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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2174823 No.2174823 [Reply] [Original]




Seriously though, I'm so glad I held after all the blood today. I love the potential of this beautiful coin.

Also, RDD and MOON are literal scams

>> No.2174832


>> No.2174838

You still haven't given up yet... when will you ever learn????


>> No.2174839

I'm at work.

>> No.2174848

whats your guys PT ?

$1 here.

>> No.2174854



remember to buy more DGB after you cum

>> No.2174863

Thank you friend.
You are absolutely based.

>> No.2174871
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Gangsta niggas will be rapping about DGB in the future

>> No.2174872

This is fucking retarded. I keep trying to buy these whale accumulation dips but the prices shoot up too fast for me to buy.

>> No.2174881
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>> No.2174884

>MOON and RDD is a scam
The fucking irony.

>> No.2174901


>Holding 500k DGB
>100 sats each
>Not too worried
>Looking at my 10k from DGBs
>Stock drop
>Oh god, I wish they were on an exchange for if they hit 1/2 ATH
>Freaking out a little
>Price corrects
>Kind of glad my DGBs are on my wallet now

Every. Single. Time.
You're welcome for the pitchforks btw.

>> No.2174908


>> No.2174919

please don't associate this coin with niggers.

>> No.2174997



dump uncensored on /b/ senpai

>> No.2174999



>> No.2175126

People that bought in at higher than 600 sats need to sell, what the fuck are you all doing lol?

>> No.2175131

weak hands have been shook out

moon time

>> No.2175192
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>> No.2175302


Weak or stupid. Time will tell, desu

>> No.2175817
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Stupid of course

>> No.2175834

where did you learn drawing like this anon?

>> No.2175849
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"buy DigiByte", /biz/ said
"it's going to the moon!", /biz/ said
"this is your chance to be rich", /biz/ said

why do people do this? go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.2175854


>> No.2175876

You understand that even if you bought at 900 like a retard, you still wouldn't be down very much?
Have you seen how high BTC has rised? Why do you think alts drop?
Either complete newfag or major fail FUD

>> No.2175880
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"There's a sucker born every minute"

>> No.2175893

is that a custom ID or something? I see racist nigger holy shit

>> No.2175897

I'm just fucking around. I bought in at about 650, so given the price rise of BTC I've actually gained. Still, I have doubts about the future moon potential of DGB. I still don't quite see what sets it apart from the ocean of other shitcoins

>> No.2175931
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Literally 3 fucking patterns are pointing to an upcoming uptrend. You can lead a horse to a water and it will drink, but you can never convice a retard FUD to do the same.

I hope they all have their shotguns loaded because they will literally want to kill themselves for selling/not buying during the next moon shot.

>> No.2175934

it's ogre for DGB. I sold mine at a loss yesterday just to get off the sinking ship. the minecraft thing was always a meme but i was hoping it'd at least reach 1k sats before the great drop-off. oh well, at least i got moon

>> No.2175962

>I sold mine at a loss yesterday
No wonder you did something so retarded, you bought at such a high price.
Nice moon shill too. These FUDs are really weak today.

>> No.2176002


Literal DGB Spirit Bomb.
A triangle three days in the making powered by the thousands of DGB souls and beliefs.

It will rise
It will be glorious
All hail DGB.

>> No.2176046
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>> No.2176056

Uhhhh it's below 600 sats bro, time to move on.

Digi had no potential to begin with, earned my 10k and got out, I suggest you do the same before it's too late.

>> No.2176065


You're going to regret it in a weak. Trust me.

I sold them all and regretted it. Not making this mistake with DGB

>> No.2176070
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>> No.2176079


Hail DGB.
Praise kek.

>> No.2176085

It already was below 600 less than an hour ago you newfag.

>> No.2176102

People hold on to a coin made for long term investment for three days and freak out when it isn't shooting up 300%

>> No.2176111

Was it? I sold somewhere over 1k because I'm not gonna baghold shitcoins in a bull market.

But by all means, keep holding m8.

>> No.2176114


Seriously tho. Once BTC has the first day of negative, people are starting to get out and all this shit will come back.

Very easy to see right now

>> No.2176129
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>> No.2176131

support line on my chart is 570ish

>> No.2176144

why are you doing this to me im not a whale i dont even have 0.1 bitcoins
i just wanted to make some extra money...

>> No.2176145

now is the perfect time to start buying in increments

>> No.2176169

584 and still falling, you sweating yet, cuck?

>> No.2176170

This is a test guys.
It's been a couple days, don't be so pathetic.
Why did you buy this coin in the first place?

>> No.2176196

nope, not at all, I'm screencapping every thread that's making fun on dgb right now so i can make a FUD suicide watch compilation later next week.

>> No.2176197

Now is the perfect time to buy.

I bought in the 600-700 range so I'm a little red, but if it all cokes surging back it wont even matter, and you guys sweeping now will make some solid as fuck gains

>> No.2176198

we dropped from 784 to 500 sats, it's gonna die tomorrow or today.

>> No.2176210

If it continues at this rate, and the selling won't stop.

