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21788064 No.21788064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

where’s all the zoomers at and how can I profit? Microsoft buyout deal was a nothing burger

>> No.21788171

If you really want to profit from zoomers talk to one. Ideally one you know through family, friends, or work. This is how Peter Lynch sometimes invested, he'd go shopping with his wife and daughter and just ask them what they liked about the products they were looking at.

>> No.21788176
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>> No.21788204

this is the stupidest shit i've seen all week. are people really this stupid?

>> No.21788296

Nigger lives don't matter, objectively
If all niggers were gone tomorrow, with all of their "inventions" and schools of thought the world would be 99.9% the same. The only difference would be our crime rates would plummet and billions of dollars could be reallocated from their welfare fund to go to things that matter.

>> No.21788315

I really dont understand tick tock. Why do kids like this stuff?

>> No.21788360

Kek, I can just imagine a fat sweaty 4chan user going up to kids in public and asking them about the tampons they're buying or some shit.

>> No.21788409
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>> No.21788465
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a lot of kids under 10 pretend to have their own youtube channels

>> No.21788564

Teenagers were always cringy faggots, back in our days we had myspace and alike, today they film themselves in HD doing some meme dance or worse.

>> No.21788583

What's stupid about it?

>> No.21788630

pandering to niggers
if they just listened to the cops they wouldnt be dead

>> No.21788649

That's a man. (For real)

>> No.21788667

Fuck niggers

>> No.21788680

So yes the world would be much better

>> No.21788691


>> No.21788701

Whenever you see a white person post this kind of narcissistic trash you should just post 'Stolen valour', literally nothing else just those two words.

>> No.21788753


Imagine a world without niggers and arabs

Imagine how great it would be

>> No.21788758

This kid's gonna get so much pussy.

>> No.21788765

my mom bought me nike workout gear for my bday last month. I told her mom, i can breath just fine can you take this back. It took her a couple days to understand what I meant.

>> No.21788775

Keep licking that boot, black people get killed more on average than white. Racism is part of the American zeitgeist.

>> No.21788810
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>color is not a threat

>> No.21788811

Don’t forget the chinks and poos anon. Literal plague they are

>> No.21788832

you have to go back you fucking niggerlover

>> No.21788836
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Racism is natural and healthy and practiced all over the world. American society just exploits it to harm whites. You know this already tho..

>> No.21788838
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Fucking everything is stupid about it you fucking retard. Niggers aren't killed more by cops. By race white people are killed the most by American cops. Niggers commit more crime. They don't fucking listen to cops. They are fucking stupid and aggressive and do stupid and aggressive things and yet SOMEHOW are still killed less on a per capita basis by cops. Cops DO THEIR BEST to NOT KILL them and yet they still have to sometimes because niggers gonna nig, and they still fucking complain and ask for free gibs and shit. They're all as dense as a pallet of bricks and they are a massive drag on the entire world. The whole country would be better off without them.
Go back you fucking double nigger.

>> No.21788854

Don't worry, the Chinese don't filter the comments on Tik Tok so you can actually see a lot of people calling out the bullshit in these bluepilled vids. It's actually pretty hilarious how much anti jewish shit I've seen kek.

>> No.21788880
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Enemy UAV overhead

>> No.21788981

>you have to love everybody
why though?

>> No.21789022

African Americans created your country, without them you would have nothing

>Niggers aren't killed more by cops.
They are compared to the amount of crime they commit.
>By race white people are killed the most by American cops.
Because they are the biggest crime commiters, still they get killed less often than blacks if you calculate the percentage.
>Niggers commit more crime
>They don't fucking listen to cops.
>They are fucking stupid and aggressive and do stupid and aggressive things
Implying blacks are some alien other creature that act differently than others
>are still killed less on a per capita basis by cops
False, you're lying or a retard. Look at the stats.

>> No.21789072

niggers created my country the same way the industrial revolution created england. the job would have gotten done either way. i just wished we freed them and shipped them all back like lincoln originally wanted.

>> No.21789143
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picking cotton and tobacco is making american?
If that is your definition of making american then Mexicans have done 100x than any black.

>> No.21789162

>Keep licking that boot
it never ceases to amaze me trillion dollar corporations have managed to make your generation parrot their opinions and still believe you're some sort of revolutionary fighting against oppressors when you rag on minimum wage cops
i'm 34 years old. you're probably 17 or 19. we're not even a full generation apart. and yet the brainwashing is complete
at least the cyberpunk dystopia was supposed to have cool toys

>> No.21789169
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>farm equipment built this country
>without cows pulling plows we’d be nowhere
This is what you’re arguing

>> No.21789226

Your falling for the spectacle you retard, do you think corporations would want to defund the police? The police who protect their private property? It's all spectacle.

