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21757252 No.21757252 [Reply] [Original]

Linkoids btfo

>> No.21757294


>> No.21757327

I don't get this psyop. He's so knowledegable about markets and he bailed out few days after purchase?

>> No.21757329

i don't get it. don't stocks do that much in like a month or more lol

>> No.21757330

Lmao he does not realise he’s messed with the best memes in the web, his big ego is going to be crushed. Literally do not care if he’s in or out but this shit is hilarious

>> No.21757354

Tesla has gone from 180 to 2.1k in a like 2 months..

>> No.21757356

If Link dropped because of this it implies too much power lies in individuals or a group who can crash it based on whatever views they have.

Blockfolio acknowledging the connection hints to potentially Blockfolio themselves having caused the crash, as no human alive would specifically blame a random twitter person for the crash.

As for Link, it is not done crashing. This is a bear trap designed to trap those who recently got burned who think that it'll perhaps recover OR those who think they can time the market.

>> No.21757362

he could literally buy back and have more link then biz kek

>> No.21757377

I personally think the bear trap is just finished, many many sold including this numbnuts

>> No.21757396

This is why you just don’t sell. Buy dip and hold.

>> No.21757401

why does anyone give a fuck about this guy is he a famous shitcoiner or something

>> No.21757409

He's a pied piper.

>> No.21757412

either the top truly is in, or Link memes are truly going to decimate normie idols in the most brutal fashion imaginable.

Imagine this tweet in a meme a year from now, when davy is still talking shit and Link is over $100.

>> No.21757433

There is not enough circulating supply on exchanges for him to do that, learn how trading works and don’t go by hurrr durr circulating supply x price

>> No.21757457

Either Blockfolio caused the crash OR this entire thing is a psyop designed to make people think the worst is over.

> Popular person invests
> Link dumps
> Everyone gets burned hard
> Popular person says they have sold
> Link pumps
> People think the worst is over
> People think they are smarter than Popular person because they brought the dip

>> No.21757459

>Blockfolio themselves having caused the crash
>This is a bear trap
>reddit spacing
you are dumb and should stop posting

>> No.21757471

Name stocks other than Tesla. Crypto does what Tesla did every week.

>> No.21757485

that's tesla though, another one is amazon but they're isolated examples.

>> No.21757504

i like this guy

>> No.21757514

Daily reminder this guy is personal friends with Jim Cramer and Donald Trump. Your small gains in Chainlink mean nothing to him. You faggots were meant to pump the market for him, not make him exit.

>> No.21757542

How the fuck does anyone expect basement dwelling NEETS to pump the market?

>> No.21757544

check ur facts please. fucking brainlets

>> No.21757555

Some coins never hit near the ATH again and in particular its difficult to determine if they ever will.

BTC, ETH, XRP, BAT, XTZ, XLM, etc...

Granted that can change, but to buy in at the current price and still be hodling the bags when it drops to a tenth of its current value would be difficult to justify as opposed to attempting to Swing OR simply selling.

>> No.21757573

7% increase? im up 10 000% whats he bragging about?

>> No.21757585

This. We can’t show him or (((them))) that their tactics are not working. We have to pretend they are and go along with them. Otherwise they will never get the green light to pump to the moon. (((They))) expect most of us to sell.

>> No.21757605


>> No.21757608

XTZ literally hit a new ath last week

>> No.21757622

You are thinking about this too deeply, you overestimate normies

>> No.21757640

MTGOX did exactly this multiple times anon. It is not new to crypto in the slightest.

>> No.21757669

Normies will buy when someone they idolise buy.
Normies will sell when someone they idolise sells
Biz will buy when a dip occurs after a massive pump

>> No.21757681

Didnt this guy make heavier losses after holding for a matter of days

>> No.21757740

XTZ's ATH is $12.19/£9.31 on December 17th 2017.

Its recent high was $4.41/£3.37 on August 13th.

So no, it has not hit a new ATH.

>> No.21757764

Oh shut the fuck up dude, Blockfolio is not an exchange

>> No.21757781

Lol, link has my initial up two DIGITS, and I have more linkies than when I invested after last week. :)

>> No.21757823

Yes, I cannot possibly imagine why a crypto tracker that survives on data harvesting would try and convince you to invest in crypto while trying to shame a celeb for attention

It's like you are intentionally being stupid.

>> No.21757824

IOUs on HitBTC with one million volume is not price discovery. It was a scam to lure people who missed the ICO.

Not sure why price trackers would even take HitBTC seriously.

>> No.21757860

Alright this dude is officially our enemy. How can we make this fucker pay???

>> No.21757943

>implying I give a shit what some pizza reviewing kike thinks

The guy made hundreds of millions combining TFM + sports. Good on him for doing that, but it's not like he did anything groundbreaking or special. The only reason he's giving investment advice is because he can't judge shitty pizza shops in NYC and desperately craves attention. This sports shilock only bought LINK because normies bought in and wanted to ride the wave. I can guarantee he's never read the white paper or realizes the potential billions of dollars Chainlink will save through trustless, self-executing smart contracts, putting his fellow tribesman out of a job.

At the end of the day, he's still an ugly, manlet jew who will never find a woman that will love him for anything but his money. I can live with myself knowing my 30K stack won't come close to his net worth, but at least I'll be able to live my life freely and not live my life as an attention whore.

>> No.21757981
File: 2.07 MB, 1125x2436, 78247BA1-EA81-47AB-9D8E-47D1716FEC13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think again. even if he market bought $500k right now I’d still have more than him. sorry you’re a broke faggot

>> No.21758361
File: 245 KB, 681x1024, 17995633548_98ac4d5afb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up 600% Davey.

>> No.21759015

Just keep buying LINK. This brainlet will neck himself in 5 years when he sees what chainlink has become.

>> No.21759145
File: 62 KB, 617x1018, 1532129845850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon will Portney dangle from a rope,because he is a no-linker and will not believe our godly gains

>> No.21759259
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>> No.21759292


>> No.21759415
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