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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2178930 No.2178930 [Reply] [Original]

Truth time fags

where do you goys see btc and eth in 7 years.

>keep in mind there will be a hardfork with btc/btu

>> No.2178953

btc 1-5 mil

eth 10k+ if nothing disastrous happens

>> No.2178972

I don't think BTC will crash for very long, even if it does crash very hard

people already know the potential of it now, so even with the flash crash of BTC coming very soon, I still see it far beyond what it is today. 10k at least.

ETH looks like it set it self up with investors super well, 5k~?

random fucking numbers honestly, main point is just up

>> No.2178974

BTC will never get to 1 mil

>> No.2178978

you gotta be shitting me, you think btc has more potential then eth.

currently their market share aren't the same but sooner or later they will be.

also have you consider smart contracts ?

>> No.2178984

Damn I'm bout to buy one Bitcoin and just keep it in Cold storage. This shit is literally like a partyhat in runey

>> No.2178987


>> No.2179004

around 5 cents - 1 dollar

>> No.2179012

btc is store of value in a world full of corrupt governments and banks

eth is for dapps which have limited implementation. it's interesting but the average person doesn't need dapps as much as they need a secure currency.

>> No.2179032

interesting, isn't eth more secure because of contracts?

>> No.2179053

holy cow i just realized the price of Ethereum is $190 on coinmarketcap. coinbase's value is $207.50 atm. talk about scalping. sheesh

>> No.2179082

just saw that fucking assholes

>> No.2179097

Eth is turing complete , to enable dapps. this means it's orders of magnitude less secure than btc, due to being able to run any kind of code on the platform. we've already seen it fork once due to a hack, which has never happened to btc despite it being worth more and being around longer.

>> No.2179109

eth: $2500
btc: $1500

>> No.2179186

shut up and bend over goy.

>> No.2179213
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What this guy said.


Also take into account inflation. Supply of ETH is gonna double in only the next 5 years from 91 million to 182 millions. BTC will go from 16.5 to 18 in the same 5 years.

Obviously if BTC reached 1 million in those 5 years, that would mean a 18 trillion market cap lulz. But 10k ETH is also completely retarded. That's close to 2 trillions in 5 years.

I feel like this board has been run over by ppl who

> cant even math

but at the same time it's nice to see all those newcomers/naabs who're gonna give us their shekels with their retarded expectations.

>> No.2179286


fair enough. if we hit a market cap of 1 trillion 1 btc will be worth like 50k. for comparison all the gold in the world is worth about 8 trillion.

>> No.2179301

but doesn't that also mean that i can sell my Ethereum on coinbase for that amount? not saying i am going to im not of course

>> No.2179439

do you think govt will ever let their market cap be more than 1 trillion? Can't they just raid every single one of these exchanges?

I mean btc/eth don't have an army to protect them.

Dollar is a reserve currency because it has military backing

>> No.2179617

You can't raid the houses of everybody and destroy their computers

>> No.2179629

>mfw you literally don't know how a blockchain works

>> No.2179669
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>he felt for the hardfork meme
There will be no hard fork, BU is dead.

BTC will get segwit then LN, hit $10,000 in the next 3 years, and $100,000+ by 2025.

>> No.2179683

low IQ post

also we'll have decentralized exchanges soon

>> No.2179687

Guess I'm more conservative with my investments/predictions but I'd be happy if ETH hit $500 (little more than double what it is atm on Coinbase).

No real reason for my prediction other than I usually think if something is too good to be true, it almost always is. The insane rise with BTC which took like 6 years with a couple big dips only got us to a roughly $2200 - and I honestly think that was a one-off anomaly. It seems unlikely that any crypto will repeat that pattern to me.

And believe me, I pray that I'm wrong!

>> No.2179932

Bitcoin: USD competitor. China's housing bubble will burst and BTC will go straight to fucking Andromeda.

Ethereum: Decentralized computing platform. Major competition is Amazon's Cloud Compute and Azure. Developers require 5 years to understand the platform and build an implementation. Privacy is the main goal stated by the EEA and as a result, it has high potential to replace backends for bank and other financial infrastructure (ACH's a fucking mess, but I doubt it'd replace that). Ethereum has a lot of support from huge names who want to understand how to use it and how to build it as a platform.

The main, short-term risk in ETH is the hard fork from PoW to PoS. I don't think any major coin has done this before. I don't understand the implications personally.