>> No.21789302
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Time to buy Bitcoin.

>> No.21789318

It's just like vine, myspace, and all the ither stupid shit teenagers liked. The difference is tiktok has all of the adults in a fuss so it might stick around longer because everybody knows kids love what their parents hate.

>> No.21789333

True, Blacks built America but never managed to do shit with Africa lmao weird

>> No.21789365

I refuse to believe you're being sincere. Your post will garner many (you)'s, mine amongst them, but I will not give you the satisfaction of taking it seriously, as only a dullard or a nigger would believe what you have just wrote. Good day.

>> No.21789376
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Sh..shut up

>> No.21789380

>black people get killed more on average than white
gee, i wonder why, maybe they should stop being niggers next time

>> No.21789521

Maybe because Europeans couldn't leave them alone and decided to colonize the place.

It's true though, literally look at the statistics. Divide the people killed by their population number or the amount of criminals and you can see that blacks get killed way more than whites. BLM didn't start due 'brainwashing', BLM is founded on statistical fact. That these postmodern fascist try to make you believe something else is not my fault.

>> No.21789574
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Shut your cum-guzzling mouth you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.21789578


All that nigger had to do was not commit crimes

>> No.21789624

maybe they should stop committing more crimes

>> No.21789729


>Divide the people killed by their population number or the amount of criminals and you can see that blacks get killed way more than whites.
>BLM is founded on statistical fact

How in the fuck have you made it here go the back to wherever you came from you absolute fucking subhuman imbecile.

Nigger-culture puts degeneracy and criminal-like behavior on a pedestal
Most niggers grow up in fatherless homes
Fatherlessness-households is the leading indicator for a child's success/failure in life

This is basic shit but you fucking subhuman ass only knows how regurgitate globohomo propaganda. You literally exist to be manipulated and used as fodder you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.21789749
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You're fucking retarded. Africa was colonised in the 19th century. They had 250 thousand years to not be niggers and they didn't do a fucking thing in all that time. They didn't even invent the wheel.
Also, I have looked at the statistics and they tell me that Niggers commit A LOT more crime and PER CAPITA are killed less than whites. Stop being a fucking retard.
Also, I am a fascist, fight me irl when not online fagit see what happens.

>> No.21789792

notice the white man calmly explained himself instead of arguing and screaming at the officer.

>> No.21789848


The fact that stupid faggots like this guy have actually managed to find their way to biz and crypto makes me very bearish.

>> No.21789894
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>> No.21789953

ive tried it and its unironically not bad. at first you have to fight through the zoomer dance videos but then the godlike algorithm puts you into the perfect bubble. i only get videos about christianity and redpills. the high quaility videos of the beirut explosion were pretty cool too.

>> No.21790013
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>African Americans created your country, without them you would have nothing
I don't know what isn't American than the black people of the US and I don't think they can't contribute to a great new future. The idea that whites owe anything to anyone, or are dependent on anyone, is fucking retarded. The idea that whatever empire your race was a part of owes whites is just as retarded. We can line all that up until we get to the Innuit who literally just ate whale meat to survive. If the world owes anyone it's them, and the Amish.

>> No.21790044

chink psyop literally all you need to know

>> No.21790136

>black people get killed more on average than white.
not if you compare the number of murders from black and white ppl

>> No.21790158

The white zoomer sold his soul to the devil, he likely knows about zog and is just showing how dedicated he is to pushing zog propaganda for his own gain, so he’ll be accepted in top zog universities. In order to succeed in 2020 you got to suck the dick of the Jew.

>> No.21790193

If you control for per police interaction, it's actually more unarmed white men that get killed by police.

>> No.21790215

>13% of the population committing 50% of violent crimes

>> No.21790220

Tiktok banned, fortnite banned in mobile. Has the Zoomer wars begun?

>> No.21790237

Niggers being used as weapons by Jews to destroy white tradition and racism being used to guilt trip whites from being tribal and doing things in their own best interests are part of the (((zeitgeist))).

>> No.21790245

Good let's keep it that way

>> No.21790252

>black people get killed more on average than white
Yes, by other blacks.
Blacks do face more discrimination.
But here we must distinguish between treatment of interior minorities, and treatment of elite minorities. The firmer often experience discrimination but are seen as a minor threat. Whereas the latter often experience organized violence as they are seen as a threat. Examples of elite minorities include white Rhodies, Tutsis, Jews, Idonesian Chinese, etc. American blacks were only treated this way during the antebellum, when they were seen as the minions of the northern elite carpetbaggers.
This perception is important, not all minorities face the same struggle. Even when Nazis are Nazis, Nigs are not Jews. In the Reich, blacks were discriminated against, but treated much better than the Jews.

