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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21753863 No.21753863 [Reply] [Original]

you did buy link at 13 dollars yesterday, r-right anon?

>> No.21753906
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>> No.21753922
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I did but not enough. Only got 100 LINK.

>> No.21753927

I literally did

>> No.21753933

no i bought the dip at 15, but at least I sold the top

>> No.21753962

$13 a link? Way too expensive. P

>> No.21753965

Blessed be the anon that sold, knowing that this would cause link to never be bellow $13 ever again

>> No.21753988

35 USD in exactly (to the second) ten days from now. Screencap this.

>> No.21754032

How would I buy? I was already all in.

>> No.21754068

nope still waiting. You'll see

>> No.21754120

I had laddered buy orders all the way upto $8, if it makes a sharp upmove, it’s bound to come back again at a good fib level where I’ll reaccumulate.
Eitherways, I sold at $19-20 so any accumulation level means I have more link than previously.

>> No.21754150
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No, but I just bought 11k Link at $15.50

>> No.21754187

Yeah but i'm saving the rest of my money to buy after the smartcon dump

>> No.21754412

12 cents op

>> No.21754505

No, I bought years ago for 23 cents.

>> No.21754744

I moved to fiat and am looking at gold miners, crypto winter is predicable

>> No.21754772

enjoy those taxes lmao

>> No.21754904

I don’t live in a country where it matters.

>> No.21755062

they only come after you if you owe like 20k? i mean if they dont mail you a form dont worry about it. losses in the past prob cover it anyway lol

>> No.21755142


>> No.21755152

I did sell at 13.22 yes

>> No.21755187
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>> No.21755265
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>buying the dead cat bounce

>> No.21755284

Hope you're right brother. Is it still gonna be dropping on Sunday? Morning or evening (North America)?

>> No.21755298
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I added $10k worth at $14.88 the day before. You don't need to tell me how based I am, I know.

t. 49.5k Link OG Never Sold 1 Link

>> No.21755392

Any idea when we're gonna be able to stake Chainlink? Guys like you could make a killing

>> No.21755595
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I think details will be announced at the conference. If not, there will be news big enough to pump the price way above the previous high...

And yeah, I'm going to make a killing because I know what I have. This shit is just getting started. Triple digits WILL come. If that's EOY or 2-3 years, I can wait.

>> No.21755676
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that was a cute little dip and I’m glad all the plebbits, stoolies, and other assorted broke retards are gone. now we can resume the moon mission in peace.

>> No.21755762

if you’re a broke neet with no income and minimal gains you’re probably good. if you end up making any substantial gains a year or even a couple years from now you will have to declare and they can and will audit you up to 7 years into the past so hopefully you’re keeping track of your trades.

>> No.21755878

Newfags don’t remember the drop from high $4 to low $1. 9.26% dip is nothing.

>> No.21755963

Im going to be so happy when the corpse of this faggot is found with a fork inside his throat. He fucking deserved it for messing with us.

>> No.21755993


>> No.21756008

Take it easy, Edge the hedgeheg

>> No.21756014

It's going to 10. Bull trap

>> No.21756119

>Lol durr taxes lol

Stop posting

>> No.21756230
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I sold my my link at 13 dollars yesterday

>> No.21756242


>> No.21756267

Why? You know values fluctuate right?

>> No.21756607

Change this to say buyed

>> No.21756911

Reminder if you sold a single link when it dipped you aren't a real marine.

>> No.21756950

no but I bought 1818 DUSK

>> No.21757097

nah. ill buy at $8 or $4. cap this

>> No.21757166

I bought 8k link at $13.8

>> No.21757322

Nobody's gonna give a shit about Link in a year. Screencap this. Sell your Link for COCOS-BCX. It's over.

>> No.21757373
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thanks for pumping my bags for the next 500k dump

hold the line marines

>> No.21757977

That's a lot of dollars

>> No.21758107

Those that sell on this next pump better be happy with their profit because it will not be dropping again. This is truly the final shakeout. Watch and see.

