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21813674 No.21813674 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow /biz/lets have experience of a family being torn apart by inheritance? grandparent dying, one sibling wants the entire inheritance whilst others vying for a fair share, cousins and entire family turning into factions over money etc? I am simply shocked at what I am seeing

>> No.21813700


This is why wills exist. Did your grandparent not have one or something?

>> No.21813703

>one sibling wants the entire inheritance
this is why you have a will, let the grandparent decide who they deem worthy of inheritance; just because people are related does not _entitle_ them to anything

>> No.21813711

hivemind and checked

>> No.21813724

Your sibling sounds like a top class cunt anon. My siblings and I got an equal division of my grandmother's inheritance. Now my brother is a complete waster who's completely fucked his life but even I wouldn't try and contest my late grandmother's last will for financial gain. Did your grandparent die without leaving one or something?

>> No.21813743

i agree he should have, but now he has lost mental capacity completely, shit is fucked up

>> No.21813776

Going through that now. Grandad mega rich. Has dementia, its so bad now that he can barely put words together. It breaks my heart. He was self made and the only person I respected.

All his kids are acting like vultures and have been changing his will left and right.

I'm pretty sure I'm being cut out. But I felt due a handout. I want to make it on my own.

Seeing them act like this has really jaded me. I just want to talk to my grandad again. He was very smart, handsome and had a good sense of humor. One day, it'll be the last time you talk to someone. And you'll never that was your last moment together.

>> No.21813784

Is there a will?
Is the other grandparent still alive?
Is there an executor?
Do the assets consist mainly of property, or cash holdings?

Too many questions for a forum like this. Seek legal advice because this will most likely be decided by a judge.

>> No.21813808

sorry to hear friend, money easily changes weak people and strong alike; enjoy what time you can with your grandfather
I hope this works out for you and your relatives

>> No.21813830

I never felt due a handout*

On family get together I always noticed them campaigning for his favor. Very fake. I hope he saw through it and fucks them over.

But it looks like that's not going to be the outcome. I have some evil bitches in my family.

>> No.21813874
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You're browsing /biz/ and asking why people want money over relationship?

>> No.21813907

Imagine being such a pushover you allow 'evil bitches' who ruined your grandfathers final moments on this Earth (and fucked you over in the process) to flourish.
You're pathetic and the moral highground you're trying to use to excuse your cowardice doesn't exist. You are rewarding evil behaviour. Grow a fucking spine.

>> No.21813927

My grandfather died last month

The family flought over the inheritance when he first got sick last year so at least we didn't have to go through that when he actually did pass

>> No.21813930 [DELETED] 

pretty much same situation, but at least my dad is vying for an equal split, other siblings want it all for themselves. Truly disgusting what money does, only last christmas we were happy around the table having a great time

>> No.21813987

pretty much same situation, except my dad wants only his fair share, one sibling is hell bent on taking all of it, and some others have just stopped contact, so who knows what their intentions are, probably bad
Just last christmas we were around the table having a great time, and then the prospect of money turns people into animals

>> No.21814025

I don't think I'll get a single cent from anyone honestly, my inheritance will probably be spent housing my parents in a nursing home like there's was housing theirs

>> No.21814045

Does your grandfather have any family heirlooms?
Those are the things that I really wish our side of the family had inherited from my grandfather, let the soulless vultures steal the money

>> No.21814054

thanks alot fren

>> No.21814063

play a game of monopoly using only the amount of money in the inheritance.

>> No.21814073

Man its way too much to explain here. I cried last time I talked to him on the phone 3 days ago.

I don't think you understand this situation clearly.

And even if they get it all, those miserable cunts will still be miserable cunts. There's not much to be done. 2 of my aunts already drove rich men to their early graves. One suicide. They've already allied and are going for the kill. They've been planning for years and I've been avoiding everyone since.

At this point I'm just thankful for the time I had with him. I visited regularly.

I'm not hurting financiallt and have a bright future ahead.

You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.21814368

he has a few tables that he made himself 40+ yrs ago, and a chair his father made maybe 90 yrs ago. They are fantastic but thankfully they wont care about that they just want his house + money

>> No.21814408

You have to rise above the pettiness. People can completely lose sight of what is really important when money, especially unearned money, is at stake. Everyone wants something for nothing, and this instinct can completely override characters until even things like family are meaningless in comparison.
Don't stoop to that level of squabbling, bitching, in-fighting, whatever. Your only opinion, even if you absolutely hate every last member of your family, should be an even split of everything. Even if you personally cared for your grandfather his entire life, and your relatives were lowlives who openly despised him, you should still be amicable and try be above it all. If you are outwardly reasonable, respectful, and fair, you will (hopefully) impress upon your relatives that money isn't everything.
That won't work every time, and your relatives may still act like leeches, but at the very least it will leave less of a bitter taste in your mouth when you think back on your grandfather and all he did for your family. And at the end of the day, even if they take every last penny, that's what's really important.

>> No.21814422

It did not turn them into animals, it has revealed to you who they really are. Never be dissapointed to learn the teuth no matter how grim. Consider yourself fortunate to know who among your family are snakes, this is a blessing.

