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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21754586 No.21754586 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all of you think you will make money once staking for Chainlink is released? You realize that staking for Chainlink simply means that nodes are putting a penalty deposit to guarantee the veracity of their data?

So let me ask you, are you running a node? No? Then, how will staking help you?

If you are running a node, how does staking help you? It actually doesn't directly, it can hurt you because you might lose your penalty deposit. That said, it is true that nodes offering higher stakes might receive more jobs.

Regardless, I have no idea why most people here think they're suddenly going to make passive income once staking is released. B-b-but what about Staked.us you might ask? As far as I know this is just the equivalent of lending out your LINK for yield farming - why aren't you doing that now if you want passive income?

So far the only actual beneficiaries of staking will be LP token holders as far as I can see it.

>> No.21754678
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>> No.21754711

Holy based !
How do you do that !?

>> No.21754734

Good think i have LP tokens then right :)

>> No.21754745

>Regardless, I have no idea why most people here think they're suddenly going to make passive income once staking is released. B-b-but what about Staked.us you might ask? As far as I know this is just the equivalent of lending out your LINK for yield farming - why aren't you doing that now if you want passive income?
Because the demand for staked links on a node operators platform will be greater

>> No.21754777

>Why do all of you think you will make money once staking for Chainlink is released?

Oh wait it's cause you're a retarded faggot, how could I forget.

>> No.21754794

If you held as many linkies as we do you'd understand.

>> No.21754929

spoonfeed me, the post

>> No.21754993
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No really you actually don't understand. I'm not even looking to be spoonfed. Staking will not affect anyone not running a node unless some others LinkPool type pooling systems are built. Even at that point the other pooling systems talked about are not actually running nodes and splitting profits they seem to just be lending out your LINK, which you could do right now if you wanted to (so why don't you?).

>> No.21755018


>> No.21755087

A high iq play is to own 1 linkpool per 10k link so you can stake it all. Also dumb to think major CEXs won't have staking options. You think Coinbase won't let you stake link for a 33 percent cut and print money ad infinitum off the never sellers?

>> No.21755096

pools + even if you don't hold lp you'll be able to use it just without priority

>> No.21755210
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Yes I agree, LP did stake 10K+ so you could even go a bit more conservative and say 12.5K per etc.

Coinbase etc. will likely eventually have staking options, but your best bet is to stake immediately and I doubt they will let you immediately. As well, it's not clear if they will let you maintain custody of your LINK whereas LP will let you maintain custody - do you feel like trusting a CEX with your LINK? If so, then do it now, you can lend it to Binance currently and get a return.


which pools? and that last part is speculation

>> No.21755301


>> No.21755416
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Yeah, the main concern will be that there won't be demand for borrowing LINK from the node operator's side. Heck, the current APY for borrowing LINK on Aave is below 1%. So let's say the node operators would just borrow LINK from Aave so they could do additional jobs. As long as the rate on Aave remains low, there will not be any demand to create a free to join pool. The only way, at the beginning at least, is to buy a share into a node like the whole Linkpool share thing so the profits would be shared just by the node share holders. Free link pooling would start when taking in more link would benefit the linkpool node share holders. Otherwise you would just be diluting the profit.

>> No.21755503

I will be running my own node on Ankr. No I’m not a developer and I know shit about it. DYOR

>> No.21755568

I have linkpool. I’m sure others will take up doing what link pool does when they see how much untapped value there is just sitting in wallets. Also something to think about are public’s pools like balancer or yearn vault like nodes where certain amounts are kept and you to put up certain something to obtain node access. There’s a lot of ways to do this you just need a little creativity.

>> No.21755655

I don't think I'll be making any staking gains any time soon after it's released. But eventually I will be, and that is exciting. Why aren't you excited anon?

>> No.21755678

Nah, I dont even bother reading White papers

>> No.21755793

The nodes will want to be overbonded between 2:1 and 3:1 ratio. The rune team has had many hours of research one this but they only do liquidity pools. Think about how much link is needed bonded to nodes for million dollar contracts

>> No.21755921

What's the risk of losing link tokens once they're staked?

>> No.21755982

fuck people like you are the fucking dumb cunts that shouldn't even be in this space - you ruin it for the rest of us. just get the fuck out and stay out you dumb cunt

>> No.21755983

>(so why don't you?).
Maybe because it's fucking stupid to have cryptographic assets then willingly send them to someone else who could just run off with your money???

>> No.21755989
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>that last part is speculation
pic related

>> No.21756029

>reddit spacing

>> No.21756066

I have around 11k link. Should I sell some to get 1 linkpool share?

>> No.21756075
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lmao explain how I'm stupid? you don't even understand what I'm saying and you prove it by not disproving anything I say

this is exactly what I'm alluding to...if it wasn't stupid people would be doing it now, so why do they think once staking is released suddenly it's OK?

this is completely unrelated

>> No.21756076

Impeccably based an 777 checked. This truly is our timeline marines

>> No.21756126

Borrow against your link to get LP, if you’re going to. Don’t sell your link.

