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File: 11 KB, 800x800, Polkadot_symbol_color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21817214 No.21817214 [Reply] [Original]

If you can't understand how overvalued this shitcoin is right now you are ngtmi.

The correction to $0.30 over the next two weeks is going to be funny as fuck. Newfags are about to get buttfucked so hard.

>> No.21817432


anyone who isn't new into crypto knows how these things go.

>> coin enters market
>> it makes a pump
>> then it dumps for months

>> No.21817826

Thanks for the did. Just bought another 30 DOT

>> No.21817864

Is that, like, only like your opinion OP?

>> No.21818721

You must be new.

>> No.21819338

the tesla of crypto, except teslas actually work

>> No.21819754

Yeah, they work for idiots. Kek.

>> No.21819790

Why would it ever dump any lower than Cosmos? Interoperability may play a role soon in blockchain with all the growth we are seeing and cosmos and DOT are good projects to hold.

>> No.21819811

Did they do the 100:1 split or something?

>> No.21819813

>I can't understand
Alright listen. Crypto isn't like a couple of years ago. It's filled with NPCs now, all you have to do is throw buzzwords and "ETH Co-Founder" at them and they go apeshit. Polkadot is such a clusterfuck technically, it's not even funny. Tell me, how many ETH killers have we had by now?

>> No.21819820

I don't know where where or how to buy it

>> No.21819884

you shouldn't be buying crypto at all newfren. lurk moar

>> No.21819925

I'm sure shitchains (think that's what I'll call anything than BTC or ETH) will stick around. Similarly to how different ISPs used to not be able to interact, I'm sure one day all chains will be interoperable. Polkadot will have its niche, and cosmos has the chinks on board so that wont be going anywhere.

However, 2.0 solves all the issues and then some that these shitchains claim to.

The biggest chain (when it comes to defi) and the 2nd biggest chain overall, is about to go proof of stake.

Sorry for all the shitcoin holders, but nothing can kill ethereum.

>> No.21819950


All the crypto community agrees on saying that Polkadot is a gamechanger except you.

Every project built in substrate moons.

You are a moron

>> No.21819995

See what I mean?
>All the crypto community agrees
Do you have any metrics for that or are you pulling this shit out of your ass?
>You are a moron
Ad hominem

There's nothing this shit project can do that ETH 2.0 can't.

>> No.21820036

>All the crypto community agrees on saying
You are basically making his point kek

>> No.21820048

>inb4 ETH 2.0 is 10 years out

>> No.21820071

Dot has severe coding issues related to boolean logic that is LITERALLY unpatchable destining this shitcoin to slowly waste away into $0.00 teritory. Bagholders are trying to dump on you now by acting like the boolean issue is just a meme so that they can escape from their heavy bags. Pathetic really don't fall for it. Don't get shilled I'm giving you the truth.

>> No.21820083

>There's nothing this shit project can do that ETH 2.0 can't
I mean... Polkadot is live. ETH 2.0 isn't so saying what it can or can't do is retarded

>> No.21820094

That's totally incoreect. You don't seem to be able to be thinking and researching for yourself. As for the moment, everything is going according to the plan.

>> No.21820112

it is literally everything eth2 plus real interop. It has legit governance, it can upgrade without forking, it doesnt have joe lubin pulling all the strings through umpteen psyops campaigns.

ngl dot is looking tasty

>> No.21820157

Why are you copy pasting iExec FUD?

>> No.21820162

lolol you clearly dont know anything

boolean logic...lol

rope yourself anon

>> No.21820223

>Dot has severe coding issues related to boolean logic
Oh fuck I didn't know their boolean logic was having issues.


>> No.21820236
File: 17 KB, 480x310, 1592277909765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone like every newfag and presale buyer?
Shit litrally got no working product, army of chink "parachains" planing c/p defi projects it reeks 2017 icos again lol

>> No.21820255

>Polkadot is live.
With no ecosystem. Have you ever wondered why everything is still running on old programming languages like C, C++, Java and C# even though there are better languages out there?
>it is literally everything eth2 plus real interop.
How does ETH not have interop? I don't think you understand how interop works. It's all about oracles you idiot.
>pulling strings
>upgrade without forking
Implying that's a good thing, LOL. Can already tell you have no clue what you're talking about. Buzzword spitter KEK

We've had this so many times, ADA, NEO etc.. now this. It's not going to be any different and you've wasted money.

