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File: 728 KB, 1125x2265, CF906786-7462-419C-A03B-4FD1C2F1BAD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21795896 No.21795896 [Reply] [Original]

Why are boomers so fucking stupid?

>> No.21795935

You posted the full convo yesterday and everyone appropriately called you a weird autist, now delete this thread you sperg.

>> No.21795942

>Posting this shit thread again
Not posting your shitty original texts this time, anon?

>> No.21795992

>She doesn't trust the PNK pajeets
your grandma is ngmi

>> No.21795999
File: 1.66 MB, 1125x2436, C1ECADF7-0FC0-4851-98C7-DA9A47C856D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to help her

>> No.21796032

How old are you, be honest.

>> No.21796052

>pajeeting your own grandma

>> No.21796081

Trying to talk to your grandma about investing is the most retarded thing you could do fag

>> No.21796096

this. that's pretty fucking low.

>> No.21796102

if you're trying to get your GRANDPARENTS to invest in shitcoin scamtokens you're a fucking piece of shit. you have a lifetime to recover your retarded pajeetcoin losses. they likely have 20 years left to life, even fewer years to work. leave them the fuck alone, retard.

>> No.21796138


>> No.21796146

>big risks will make you nervous
That is true though. Your grandma sounds fickin based

>> No.21796158

>don't take risks
at the same time
>take out student loan debt

Boomers are some of the most retarded people when it comes to money.
They based the world economy around a fucking ponzi scheme for gods sake

>> No.21796170

>Be elderly
>Live only to watch your grandchildren grow up
>Anon is here to visit, how nice!
>Instead of bonding with his grandparent, anon wastes a precious, irrecoverable amount of her limited time remaining on this earth trying to bait her into buying meme tokens
You are scum

>> No.21796222

Can't blame granny, as people age they become more risk averse. Nothing to it
Also fuck off

>> No.21796235

>shilling kleros to your fuckign GRANDMA

fucking kek you autist

>> No.21796243
File: 256 KB, 728x728, C3BAFBC9-EBDF-4D2F-8F71-D08DD4476BA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Absolute degenerate autist.

>> No.21796252

Guess who’s not getting an inheritance because he revealed that he’s just going gamble it on high tech digital scams?

>> No.21796271
File: 17 KB, 228x221, 1552085252403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon she's gonna be fucking dead in like 5 years why would she give a shit about investing

>> No.21796294

Dude. Its your grandmother. Don't shake her down for money. She's smarter than you think and she's deeply embarrassed for you

>> No.21796308

>Turn basement lite off

this has to be bait

>> No.21796340

Come on anon, there’s no way you could convince someone who likely grew up in the Great Depression and didn’t use a computer until their 40s to invest in something like crypto. It would be something else if a zoomer or millenial was telling you this though, I’ll give you that

>> No.21796502

Why are zoomers so lazy and entitled?

>> No.21796608

Holy shit get some air outside dude you need help

>> No.21796618

LMFAO the 4am basement light text

>> No.21796683

its worse than that
>turn basement light off

>> No.21796693

You’re retarded.

>> No.21796701

Jesus this is cringe

>> No.21796739

of all things to shill her.... fucking kleros....

>> No.21796743

everything she said is true, based granny.

>> No.21796796

fucking zoomers are worse than millenials

>> No.21796810
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn basement light off

>> No.21796831


>> No.21796879

>shilling /biz/ memecoins to your granny
Wow you're an actual autist.

>> No.21796938

Good fucking post.

>> No.21797038

It’s gotta be a larp

>> No.21797063

top kek. finally something new. this is hilarious

>> No.21797080
File: 8 KB, 246x250, 1593196745778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn basement light off


>> No.21797136

Tell her to "do the needful, madam", want to see reaction.

>> No.21797199

It’s not

My grandpa gave me 30k of savings bonds when I graduated HS and I put it all in RLC

I’m down to 21k now but it will go back up. He thinks I’m dumb but won’t be laughing when I’m a millionaire.

>> No.21797253

post wallet

>> No.21797277

>great depression

Greatest generation were the parents of boomers and they're like 100 years old now..

>> No.21797314

t. millennial

>> No.21797316

I seriously hope this is a troll and you’re just LARPing. This is the saddest shit I’ve seen on this board if it’s real. Pathetic.

>> No.21797336

>He thinks I’m dumb
You are. You should have bought LINK.

