhuman

>> No.21819333
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ty for white pill

>> No.21819537

u bought too many shit coins
buy stuff like BZX, ETH, PNK
sure bets.

>> No.21819800

yr too spread out for a 3 world ultra poorfag. Do yr research and toss money into 3 coins tops

>> No.21819975

with 500$ you have to go all in 1-2 coins or else itll take forever, unless you invested in for eg sora 3 months ago

>> No.21820118

Why go ETH or BTC with only 500$ just go all in on some new shitcoin

>> No.21820182

>No nimiq
Not gonna make it

>> No.21820303

I have some ETH just for uniswap tho, I added my wallet in delta so it added ETH too. the BTC was a 2018 leftover

>> No.21820355

1 $ lmaooo