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21741804 No.21741804 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in a bad position in life. I've brought it upon myself. I havent lost any money but I've made my life worse by my own hand. Chainlink has given me a puny sliver of hope that things might one day improve. I have 150 links that I purchased for 1090 usd all together.

>What are my odds of chainlinks being worth 50usd or 100usd a token by the eoy?

Will I have to keep waiting years like the original link OGs? Man I tried to buy 300 link back when it was 2 dollar range but I couldnt figure out how to pay for btc with a bank card and got lazy and forgot about it till I had money in November again but it was too late.

Apologies for reddit spacing just looking for advice. Fud doesnt mean shit to me. This could drop to 1$. I'd still fucking hold the line for my fellow marines.

>> No.21741867
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Kill yourself retard. best advice imo

>> No.21741937

I've been through too much to go out like that buddy

>> No.21741958

Time wasting question yet you got the time to respond to it lmao.

Someone please tell a brainlet a realistic time frame for link to moon to next ath?

>> No.21742055

Bump for 1 real nibber. I love 4chan its home. You guys have been here for me when no one else was. I have faith a good anon with give me an answer.

>> No.21742081

Most OGs have been holding and buying more and I will continue to buy more now and at every dip up far beyond $50 since the wave has just gotten started the amount of actual adoption and usage of smart contracts globally over the next 2-5 years will be astounding.
As for time frame shut the fuck up you stupid nigger sell at 50 in November and fuck right, I'll buy them off you then dipshit.

>> No.21742095

Personally I have bits and pieces in FTM, BZRX, HVN, RSR, XLM, XRP, and the rest in chainlink. If one of those nets me 10k besides chainlink, i'm gonna throw it all into solid projects and try to 2x about 10x. that's my strategy, i've fucked up just like you did.

>> No.21742098

Are these real posts? Or just oldfag linkers with real stacks fucking around?

>> No.21742102

It's going to take time, but this will be a successful project.

>> No.21742119

This is great fud

>> No.21742156
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> I have 150 links that I purchased for 1090 usd all together.
>I tried to buy 300 link back when it was 2 dollar range but I couldnt figure out how to pay for btc
>got lazy and forgot about it till I had money in November
>Apologies for reddit spacing
>This could drop to 1$. I'd still fucking hold the line for my fellow marines.
>my fellow marines

what in the actual fuck

>> No.21742193

Is there a point in still buying the dips if I have little money to spend?

>> No.21742195

Well If i could get 80usd per a link in November I'd gladly take it cause I rather make less just because that 15gs would be life changing at this point in my life as opposed to later.

>> No.21742214
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Find something you can do that contribute to society. Maybe volunteer or do yard work for disabled people or something. Help others and your life will improve beyond your wildest dreams.

As far as Chainlink? I imagine it will hit $20+ within the next year. Might hit $100. No one knows, but I have a good outlook for Chainlink.

>> No.21742260

honestly, and I mean this in all seriousness, stop buying or selling anything and lurk more retard. We help each other somewhat here, but we arent going to hold yr hand and wipe yr ass for you. Do yr own research, learn what works and what doesnt, and realize onlu uou are responsible for yr profits and losses.

>> No.21742301


Do not listen to >>21742214. Contributing to society is the worst possible thing you can do. Society hates you and wants you a slave and replaced with niggers. Contribute to your race instead, that’s true fulfillment.

>> No.21742331

1488 brotha

>> No.21742693

Last bump hoping for a TA Chad to drop a solid realistic number