>> No.21797357

Actual baby boomers are usually dumb for thinking the economic boom of the 1980s never ended and continued to the present day, yes, but your grandparents can't even understand how to phone so they're obviously not investing in shitcoins.

Post wallet.

>> No.21797359

Just in case this isn't bait.
I'm new to the whole biz thing but even I can tell you're making 3 big mistakes.
number 1 you put all your eggs in one basket
number 2 you don't have a steady source of "safe" income
number 3 you're expecting to become a millionaire even after being 9k down
I'd say you're in very real danger of going broke.

>> No.21797363

Don’t wanna get doxxed but I’m in the top 400 RLC wallets

>> No.21797460

Ok boomer

>> No.21797474

gen x you nigger

>> No.21797481

I hope your grandma pray everyday for you soul
You're a fucking retard

>> No.21797496

Going broke won’t ruin me I currently have zero debts or expenses

>> No.21797526

When did you fags get so soft? The boomers took everything from us. It's only fair we scam them back.

>> No.21797575
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>> No.21797592

holy shit youre retarded. boomer advice.

>> No.21797614

ugh why rlc
your poor grandparents
please just admit your mistakes, sell your shitcoins, and beg them for forgiveness telling them youve learned your lesson
gamble with your own money

>> No.21797633


>> No.21797640 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 442x442, 1597851606455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show your grandma this image next if she argues back.

>> No.21797672

>the 1985-born "gen xer"

In reality the millennial snowflake retard who pretends to belong to other generations because maybe then he won't be such a loser.

>> No.21797697

>everyone is a faggot like me:^)
Hate to disappoint you, you paper handed cuck.

>> No.21797771

Checked. Nonetheless kill yourself underage fagnigger.

>> No.21797773

>grannie calls anon out on fomoing into the digital court scam
absolutely powerful thread

>> No.21797799

You can help her by just spending time with her. Probably to her, spending quality time with her grandson in her final years is worth more than all the "moon money" these shit coins might make.

>> No.21797832

wow fucking stop it you mega autistic fuck this is cringe as fuck

>> No.21797867

>not buying link
Anyone have the screencaps of the turtlecoin guy? This sounds like its going to end the same.

>> No.21797909

as I said I'm new to the biz thing.
What exactly would you say is not in order with the advice I've given

>> No.21797920

Boomers grew up in easy times so they never were challenged. They never got to grow. This manifests itself in all kinds of weird ways all stemming from personal inequalities. Crazy obsessions, massive greed, personality complexes galore... kids who never grew up.

>> No.21797965

I am very intrigued.
Would you mind describing what you remember in as much detail as possible?

>> No.21798017
File: 25 KB, 502x503, 1597863192755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're expecting to become a millionaire even after being 9k down.

totally possible.

>investing all in 1 basket.
ok kinda retarded especially with 30k. thats already a big amount. I would take out 1/3th of that shittoken and pump it into pnk/eth/btc
>You don't have a steady source of income
keep wagecucking.

>> No.21798061

i guess apple doesn't fall far from the tree

>> No.21798109

>starting to have trouble breathing
>want to pass down generational knowledge to offspring in trying times
>mind fading
>muscles weak
>"sweetie try to be happy in"

>> No.21798165

Bro leave your grandmother alone. She likes drinking tea and watching reruns of the price is right. She's not going to understand crypto or smart contracts ar any of that shit.

>> No.21798378

>literal woman brain
roasties get out reee

>> No.21798386

Low risk investments when you've not got a lot of money to invest is like not investing at all. Going all in on something you believe in the other hand can either leave you with a loss or make you insanely rich. Personally I don't want to be 70 by the time I make any substantial gains.

>> No.21798388

>i'm dying lmao

fucking gamgam fuck xD

>> No.21798924

it's the fucking normie infestation. something has to be done about it. most repliers here are fucking normalpeasants at heart and it makes me hate this place

>> No.21799356

nice keep following your dreams and losing all your money to scams

>> No.21799368

diversify once you're rich, all-in if you're trying to get rich

>> No.21799405

>delete basement light
Based larp

>> No.21799453

She's being nice to you wtf

>> No.21799488


Hahaha OP you are autistic af. Every time I hear about someone shilling an investment to someone they know IRL let alone a family member I cringe so hard. 99% of the time they cost the other person money and it fucks up the relationship