>> No.21756154

wtf... you can sticky a post? it stays at the top anyway lol

>> No.21756227

he's telling you the truth, Muneer.

>> No.21756275

The fact that you fundamentally do not understand the difference between staking as collateral in nodes (you have custody) and lending LINK (you have promises) is the reason why you will never make it.

>> No.21756280

>come out to the street, we'll get together, take a few poops.
I mean maybe next time I'm in Mumbai but I'm kinda busy rn.

>> No.21756355

does anyone have any estimates of what ChainLink’s APY would be? just curious. even a rough range. loving my tezzies is all

>> No.21756422

>I'm going to insult this person to trick them into answering my questions for me!

I hate this newfag strategy.

>> No.21756444
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lmao I completely understand the differences. Do you?

I'm saying that there are a few ways to earn passive income through LINK, one is NOT by staking, it is by running a node. Joining a staking pool is a second, but if you do not have this or run a node then you MUST use the third option which is lending which is what a lot of these CEX's and other "staking" platforms will be offering (not actually penalty deposits just straight lending).

So many fucking brainlets on /nubiz/

>> No.21756478

I said you can use LP without holding the LP token. Pic related is the LP team saying US citizens can use their staking services but can't hold the LP token. What's 2+2?

>> No.21756505
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There is no fixed APY because it's dependent on jobs and rewards etc., you would get a fixed APY lending LINK perhaps but I wouldn't trust it.

lmao this is wahat everyone is doing to me to try and fucking get a clue.

staking releases tomorrow and a lot of you guys will finally get it through your head what I'm actually talking about (hey where's my passive income, staking is released wtf...)

>> No.21756520

Bigger than the gainz
Never staking

>> No.21756565
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You can use NaaS but the implication of using LP suggest you could also join the staking pool (there is no explicit limitation described when saying "using LP") which is again not clear because likely the limits of the pool will be taken up in full by the LP holders.

>> No.21756627

you won't be able to stake for the first year, which is when the gains will be the biggest. LPlers wil be able to pick the top tier nodes.

>> No.21756634

i don’t really care about the passive income for myself, but the network isn’t complete until there’s staking. it will never be fully decentralized without it and for me that’s still the biggest fud which is why staking is important.

>> No.21756704
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I totally agree staking is important I just disagree with people who think they will be making passive income from staking if they do not hold LP or otherwise have a plan to run a node. Yes you can wait for other "staking" pools to exist but this is not clear when or how they will, if they will maintain custody of your LINK, or if they are even "staking" (as a penalty deposit) pools backed by nodes running jobs or "staking" (as lending pools)

>> No.21756742

>US citizens will be permitted to use LP's pooled staking
dyor I guess, ive literally talked to mat about this in the past
and as for LP holders taking all the pool spots I guess that depends on how much use you think the network will get over time which again means dyor

>> No.21756785
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no it's not "do my own research" it's you have not proven your point and you should DYOR

>> No.21756871

>even if you don't hold lp you'll be able to use it just without priority
>that last part is speculation
>post picture stating US citizens will be permitted to use LP's pooled staking
>i haven't proven my point

>> No.21756965
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Just because you are permitted to do something does not mean you will be able to do it. You have permission but again the limits might be taken by LP holders.

>> No.21757081

which goes back to how big you personally believe the network will be. in my view LP will have room for both LP holders and others in addition to major exchange-run nodes and a multitude of insured private pools

>> No.21757130
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I hope so yeah

>> No.21757715

>Also dumb to think major CEXs won't have staking options.
And why would a billionaire company like Coinbase share their profits with you? You still don't understand that staking with Chainlink is not a financial instrument, but an operational instrument. They won't earn more for letting more people to stake in their node. They will have a capped demand of LINK to be used as penalty. CEx will still play with loans and leverage, so OP is making an excellent point. Why don't you lend them your LINK right now?

>> No.21757758

wow what's wrong with the US?

>> No.21757813 [DELETED] 

Are there really this man bizraelis who aren't yield farming

>> No.21757931

Are there really this many /biz/raelis who aren't yield farming

>> No.21757953


>> No.21758057

Yield farming is for short sighted vermin. They should have used those loans to buy LP, but noooo "LP is too expensive, I should have gotten in early but IDK hurrr". Now 1LP costs 40k. And on and on. When staking lunches they'll have to use all the shekels they made farming yams and noodles just to buy half a LP.

>> No.21758142

link holders are morons, more news at 11.

>> No.21758168

The more link you've locked, the more valuable smartcontracts you can provide data to, the more profits you'll get. Providers will be incentiviced to hold and stake link. Once the big players are involved, and mortgages etc are on ETH, with payments processed via banks and LINK, you'll see link have tons of demand, and no change in supply

>> No.21758207

Fucking nigger

>> No.21758454

Top Kek

>> No.21758750

What stops LinkPool from fucking up their data feed and causing the pool to lose their collateral LINK?

