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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21741301 No.21741301 [Reply] [Original]

all my money is invested in cruiselines ($120K+). I'll just sit back and check my portfolio in a couple of years.

>> No.21741421

"all my money is invested in floating trashcans that will all be bankrupt by the end of COVID"

>> No.21741427


t. retard

>> No.21741454

This better be a LARP because this is absolutely retarded. We have no clue when the cruise lines will recover and when people will want to go back. You better be analyzing the debt of these companies. Investing in meme coins is unironically a better investment

>> No.21741484

Covid was a paradigm shift like 9/11. Things will never be the same again. No more buffets, no more concerts, no more cruises. COPE

>> No.21741552

Thank god chinks love those things because the last white people who would ever consider going on one is about 5 years past the average life expectancy

>> No.21741554

more like you're the retard

>> No.21741589


simply made the thread to screenshot you tards with the predictable FUD responses. See you next year.

>> No.21741615

>he thinks we will ever go back to normal
kek what a bluepilled moron

>> No.21741656
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you do understand if those companies go bankrupt the stock doesn't exist right?

>> No.21741697

Old people are the biggest cruise ship customer. Even if covid is a fake the old people will always believe the media and even if they come out with a vaccine no old person will ever feel safe in a cruise ship packed full of at least one thousand other people and having to eat buffet food. Things will not go back to normal ever again. They call us goyim for a reason.

>> No.21741785

Based, which ones are you in? I was about to pull trigger myself

>> No.21741830


caught covid 3 weeks ago - can definitely confirm its real. shits fucked up

>weird ass headache came out of nowhere
>literally felt like my brain was hacked
>then the fucking chills came
> i was a wearing hoodie, sweatpants wrapped around a quilt and i was shivering
>then the muscle aches and pains came
>then i just got really, really tired
>then out of fucking nowhere I couldnt taste or smell anything
>overall it took me 10 days from initial symptoms to get back to 100% health

definitely overhyped but I can see how this would fuck an old person

also i dont know why people are being put on respirators my breathing was perfectly normal, i think the respirators and hospitals are fucking people up

I cured myself by drinking a lot of orange juice, eating a lot of fruits, some veggies and drinking plently of water

also I was eating 2 cloves of raw, fresh garlic a day that shit literally helped more than anything - i couldnt taste or smell either way

Im good now and my sense of taste and smell came back but the first 72 hours were rough but after that I was good

>> No.21741838


I'm all in CCL and NCLH. 60/40.

>> No.21741841

They'll just lower the ship capacity and charge boomers 3x the price. And they'll eat it up b/c they've successfully stolen all the money from younger generations.

>> No.21741890

Glad you're all right anon.

>> No.21742041

>definitely overhyped but I can see how this would fuck an old person
cool, so boomers stay home while everyone else lives normally

>> No.21742099

>No more buffets, no more concerts, no more cruises.

>> No.21742146

I dumped 500k into dave and busters

>> No.21742178

Personally I just believe it’s a mutation of the flu that was likely manufactured. The flu killed (according to statistics) over 80,000 during the 2018 season. I know covid is more but I am sure it’s because every year the amount of old people are increasing and also they are falsifying stats to be used as fear propaganda so we will accept the vaccine and their new world order laws they are planning to put in place. You turn on the TV and it’s nothing but covid, covid, covid. We all know who owns the media, we know they do not care about us and all this fear propaganda is being used to advance their agenda under a false humanitarian mask that they always use to trick us in giving them more control over us

>> No.21742781

Vit C&D are good first line defense for this. All my respiratory symptoms were noticiable only when smoking.

>> No.21743024

this is 100% accuarste

>> No.21743043

Also non heated honey. Most people do not now how powerful good quality honey is for healing. They just think it’s sugar because they are dumb and just look at the nutrition facts, but the nutrition fact labels doesn’t give you the whole picture and often is misleading. It will not tell you the bioavailability and how well it’s contents can be metabolized in nor does it tell you the micro nutrients something contains. 99% of the sugar in honey is utilized in your body for power it doesn’t promote cellulite growth or inflammation, it helps digestion which increases bioavailability of the food you eat and decreases inflammation and bolsters the immune system and kills off harmful shit in your system like bacteria, virus and xeno-estrogens. In no way is the sugar in honey comparable to sugar in a coke unless it’s shit Chinese honey that’s super heated and cut with syrup. If nutrition labels were all that mattered then the best diet would just be supplements and protein powder. Honey is a serious health redpill. I haven’t gotten sick since eating two table spoons of honey a day since 3 years ago and I am not even the most healthy guy and sit around a lot.

>> No.21743091

what a crock of shit you had the flu you fucking retard

>> No.21743117

>the kung flu is hardly stopping people now
>implying it'll stop people even 6 months in the future
I already have my day planned for when things open up.
>hit the gym
>hit the buffet
>hit the club

>> No.21743189

I had this idea that cruise liners were saved during covid and specifically mentioned a lot because they'd be needed in the future
then with all this stuff coming out maybe space fairing civilization isn't so impossible anymore
and previously UFOs have been said to have been reverse engineered and that early conception ideas for using the technology they retrofitted subs into UFOS

so what if they're able to retrofit these cruise liners into ships using the same technology with just a few modifications and boom
you have these cruise liners taking people to space soon

could be a HUGE buy

>> No.21743441

Cruiselines? Wow , are you retarded? It's not even a good investment let alone during this pandemic shit.