>> No.21799512

send it to gpas email its too small to read on my phone

>> No.21799515


>> No.21799589

they are all stacklets, ignore them they think we will let them in the citadel because they have a $20000 stack of shitcoins in 2020

>> No.21799720
File: 342 KB, 828x653, E5CF456F-A3F4-44A2-A8E6-3208F1612EEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>94 years old
>lived good life, have a wonderful family
>except for my one grandson. I still love him but he’s 30 years old now, and for some reason I’ve let him live in my house after his mother kicked him out
>literally have to clean shit jugs from his basement

>chilling in living room watching Breaking Bad
>bzzt bzzt
>”GAM GAM!” My phone says. Has he finally done something productive?
>chug a bottle of sleeping pills until I black out and die

>> No.21799775

>grandma gives him $30k
>"why are boomers so stupid"
>tries to explain blockchain technology to someone who can't even use email

You're a massive faggot and should give up trading and start selling used cars and life insurance

>> No.21799782

scamming boomers is a great idea
scamming your grandparents.....youre seriously sick if this even crosses your mind

>> No.21800175


And of all the coins, shilling a scam like pnk... you're kind of a dick dude

>> No.21800467

stop posting this you fucking faggot

>> No.21800586


>> No.21800617

You are a fucking loser holy shit. To get a job faggot

>> No.21800699

>ironically thinks age discrimination makes him "superior"
Someone's insecure about his age.

>> No.21800806
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>4:05 AM
>turn basement lite off

>> No.21800808

This. You either 1) don’t understand that this is a waste of both yours and your grandma’s (limited) time or 2) you want her/Gpa to invest their money so it can go to you in their will in the event PNK moons. Either way you fucking suck retard

>> No.21800856

Please see >>21800808
For the love of god please understand we’re not all like this

>> No.21800964
File: 83 KB, 1242x921, funnyspongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't your grandma turn off the basement light? Tell her you won't turn it off unless she invests in Kleros.

>> No.21801003


holy fuck kill yourself

>> No.21801005
File: 119 KB, 768x1024, 55E82341-ECB5-45D5-8E0F-3ED09B2CC5C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s actually kind of funny in a sad sort of way

>> No.21801055


>> No.21801069

You have to go back.

>> No.21801119
File: 18 KB, 340x394, 657F16D0-0ACA-4D1B-93F0-9B36EFDCA060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re trying to help yourself faggot Jesus Christ. What a fucking actual autist you would have to be to think they’ll conceivably understand this. They gave you 30k and you invested it into crypto you are going to be a khv until they die and you realise what you did to people who literally put a roof over your basement. I would kill to see how old you are.

>> No.21801690

I mentioned buying link/btc/eth to my brother a few times when link was $0.2, stopped talking about crypto entirely after the Google pump. He never did buy because he had no money, even though I made the same amount as him at that time plus had to pay rent and bills while he lived at home. I said to just put 1k,or even $50/wk. He kept buying new vidya so I knew had had cash to blow. I did my part acknowledging that it's a risk but very asymmetric. Boomers and Xers have different risk profiles even if they could understand the idea of blockchain. I suggest my parents to stick with large cap ETFs with a little bit of emerging markets and my grandparents to stick with large cap funds and bonds. You don't want to be blamed if it blows up and they die poor. Crypto is a young man's game but if they aren't receptive it's just annoying if you keep talking about it. Especially if you get a nice chunk of money from it but they didn't buy in. Very little good can come from shilling crypto to friends and family. If they want to get in they'll find coinbase and buy babby's first btc and a few eth before moving on after the first 5% dip.

>> No.21801855

This is natural behavior from an aging boomer. You, on the other hand, are a fucking retard, not just for trying to shill a poo-in-the-loo scamcoin to your grandmother, but also for autistically posting the same thread again, after everyone called you am inept sperg yesterday. I hope you never procreate, but I don't think I have to worry too much about that

>> No.21801869

My God, what an idiot, not only is he an autist but he also fell for the digital oil meme.
Do the world a favor and kill yourself, also put me in the screen cap.

>> No.21801918

summerfags are still a thing you know

>> No.21801944

Lmfao you live with them
Kill your self

>> No.21802065
File: 241 KB, 1728x1826, 6039DB30-89CE-4D5F-B495-70B565A5B8DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a PNK whale and I believe in the project OP, but I also believe that this is a multi-year hold with high risk. Even if it moons it will be some time before we see our golden tuk tuk. Stop harassing your grandma and be responsible with her electricity bill. Jesus Christ.

