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21738106 No.21738106 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone lose their life to a small town? I LOST FUCKING EVERYTHING.

leaving is fucking impossible to a place with actual opprotunity and just getting on your feet is fucking impossible. Half the people I see just work at the local fast food chains with kids and doing nothing desperately begging for more hours to make chump change. Anyone who is successful here is just Middle class and all they do is sit at home all day and work until they’re almost dead and people just obsess over sad gossip


>> No.21738157

If you have nothing of value to offer then why did you move there?

>> No.21738160
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i hope you bought the dip then kid, you get 1 shot at making it

>> No.21738175

I'm from a small town. I live in Los Angeles. Maybe you should make it happen

>> No.21738182

I just need a drug dealer in walking distance

>> No.21738206

Also ur a bitch kek

>> No.21738213

its implied that OP lives in the same shithole town he was born in. people don't just wake up one day and move to those kinds of towns unless they're literally trying to leave their entire life behind and start fresh

>> No.21738229

grew up in a small town. moved to the city for money.

would do anything to claw my way back to a small town, you don't realize what busy urban centers do to the psyche man.

>> No.21738246

I didn’t my fucking parents did this

>> No.21738275

>its implied that OP lives in the same shithole town he was born in.
Actually, no. He says he lost everything, implying he had a position in which he had something to start with. If he was born there then he's at the same position in which he start, thus not gaining or losing.

>> No.21738288

Must be nice I never had the fucking chance because I live in third world poverty. This place is literally third world.

>> No.21738306

I lived in a tiny town, but I got into a school across the country that gave me boatloads of money to go and a golden ticket out of that shithole. Hope you find your way out bro. A few other friends went to college out of state too, but they paid out the ass got out that way. One girl just moved to NYC on a whim, but this only works if you're attractive enough to leech off a romantic interest. Worst case join the army I guess (assuming you're 'merican). They'll take anyone with a pulse and it opens a lot of doors across the country and even the world.

>> No.21738322

I think he's referring to the opportunity cost of being born in a shitty interstate stop rather than a shitty city. And don't worry, EVERYWHERE is terrible in America.

>> No.21738336

That medium sized city comfy life. 300,000 people is where it is at. Big enough for all the aminities and cultural institutions like art galleries. But small enough it doesn't feel like an ant nest.

>> No.21738375

Nope moved out of some small town shithole to a bigger city then a even bigger city where i am now ultra comfy

>> No.21738386

I lost my fucking life

>> No.21738397

Oof. Enjoy life. I know your kind. Stop being a fucking child. Fag.

>> No.21738413

Lol that's not true at all. I moved from houston (80% of which is third world) to a sub 5k town in Colorado. It's like 95% white and everything is clean and nice (for now). Some people just exist better as a cog in the machine. I like living away from shitskins (like OP) and having enough privacy where I can shoot guns and blast loud music any time I like.

>> No.21738427

I wish I had been born and lived in a small town. Then I might've grown up alongside a cutie and be married by now.

>> No.21738508

Scrounge up enough money for a 1 way ticket to Thailand or Bali and go get a bar job at some tourist trap beachfront bar. Just leave. Buy a van and drive around pan-handling at major hotspots. Live on the road.

What you lack is imagination motherfucker

>> No.21738510

I also live in a nice quiet, clean area. There's no opportunity here though. If I didn't have an established business online and a family I'd be screwed. My kids will no doubt want to leave in a decade or two. My point is that there's very few places in this country that check all of the boxes because of, well, (((them)))

>> No.21738556

whats the rent

>> No.21738558

I grew up in a big city. I got the fuck out as soon as I found a job in a small town of 9000 people with all of 2 African Americans. It's comfy as fuck. Why would you want to live stacked up like rats? There is this thing called the internet now.

>> No.21738611

Most small towns are very far from idyllic. Think alcoholism, mountain dew, chain smoking, and single moms. also meth or heroin depending on what part of the country

>> No.21738622


pick two

>> No.21738666

Good thing big cities are drug free eh? All the problems in a small city are multipled in a big city, but with more violent crime for some reason.

>> No.21738678

Money and pussy

>> No.21738712

Los Angeles isn’t like that though only nyc. You have a property space suburbs.

>> No.21738723

Rent has always stayed the same everywhere

>> No.21738734

I used to live as a Jack-of-all-trades type (rando handy man work - carpentry, mechanic work, welding, etc.). You can use the internet to teach yourself basically any minor skill like this unless you're a fat lazy retard that wastes the day playing vidya. Eventually I started a commercial cannabis co-op and I'm living my personal dream. Having grown up in Houston, I've come to absolutely detest the sight of niggers and open faggotry. My whole point is living in a small town is what you make of it and OPs idea that there's huge opportunity in cities is misplaced. The ratio of restaurant/retail workers, drug users, and retards is the same if not greater in large cites.