Dump ALL that shit and go into DMG until mTokens get integrated into exchanges. FUCK You're dumb.

>> No.21743545

Damn this nigga making me want to buy honey. Where do I get the non heated kind?

>> No.21743577

It usually says on the label. The honey with the pollen, royal jelly and propolis mixed in is the best kind, but any non heated honey is really good.

>> No.21743861

Buy $hon on uniswap bro, only 10k pots available

>> No.21744323

thank you

yeah im going out but im scared theres like 7 strains out there supposedly and you can catch it again which is why a vaccine will not work

I can confirm that it is man made, I literally have never felt a more synthetic "sick" in my whole life. in november I caught the flu or something and I was much much more sick but it was the typical bad sick - brown / green mucus, runny nose, fever - had none of those with corona

number one thing is you do not want to eat too much, I cured myself much faster than my family by not eating like shit and also by not giving the virus the fuel it needs to replicate. They thrive off high proteinated / fat cells because they only have RNA no DNA


man I got the flu before and this shit was nothing even like that - its was the weirdest sick i've ever been in my whole life. When is say I got the worst headache i have ever gotten, i can only describe it as being toxicly hungover while forced to take really shitty drugs

>> No.21744492

>OP checks portfolio in a few years.
>Balance is 0

>> No.21744508

My sister works on carnival cruises....
Good luck with that.

>> No.21744561

I got Covid last month and only lost my smell and taste, I actually was able to jog for a couple miles while “sick” no shortness of breath...

It took about 2 months for me to get my smell and taste back fully though, kinda fucked but I smoke weed

>> No.21744566

If op invested in March/April he already made it you absolute brainlet

>> No.21744586

Who cares what you “believe” fucking tard. It’s an identified coronavirus not the fucking influenza you retarded idiocracy subhuman bastard ape.

>> No.21744587

Shit bait, faggot. Should've said all your money is in Hertz.

>> No.21744603

The absolute state of mutts

>> No.21744618

>Not shitting out ur ass
Nice story bro

>> No.21744644
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OP, you bought cheap BONDS, right (double digit coupons)?
5-10-15 years maturity date to hedge the risk,r-right?
Y-You actually bought cruiselines STOCK?

>> No.21744669

hahahaha good luck boomers will not let this happen

>> No.21744681

>investing in boomer boats while the boomer remover continues to circulate
look, not a gamble I would make, but let's see how you go

>> No.21744684

Chad here. This broad I was banging got covid. She told me to get tested because I came in her and she thought we might have been close enough. She paid for the test and bought me dinner just to do it. So I I said okay. Tested positive then came in her friend the next day. Made them both get tested after. No babies but positive for covid. End up fucking the second chicks mom, didn’t have a single symptom. Shits fake.

>> No.21744701

Vaccine will work as there is a shitload of new data coming out that if you catch one strain your antibodies will take out the other 6 strains or whatever.

>> No.21744730


i definitely believe there are fake tests results because hospitals get money for the amount of tests they issue and even money for the test coming back positive but COVID is 100% real. I thought it was fake before, shit I even thought i had a special immunity to it until I caught it like a dummy

>> No.21744743

time to find a new joke

>> No.21744808

no its real my gf got it and i got it. I had minor body aches but that was all that i felt. However gf had really really bad muscle pains cold shakes the room was fucking hot as fuck woke up sweating but she wasnt it was pretty bad. she lost her taste as well

>> No.21744811


I personally will not get vaccinated.

>volunteer at hospital in HS, im 16 or 17 (8 years ago)
>anon its flu season its mandatory to get a flu shot
>okay whatever hospital says its free
>get shot
>when I got home I start sweating
>wtf is going on
>fever kicks in
>start shitting like fucking crazy
>then start hallucinating and got really sick
>for 48 hours I was in and out of consciousness

I do not know what the fuck I got injected with but I can definitely see how if a little kid under the age of 2 got what I had they would definitely lose some fucking brain cells

>as I was getting sick I ate a couple jalapeno kettle cooked chips and till this day if I see them I get disgusted..

>> No.21744863

I’m not saying it’s fake but I layed into three broads that week and they were all positive and I had no symptoms. So either the virus is a joke or the tests dint work. Fuck who cares if I had it.

>> No.21744908

I guess you two have weak immune systems or something never heard of someone being affected

>> No.21744952

Thats the point of the flu shot you immunizes you from whatever the strain is. desu i dont really care about taking the flu shot shit but this covid shit is pretty bad. however most people will probably not need to take the shot as it will just die out eventually if these new studies are correct. THe vaccine will help but ultimately covid will die.

>> No.21745035

I'm invested in pirating sandniggers. They want to become a more global threat. I'm gonna sit back and watch them bone your investment in a couple of years

>> No.21745112

Been thinking about CCL too

>> No.21745500

plz sirs buy my boat for a very low price for you my friend