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21802589 No.21802589 [Reply] [Original]

I have never invested in crypto before. What does /biz/ recommend I invest $300 into right now also I have 200-300 to invest weekly due to stable income working on a farm.

>> No.21802637

With so little money I recommend finding a very early 10k marketcap coin and hoping it does a 150x.

>> No.21802768

Throw money at any passable uniswap shitcoin with low mcap and low circulating supply and get out when you make modest gains (I'd say 2 or 3x early is safe, more than that you need to evaluate each situation by yourself)
Don't be greedy

>> No.21802779


>> No.21802839

Okay, that sounds like helpful advice I appreciate it. Any recommendations? I've been reading a lot about LINK and XRP here past few days, I get the gist is that maybe XRP isn't the best investment cause it has high market cap, and is LINK just not worth it for me cause I don't have enough money?

>> No.21802849

don't listen to them OP.
buy litecoin and xrp you can 30x 200-300 to 9k by cycle end and then you'll look into trading. but if you want to throw your money on random shit go ahead.

>> No.21803018

sure, two shitcoins flipping eth is much more likely than a 10-40k token pulling a 3x

>> No.21803491

Are PNK, RSR, and Dia some good coins to invest in?

>> No.21804048


>> No.21804307

The post I was looking at when I posted this
Mentioned RSR as well, but not SKM or KTON. I found all of them and added them on uniswap+metamask, now to decide if I really wanna go through with any of those coins.

>> No.21804334

xrp will moon
could be soon, could be years
best to have a bag packed

>> No.21804400

for the love of god, stay away from xrp, if you wanna buy a high cap buy eth or link or some of the high cap defi coins.

>> No.21804586

Why do you think so?

>> No.21804640


>> No.21804649

Literally just CHZ

>> No.21804743
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do NOT listen to the absolute faggots shilling XRP, it never has and never will moon, you will just end up having your money tied up constantly checking prices, and nothing will happen. I highly suggest you buy some STA and/or RSR if $300 is all you have to start

>> No.21804785

basically you have gambling money not investment money. so gamble on high volailty uniswap shitcoins till you can buy 1000 link

>> No.21804835

Never listen to direct recommendations from /biz/ if you don't want to lose your money
Just lurk moar and DYOR

>> No.21804852

Where can you buy crypto with a credit card?

>> No.21805013

Too late, I bought 8k SKM, 2k RSR, and 800 STA. I don't know if I did a good job or if I should get rid of any of them, but I'd be okay with just waiting on this and seeing how it goes.

>> No.21805040

AKRO or FTM, both solid projects.

>> No.21805075

I sold my STA, so hopefully it turns out to not be a scam. I thought it was. RSR good choice, idk about SKM at all

>> No.21805089


>> No.21805196

Unless /biz/ can convince me to get rid of any of those coins and go with another, of course.

Will keep in mind.

It's looking like DIA or OCEAN might be a good choice, might get rid of SKM or RSR for it.

>> No.21805260

remember, don't rely souly on biz. best thing you can do is examine the projects yourself, check their marketcap, social media activity(as much as you can) and guage the vibe they give, look into the people involved with the project and see what they've done in life, and see what connections projects have. relying souly on /biz/ will eventually get you burned if you dont have the filter to throw BS from gold

>> No.21805313

>don't listen to them OP.
>buy litecoin and xrp you can 30x 200-300 to 9k by cycle end and then you'll look into trading. but if you want to throw your money on random shit go ahead.

>> No.21805468

why you trying to ruin the guy? worst fucking advice
>kys virgin

>> No.21805631

don't panic sell if they go down, be patient or you will continuously get rekt selling the bottom. Good choices and good luck!

>> No.21805906

Thanks anon! I'm planning on sitting on my stack once I figure out exactly what it will be. I think I might sell SKM and RSR for Dia, Ocean, and AKRO. Not sure which two of them I will get but we'll see.

>> No.21806118

OP, use $30 from that money, pay some signals and they will tell where to put your money, no shit and no scam bs like in here.

>> No.21806155


>> No.21806162

OXT big things coming out of smartcon and they have big investors and better marketing. They pay me $100k every compliment I give it for example

>> No.21806236

What are signals? Like this?

Shit, another promising coin to add to the list.

>> No.21806597

Hello newfag, fellow newfaggot here. I hope my contribution isn't cancer.
I have lurked a while and this is what I have learnt and done personally. I am by no means an expert but I do possess some autistic qualities and have hung around chans for over a decade so figured I have deciphered some things.
Get a cold wallet. Even if peace of mind alone, I couldn't commit too much money into investing because I was too afraid it'd all be stolen. This issue meant I was trading fuck all coin, investing $20 here, $50 there. Soon the fee's alone cleaned me up. I figured if I spread my money, less chance of losses. So I held about 10 coins with little amount. Reality was after all the fee's I needed them all to go up 20% just to go even.
You won't keep up with all the shill coins here. They pump, they dump, I am not knowledgeable to know when or why or who. So I simply avoid. Maybe one day I will know but until then it seems like guarantee'd lost money. Seems every week is a new one, unless you feel like spamming f5 all day to maybe make a 300% profit on $100 it is not worth it. you could probably make more begging and at least you'd get sunlight.
So what do? Buy BTC, XRP, ETH and hold. Personally that is LINK and RSR. Keep an eye on one or two other coins as you sort of "long shots" and hold. Wait, be patient and hope that one day you make it.
Lastly, I don't even know how to pull my coins out into physical cash. That money is gone, I figured I buried money in a desert and I might hit a 1 in a billion chance it sprouts a money tree. If not, my quality of life doesn't change.