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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21809732 No.21809732 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel?
Any secret rich people tricks I should know about?
What’s better a Gulfstream5 or your own Yacht?

>> No.21809774

You realize you’ve spent your whole life chasing a bunch of 1’s and 0’s hoping it will fix you, except nothing changes. You’re still you, except with a couple more 0’s at the end of your account

>> No.21809797

Show bank account.

>> No.21809813
File: 17 KB, 361x441, 1499217553865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you crypto rich, or have you actually got real money in your bank account?

>> No.21809826

Don’t listen to this pussy. I haven’t made it but I’m significantly better off than I was 5 years ago. Having money doesn’t make you happy, but it allows you access to things that make you happy.
t.homeless in 2015, this year I’ve made 230k so far as a MLO

>> No.21809833
File: 74 KB, 1076x428, 8 million.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of the linkies made it, thats for sure.

>> No.21809839

Depends what you mean by made it. First thing to do is be as comfy as possible. Get great sheets, great mattress, a bidet with a fan, a tailor, good food etc. Next to secure the house. Make sure it's paid off before anything else.

>> No.21809868

new house + breaking free from wage slaving gotta feel pretty comfy

>> No.21809890

This is accurate

>> No.21809929

>How does making it feel like?
One of two ways:
Like this faggot >>21809774 because the old saying 'money doesn't buy happiness' is right to a point. It should really be 'money doesn't make life interesting, just easier'. If you don't have a plan once you make it, of course you are depressed. Or

Making it means, after sleeping a comfortable 8 hours in a blissful state of less worry than you've ever felt in your life, you can finally focus entirely on yourself. Get in shape, pour yourself into a hobby, go out with friends you haven't seen in awhile, go visit places and have 0 plan. Do all the things that wagecucks would make you feel bad for because they can't. The more fulfilling the better.

tl;dr: Money won't fix you, but having money will mean you have the necessary time and energy to fix you better than when you were wageslaving.

>> No.21809937

Masturbating lama omelet?

>> No.21809955

Wtf is this retard spewing? If you can get a house you can easy live off 50k a year. Like what would your expenses have to be to not be able to live off 50k?

>> No.21809964

>real money
I’m afraid you’ve mistaken monopoly goy bucks for being an actual currency worth holding

everyone is a millionaire on this board from Chainlink you dumb fuck. Oh wait, let me guess, you didn’t go all in during 2017-2018.

You admit that it doesn’t make you happy. Yes you can buy yourself comfort which makes life easier, but it doesn’t change your mind. people are caught up in delaying there happiness until they get something instead of realizing they are already have everything they need to be happy

>> No.21809985

Mortgage Loan Originator. But ya that too . I have a co worker is only 24 but a fucking wizard on the phone, he’ll make 2 mil this year.

>> No.21809999

If you can't be happy with your bills paid, your belly full, and your time all of your own, then you need to reevaluate what it is that you want out of life.

>> No.21810014

It doesn’t make me “happy” but much less stressed. I remember stressing out about ordered dollar menu food , sleeping in my car and worry about cops , figuring out how to shower regularly etc. money solves all of that

>> No.21810037

>>real money
>I’m afraid you’ve mistaken monopoly goy bucks for being an actual currency worth holding
So you can't actually spend your money on anything? You can't buy a house, a car, or even food. And yet you say fiat isn't real money while your "account" is? Ok, you're 12, no problem

>> No.21810057

Excuse my grammar, mobile posting lol

>> No.21810731
File: 301 KB, 2000x1333, -1x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you're poor except you have some numbers on a screen. Thanks for playing.

>> No.21810852

What's your story anon? How did you get into that?

I'm currently at the end of my rope man. I work nearly 100 hours some weeks, pulling 18 hr shifts each work day. I need to change some shit

>> No.21811663

I was in phone sales for 2 years , a buddy of mine was making big money in mortgage and told me I should come aboard. I had to pass the National State Mortgage Licensing test and then I was hired. Right now everyone is making 20,30,40,50 grand a month because rates are so low. If you have a sales background it is a great career

>> No.21811834

Can I do it remotely? Is it something I can do while multitasking other stuff? I do have a sales background but hate people. I bet I can get pretty sociopathic over the phone though.

>> No.21811920

No it is a cut throat industry where clients will leave you over an fractions of percents on their refinance. I spend around 10 hours at the office atleast a day. What I plan on doing is spending 5 years saving every penny I can , retire at 32 with 2-3 million. Sky is the limit though, our top salesman is 24 and makes 100k+ a month in commission