>> No.21820302

You can do 21312 things on eth 1 who cares while you can do what exacly on polka today?

>> No.21820354

>That's totally incoreect.
Hence the "inb4", you fucking newfag.

>> No.21820381
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Its 2018 boys eos got 3900tps and eth is dead man walking

>> No.21820401
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It's a shitcoin. There's no point in arguing with early bagolders.

>> No.21820434
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>> No.21820446

>ADA, NEO etc..
there's so many

>> No.21820481

This is turning into a spicy battle. I’m going to enjoy this. I have my larping, shilling; and fudding hat on. Let’s go faggots and starting yelling at each other.

>> No.21820542


Newsflash - ETH was gavs minimum viable product for DOT

... KSM has been live for a year. parachains live on testnet already...

Eth 2 two years away from being useable. Good luck!

Seems a lot of the DOT fuding here are late and trying to push a dump to fomo in at a better price.

no ecosystem? lol - where did all these "chink chains" come from then?

old langs? you fag clearly know nothing and are going to be so poor. polkadot is primarily written in rust and langs that compile to wasm.

>> No.21820570

>old langs?
Half of the enterprise world is still running on Java 6.

>> No.21820603

Homogeneous shards (eth2) vs heterogeneous shards (polkadot).

All eth2 does is copy paste the same bland smart contract platform, with the same shitty language and slow speed.

Polkadot (live) is already better than eth2 (to be released 2023).

Want to know why the big brains are in polkadot? Because they know that when eth2 is released it won't be competing vs polkadot, it'll be competing vs polkadot 2.

Question for those who like to make money: what happens when you stick a relay chain inside a relay chain?

>> No.21820650

Next time you samefag with your phone you should turn off your reddit spacing

>> No.21820704

A relay chain on a relay chain. Don’t do that. The universe may implode like CERN

>> No.21820708


and now, a short word from ethereum's sponsor, consensys and the ethereum enterprise alliance - take it away, joe!

>> No.21820709

Fucking kek, the amount of samefagging.. How many times have I heard this "it's already live and better than ETH" shit? Again.. EOS, NEO, TRON etc.. it's the same game over and over again. I know it's hard to realize but you've put your money into the ground.

>> No.21820794

DOT has already use cases. I agree 3-4B valuation is high and it'll probably stabilize at 1-2B soon but in a space where money grabs like Ava and Near valued themselves at 700M based on whitepaper and not a single use case i think it isn't "extremely overvalued shitcoin".

>> No.21820842

>DOT has already use cases
show us

>> No.21820887
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>> No.21820921

I have asked you to show me actual use cases. Link me one real world application working as we speak.

>> No.21820968

I put my money into the ground? lmao

Actually I put my money into ether back in 2016 when it was sub $10 and it had one dapp and the world against it.

Then I flipped that several times and also invested 6 figures into Polkadot's 2017 public sale.

I already made it, many times over. I do this for fun now.

And you're a moron if you think polkadot is on the same league as EOS/NEO/TRON. Its not even on the same league as ETH (and yes, I hold ETH).

Not only am I big brain with blockchains, I'm big brain with human psychology. When Polkadot hits $50 late next year you'll still be salty that you never bought. By then you will accept that it has the best tech by a mile but buying would mean admitting defeat.

Apes are predictable like that.

>> No.21820988
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>> No.21821030

>redditspacing shills
Absolute redflags

>> No.21821081


This is like asking for an eth2.0 using case in the real world working in a year or so when the beacon chain finally launches.

i am however very comfy making at least 20% a year staking my dots - i am currently using it to make money

>> No.21821110

Heard the same words uttered by the same morons against Eth when it came out.

"Eth has no dapps building on it so its gonna go down to zero" - low iq mongoloids back in 2016. At least they waited a year to make that argument. Polkadot literally became tradeable this fucking week.

Guess what you dumbfuck, when Polkadot gets widespread use it won't be $4, it'll be $50+.

>> No.21821142

>muh people said the same thing about BTC and ETH
This is how you know you have exhausted shills

>> No.21821150

there are also c++, js and other implementations tho?

>> No.21821179

Stop samefagging

>> No.21821213

I thought haskell was the tranny language

>> No.21821263

Stay poor. Ignorance does not deserve wealth.

