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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21755144 No.21755144 [Reply] [Original]

>if I would have browsed /biz/ instead of /pol/ in 2016, I'd be a millionaire now

how do I cope with this fact? I wasted years following stupid political shit instead of getting rich, I'm so fucking stupid holy shit.

>> No.21755186

Yeah I feel you fren. I only found this place in April. We could have beaten the kikes at their own games by now. It’s okay tho, we’re on the right track.

>> No.21755208

You are making way too many assumptions about what you would and would not have invested in.
>t. been here since 2014

>> No.21755230

Everyone here is in that position. If we would have browsed the right board in 2008, we might have bought Bitcoin for less than a dollar. No one here has not missed massive opportunities.
Stop dwelling on what could have been and work on what could still be.

>> No.21755235

hope so brother, fucking financial freedom was just a few clicks away and I've missed it

I'd literally just buy ETH and hold, I know myself

>> No.21755267

It wouldn't have mattered trust me.
>t. browsed /biz/ in 2016 instead of /pol/ now

>> No.21755271

Start browsing biz now faggot

>> No.21755275

Bought or mined

>> No.21755277

Who knows? It took me a couple months to really get on board the LINK train desu. Maybe if I’d seen the price action from like $0.40 to $1 or whatever it was I may have gotten on board then.

>> No.21755291

I was on /g/ when people were giving out free BTC feels bad man I didnt believe at the time

>> No.21755325

Stop thinking about the past and get into crypto now or do you wanna post again next year about how you should have bought in 2020?

>> No.21755366

I'm already in crypto now but I only have like 6k, feels horrible.

I also wasted some time with stocks like a retard at one point

>> No.21755378

Don't you find it slightly strange that literally, and I mean literally, everyone says this about virtually every good investment, I mean people say this about AAPL, AMZN, LINK, ETH, BTC etc. but then when you actually look at contemporary investors, *most* people at the time didn't actually invest in those companies? Which of the following do you think is likelier:
>you, like most people, would have found 100 different excuses ranging from 'it just pumped 100%, I'll buy it when it dips again' to 'the market cap is already too high for another 10x, better to find the NEXT great investment'
>you, UNLIKE most people, would actually have been the exception and had you only been told about these companies you would definitely have invested and held through multiple dips
Because everyone says they're number 2, but statistics alone dictates that they are not.

>> No.21755413

I feel you, I've been on the chans forever, spent lots of time on /pol/ around 15/16, then real life pulled me away. Came back around May of last year, was desperate for money (just got out of a horrible relationship), said fuck it and started browsing /biz/, and after lurking for a couple weeks I knew it had to be link. Made it just before things really started to take off, only 6k stack but feel a lot comfier about my future now. If there's another eth or link it'll be here, but don't try to force it or fall for scams.

>> No.21755420

Stocks aren’t retarded at all. Only a retard tries to maximize gainz without considering risk, taxes, familiarity, the kind of lifestyle you want, ability to withstand crashes, etc. There’s other considerations you have to take in when you’re trying to make it.

>> No.21755462

depends on your situation. Like I said I was desperate, down to my last thousand dollars, lurked here for a week or two in May 2019, and was convinced link was the one. Got in under a dollar, lucked out cause it was basically the last time it was under a dollar too.

>> No.21755485

maybe. i went /fit to /biz and seriously the two best decisions of my life were lurking them. but you dont know what you wouldve done with the information so get over it and make some moves now.

>> No.21755605

I did qualify with “who knows?”, fren. I know damn well it doesn’t matter what I might have done, cause the fact of the matter is I didn’t do it. I get that.

>> No.21755960

It's a fucking cycle. Don't miss out this one.
If this is your first bullrun, don't over leverage yourself, learn the ropes and you'll still make mad money.
Cash out and then wait for the bear market. That's when you go in deep. So the bull run after that, you've made it.
There free advice for any newfags.

t. Bought LINK during March crash.

>> No.21756144
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Not doing at least /pol/ /biz/ & /fit/....

>> No.21756626

I still haven't started to get /fit/ but tried to improve my eating habits by myself until now.
There seems to be too much to learn from /biz/.
I don't feel like I can add time for /fit/ until after I make it in 2 years.

>> No.21756724

same :/

at least I was dumb enough to dump a ton of money into link through out 2018.

>> No.21757052

unless you get into elite shape the basics aren't too difficult, 90% of it (with regards to controlling weight and body fat%/muscle) is about calories, you don't really need to fine tune your macros until you're already in shape. The lifting stuff, literally just read starting strength and again, until you get a solid base, that will cover 90% of it. Most people fuck up cause they try to copy what elite body builders and fitness athletes do when they have the physique of a couch potato, then burn out when its too tough for them. Kinda the same reason a lot of people get scared off from investing cause they try to do shit like day trade.

>> No.21757123

Most people sell after a couple hundred percent gain, or once a certain milestone gets hit

>> No.21757133

also as someone who's combining /biz/ and /fit/ right now, gains in one will motivate you for gains in the other. Its just a good place to be headspace wise. And if your portfolio is having a shit day, you can go take it out on the weights.