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File: 42 KB, 500x500, sergeynazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21801377 No.21801377 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously how? I can't even finish university

>> No.21801479


>> No.21801561

It can't be just autism

>> No.21801605

autism and a strong sense of idealism

>> No.21801650

He took his philosophy lessons seriously. He’s also insanely intelligent.

>> No.21801678

Time travel.

>> No.21801709

you could probably finish university too if you could dump 700k every week

>> No.21801710


Sergey is NOT autistic you autistic fucks. His IQ is probably 100 points higher than yours. Dude is a prodigy and will be remembered for 1000's of years.

>> No.21801736

I am sure he will look back on a great life and many accomplishments and being very happy
Meanwhile I am wasting my existence
It's like how one of his favourite quotes on LinkedIn says: If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.
Basically my life
I truely admire Sergey
But I also know that I will never archive greatness, no matter what I do

>> No.21802038

you are propaply right

>> No.21802324

if you actually think about, putting all the crypto scam buzzword bullshit aside and trying to see the bigger picture.
you come to the conclusion that chainlinks propostion and tech is very plain and not that technologically advanced. If the problem really would exist that chainlink wants to solve a solution already would have been developed
computers and technology hit a plateau in 2010 anyways, smartphones screen got bigger and laptops didnt advance at all. the limit of innovation is reached for the first time in history.
also chainlink runs on a JSON parser communicating over TCPIP. If they really wouldnt be the amateurs they claim they are not they would have developed it as a own performant protocol running in the transport layer

>> No.21802452

>dedicated and accomplished
>abandoned multiple project in unfinished states

>> No.21802529

USSR genetic experiments to create a based man, Sergey made Bitcoin under the alias Satoshi, then Vitalik (an almost failed experiment) made Ethereum, and now Sergey is making Chainlink.
The goal is for the USSR to create the next financial system to control the world.

>> No.21802657

>Be Ari, chief scientist of RSA, Cornell professor, IQ off the charts, do everything.
>retards on a patayan sex change image board say our fat philosophy major CEO did everything

>> No.21802744

>salty that Chainlink hasn't had an all new protocol invented just for it
>angry that javascript object notation is used in spite of ETH solidity being an ECMA derivative
Holy shit, the fucking state of you. Seethe.

>> No.21802922

Fren, Sergey is unique. The way his mind operate is beyond ours. He have a clarity of mind only seen in Tibetan monks with 1367 days + in nofap

With Sergey, information is all, and he seeks understanding beyond all. My belief is that chainlink is an representation of how his mind works, in other words, a physical manifestation of how his mind operates.

You see, from a young age Sergey always sought information. If he did not understand something, he kept asking until he did. If a piece of information was bad, he would not understand or get the full picture so either he had to discard the model/idea or discard the one piece of information. Through this internalizing process of information Sergey gained incredible accuracy in his view of reality.

Most of us looks at the world/our reality through some kind of pink tinted glasses. Either it be through the eyes of liberalism or conservatism, religion or whatever. We all have some kind of operating system handed to us at a very young age.

With Sergey, heres what makes him unique, he have a pure view of reality. No preset operating system. Just pure, conscious observation of reality AS IS

>> No.21802969
File: 34 KB, 750x744, 1597693375852 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sergey is NOT autistic you autistic fucks. His IQ is probably 100 points higher than yours. Dude is a prodigy and will be remembered for 1000's of years.
based and sergaypilled

>> No.21803046

He will be the richest man in the world in a few years right

>> No.21803154

Anyone even remotely interested in programming and:or crypto is at least slightly autistic.

>> No.21803177

In this age, data is the new money, and Sergey? He holds all of it

>> No.21803184


If you spend more effort creating a video than you do shilling it, it will show and other people will shill it for you. Idiot.

>> No.21803252

there's not a single groyper in that video

>> No.21803280

Genetics. Some people have drive to grind every day and make it. Most people don't, that's basically the only difference between successful people and failures

>> No.21803336

>Insanely intelligent
He's routinely btfo by money skelly

>> No.21803398

Checked and blessed

>> No.21803423


>> No.21803494

The people with high iq and have the grind and hussle to succed are those that really shape the world, regardless of which field they're in.

Ari and Sergey are these types.