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21732066 No.21732066 [Reply] [Original]

It is the product of modern economics and technology. If you do not understand it, that is absolutely fine because never EVER in the history of mankind could it be done. Not without today's technology. Worry not though, I am here to explain.

Starting off with basics: market cap = supply x price

As an example for 5,000 supply at $2: $10,000 = 5,000 * $2

Whenever STA is traded between wallets, 1% gets burnt. Now let’s assume two things:

1- Volume of 50,000 STA gets traded, causing 500 STA to get burnt reducing the supply to 4,500

2- Ignore the demand/price force for STA’s utility (for now)

Since we are ignoring demand, the market cap will remain the same. This burn will therefore cause price to increase:
10,000 = 4,500 x p, which means price should theoretically be pushed to 2.22.

This price increase will cause the STA value in Balancer (or Phoenix) to increase, forcing the pool to rebalance. Rebalancing means selling STA and buying the other 4 coins to keep the percentages as initially agreed upon (50 ETH / 20 STA / 10 BTC / 10 SNX / 10 LINK). Now remember, selling STA will cause STA to be burnt again (supply decreasing), causing a ripple effect: the cycle will keep repeating itself at a decreasing rate, even if no further human-triggered trades happen.

>> No.21732089

Now we can talk about STA’s utility: why would people demand STA? What does it do?

Balancer gives a return of 1% of total transactions volume that happened from all the rebalancing. Remember, rebalancing does not only happen from STA’s ripple effect mentioned above, but it also happens when the other 4 coins move in price (which by the way means more STA is burnt). That 1% on volume does NOT mean you get 1% on what you are pooling. It means the following:

Example: if you are pooling $10,000 and there is a total of $100,000 being pooled, with a 24h rebalancing volume of $50,000, then you will receive = ($50,000 x 1%) x ($10,000 / $100,000) = $50. Your daily rate of return is therefore $50 / $10,000 = 0.005, which means an annual rate of return of 0.005 * 365 = 183%. People called Phoenix’s return as scam because they are high, but they are not a scam but actually STA’s genius.

A lot would be very happy with such return, making them want to pool. You would think that as the pool gets bigger, your portion of the reward gets smaller but remember that when people pool, STA is being transacted and burnt, causing the rebalancing volume to rise and therefore increasing the 1% total reward as well.

The Balancer also balances liquidity / fee income demand: if liquidity provider believe they can get higher interest in other defi, they will remove their liquidity from Balancer. But then this leads to an increased fee income to those who have not removed their liquidity (MINDFUCK). Keep in mind all this burns STA as well.

Now add to the above all the demand action from wanting to buy and hold or buy and trade.

I will add more lessons in later threads.

>> No.21732138

>Suicide STAtistic
Didn't buy or sold below 0.01, will buy at 100$

>Slow STArters
5k stack or less

Between 5k and 10k

>Suicide STAckers
Between 10k and 20k

Between 20k and 30k

Between 30k and 60k

between 60k and 100k

Between 100k and 250k

Between 250k and 500k

Between 500k and 1mil


>> No.21732288
File: 375 KB, 828x1792, CF4AFD51-9345-473B-9298-EFF002C4C9F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you understand anon? That’s ok, I didn’t either.

>> No.21732300

yes but... when moon?

>> No.21732314

Based and STAsed
Very good explanation of it, if people can't see the value after this then they're NGMI.

>> No.21732404


STA is worthless. There are thousands of tokens that burn themselves, they are worthless. Sitting in an index fund with other coins doesn’t provide value, it saps it.

Morons buy this coin. Fundamental value is 0.

>> No.21732494

Bagholders getting more and more desprate I see...

>> No.21732499

Thing is anon, whether you think it has value or not... and even if it does not have value, no one can stop it. People will want to earn high interest income. Balancer will keep balancing. Statera will keep burning. And the tokenomics in my OP will keep repeating itself.