>> No.21738743

Cant lose what you never had.

>> No.21738746

congrats move to the city

>> No.21738758

Become an electrician. Boom, you're welcome

>> No.21738796

All the people in suburban L.A. are infinitely happier than the people in my county.

>> No.21738799

I live in a small town here in India. Only 12 million habitants. I'm very poor sir, please buy my Fantom bags sir.

>> No.21738804

how much do you pay for rent each month

>> No.21738857

Have you ever been to LA or met someone from there? Not a happy group of people, or a happy place to live.

>> No.21738877

unless he also tells you his salary it doesnt really matter, suburban and ruralfags have some weird idea that we spend 70% of our take home pay on rent

>> No.21738904

Then maybe the problem isn't small towns, but rather your town which is probably 50% poor spics. I feel like I could reasonably speculate that the overall happiness of any area correlates with a low percentage of non-whites.

>> No.21738925

Cities have opportunity, small towns have literally nothing. The violent crime is largely because of nigger density which small towns are spared from, but its not particularly difficult to live in a segregated area in the city. Anyone who tried to save money by moving to a "gentrifying" area is learning that lesson the hard way. I'm in a (((white))) part of NYC and have had zero issues. Personally I think there's a good middle ground by living in a suburban county on the outskirts of a large city. I'll likely be moving up to Putnam County after I make it. It's white, Republican, relatively affordable, and only an hour from the city.

>> No.21738988

I moved to a big city with just a backpack. Knew a guy with a couch I could crash on until I got a place of my own. What’s your excuse exactly?

>> No.21738994

Are you schizo 2 DUI nigger being punished by God? With the rap career? So you're in crypto now? I hope you make it.

>> No.21739006

space and pussy where do I go

>> No.21739015


>> No.21739021

Probably doesn't know a guy with a couch.

>> No.21739032


>> No.21739034

>Knew a guy
There it is faggot. You'd be fucked without that

>> No.21739047

Yeah exactly it’s impossible. I finally got money and it’s stil fucking impossible. These fucking small towns TRAP YOU theres fucking demons here.

>> No.21739056

So he doesn’t have any friends. Which means he doesn’t have a likable personality, which means he also has no skills. Why am I supposed to feel bad for this faggot again?

>> No.21739082

Funny, because the guy I knew didn’t know anyone. He just saved up his money from his shitty retail job and moved. Now what’s your excuse pussy

>> No.21739104

>I finally got money
Wait I thought you said there was no opportunity?
How did you get money?

>> No.21739134

how much money did he save up before he moved and to what city? Did he have any skills? not bashing what you're saying just trying to figure out the logistics

>> No.21739136

>Im a Faggot. Heres another piece of proof Im a faggot. Im a fag. Im gay. Fag

>> No.21739147

Having friends does not equal having a friend who not only live in a large city you'd like to move to, but also is willing to let you crash there until you get your own place.
I don't care if you feel bad for OP or not, your example just sucks.

>> No.21739167

That friend did it all on his own. If it’s so impossible how did he do it? OP doesn’t have to have a friend like I did, he just has to be like the friend I had

>> No.21739179

I made a killing selling hard, addictive, life destroying drugs in my local community. A village, really. Now I touch 30k profit on a good week. All it takes is a few years to change your life permanently, forever.

>> No.21739183

Exactly and if he had nothing to lose why not yolo every penny he can in crypto make it and travel. I wonder how old anon is ? Every time I run in to some one who says it’s over their being pussys in their mid 20s kek.

>> No.21739195

Your friend also had a helping hand. No one will rent to you unless you have a job lined up so you need a handout to get started

>> No.21739199

Never said it is impossible. You came in here with an anecdotal example that equates to shitty advice that ends up relying heavily on chance. Again, dumb example and dumb advice.

>> No.21739212

He's right tho, kid

>> No.21739240

I came from ultra poverty and parents who were drunks with no money. And no fuck off with the bootstrap shit.

>> No.21739262

Probably about 5 thousand, maybe less. Keep in mind he moved to NYC which is fucking expensive. You could move to your local large city for much less but the benefit of a metropolis is avoiding the expense of a vehicle. He had zero skills. He still has zero skills. He continued working retail and now he’s flat on his ass. But I had no money, no job, no skills, and no degree when I moved there. Now I have a degree, a comfy job, a fat LINK stack, and I moved away from that shithole. The point is all you have to do is save up the money you can, even if it takes you a long time, and use it to your advantage. Often a bigger city will make it easier to meet people and that alone can open up other opportunities for you. But having a shitty attitude about it will get you nowhere fast fren

>> No.21739281

yup that's based.