>> No.21802585

turn basement light off

>> No.21802715

I am an autistic neet but I’m good looking so I get a lot of pussy plus my grandparents live in a dank beach mansion I have tons of tinder sluts over

>> No.21803178
File: 34 KB, 801x451, 1591312676785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel nigga you really tried explaining cryptocurrency to your fuckking grandma hahahaha kys sperg

>> No.21803432
File: 261 KB, 1200x1200, 1579402770204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon please don't scam your grammy

>> No.21803933

Well turtlecoin was a huuuge shill on here back in 2016 or 2017. It was some massive supply coin with no purpose. Idk who OP means though

>> No.21804329

Funniest shit on biz I've ever seen

>> No.21804353

Anon if this is real, kill yourself.

>> No.21804635

It’s literally 1200 dollars...

>> No.21804760

All in means you're trying to gamble.

>> No.21804824
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>> No.21804892
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>4:05 am
>Turn basement lite off

>> No.21804967

And this is why you will remain poor.

>> No.21805131
File: 38 KB, 1027x775, Ishares bond etf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little bit of patience in the short term will save you in the medium term. Look at this fucking chart. It's a bond etf... Not meme coins. I personally sleep better at night knowing I've made choices to protect myself. I value my hard work and don't want to blow my cash on some chance to make it.

>> No.21805338

If you’re gonna have them plug their money in biz stupidity at least have them do TSLA calls instead of literal scams

>> No.21805397

They gave you that money in confidence you wouldn’t squander it why would you invest in shitcoin there will never be anything like bitcoin 2017 ever again

>> No.21805442


could have bought a fucking house, instead he gambled it all on shitcoins.

>> No.21805472

you are never getting rich if you all in. your advice is retarded.

>> No.21805497
File: 61 KB, 1289x235, a2182f1890374f4427fdbe4e7543a550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry reposting for posterity

>> No.21805537
File: 53 KB, 900x225, e1f11772adb2f9e4b2a4282d9522966d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your grandma is a sweet woman and you're honestly a sperg. shilling 4chan memes to old people wtf is the matter with you anon?

>> No.21805545

Why in the hell would you shill to grandma? Its like your trying to rup her off.

>> No.21805560
File: 44 KB, 462x491, 1597905778037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you’re gonna have them plug their money in biz stupidity at least have them do TSLA calls instead of literal scams
>They gave you that money in confidence you wouldn’t squander it why would you invest in shitcoin there will never be anything like bitcoin 2017 ever again

>> No.21805589

Kek why is noone else laughing at this

>> No.21805599

1)Selling after big losses is often a bad idea in crypto. The price can fall a lot with no underlying change in value. Someone who sold Link every time it dropped catastrophically from $1.20 to $0.80 or whatever would have lost all their money. On the other hand, knowing when a shitcoin has failed is an important skill too.

2) It's generally better in crypto to pick one or two great projects that you're highly confident in rather than trying to spread your risk. Shitcoins are highly correlated with each other, so buying a lot of them doesn't do much to reduce risk. There are only a few crypto projects at one time that are really undervalued. A smart investor does his research and commits to his judgments. Unlike in the stock market, catching the few moon-rockets is a better strategy than counting on sector-wide growth.

3. Opinions vary, but if you're poor I'd say you're better off putting your money in high-risk/high-reward investments. If you have $100 to spend, your life isn't going to change if you lose it all or if you put it in a savings account. On the other hand, if you can turn that into $10,000 your life is suddenly on a very different course.

>> No.21805600
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>”GAM GAM!” My phone says.

Good post.

>> No.21805639
File: 6 KB, 229x220, 1588095244969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choosing PNK of all coins

>> No.21805653

have you done the needful sir

>> No.21805713

ok this wins

>> No.21805771

Leave gam gam alone you fuckin sperg. You’re an obvious retard and even you’re family thinks you’re a failure. I told my boomer parents about my crypto ideas and they gave me 2K the next day. It’s not the crypto the don’t trust, it’s you.

>> No.21805909

i wouldn't give a dude who shit talked his own grandparents online and called them retarded boomers a single penny; even if he promised me 88 thicc bitches and lambo mansions.