>> No.2176234

It had already dropped below 500 earlier you autist.
Just sell already if you have such weak hands.

>> No.2176239

>I bought in at 700-800
>now is the time to buy

You should be scrapbooking shit like this instead.

>> No.2176246

My lord this coin is FUCKING BOTTOMLESS

>> No.2176247

I'm not going to make excuses for the bad performance today, but it's literally been 3 days since the last rally.
Yesterday or the day before RDD dropped to 26 sat, did I fucking sell? no.

This coin isn't for day trading.

>> No.2176256

What? I'm happy with what I'm holding, and anyone can easily get more than me if they want. I have more shit going on than DGB

>> No.2176259

Will you still hodl at 200 sats, sperg?

>> No.2176264

You both are retarded faggots who know nothing about investing or markets. Get out of coin and KYS.

>> No.2176281


Tick tock, tick tock...

>> No.2176286

Whatever, cunt. It will probably moon tomorrow or something.

>> No.2176304


You're right you know.

I have to step back, stop looking at the tape and ask myself "Why did I buy this?"

I bought this because I honestly see a future with this coin.

I said the same about BTC but negative press caused me to get scared and sell.

Same thing happened with ETH, I got scared of the negative press and missed out on 1000x gains.

Not with this one. Not again.

I'm mining DGB and will continue to support it by taking my server space to make it faster.

Why DGB? What's the better BTC alt?

DGB was the first to activate Segwit. The first. No press for it.

DGB is the fastest transactionally. Period.

DGB is affordable, which means a lot to regular people who don't understand what a fucking Sat is and wants to just buy 100 for $1.00

This coin will have smart contracts deployed very soon. It is so scalable.

This coin is going into the gaming niche. A perfect spot right now. Gamer credits are dumb and only involve some arcade shit.

This really is the future or at the very least has the potential.

>> No.2176308

Basically whats happening on /biz/ is people shilled way too fucking hard and now all the goofballs expecting a million dollars tomorrow are getting pissed.

If you guys just had realistic expectations and did your homework youd know whats happening with DGB isnt even new. Just look at the 3M readings.

>> No.2176324

aaand back to 604

>> No.2176356

people who sold DGB today are the ultimate cucks.

weak handed pussies. sad, really

>> No.2176361

Absolutely retarded post.
You can do better.

>> No.2176390
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I believe in you too, I will someday give the best yo mama jokes you ever heard, believe it!

>> No.2176391


And even if you say "It's only a minecraft server", I would ask you how many people play that stupid game?

You do know Digibyte Market exists right? And you can literally buy steam/LoL/WoW gift cards on it.

Once people realize how amazing that is, it's going to be over. Everyone is going to want to be a part of the server.

Remember runescape? I know of friends who mined lumber for fucking days on end, just to get an item.

Don't underestimate this one.

I'm currently working on a USD/DGB exchange. I will be releasing it here soon.

>> No.2176394

>mfw sold it a 720 sats today to buy it a 595 later
risky move, but I knew it would dip.

>> No.2176414

People don't know how many autistic kids play Minecraft and would mom's credit card to buy things

>> No.2176439

who /STAT/ here?

>> No.2176466

waiting for dgb to dip back down to 320 sats to double my investment

>> No.2176474


>VOX will launch app tomorrow, it's gonna moon XD
>DGB will launch minecraft money, it's gonna moon XD

Give me my 0.01 of btc back, you piece of shit, I have 1k of that useless coin right now, my friend is janitor and I will ask him to track your IP, you piece of shit.

>> No.2176522


>living in a country that's way off the first world
>has friends with kids who are old enough to game on pc
>literally all of them are playing minecraft
>a coin that would not show spendings made on minecraft on a credit card bill

i don't believe that this thing will ever moon, but i won't be surprised if it did.

>> No.2176523


You're poor as fuck. Stay a loser.

You were going to be a loser anyway, with ANY coin you buy.

>> No.2176533

VR is a niche thing

>> No.2176546
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Just to reinforce
When it breaks out of that pitchfork and into the final stages of that triangle we're gonna see some shit guys.

>> No.2176553


Do you know how many kids want to buy stuff and Mommie won't let them use their credit card? 60% of minecraft users under 18? At least..

>> No.2176560
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Some humble OC for revamping hype

if you don't want your coins anymore i'll take neglected waifus


>> No.2176563

Lol. Pack a lunch.

>> No.2177255

>the magical two sided Trapezoherdon is pointing towards a meme increase!!
>guys you just gotta think non-euclidian triangles!!
Yeah sure.

>> No.2178431

Hi, me again.

Golly, sure am loving being right as usual

It's still at 550 though! You have time to leave if you want to survive.

>> No.2178441

hodling since 290

>> No.2178453

Only people that bought in at sub 200 are leaving with the real money, take 2x gains and get out, kid.

>> No.2178583

5 2 0

blazing a hole in your pocket :^)

>> No.2178591
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My waifu will never let me down.

Drawfag here, starting a drawing of DGB-chan. When it's done we'll be at 1000 sats fo sho.