>> No.21739283

any south american or south east asian country

>> No.21739285

Literally not true in New York City if you move to Brooklyn or some other place like that. You need to get out more. I’ve moved around a lot without having any jobs lined up. It’s not impossible.

>> No.21739295

If you are young enough (below 26 iirc): join the military. Join a branch that guarantees you your job. Do something in cybersecurity/IT. You'll get training and at the very least a Secret clearance. If you are lucky you can get a Top Secret clearance. You can easily go and start making ~$70k in a city of your choice. Or you get free college (and get paid while going to college).
There ya go. Military is essentially an emergency parachute for a lot of small town people to gtfo.

>> No.21739312

Stay poor and cry more. I grew up poor too. Glad I’m not a waste like you

>> No.21739326

I feel you brother. Small towns are a fucking curse, but only if they have lower class people. Shitty old houses, retarded people with no degrees, drugs, etc
Complete shithole with no opportunity

>> No.21739335

>n-no you can’t just demonstrate how someone can improve their own life! This is a pity thread
Fuck off nigger. I did it. My friend did it. And so have many others. Maybe you just suck at life?

>> No.21739371

>If you are young enough (below 26 iirc)
28 marines, 35 for Army, 34 navy, 39 air force.

>> No.21739392

On the contrary, I know what I'm talking about. By 23 I had 0 debt and a job that paid 110k while working in a Fortune 5 company. Advice like "hope you can just crash on someone's couch" is retarded and not a universal avenue to success like you make it out to be.

>> No.21739404
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I've been living in a small town and I want to leave but I don't know where to go. I tell my parents I want to move out and they just say "what's the point you're just going to sit in an apartment somewhere else and do the same thing you do now" it makes me so fucking angry they would say that

why haven't I just bought a plane ticket and left yet? I can go literally anywhere in the world why the fuck am I still here

>> No.21739420

I know for a fact the Marines don't guarantee you a job unless it is in high demand. So unless OP is a boomer this is still an option.

>> No.21739427

nice. what's something that someone with zero skills can do there to make a living? I'm young, fixing to turn 23, I got the comptia security+ and about to start a remote help desk job I plan on using to get into cyber security down the line. No degree, dont know if that counts as really any sort of skills or anything

>> No.21739457

What do you do?

>> No.21739462

It’s infinitely a better shot than what he’s got. There is no path that guarantees success. I’m only sharing my experience.

>> No.21739475

I was Army and if I could go back I would have picked Chairforce. I've heard stories about all the soft short-legged cutie airgirls willing to devote their tight pussies only to you forever in the name of patriotism because their great-grandpa was a bomber pilot in WW2. The only thing in the army was dykes and disgusting niggresses

>> No.21739482

IT Consulting. Primarily cloud infrastructure (azure). Mostly do work for the govt but have also done stuff for the private sector. Its fun but hard to have a steady life with all the travel.

>> No.21739489

Where do you live OP? No need to doxx yourself

>> No.21739498

Grew up there. It's the best of neither world. The shitty hustle bustle but the gossip of a small town. Hated it.

Worst idea ever. Either go to a picturesque small town or to a giant city, no between.

>> No.21739512

>I’m only sharing my experience.
Fair enough. I just don't appreciate the aggressive attitude towards OP who seems to be in despair about his circumstances.

>> No.21739526

Degree is the only way to get ahead these days. I fell for the "don't get a degree" meme and am regretting it. It's not too late to get one, I think the cutoff is like 25 or something

>> No.21739532

My dad abducted me from my mother at 3 then beat the shit out of me and systematically destroyed my self esteem with psychological torture until I was taken into care at 11. In care I was sexually abused until I found my mother at 14 and got out of there. My mother was BPD and was worse than anything, ended up homeless at 15 living on the sreet. I went to 12 schools in 9 years before I stopped going at 14. I lived in 15 towns and cities in 15 years, it's safe to say I didn't get a fair start at life.
If you can't make it in a small town, you can't make it anywhere anon. Take it from me, the problem is you, not the town, not its people. It's you. Change yourself if you want to be happy. If you are comfortable in your own skin you can find happiness anywhere. Everywhere I go I find the same problems and the same people. I've been moving my whole life and nothing has ever been better or worse. It's your perception.

>> No.21739533

Do you have money anon ? Why no start traveling well once things open up.