We just have to have faith in them?

>> No.21758848

definitely reddit spacing good eye fren

>> No.21758858

Staking reduces circulating supply.

>> No.21758900

I've been holding LINK since 2018 and I've never been able to understand why everyone is so bullish on staking. Staking always caused dumps, tokens get locked and whales sell for profits and your staking rewards aren't worth shit anymore.

Not to mention the fact that supply will actually increase since node operators will be getting paid from the 650m. inb4 linkies will be locked in nodes, you can still sell them by paying some fee probably.

Also neet nodes will never happen because big name companies will be running their own nodes so your best bet is to get into a staking pool and kike out 25% or more to the staking kikes (horserimmers).

Honestly LINK as a project is great but I think staking won't have a positive affect on the price like everyone is suggesting.

What do you guys think?

>> No.21758954

how do you buy linkpool?

>> No.21759291

Reverse time to a point you're not priced out

>> No.21759532

Let me put this another way entirely.
I don't plan to stake tokens. So there's no direct impact.
However, the project moving forward, reaching new milestones, new developments which will open the service to additional customers and generate new users. Yes, of course that'll be a good thing for anybody holding tokens. I mean the whole point of any of this is that we think the tokens will be worth more when the project is more widely used. So by that measure every major milestone toward widespread adoption is of course a positive thing.
And the fact that "staking" by its very definition reduces the circulating supply and incites a potential increase in demand, well of course that's a positive thing as well.

>> No.21759662

I'm going to be running a node and API that provides granular information about your moms twat. Litre of cum / hour, std statuses, etc.

>> No.21760441

at this point I don't think there's a pasta I can't recognize from the first sentence on here anymore

>> No.21761112
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OP's back. Yes I understand why staking is important to the network participants but people here need to understand that by simply holding the LINK token they are not network participants

LinkPool is paying for all of the lost penalty deposits so LinkPool stakers will be unharmed, and it would not make sense for them to lose their own money

>> No.21761160
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and just to qualify this, yes I also know that staking will lead to price appreciation for the LINK token but by network participants I mean nodes, data requestors etc., simple holders are not included in my definition.

>> No.21761331

Staking is a win-win even if there are no rewards. Tokens will be locked up and become more scarce, driving the price up

>> No.21761379
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refer to


>> No.21761565

exchanges will offer staking pools as well.
people/companies with nodes will offer staking pools.

>> No.21761599

no. it's called the second layer of defense.
the first layer is completely secured w/ Ari Juels at the helm. the second layer staking is irrelevant for now.

This. Staking is a risky business, it can make or break it. There's no reason to have extra layer security if the first is working perfectly.

what /biz/ said since day 1: CHAINLINK WAS CREATED FOR ENTREPRISES. Enjoy the ride frens.

>> No.21761631
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again this falls into the problem of custody, they likely won't even let you control your crypto, and exchanges already offer "staking pools" now except it's not staking as a penalty deposit it's staking as lending - and no one uses them for custody reasons

>> No.21761695

>won't even let you control your crypto
as long as i get an insurance guarantee I don't give a fuck

>> No.21761730

Why does this make me think of coinmetro?

>> No.21761759

quick google search says it's not even in the same network.

>> No.21761900

I have no idea what coin this is... but he is undoubtedly based. just bought 100k

>> No.21761910

You made the mistake of trying to reason with linkies. They are just the younger version of the ripple crowd.
They all think in a braindead way: thing used -> token makes money, while in reality neither xrp nor link monetize use at all.

>> No.21761953

nice to see an admin here

>> No.21762004

you don't need to be in a pool to run your own node. very few eth/btc holders run full nodes.

Link node operation requires a decent amount of knowledge and you have to find api's to serve. Tbh you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.21762069

Lol, you make ignorance a meme. Best investment state of mind (unironically). If you have an strategy or an idea, stick to it. Lot's of things and strategies prove right if only the right timeframe is applied.

>> No.21762100

What the fuck did you just fucking say about XRP, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in business school, and I’ve been involved in numerous trades in cryptocurrency, and I have over 300 confirmed sales. I am trained in pump and dump and I’m the top broker in the entire UK stockbroker forces. You are nothing to me but just another investor. I will wipe your wallet the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about XRP on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers across the UK and your Bitcoin private key is being deciphered right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your crypto protofolio. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outbuy you in over seven hundred currencies, and that’s just with my CEX account. Not only am I extensively trained in chart analysis, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the cryptocurrency chats and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable wallet off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, literally, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your Bitcoins are already gone, kiddo.

>> No.21762112

32 LINK has always been the make it staking stack.

>> No.21762113

give me a quick rundown on staking. isnt this basically crypto loaning in a market so oversaturated that its like money growing on trees? what if people dont pay it back do you just accept the losses since you get free money from other loanees who do pay back? and how do i partake in such a jewish activity?