Being a faggot is OK if you are smart, but being a dumb faggot is too much. Do not be the latter and jump in this free money maker.

>> No.21732887

The tokenomics are truly brilliant. Those who don’t see that it has any value is sorely mistaken. This shit is gonna moon. And hard. The previous ATH is peanuts compared to what is to come.

>> No.21733052

Salty fucks on biz can't stop this from exploding. Balancer refund, exchanges and normie onboarding are going to make this thing skyrocket.

>> No.21733831
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relax it will moon when it moon

>> No.21734462

Take your meds samefagging schizo and fuck off back to your tranny discord. THe only place you are going is down.

>> No.21734547
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You didnt read a single. Fucking. Word.

What is an index fund?

An index fund is a fund that can track a specified basket of underlying investments and in this case: BTC, ETH, LINK all balanced with STA.

The rules are that these coins are set in the fund at a specified percent so as one goes up or down the others are automatically bought or sold to balance risk and maximize profit. HOWEVER, the key is that STA is deflationary (whenever an STA transaction happens for buying/selling/pooling, 1% of the transaction of STA is burned). This token burn + tokens being locked in pooling pressures prices up to again make sure the other coins will be balanced. You also are given a % of all the fees paid in STA transactions up to 36% APY and during a run up to 40,000% APY.

The power of STA is that the ripple effect of: (1) compounded fees, (2) token burn, (3) price pulled up by ETH, BTC, and LINK leads to an exponential effect and positive feedback loop on price.

Can the team dump? No, this is the most decentralized token as the project much like BTC is out of Satoshi's hands, STA is out of the hands of the devs who only own <4%.

In short, Statera:

1. Increases positive price pressure and decreases volatility - caused by the deflation
2. Gives one token access to the ecosystem, price action of assets its pegged to, and benefits of arbitrage
3. Deflation can be put into any index fund (Balancer pool) or other financial instrument
4. Deflation rewards loyalty, if you get in early when supply is high, as supply goes down assets get more valuable
5. Diversification - You can hold many assets in the ecosystem
6. Passive income- make money while you hold your crypto (over 30% APY)


In simple terms the Burn function of STA is designed to create volume. In a way Statera discovered "Volume Farming".

>> No.21734578
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Dilate :)

This is a comfy thread where we discuss the excitement we feel about a project.

>> No.21734617

You dont know shit about economics retard. You think throwing around "token burn" with your middle school econ knowledge means shit?

>> No.21734657

you sure are getting upset about something you don't care about anon. hope whatever is bothering you passes soon.

>> No.21734678
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>> No.21734841
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So fucking comfy

>> No.21734992

stay poor faggot

>> No.21735124
File: 149 KB, 828x1792, A80E4F3A-F774-4D75-83B8-EC598AB73229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Now explain $BASED

>> No.21735515
File: 63 KB, 750x331, STA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem upset over his post, yet he doesn't seem to care about your opinion. Are you feeling okay anon?

>> No.21735560

but anon...those IDs are all different...

>> No.21735591

> Sitting in an index fund with other coins doesn’t provide value
it provides volume
>fundamental value

>> No.21735744

So anons. Is the best way to do this to pool my STA and then repool my earned delta tokens? Is uniswap a good solution for this?
I suppose I don’t understand how I can utilize balancer to generate the passive income.
>t. 5K STAcker

>> No.21736072

Convince me to buy this coin because looking at the charts it just looks like its dying a slow death? Volume is like 10x less than at its ath

>> No.21736217

>Since we are ignoring demand
retard STA shills still can't understand the idea of a market cap. you guys aren't quite as bad as ampl fags but pretty close

>> No.21737077
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I goddamn hope so

>> No.21737158

>Be a 165+ IQ macroecon professor.
>Hear shit from basement dwelling subhumans.
Lol, oh well...when you know, you know.

>> No.21737280
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>> No.21737906
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, STA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