>> No.21739553

I dont know too much about the Airforce. Marines is what I did and they don't have the money to hire FSRs enmasse like the army, so you end up having to learn a lot.

>> No.21739576


>> No.21739587
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>tfw have none of these things
I'd choose money and space though

>> No.21739596
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holy fucking based

>> No.21739601

I didn’t have any skills or degree either. I got a job making mediocre tip money which I used to pay off my debts, find a place of my own, and pay for school. It took a few years and a few setbacks, things don’t always work out the way you intend. I had no financial help from my family, and i still had to pay my friend for rent for staying on his couch. I worked in a restaurant so I was able to feed myself for next to nothing most of the time. If you know the direction you want to go in life find a way to get started anyway you can, no matter how small, but knowing people is very important, and for that you have to move somewhere where there are people you can meet that will be worth something to you in the future. Everything’s an investment, time, money, friends, etc.

>> No.21739611

If you were meant to be somewhere else, then you would have taken the risk to leave.

>> No.21739617

How'd you get started? Im working on my oscp right now but I'm pretty dumb. Ended up dropping out of my physics degree before even getting an AA. All I have cert wise is the security+ like I mentioned here >>21739427

idk my dad managed to start a successful multimillion dollar business manufacturing electronics at 35 with no degree but I know where you're getting at. Id like to go back and finish a physics degree or go cs but I dont want to go to a shitty school and I feel like Im too old dumb white and privileged to get in somewhere nice. And I really dont want to be going during this pandemic

>> No.21739619

I have more money than I can spend, I wanted to travel this year and corona fucked everything

>> No.21739638

I've lived in San Francisco nearly all of my life. Wouldn't trade it for any other

>> No.21739671

Your dad is from a different era when social mobility was at its peak in human history. Also if your dad had a multimillion dollar business why do you even care about money or finding a job?

>> No.21739672

After spending so many years here I just assume everyone is larping because they’re bored for you’s. I’ll give my take anyway but I’m going to give him shit for it just in case

>> No.21739676

No, truth.

>> No.21739703

This is good advice. Listen to this man.

>> No.21739730

I dont want to just inherit a fortune I didn't create I would feel empty inside

>> No.21739754

Joined the Marines. Got trained up as a network engineer, CCNA and the likes. Ended up doing server admin/help desk instead in a unit with a high operations tempo. I got a lot of experience, both technical and leadership/management from that.

>> No.21739852

I went to SF for a week on a business trip and was thoroughly unimpressed. Stayed at a hotel in nob hill. What did I miss?

>> No.21739869

It sounds dumb but I want to find something personally fulfilling and make my own fortune rather than just take whatever my dad built. I would feel empty if I did that.
I didn't know the marines did IT stuff too. I was looking into the air force but I have a lot of weed in my system and a history of depression and add so I have to wait a couple months before I can apply. Also Im not sure if someone like me could get a TS

>> No.21739934

>weed in system
>history of depression

One of these things caused the other anon.

>> No.21739950

My entire family says the exact same to me while at the same time getting on my ass that I haven’t done anything with my life yet. The fact that I have no money to start fresh and A college degree that hasn’t gotten me jack shit for jobs since I graduated this past June makes it worse

>> No.21739960

As much as people larp about moving away and making it I once read a study that said the average person dies less than 100 miles from where they were born. I thought it said like 80% of Americans and even higher for Europeans and Japanese.

>> No.21740003

A lot of people move back home when their twenties are over.

>> No.21740012

Yes, depression leads to drug use very commonly.

>> No.21740032

Due to the nature of medical privacy in the USA, you literally do not have to disclose any of your medical conditions.
Weed is an easy fix. Just stop smoking and quit being "friends" with the people who enable you to hold yourself back (dealers, other users).
They say that exercise, a good diet, a consistent life schedule, and plenty of sunshine is the best cure for depression. And you get a lot of that in the military.
A TS is nice as you will literally be able to get jobs because you have a TS. Not required, but nice and can increase you earnings potential.

>> No.21740081

As long as you have your health, you have time to do as you please on this earth. Be patient and think of what you want for your future.

>> No.21740115

Most never leave in the first place.

>> No.21740154


>> No.21740158

There you go soon bro you’ll be fine. I need to really make a nice stack in this bull market and then I’ll just meet until the next one. I am never going back to full time waging.