I believe in both. Both are long holds. There's going to be a lot of ups/downs in BTC as it's just a straight currency replacement, but ETH, being a platform for software development, is the safest bet in my opinion.

t. ETH shill

>> No.2179956


ETH isn't good for decentralized computing in general. Its computing power is abysmal, 10 seconds on an AWS cluster will bring ETH's computational abilities to its knees

>> No.2180029

I'm not him, but pls explain

>> No.2180147

Top lel 1m per bitcoin. You know that's so fucking crazy that I'm going to buy some just in case.

>> No.2180187

>people fretting over whether bitcoin or ethereum is the smart choice

dont you fuckers realize EITHER of these coins are going to make you absurdly rich

just pick one, dump $2500 into it, and forget about it for two years

come back and enjoy your $80m mansion in beverly hills

>> No.2180204

Elastic can destroy pretty much anything in terms of CC power. The point of ETH is that it works even if AWS goes down.

>> No.2180208


>> No.2180245

>Supply of ETH is gonna double in only the next 5 years from 91 million to 182 millions.
That's completely wrong. I forgot the exact numbers but if I remember correctly it may not even go over 105mil within the next 5 years.
The 30k per day rate is very temporary and is going down even now, you can read about it if you're interested.

>> No.2180258

both of them will be above 10000% increase in the next two years
le screeny this postzini

>> No.2180270

i want to believe

>> No.2180279

Sooner or later BTC will implement all of ETH functions and suck up its market cap.
In 10 years no one will remember ETH

>> No.2180289

That would be over 10% of the current nominal GDP.

You seriously think 10% of the world's money is gonna be in crypto by 2024?

>> No.2180295
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you seriously don't?

>> No.2180327
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He's right. In about two years time, we'll be laughing at threads like these like how we laughed at threads in 2014+1.

Probably why Fidelity aims to serve BTC/ETH/LTC... We'll pay taxes, but it'll be legitimate millions in profits. Prepare yourselves.

>> No.2180343
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i've already got the crest whitening strips on my anus.

>> No.2180352

This is wildly optimistic considering the length of time it took btc to reach 2k.

>> No.2180369

>doesn't understand exponential growth
>doesn't read the fucking news
>just begs to be a poor fuck their entire life


>> No.2180398

>Bitcoin will be X
>Etherium will be Y

If these are going to be 100x what they are now... how come people aren't dumping cash into them? It feels too good to be true.

>> No.2180415

They are. Eth and bitcoin have exploded.

>> No.2180422


What are you talking about?

>> No.2180425

Yeah to the tune of billions a day

>> No.2180430

>Damn I'm bout to buy one Bitcoin and just keep it in Cold storage. This shit is literally like a partyhat in runey

This is college money if your kid is 1

>> No.2180435

my question is how can bitcoin go to a million of some people are multi millionaires (the ones who got in very early) already?

If they withdrew billions the world economy would collapse

>> No.2180437

Proof of work vs proof of stake

>> No.2180441

Pretty sure BTC can implement smart contracts.

>> No.2180453

Absolute delusion

>> No.2180467

Bitcoin or phat? I mean if they shut down the serves on rune then it would be worthless

>> No.2180502

Makes sense. Just feels too good to be true though. Like us chumps are going to get taken advantage of yet again.

>> No.2180510

>Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are bringing disintermediation to nearly all industries. A survey from Greenwich Associates highlights that financial and technology firms are expected to invest more than US$1 billion to bring blockchain technology to capital markets in 2016. According to the World Economic Forum, financial services will be transformed by this technology, with the expectation that at least 10 percent of the global GDP will be stored on blockchain platforms by 2025.

This is from Deloitte's website.

>> No.2180525

Yeah, BTC is going to be worth 18-90 Trillion. Fucking idiot

>> No.2180574
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32,000,000 / $ 316.81 = 101,006.91

Holy shit the Winklevoss bros have 100k Bitcoins

Thats now worth $ 261,708,910.70

>> No.2180588

>global gdp today is ~$75 trillion
>current crypto market cap is $66 billion

This sound right so far?

>> No.2180603

so current crypto is roughly 0.1% of GDP? So by that estimate we can expect maybe 100x gain by 2025?

>> No.2180608
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How much do you guys think ETH is going to spike?

Think it'll crash or it'll plateau?

>> No.2180641


It sure can, which is why I will not buy ethereum

>> No.2180650
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>> No.2180747
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yeah, just as soon as they implement segwit and larger blocks

>> No.2180778

not in australia :^)

>> No.2180881

Mate BTC was at $900 a month ago

>> No.2180913

Crash to $150-$165 for a while. It'll be rockets once smart contracts start seeing adoption and big companies implement features they want.

