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21744190 No.21744190 [Reply] [Original]

What's your "Plan B" if crypto fails?

>> No.21744207

Suicide. Not gonna be a slave until I'm old.

>> No.21744224

Helping this anon commit suicide. And then suicide

>> No.21744233

I will probably have to wageslave as a code monkey

>> No.21744238


>> No.21744243

no Plan B, only Plan S

>> No.21744251

Join the BLM riots and loot luxury stores. I want to do my part to support this special movement. And fags will pay top dollar for that shit

>> No.21744257


>> No.21744267

PMs and stonks? You guys ARE diversified in your investments...right?

>> No.21744292

hope that my inheritance is enough to neet on, if not, medical school

>> No.21744344

Living in a van on the road, stopping at gas stations to get head from trannies and huffing gasoline fumes to feel alive.

>> No.21744398

I'm a nurse...So carry on dealing drugs legally I guess.. for same wage as what u get paid in Costco.

>> No.21744399

There's literally no way for me to fail with crypto unless I get extremely unlucky.
I'm going to pump money into crypto from every paycheck I receive until I have made it .

>> No.21744411

Continuing to wage slave
Also probably grad school.

>> No.21744427

Continue to be a wagie. Fuck my gf 3-5 times a week. Play Vidya and renovate my home.
Post pink wojaks until next golden bull then LARP about my LARP stack to make /biz/tards wanna rope for not buying at the bottom.

>> No.21744447

I already cashed out enough for premium kneepads so I am covered on that front.

>> No.21744464

What will you go into?

>> No.21744502

K fag

>> No.21744512

Maybe all your cryptos can fail, KAI is fail proof though.

>> No.21744522


>> No.21744532

Writing my fantasy novel. So I really hope crypto doesn't fail, so I can keep writing the novel without having to worry about money. For some reason I think crypto is a more sure way of making than being a fantasy author.

>> No.21744543

It goes as follows
>Plan A is inheriting my grandparents farm and living in harmony with the earth, eating fresh eggs from my own chickens and driving a comfy tractor
>Plan B is making it with my precious metals investment
>Plan C is making it from my stock portfolio
>Plan D is making it from my crypto portfolio
>Plan E is suicide and/or wageslaving
I will be fine if crypto fails.

>> No.21744570
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Crypto IS plan B

>> No.21745024

Based anon. Wageslave first, crypto second. Helps if you have a good job

>> No.21745536


Checked. Most cryptards blow their life savings on a get-rich-quick scheme. Crypto is valuable but putting all your eggs in one basket is just unwise.

>> No.21745596

18x contract. suicide if i fail.

or doctorate of economics

>> No.21745652

Fucking based

>> No.21745702
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>12 years
>mining hashrate at ATH
>unspent utxo > 1y at ATH
>exchanges btc supply rapidly shrinking
>nasdaq companies buying bitcoin as primary asset
>funds like grayscale hoarding BTC like no tomorrow
anon we are gonna make it, just go all in, buy the dip and never sell

>> No.21745728
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we really are gonna make it aren't we bros

>> No.21746058

Buy $4 dollar homes in detroit, Baltimore, or OKC.

>> No.21746754

if plan a doesn't come through, I will gladly settle for plan S, because I am positive that plan S is always willing and waiting, any time I choose to find it.

>> No.21746778

100x long $ROPE

>> No.21746887

Crypto is already the plan b

>> No.21746895

This. If plan B fails then the next plan is rope, it’s as simple as that.

>> No.21747079

Making it for me as another 15k dollars for my downpayment. I'm gonna get there with wage / stonks.

Don't see how it'll fail. I'll get there eventually.

>> No.21747152

Simple, and humble tastes my Fren youll make it.

