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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21749444 No.21749444 [Reply] [Original]

1: Join the Stakenet Discord

2: Ask for access to test their Lightning DEX

3: See how easy, convenient it is to trade INSTANTLY with BTC, through off chain trading

4: Envision how fucking early you are, if you accumulate now

>> No.21749461

CHECKED AND BASED. LINK trading pair will be one of the first pairs added if not the first when raiden is ready.

>> No.21749496

so they said dex would release in august right?
is it releasing?

>> No.21749501

Maybe post a link to discord you fucking mutt

>> No.21749541

Yes, it should be out next week (discord release before pubilc distro). What this means is that anyone can come and download it from the discord. Bug bounties will also be offered as they start to scale.

>> No.21749560

Here faggot.


>> No.21750112

Could you dumb it down even more please?
Where am i

>> No.21750352

on /biz/

>> No.21750632

I'm in. Will check this out.

L2 dex sounds very interesting

>> No.21750727
File: 259 KB, 1920x1044, currentdex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy. If you got the time do some research into the devs, you won't regret it.

>> No.21751296

Thx niggerfaggot

>> No.21751389
File: 58 KB, 626x754, drpiccolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sweat.

>> No.21751457

What's the 'can receive' shit. Honestly scared af to use this.

Do I need to keep a channel open all the time to trade? How the fuck does this shit work.

>> No.21751512

Just how lightning works. You have your wallet, then you move the slider (in your wallet tab) to set how much funds you want in lightning. Once you have funds in lightning you can rental a channel to receive funds for coins you dont own (so even if you don't own litecoin you can still receive it)

>> No.21751528

It takes about 10 minutes to get used to but once you play around with it it's really easy. Also you'll pay much less than what you spend on uniswap.

>> No.21751556

I may be wrong on this. You rent a channel to receive funds kind of like a highway. Need a path back and forth.

>> No.21751628

Honestly that sounds scary af lmao. I put in 0.5btc into the wallet. But I dunno how any of the other shit works.

So I can close the channel once I have litecoin and it goes back off lightning, or it stays in lightning but not in a channel? Mama mia this is some next level shit, I'm too brainlet for this. L2 is really the future? Fuck me I gotta study.

>> No.21751650

>0.05btc ***

>> No.21751677

Again me. Is there a Youtube visual guide on how to use the dex, or somewhere in the discord?

>> No.21751809

You don't have to close the channel straight away as well. Depends on if you trade or not. I'll try to explain better.

When opening a lightning channel or rental a channel you can set how long you want it to be open for (the longer the higher the fee)

Eg. you can open a channel for 14 days if you want, that way you can open and close the wallet and start trading without having to wait for the lightning sync (since it's already open)

So you have 0.05 btc in your wallet.

Lets say you want to put 100% into lightning

In the wallet tab on btc you move the slider all the way to the right. This opens a lightning channel with 100% of your funds. This means you can SEND 0.05 btc over lightning

To receive you need to open a channel rental (think highway, 1 lane send 1 lane recieve, note you can open multiple channels)

So you want to trade btc for xsn

Once the lighting channel is confirmed you can go the xsn wallet and click channel rental, this will allow you to receive funds for xsn.

You can now trade your btc for xsn over lightning

Note im not the best at explaining this. Having a play around with small amounts will help you get the feel of it

They do have guides/videos planned FYI. Lightning is new tech and most people haven't used it before. Stakenet has tried to make it as simple as possible (eg autopilot features)

>> No.21752045

Man, I'll wait till I'm back home to try this. Doing it on a laptop just annoys the shit out of me cause I need to keep switching windows to read stuff.

Maybe when they do the full public beta they will make a video for brainlets.