>> No.2180966

$1 million btc valuation would be the equivalent of $21 trillion market cap (21m btc x 1 million dollars). there aren't even this many dollars in existence i believe. $1 million isn't realistic, unless there's hyperinflation (always a possibility)

>> No.2181378

THIS. If you /biz/ bros want to have a serious discussion, then debate this. I'm favoring POS but I don't know enough about the downsides of POS, only the downsides of POW.

>> No.2181958

Okay there bud

>> No.2181979

BTC will be in range of 5K - 100K
ETH will be in range of 0 - 100

>> No.2182006

how do you know?

>> No.2182019

You're full of crap

There's a reason bitcoin is volatile and ETH is projected to overtake it.

>> No.2182020

I think both will be largely replaced in 7 years by a superior technology, which the bank and silicon valley are now working on.

But as the market will keep growing for a while I expect they will still have value.

>> No.2182057

To add. Besides the mainstream coin there is room for a small amount of community coins.

>> No.2182067
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The 20 year old NEET's guide to retiring wealthy at 40.

1. Buy bitcoin today.
2. Hold.
3. Hold.
4. Hold.
5. Hold.

>> No.2182188

100 satoshi = 1 dollar

>> No.2182191

no you and your insecure scamcoin is full of shit
we will see in near future

>> No.2182215

That crypto is the future is inevitable. Just like streaming music replacing CDs was inevitable. Just like Netflix replacing cable was inevitable.

Technology changes and morphs all the time. The only big issue with crypto is that it removes power from banks and government. Expect a lot of pushback down the road. The music industry's resistance to streaming will be a joke compared to the banking industry's resistance to crypto.

>> No.2182225

Bitcoin isn't just fueled by dollars, it's global. Don't forget that. I do think 100k is a more realistic expectation for the price though

>> No.2182257

Aren't banks investing heavily in crypto because it saves them a ton of money? Isn't it possible for this to get cointel'd?

>> No.2182270

If crypto becomes mainstream and replaces fiat in a large proportion there would be no more need for banks.
With crypto everyone can be his own bank.

>> No.2182285

fair enough. It's really tough for me to see people actually paying out wages in a crypto. Maybe I'm a little too closed minded.

>> No.2182443

Will ETH skyrocket once BTC crashes or will it go down with it?

>> No.2182621

its a global currency you fucking burger and you are forgetting about the 7 billion unbaked humans who will be brought online. via smart phones and satellite internet.

>> No.2182637


Autism in effect.

>> No.2182696

Do you have a spare chromosome by chance?

>> No.2182894

they look so happy

>> No.2182973

$2000 isnt crazy ? if 5 years ago was for $2

>> No.2183078

in addition to what others have said, think of all the coins that have been permanently lost (press F to pay respects)

>> No.2183091

bank coins are worthless and mostly defeat the purpose of blockchain

and silicon valley IS working on bitcoin. it's not a stagnant piece of tech, it's evolving, but slowly, which makes it safe.

>> No.2183111


must be a shitload, id guess at least a quarter of them are lost

>> No.2183118

For real btc is going to hit 10-15 mil in our life times. Just put everything you can into it now and wait.

>> No.2183123

There you go, famalam


>> No.2183145 [DELETED] 

Same except I am still in HS and 16. Everybody at school wants me to help get them bitcoins. No stopping us. We are the next generation of billionaires

>> No.2184293

Kraken always gives me Cloudflare errors and it is shit slow! Are there DDOS attacks ongoing or what?

>> No.2184373

This is my favorite post on 4chan so far this week

>> No.2184405

Mate delete your post or you're gonna get banned for underage

>> No.2184429

Banks are going to buy up as much fucking BTC as they can in order to inflate the price and begin selling to people. Banks won't be gone. 85% of the population is too stupid to buy and safely maintain cryptos without their hands being held.

>> No.2184447

We've had far more than that since its creation so I don't see why not. We x20 the bitcoin market cap to just 1 trillion and we're looking at $60,000 USD per coin. I don't think $100,000 isn't out of the picture.

>> No.2184528

Doesn't Zappos or Overstock or some other tech company already offer bonus payments in BTC?

>> No.2184600

Shit it says you cannot delete a post this old? I was only joking I am actually 21 please don't ban me, will I still be able to see other peoples posts if I get banned? Please help.