>> No.21747153

My plan is to work hard and keep saving and i'm looking at a promotion within the next year. Im planning on buying a house within the next 2 years. And a new car. My main focus currently is getting fit and healthier, developing a social life and getting a girlfriend, and helping looking after the vulnerable members of my family.
My coin portfolio is nothing more than a gambling habit and sometimes hobby. If crypto fails then it was never my plan A and makes little difference to me as i've never bet more than I can afford to lose.

>> No.21747164

I've got too much in crypto to fail at this point.

>> No.21747177

Your living in a fantasy land

>> No.21747199

gay but thats ok

>> No.21747210

i'm gonna open up my family store again.

>> No.21747288
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Going to become a travelling euthanizer and help all these anons commit suicide for a small percent of their holdings

>> No.21747520


I dont see the problem with this, just make it so your home is fortress and its safe to go from car to the street

>> No.21747650

You do not want to be a new doctor now. What used to be a noble, respected, lucrative profession has turned into a computer-staring drug peddler with mountains of bureaucratic nonsense to deal with and either private equity Jews or retard network administrators deciding what patient care decisions you can make. Don’t waste your money on medical school

>> No.21747678

literally no plan. I have no degree or other skills. Just 200k in link. If I don't make it with link im doomed to a life of mediocrity.

>> No.21747921

Come here & shitpost all day

>> No.21747970


>> No.21748064
File: 79 KB, 1280x1280, 57AD5587-EE13-44F5-85AB-CFAE547236DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto ain’t failing. Check out YFIE, dev keys burned, liquidity locked, and the devs are building Polkadot integration. This is the next ZZZ.


>> No.21748794

Smith&Wesson retirement plan

>> No.21748896


>> No.21749186
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>Write off the 3k loss
>Continue to wage slave

My original plan was to lose that money anyway

>> No.21749228

Same as plan A, but with less firepower

>> No.21749254

Teach English and bone Asian girls until I make it in the next bullrun.

>> No.21749394

Already in data engineering, so would get a CS masters specializing in robotics and go into what will be the fledgling consumer robotics data pipelining field by then.

>> No.21749594

idc ill do whatever, who cares
im happy and ill be happy doing whatever

you think you will achieve happiness thru making it? how i pity you

>> No.21749659

Suicide or lobster fisherman

>> No.21749735

Just do what I've already been doing, I make 130k a year at my job and I'm 23. I'm able to invest 70k of it consistently + 20k in retirement contributions. Just keep doing this and getting promotions, retire at 35 with at least 1.5 mil in the bank and fuck off to another country or a low cost of living area with my gf/future wife.

>> No.21749825

Hope my bodybuilding career takes off
If not then I will just be a landscape cuck forever

>> No.21750069

Move from Germany to the US because there is actually stillt opportunity and I’m not being paid 4000€ as a software developer

>> No.21750184


I'm with these guys. I turn 30 next month and my expiry date is 40. If I'm still working then I'll leave shit for my then-11-year-old kid, apologize to my actually great wife and go fucking kill myself

>> No.21750354

continue wage slaving at my security job. it's not so bad, i'm there right now, watching episode of shokugeki no souma and shitposting, so it's really no different from my living room most of the time lol.

for the dataminers
>non-binary femancubus
>mostly in PMs and boomer stocks with <2k in cryptos lol.

>> No.21750467
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sounds fucking lame. Normie tier goals imo.
My plan is to get enlightened while my crypto makes me rich or they become worthless. When I get to my goal money wont matter anyway so it is a win/win situation. Imagine not giving a fuck about any man made systems. Just living life in the moment.

>> No.21750511

Maybe I'll ask my Qt 3.14 computer algorythm teacher to marry me and give normie life a chance

>> No.21750754

memeing about being a code monkey is fine, but tech workers are in the top 1% of the world workers, in pay, work conditions. Would you rather be a quarry worker in a 3rd world shithole inhaling dust and dying from some disease at 40?

>> No.21750897

Plan B? Kill myself

>> No.21751001
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>> No.21751070

What exactly do you think you are checking?