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File: 348 KB, 829x633, 1593451778521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21802010 No.21802010 [Reply] [Original]

The amount of XRP fags here is THROUGH THE ROOF

There used to be NONE of these faggots before they realized CHAINLINK IS A THREATH TO THEIR POSITION AS #3

In other words, well done linklets. They will seethe.

>> No.21802380
File: 594 KB, 840x1232, 603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I sold all my link for xrp, you haven't

>> No.21802516

enjoy your 30 cent stable coin sir

>> No.21802635

xrp is the standard? what is link?

>> No.21802703
File: 741 KB, 800x600, jesusxrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chainlink
yeah sure buddy

>> No.21802757

my preferred income source for funding right wing death squads to wipe your kind out...in minecraft

>> No.21802836
File: 12 KB, 461x345, Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in minecraft
Come at my base son, you don't even KNOW the kind of redstone defenses I have.

>> No.21803093

You are an easy slay.
digital pebbles vs 4IR
See you at 4th faggots

>> No.21803207
File: 879 KB, 1080x1080, C42D476F-82BF-41E5-BCEE-ECB4622FD687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.21804177

cRipple schizos are the worst pieces of shit on this board. Jannies should range ban all of them.

>> No.21804533

said the soon to be link schizo

>> No.21804618


They are paid shills and bots dude. The LINK pump brought in a ton of newfags so Ripple fired up their bots and marketing teams again. XRP is a total scam and it has been exposed as such. They are trying to sell as much as they can before it is ruled a security and they get fucked.

>inb4 ripple shill posts picture of some irrelevant senator or ex gov employee on ripple payroll saying XRP is not a secuirty

>inb4 some ripple shill says XRP is backed by the fed, gold, jesus and calls me an idiot

>inb4 some ripple shill goes “guess I’m a bot” bee bop beep. You are a paid shill or a retard bagholder.

>> No.21804638

if u dont hold xrp u dont like money.. simple as that. Good luck with ur vaporware shitcoins

>> No.21804675

how delusional can u get, fuarking LMAO braindead link faggit

>> No.21805480

Gimme sauce/rundown on the XRP scam - all you stinkies screech the same thing. You retards never back it up. Show proofs faggot