>> No.2184648

ya you just cant post for 24 hours usually

I don't think the mods are even that active on this board desu

>> No.2184696

Thanks man that isn't so bad

>> No.2184734

i am seeing so many smart young people online in the past 5 years, there is hope

>> No.2184789


>> No.2184835

bitcoin literally has a guy working for cia/nsa/freemasons as the main lead. He's put there to go "oh, we can't scale bitcoin becuase eval miners and/or too dangerous, serious gais, just listen to one of our 3 communication channels that's all owned by my friend and that deletes 200 msges in a 400 msg thread but seriously gais, look over there at those evil shills in that other sub!!". Nothing will happen to bitcoin because of this, as planned.

Therefore btc will tank when transactions stop working which will be a couple months from now. At that point people will get into other cryptos but altcoins will simultaneously become smaller too because the normies won't be able to realize why bitcoin is failing and think this is because "cryptos doesn't work dude".

>> No.2185006

Down in the depths of hell where they belong.

Nocoiner here. :'-(

>> No.2185107

A $4.5 TRILLION marketcap? What are you smoking?

>> No.2185196

At 25 at most

>> No.2185209

BTC will be around 10k in 5 years.
ETH will be around 1-2k in 5 years.

>> No.2185282

You're an idiot lol

>> No.2185374

Nah. ETH will 1k by December

>> No.2185382

Transactions will cease because bitcoin wont be scaled? Well couldnt they scale it then to remedy the problem? I mean if they are forced between a crash because no one can use them and scaling them but risking no one will use them then??

>> No.2185389

If ETH somehow makes it to 5k I am set for life

>> No.2185457

What do you guys expect BTC to be by the end of 2017?

>> No.2185467

>5 years

too conservative i think
- normie interest is going parabolic
- institutional investor interest is rising
- applications that dev's have dreamed up years ago are coming to fruitition making it easier for normies
- economic uncertainty all over the world meaning venezuelans , chinese, greeks, etc are going to flood into crypto as if their life depended on it (it literally does)

it's growing exponentially by every metric. expect growth at a rate we've never witnessed before.

>> No.2185499


>> No.2185541


they can't even implement larger block size and they been in talks for years.

>> No.2185543

Like 1500

>> No.2185553

>>keep in mind there will be a hardfork with btc/btu

Do you people still live in March 2017 or something?

>> No.2185570

this i can agree with. (((they))) will pass a law to make btc illegal

>> No.2185681

>not knowing that Bitcoin is part of ((( their ))) plans


>> No.2185691

good point. cash less sheeple

>> No.2185694


Yeah I'm going to dismiss that whole concept and put my net worth on MiloCoin. Cya cucks.

>> No.2185740

Should I buy in now or are they going to dip soon before rising up again?

>> No.2185766

The delusion regarding bitcoin in this thread is phenomenal. No serious investor is putting money into bitcoin. Its reputation is one of being linked to criminals, drug dealers and money launderers. It's controlled by a handful of Chinese citizens (e.g. Jihan Wu). It's slow, it's clunky and transaction fees are through the roof. And don't get me started on the whole "it's digital gold" shit and "it's a store of wealth". Bullshit, each bitcoin is just a string of zeroes and ones that doesn't have any practical use or real monetary value. If people want a store of wealth they buy real physicial gold, not some useless "digital" gold.

Fuck me you people are retarded. Ethereum will win, and you autistic shits need to realise that soon for your own sake.

>> No.2185778

I guess that's why it's worth nothing right?

>> No.2185792

You think some Venezuelan farmer looking to dump his life savings into a safe haven asset cares about the technological application of said asset, or speed, or paying $1 fee?

No, he want reliability, stability, deflation, and some kind of peace of mind that the tech wont have any security problems.

>> No.2185817
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And I think Vitalik may have said something about that in his comment if it was "completely wrong" I mean he would know...

>> No.2185842

"Investing" in bitcoin is like investing in a shittier version of CNY. Bitcoin isn't decentralised, you have to be legally retarded to not see that.

>I guess that's why it's worth nothing right
All you have to do is read this thread to see why it's worth what it is and why it's going up. See >>2178984. When you have millions of people thinking like this, the price will pump. There's nothing but FOMO and speculation driving the price up. When you look beneath the surface, it's disastrous.

>> No.2186223

I agree that btc is pretty prehistoric but it's like the petro dollar. It's not going anywhere. ETH truly is the future and it will eventually become that. The entire benefit of crypto its decentralization and instant, easy peer to peer transactions --btc hardly does either. But the banks have bought so much fucking btc that they are going to convince the entire public to buy into it at some point. It will eventually hit something like $10,000+ so it's not a bad idea to get in early.