>> No.21740163

are you white

>> No.21740204

Yeah my habit cycle has been out of wack last couple years. Fiancee left me a year ago and got hacked and lost 100k in 2018. Normally after a mushroom or acid trip Im better for a couple months but I end up relapsing and then feel guilty for relapsing and that sends me spiraling further down and then gets compounded when I think about the past and end up getting stuck in thought loops about personal inadequacy and stupid bullshit which eventually leads to me be aware of the problem making a plan doing it for a while getting better and cycle repeats.
That's actually great to know I thought I had to tell them all that stuff. Will they let me do cybersecurity without a TS though? When I last talked to a recruiter they said that it didn't matter I already got my security+ and that they're gonna put me where they want me and I dont want to join the military if I cant do infosec

>> No.21740349

SF is a shithole if you're not involved in tech or banking. Even if you are, it's only a small proportion of those fields that its worth being in SF.

For technology its FAANG, Startups that need VC money (typically Series A+), Fintech (Chicago is probably better), and semiconductor space.

For banking its growth equity and venture capital.

Yeah that's it. If you don't fall into those narrow categories theres a 99% chance you will have a higher quality of life working or starting a business in another major city, and a lot of the major VC firms have offices all over the US now, so if you're in seed phase it's better to be located in a low cost of living city. When you move into Series A/B, you can transfer your intellectual property and move to Seattle or something.

>> No.21740374

In the Marines, getting a TS was the first step to doing cybersecurity. I don't know about the other branches, but given the nature of the field I'd expect it to be a common requirement.

I know for a fact the Marines do not give out "guaranteed" jobs unless it is something in high demand (like recon). Best thing to do is some research, and go talk to recruiters and be very stern and uncompromising about what you want. If they can not give you something on paper that says your job with be "xyz", then you aren't enlisting.

If you do get a "guarantee", you have to make sure it isn't a guarantee for a job in a FIELD as opposed to a specific job. Using the Marines as an example: you'd want it to say on your contract that you will be an 0689, which is a Cyber Security Technician. What you DONT want is 06xx which is the prefix for all communications related jobs.

But honestly, if you are already getting your feet wet in the field, I'd keep going along your current path unless you don't see it working.

>> No.21740499

3rd wolder here sir from a 3rd tier small city
fuck my life sir
anyway i just try to enjoy life as much I can

>> No.21740555

How can I subscribe to your blog? Where can I donate money?

>> No.21740573

What kind of things will keep someone from getting a TS? Like if I theoretically sold drugs at any point would that keep me from joining? What about admitting to have taken lsd? Posting Ted Kaczynski memes? Researching what black hat's do?

>> No.21740581


yep, my parents dragged me into the nightmare when I was 12 and I was 32 before I could escape. Good luck.

>> No.21740592

The fucked up part is in in america. I have nyc Miami and Los Angeles and I just lost everything in a fucking frozen town in the woods.

>> No.21740595

My blog can be found at www.kysfgt.com.

>> No.21740613

Go to the city then. It’s where you faggots belong

>> No.21740644

I enjoy the vibrancy of urban centrrs honestly. Yeah a lot of liberal normies who don't critical think and are all about that consumerism, but there's always something to do. Also you can escape to less crowded areas easily. I like being in a place with multi million dollar houses up in the hills above the peasants because it is motivating

>> No.21740763

Fucking move you idiot. I lived in a small town in Georgia. Best jobs around were 12 fucking dollars an hour. I said fuck that and left. Moved to Atlanta. It took some hard times and struggle but now I'm making $100k a year.

You can't just live in the middle of nowhere and expect shit to get better. Take a chance and go to the city. Find any job you can and keep hustling until you can get a better job and repeat.

>> No.21740838

Not sure, but I'd imagine that getting into legal trouble would be a disqualifier. I got a secret after admitting to smoking pot and was given a waiver as a result. I didn't even need to say I had smoked before, but of course I was young and stupid so I did. Still worked out though.

They also call up random people who have known you through your life and will ask them about you. Unless you are a sociopath who treats people like shit and has no moral values, you'll be okay.

>> No.21740986

alright I think I've been over thinking depth of this. Thanks anon I think I'll go talk with a recruiter again soon. One last thing before I go to sleep, if I got the OSCP, would that basically guarantee me a higher job within the military starting out even if I dont have a college degree or would they still expect me to start with everyone else

>> No.21741084

hehe 4chan is so wise

>> No.21741093

Again, not sure. I doubt it though. You might be recognized as a person who is more competent than his peers, and as a result given additional opportunities (more training or something). But an industry certification probably will not grant you higher rank than those without.

Best of luck to you in your future endeavors anon. Good night.

>> No.21741184
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I'm glad I'm not poor

>> No.21741258

Your problem isn't with small towns its with normalfag culture. Stop associating with them.

>> No.21741303

I will. Move out of the city anyway. Home school. Grow food.

>> No.21741418

>I enjoy the vibrancy of urban centrrs honestly
You're a faggot