>> No.21814962

>one sibling wants the entire inheritance
Its a woman isn't it

>> No.21814970

very true. thank you

>> No.21815278

Only two experiences I've had were

1) GPa dying; his possessions were ransacked by 2/3 of my mom's sisters, but all of the important stuff was already in my mom's and my good aunt's names

2) Dad dying; he left specific instructions on what to do with insurance money and other stuff, mom followed them 100%, worked out very well.

I've heard about a shit ton of squabbles and such in various parts of my extended family, even when there was a will, there's some fucked up people out there

>> No.21815306

the sibling who wants it all is a faggot
even if they cared more for the deceased they are just trying to monetize love rather than earn their own living

If you are backing the side of the sibling who wants it all then fuck you OP.

>> No.21815339

Yeah, we had a nasty one a couple years ago with my dad's half-brother (a son from my grandpa's first marriage).

>> No.21815367

of course not... fair split is the only way

>> No.21815396

My old step dad died, I found out he didn't want to give me anything but my mum forced him to give me and my brother equal amounts, All his kids went sour and I have never seen them since the day he died

>> No.21815419
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Jesus. When my father died a couple years ago money didn't even cross my fucking mind. I just drank myself into oblivion for a couple months. My sister and mother had to drag me to the lawyers office to sort the financial shit out. I don't even know how the fuck was stuff divided. Mom is thankfully still alive, so I assume she's managing it all. I know my sister will get the family home when it's time. She was the responsible one, she helped with everything when I fell to pieces, so its only just.

I don't deserve, nor do I want handouts from my family. I've never done anything to help them, and for almost a decade now I haven't asked them for any help either. Christ, I haven't spoken to my mom in three or four months.

Thanks for reading my blog, I'm gonna go call her now.

>> No.21815480

Lawyer up?

>> No.21815522
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It's important to stay in touch with family. Good on you.

>> No.21815524

It's a bad feel.
Mother died, sister and I have pretty much avoided each other for almost fifteen years. She hates me for some reason, I tried several times to ignore it and get us all together for my mother's happiness, at least a couple of times before she went. Sister would have none of it.
Time comes, she starts shrieking at me about how I don't "need" the money, she does, etc., so my wife and I just 360'd and walked away. She knew I would, so she pulled the trigger. It wasn't even that much money, pretty much low six figures for half of the estate. I hope it makes her happy in this life. I'm done with her forever.

>> No.21815580

I can only say that 40k € was enough to cause total division inside my family. My dad and his brother have not talked to each other in decades, they are all bitter as hell

>> No.21815593

Damn anon we are the same save for the dad dying part. Shits rough but I've always disliked my family desu.

>> No.21815764
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Its happening right now. My grandpah is close to dying and my aunt is trying to take over every aspect of his life, including his finances. She even decides what he can and cant buy WITH HIS OWN MONEY! Eventually he just had enough and told her off. Her and her husband are money grubbing whores. Its disgusting. I see this behavior from mostly women though. Just being honest

>> No.21815811

Women are crazy dude. A lot of them are only thinking about themselves. I think men take death a lot differently. Its more emotional. I was always taught to believe that women were the nurturing, caring ones in life...boy was that a reality check

>> No.21815865

> invite everyone over for a happy dinner
> let them drink alcohol, then start a discussion re: inheritance
> watch them kill each other
> call the police
> ???
> profit

>> No.21815891

I rejected my inheritance off my white priv grandparents
They gave to UCLA in the end

>> No.21815954


Good advice thanks, been through similar shit it really gets rough

>> No.21815987

Must be nice to get an inheritance.. grandparents didn't leave us shit, parents dirt poor boomers too. I mean at least they are nice and alive, that's all you can hope for. But man gotta do everything yourself, without a penny from anyone else..

>> No.21816020

no one thought this was a cool idea?

>> No.21816044

>Your honour we monopolied for it

>> No.21816063

It would be amusing to the judge, at any rate.

>> No.21816086
File: 21 KB, 289x327, 5C7E7A23-F3E5-4618-8C78-1C845AE02917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21816118


>> No.21816140

Literally just went through this. Grandma died, had a will, somehow my aunt says my grandma "hated my mom & changed her will last minute before death", long story short, my mom got the broken down house and my aunt got the cars, the life insurance money and the savings.

>> No.21816145

he's not even dead yet but they're fighting already? the absolute state...

>> No.21816252

Def happened

>> No.21816371

Why do none of these supposed rich people have wills? My parents aren’t even that rich and they both have wills.

>> No.21816443

Sadly this is so fucking true. Those nursing homes are so expensive. They take every single dime. There are ways to protect the wealth though. But you need to get power of attorney over their assets before they go into the nursing home. Use their money to make a mortgage and you pay your grandparents every month. Nursing home can’t take a mortgage and then Medicaid pays for the nursing home. Since it’s Medicaid it will be really shitty care, but since you preserved their wealth, you can pay extra for better care for them without losing everything your parents managed to save in life, which is so fucking hard to do when the fucking government does nothing but steal from you.