>> No.21805919


guy you're not very intelligent if you can't wrap your head around grandma and grandpa not understanding cryptocurrencies, they didn't have even basic computers until they were adults. get your head out of your ass and quit being a shit to your grandma. maybe don't throw all your money at shitcoins, maybe do a small percentage like everyone else.

if you can't see why grandma doesn't give a fuck about PNK $PINAKION you need to look at this more clearly. maybe use some of that money to live on your own so you can understand what your grandma means by working hard for that money.

>> No.21806007

The fact that boomers (and many other subsets of the population) have difficulty even wrapping their minds around the basic concepts of crypto and blockchain, let alone would be completely lost and hopeless trying to use them, shows that neither will take off in a meaningful way any time soon. The barrier to entry must be low enough for society’s lowest common denominators to use it independently. Not going to happen.

>> No.21806096
File: 9 KB, 320x220, A24EC7CE-50C5-4799-BB54-E426858BF0CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a pathetic little bitch that when you’re own grandmother essentially calls you a dipshit, you feel compelled to seek validation on a Mongolian basket weaving site. Pic related is OP 5 mins before coming posting this shit bread.

>> No.21806146
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 1581895559820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I've tried to explain things like LINK to a few people before that were more technology oriented but only one or two people ever understood it, and of those that did none of them ever bought any anyway. Now I just don't bother and accept the reality that I'm an outlier. I don't know if it's being smart but at the very least it's incredibly lonely not being able to just have a normal conversation about it with someone in real life

thankfully it's been a decade since I've felt the emotion of loneliness

>> No.21806164

yeah, basically OP is a gay sperg. i know niggers who wouldn't even think about bad moufin they grandmamas online, especially over money. they just ask for their 20$ weed money and go about their day, they don't say "grandma i seen a meme about kleros, we're gonna be rich but i need your lives savings" it wouldn't even cross their mind to be that audacious, the nerve OP the nerve. and to boot, they gave him 30k and he's gonna end up losing all of it

>> No.21806173

>not RSR

>> No.21806183

Jesus. PNK? Fuck, should have told her to buy XRP too ya smoothie fuck

>> No.21806199

Nothing annoys me more than wagecucking parents giving their children advice based on their own shitty logic. If you are living paycheck to paycheck then saying literally nothing is better

>> No.21806218

>number 1 you put all your eggs in one basket

Retard, this is how you make it. You diversify to maintain your wealth.

>> No.21806277

If this is real you are a retard. The only 3 coins/tokens you need are


If you were capable of browsing /biz/ you would know this. But this is probs a larp post so KYS.

>> No.21806562


>> No.21806726

Please kill yourself

>> No.21806823
File: 35 KB, 711x633, chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get that chink posw shitcoin out of here faggot

>> No.21806840

t. Retard who fell for posw meme

>> No.21807139


>> No.21807335

>My grandpa gave me 30k of savings bonds when I graduated HS and I put it all in RLC
jesus christ
>He thinks I’m dumb
I wonder why

>> No.21807771

What happened to telling newfags to lurk for years before posting. Boards gone to total shit.

>> No.21808459
File: 3 KB, 125x109, 1596038855824s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so cringe haha. The autism is insane.
I could understand telling your family about XRP, but a Shitcoin? Fuck... You're boomer grandma is the smart one for once.
You're so deluded, to be autistic enough to think you can delude your grandma....
True NPC Jew brainwashed cuck.

How old are you?

>> No.21808620
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 1597375746804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck...
You are a retard anon...
Have fun either waging or roping.
Could have actually invested that money, being so young that's a godsend. Go all in on tesla atleast...
Your grandpa should have known you're retarded and put it in a trust lmao!
He lost that 30k as soon as your gullable ass got it.

>> No.21808630

I think i know you do you live in texas

>> No.21808732


>> No.21808939

Nope. Im a leaf.

>> No.21808955


>> No.21808958
File: 25 KB, 600x400, 1598006625091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try chink, your shitcoin isn't happening.

>> No.21808972

I hope you hold some. There's too much jew conspiracy proof to not be holding a sui stack...

>> No.21809286

The 30k was just when I graduated I have 6 figs in a trust too, I’m trying to get my grandpa to cash out my portion early so I can invest in PNK but he told me to fuck off

>> No.21809359
File: 2.85 MB, 540x540, 1597470425252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based