>> No.21790287

the vast majority of police interactions with people of all races end with little to no violence. the small number that do end with the death of the suspect is statistically insignificant.

>> No.21790313

>African Americans created your country, without them you would have nothing

Now you are just trolling, without them leeching we’d have moon colonies by now. Also 90% of Jews owned slaves while only 0.4% of whites did. The Jew still owns the blacks and uses them for their own gain, hence why we call them niggers because they are

>> No.21790315

>these postmodern fascist
That's literally what critical theory reyards like BLM are.

>> No.21790386

Also I kind of like that baby boomers are hurting zoomers. Finally the zoomers understand what they are dealing with. If millennials can barely afford college or a house, then zoomers never will.

>> No.21790409

Yeah that's true.
I'm just pointing out the fallacies of his argument.

>> No.21790491
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Sure buddy.

>> No.21790497

This is a very Jewish pilpul comment, nice try but the only elite that are fucking up the world are Jews and the Nazi’s were good and were rightfully persecuting them for the terrible crimes and subversion the Jews have done to their people. It wasn’t discrimination it was justice. Victim complex Jew bitch, leave, you think you are so intelligent but we all see right through you. You are a retard and skin everybody will btfo you demonic parasites

>> No.21790612

What's mostly stupid about it is that a white man is statistically about twice as likely to be shot at a routine traffic stop than a black man is largely. Black people just get pulled over more because they commit more crimes, but when a white man gets pulled over he is in more danger.

Black people deserve to be in prison and the real issue is that not enough of them have been killed or sent back to Africa.

>> No.21790663
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>black people get killed on average more than white
because they have a higher number of police encounters in the first place
can't get killed by a cop if you don't have an encounter with the cops
adjusting for the rate of police encounters, however, white people are disproportionately killed during police encounters
(alt hype shines some light on the subject: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ki07v1gnBaM/
watch between 13:30 and 17:15 for a quick rundown, but i recommend the whole video)

even if things weren't this way, the fact of the matter is that all most anons on /pol/ and /biz/ want is to be able to express their natural right to voluntary disassociation
if you're black and wanna have your boots licked by whites or you're white and you wanna kneel and pander to blacks for being black, then that's great—you can do that in your own society that you run yourself, for however long it'll run
we'll make our own spaces and and tailor them to our liking because we are acting within the parameters of our natural rights in doing so; you are not entitled to our existence, or the products of our existence

>> No.21790681

>black people get killed more on average than white.

Black people get killed by other black people more than any other group and they also commit far more crime than whites.

>> No.21790707

This is because the white brain acts irrationally and violently. You are more likely to assault a police because your white brain thinks you are entitled to

>> No.21790733

niggers get killed more, because niggers do the most crime. simple fact. go back to twitter you faggot!

>> No.21790746

"Did Jews dominate the slave trade? Not according to scholars that have closely examined the question. Several studies of the Jewish role in the slave trade were conducted in the 1990s. One of them, by John Jay’s Faber, compared available data on Jewish slave ownership and trading activity in British territories in the 18th century to that of the wider population. Faber concludes that the claim of Jewish domination is false and that the Jewish role in slavery was “exceedingly limited.” According to Faber, British Jews were always in the minority of investors in slaving operations and were not known to have been among the primary owners of slave fleets. Faber found that, with few exceptions, Jews were minor figures in brokering the sale of slaves upon their arrival in the Americas, and given the urban-dwelling propensity of most American Jews, few accumulated large rural properties and plantations where slave labor was most concentrated. According to Faber, Jews were more likely than non-Jews to own slaves, but on average they owned fewer of them. Other studies, by Harold Brackman and Saul Friedman, reached similar conclusions. In a 1994 article in the New York Review of Books, David Brion Davis, an emeritus professor of history at Yale University and author of an award-winning trilogy of books about slavery, noted that Jews were one of countless religious and ethnic groups around the world to participate in the slave trade: The participants in the Atlantic slave system included Arabs, Berbers, scores of African ethnic groups, Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch, Jews, Germans, Swedes, French, English, Danes, white Americans, Native Americans, and even thousands of New World blacks who had been emancipated or were descended from freed slaves but who then became slaveholding farmers or planters themselves." Cont.

>> No.21790777

Davis went on to note that in the American South in 1830 there were “120 Jews among the 45,000 slaveholders owning twenty or more slaves and only twenty Jews among the 12,000 slaveholders owning fifty or more slaves.”

>> No.21790819
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>Keep licking that boo
lel you don't get to say that.

>> No.21790890
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>black people get killed more on average than white.
Yeah, by other black people.

>> No.21790956

Never said it was good or bad.

>> No.21790976


>> No.21791040
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Boy you believe propaganda so easily.

>> No.21791631

but unironically