>> No.21816455

not enough memento mori

>> No.21816505

How the fuck is he so rich without a will. LARP detected. What is the point. Are you just really bored and lonely?

>> No.21816726

don't know the specific details but one of my uncles got the whole family farm, my dad and his other sibling wanted some of the land but got none of it. my dad is still salty about it now a couple years later, don't think they've really spoken to each other since

>> No.21816744

aint this the truth. Nothing colder than whats inside of a womans chest. Cold, vapid, vindictive cunts that care about nothing but themselves and what pictures they can post on social media

>> No.21816861

The fuck. Was your mum a dependant, no way a judge would be happy about letting a dependent wife get a raw deal like that

>> No.21816916

This is one advantage of being poor, no arguing over shitty inheritances.

>> No.21817032

Or a faggot

>> No.21817426

Hahaha retard

>> No.21817468

Imagine being this much of a loser though

>> No.21817901

You want to bet?

I know two family members who are practically salivating at the thought of dividing up (in their own respective favour, of course) a pretty old house and maybe a few thousand dollars in assets. It's pretty bloody sad really.

>> No.21817979
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OP is this your grandfather?

>> No.21818248

yep, my aunt

>> No.21818942

Brother took over business of my dad.
For this my brother's company had to pay my dad's company a certain sum and because my dad deemed said sum to be way below market value he gave me and my sister some money to even it out.
Brother feels as if he got the worst deal even though he now has a functioning running company with customer base.
Brother also has loan for house outstanding with old company of dad, he now refuses to pay off the loan.

>> No.21818963

my old man stopped talking to his sister over 10-20 k each she ripped off him and his 2 brothers. She was made executor and started fucking with everuthing to make it "fair" instead of just executing the will

>> No.21818988

Tfw only child from a very rich family

My dad is fairly old too

>> No.21819011

They literally only care about their kids

>> No.21819031

Hire an estate settlement firm to carry out grandpa's will to a T. Fuck anyone that says otherwise.

>> No.21819078

BTW prettt sure Im going to get disinherited from my parents, havent spoken to them in years. Complete boomer narcissists and abusive too. When I wanted to buy a house, (which I did 3 years ago) my mother wanted to get it in her name (so she could control me). Fuck them, I dont even care no amount of money is worth dealing with their retarded abuse.

>> No.21819148

If you were previously in the will and he changed it while having dementia under family influence u jave a pretty good case for challenging it

>> No.21819152

so thats how the cool wine aunt gets her money

>> No.21819177

Imagine being this much of a white knight faggot. Women are soulless husks of selfishness and greed.

>> No.21819201

The law here says that children get equal shares. So there's usually no problem.

>> No.21819426

I worked in estate settlement for nearly a decade. You need a firm that will do the entire estate down to removing the contents of the fridge if family members are being vulture cunts. A good firm has 1-2 lawyers for your estate, a real estate attorney and another for everything else. They should provide a top notch appraiser and a team thatll photograph, itemize, categorize and mail to heirs a list of items to be bequethed. They are to give standard language documents describing the timeframe in which they have to decide if they want delievery of said objects in full or in-part or if they want the items taken to best marketplace auction houses for monetization minus appropriate fee's. An offer for indefinite storage should also be made by the team with the firms team providing establishment of appropriate storage (art diff than furniture diff than cars) and movement of objects into storage. The teams should make all this known upfront as to how it will work and the idea that this process keeps family members apart and out of the home only to reduce destruction of family dynamic after the death. As someone who worked this field ill say this, even in homes of ppl whose networth is +10mil, most of the stuff is shit and the money wont go as far as anyone expects. Jusy enjoy time with family and go about your everyday life as if you are to get nothing.

>> No.21819567

im ok paying a flat fee for that but some of these lawyers want bukku bucks. 30k tops for a medium to large estate, maybe more for the kind of forensics your taking about

>> No.21819581

grandfather already gave his children all his properties in life, that way you don't make vulture lawyers richer
my father already did the same with my sister and me, we are board members in the family holding office, so I technically already have my inheritance and I'm protected in case I get divorced since I already had my shares before marriage

>> No.21819618

We always billed estate so no family member ever encountered a fee. I would have felt horrible billing an heir.

>> No.21819644
File: 101 KB, 1280x719, LOKI comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steal it. All in LOKI while they sleep. Transfer to cold wallet. BOUNCE BITCH.

>> No.21819814
File: 535 KB, 750x476, 548597D4-2BF6-4792-B49C-B73891EDE4AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a method you could make money from home. Mail me r4ndom30@live.nl

>> No.21820088

Who doesn't automatically agree to equal division? There's no other way to do it. Split the cash evenly and work out something with the heirlooms so they can stay in the family.

>> No.21821139

My mom is the sweetest and most reasonable person I know, there's no absolutes. I can see how childless woman could be shitty though because they're not living for their purpose but for other material reasons that don't matter.

>> No.21821431

women are rotten and you will know it for sure after witnessing any inheritance of significant money