>> No.21821302

I already have wealth and the potential upside of holding ETH is bigger. Lmao you're promising a mere 10x (which won't even happen), it's pathetic. I can flip shitcoins for 10x

>> No.21821343

Hi. Energy Web Token. There is a use case with major energy partners. Buy a project like that and/or the mothership DOT.

Or it’s all a scam. Stay away. Don’t buy any of it.

Who cares. Buy high and sell low like a good bizlet

>> No.21821375


Why would you tell random people something to help them. I don't believe you.

>> No.21821465

What validator do you use? How'd you choose?

>> No.21821473

I'm not promising anything. However the upside to Polkadot is easily 10x more than Eth.

DYOR pleb. The fact that you even touch shitcoins tells me what level you're at (oh wow you x10'd your $200!).

FYI, if you were actually a whale you'd know that shitcoins don't have the volume to move six figures.

>> No.21821529

omg.. it's one of those Twitter shills.
>if you were actually a whale
Who said I'm a whale? I said I was wealthy.

>> No.21821561

>OP's post has reddit spacing
>the only (two) guys defending Polka dot have reddit spacings in their post

>> No.21821598

Wealthy compared to what - nigerians?

Lmao you're pathetic. Stay away from Polkadot please.

>> No.21821659
File: 1.96 MB, 300x164, abandonthread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EWT shilling
>DOT shilling
It's Chico Crypto and his faggot youtube buddies. I'm abandoning thread before they start sucking gavin's dick.

>> No.21821661

>Wealthy compared to what - nigerians?
2M+ in $ worth. You're probably a poorfag who thinks anything below 100M can be considered a whale.

>> No.21821698

good point, just let this thread die. Also giving these reddit fags a report. Cancerous faggots.

>> No.21821730

>There's nothing this shit project can do that ETH 2.0 can't.


>> No.21821781

2MN is nothing to sneeze at. But...

Post Bretton Woods (gold $45 per oz) you need 45 MN today to really have the same level of wealth and buying power as 1MN before the dollar was debased.

That’s your make it number boys. Millionaires, sadly, are now a dime a dozen

>> No.21821795

Except Polkadot has dozens of projects that have been building on the test net for a long time. They are highly respected and definitely seen as the most respectable competitor to Ethereum.

Also Coinbase is listing it this week 90%. Stay poor plebs, I'll be dumping on coinbase cucks while you're shitcoin dumps 20%

>> No.21821861

But its usually /r/cryptocurrency that invades 4chan and literally nobody has posted about Polkadot, nice try fag.

>> No.21822095

Reddit dumbfucks are usually two years late to everything.

>> No.21822288

they are not a fan of dot

>> No.21822441

Good. Once the reddit drooling masses are board you know the potential gains slow down.

>> No.21822532

so its a non-retarded quant

>> No.21822578
File: 32 KB, 1366x650, 1585264244728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has legit governance, it can upgrade without forking
that's another way of saying 'web3 foundation' + friends or maybe one whale rule everything. Even EOS is more decentralized.
What absurdity.

>> No.21822585

That'd make sense if there wasn't a test net coin out for months, Kusama.

>> No.21822629

This a useful reference, thanks.

>> No.21822758

you gotta be below a certain age to suck gavin's dick

>> No.21823065

thx just bought 10k

>> No.21823091

Goddamn so many people in here trying to get cheap DOT

If you aren't aware of the hype surrounding DOT and the fact that it's gonna pull an ETH-like run, you've been living under a rock

>> No.21823155
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I dunno, the Polkadot hype comes right in when people are fed up with Ethereum because of transaction fees.

It could be the catalyst for a major change in crypto

>> No.21823391

Kusama is not a testnet you moron

>> No.21823435

Polkadot hype comes in when people realize that its better than ethereum even if ethereum had zero fees.

>> No.21823472

I am laughing so hard about people fomoing into DOT and following the Chico hype, while the smart anons have realized already that Vechain is the better play and in 2021 the same hype cycle will happen with Vechain Dapps.

>> No.21823545

>I am laughing so hard about people fomoing into DOT and following the Chico hype,
Oh boy can't wait to see what coin he's about to shill

>> No.21823743

>C, C++
These are the best programming languages retard, ethereum and bitcoin are both written in c++.