>> No.21758183

You are dilerious, you just witnessed the bottom yesterday.

>> No.21758384
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Literally caught the falling knife, feels good bros

>> No.21758431
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I automatically buy every paycheck so I'm always buying the dip

>> No.21758549

Wew. I bought 8k for 20k USD

>> No.21758623

>high $4 to low $1
Wasn't this because of Covid-19 though?

>> No.21758649

>$4 to low $1
Wasn't this because of Covid-19?

>> No.21758911
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anyone remember this?

>> No.21759000

absolutely seething, I think we're back

>> No.21759071

WHEN IS THE DUMP COMING? Someone said sir gay is planning on unloading a lot more coin. WHEN???
It's incredible how many faggots panic sell instead of buying more during those EZ money dumps.

>> No.21759105

no because I already have a few mil worth of LINK

>> No.21759123

You're basing this on what? Moonboyism and hopium? Wow, bullish

>> No.21759162
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Sir yes sir!

>> No.21759197

What's your basis for this claim? Why can't you spell delirious correctly?

>> No.21759361
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Finally bought at the perfect time, I'm gonna make it :)

>> No.21759375

Make sure to sell at the perfect time too. Like, right now.

>> No.21759409

No I bought at .17

>> No.21759426

Im done with buying crypto... i might set it to auto buy $500 link a month or something, but no more large buy ins. Just going to sit back and see what happens. I have 20k link and 100 eth so i think thats good enough for me

>> No.21759498


>> No.21759510
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I have so much trust in chainlink I bought at $18.50
It’s just money, stop being so petty

>> No.21759572
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>> No.21759720

Ask yourself this brainlet, who is buying at $16 today when they could have filled their bags yesterday at $13.25? Duh?

>> No.21759764

Keep hodling, retard

>> No.21759797

kek I hope someone screencapped that

>> No.21759869

Wait, is your logic here seriously "people are buying at $16 today therefore $13 is confirmed as the absolute bottom"?

If so, are you actually retarded? Jesus Christ

>> No.21759896
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>> No.21759946

I bought at .20, I couldn’t be comfier.

>> No.21759952

yeah, such a good price, real undervalued low mcap gem.

truth is, deflation's gonna continue.

>> No.21760000

seriously I'm genuinely mindfucked by this right now it's so completely nonsensical it reads like some Jewish pilpul non-argument I'd get on /pol/


What in the literal fuck is your point? What does this prove?

>I'm actually okay with losing tens of thousands of dollars in unrealized gains because I'm still in the green :) NEVER SELLING, HODL THE LINE!

Wow, original

>> No.21760058


>> No.21760068

You really are not as smart ass you think you are, go ahead and sell that swingstack or what you have been hodling and take some profit. You are sure you will get back in on the next drop, right? Go for it.

>> No.21760094

Lol you really have no argument other than to call me dumb. Good job

>> No.21760140

oh and I did sell, at $18, and I'll buy back in after the deflationary crash in the next few months

good luck marine

>> No.21760191

>So wait, is your logic here that... people are paying more today proves that yesterday was the bottom? What?


Profound anon, really nicely done.

>> No.21760208
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I set a buy order at $13:80 last night. It was risky, i expected it to either dump through $13:80 and wake up to $10 or it would pump to $16 without filling.

Amazingly it filled then pumped. Thanks Sergey.

>> No.21760228

I am not arguing with you at all. Hope it all works out for you if you sell and want back in at a lower price. Good luck with that.

>> No.21760319

I am sorry Anon, enjoy your profit.

>> No.21760603

It's not going to go anywhere until smartcon. Anyone who sells before either doesn't know its happening or is a complete fucking retard who doesn't deserve to make it

>> No.21760840

No i didn't. i bought link between $0.11 and $0.30 because i'm not a retard.

>> No.21761260

I couldn't.

I'm already all in.

>> No.21761389

good thing i bought at 4 dollars

>> No.21761718

I bought at 14.50 which feels kinda high but I'm pretty confident.

>> No.21761768
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Dubs check out