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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21762065 No.21762065 [Reply] [Original]

Did you fill your bags with swipies (SXP) yesterday?

>> No.21762423

Nope but I did this very morning - LETS FUCKING GOO

>> No.21762543

Sure did Captain

>> No.21763015


My initial buy at $3.02 filled yesterday morning, and I had to swing down all day to arrive at a $2.55 cost basis... total pain in the ass but worth it. Hope we see another dip down to the 2.65 level for one more grab.

>> No.21763083

We're going to be so fucking rich, bros.

>> No.21763125


I don't think I'll get rich from SXP, but hope to get some nice tendies

>> No.21763224

max margin bought the dip, almost lost it all but i didn't pussy out

feeling comfy rn

>> No.21763285

I only have spare money invested. I don't fear dips.

However, I do need to take some risks to build capital. Trading high and buying low is something I've done successfully (luck), but it was stressful as hell.

>> No.21763347

Yeah, it was such an obvious buy yesterday. Now just hold until 10x.

>> No.21763387

This >>21763353

>> No.21763390

Did anyone screenshot skrying anon's price predictions?

>> No.21763418


Cute FUD tranny, go buy some XRP

>> No.21763466

Bought at 2.25 yesterday easiest buy all week

>> No.21763473


He said it would drop to $2.20 and ride up to $4, probably pull back from there, then breakout to $6... course his chart was SXP/BTC, so this is assuming same price bitcoin.

>> No.21763504

No, because I'm waiting to dump my bags on the suckers who bought yesterday.

>> No.21763530


Please do faggot.

>> No.21763649

not gonna lie i was stressed out even though i bought with the mindset that i dont care if i get liquidated

>> No.21763715

>No, because I'm waiting to dump my bags on the suckers who bought yesterday.

Are you saying you hold enough to influence the price? lol ya right

>> No.21763847

Crypto is my only chance of changing my life significantly. I don't just lose money, I lose all hope of a better life.

>> No.21763889

I'm still doing things to change my life, but I can only get so far without money.

I'm never going to be properly employed. Integrated with any social groups. Money doesn't fix all problems, but it helps open doors and easing symptoms.

>> No.21763914

Staking starts in less than 4 hours.

About to make hundreds of dollars worth a day in passive income.

Joselito about to delist SXP futures to keep deflationary model intact.

Comfiest hold evar.

>> No.21763968

>About to make hundreds of dollars worth a day in passive income

>> No.21764265

How is this fud?
Explain please

>> No.21764924


>> No.21765006

It's not going to pump, i'm saying this to save you money. You are all literally kids buying and selling by fomo, seriously fucking retards.

>> No.21765225

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.21765277


Bless you anon