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21732580 No.21732580 [Reply] [Original]

10c in 24h

>> No.21732638

Yup, I'm in. New listing....

>> No.21732723

The price of eth is dropping is ruining the market right now, I just swapped all my eth for Prq.

Lol see you on the other side lol

>> No.21732743
File: 5 KB, 250x177, 1597956903819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The charts are so predictable too
Looking at the patterns you can see there's an upcoming bump
Going to be an easy ×2 if not more

>> No.21732759

This should get more attention. It’s actually in use. Not bad for .05$. I have a few.

>> No.21732820
File: 55 KB, 783x188, PRQusecase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21732825

Never heard of this before. Just bought a suicide stack

>> No.21732856

don't forget XCM, the platform where the IEO was held.

also posted on Uniswap today. Volume is taking off


>> No.21732910
File: 263 KB, 1912x956, parsiqteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting about this for fucking days, this shit is going to be used by everyone. The usecases are unfathomably huge.

>> No.21733430
File: 27 KB, 640x512, 1573751330122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all white team
>no women

>> No.21733513

The anons that know already know.
We mustn't shill...We are above that.
What will be will be.
Gold rush and shovels anon...I know you understand.

>> No.21733533

just pumped a day ago tho

>> No.21733560

Nice scam retards, didn't work a few days ago won't work today. Been at <0.06 for days while you shill. Have fun with that whale wallet dumping, still has +7mil PRQ to go

>> No.21733605

name one reason why its a scam
oh wait you cant? thats so weird bro tell me more

>> No.21733619

We don't shill.
You shouldn't fud.
Understand anon?

>> No.21733683


The product itself isn't groundbreaking but that's not the scam. The scam is you shills holding bags trying to get it to pump so you can dump your massive holdings.

>> No.21733742

>that's not the scam
yeah, thought so retard, how does it feel getting btfo
>product itself isn't groundbreaking
take your meds
>so you can dump your massive holdings
agree, today i dumped my bag, of about 10k, massive holdings am i right anon

god, how fucking retarded do you feel right now

>> No.21733745
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>> No.21733851

Please keep this sort of childish stupidity off our threads anon.
It's beneath you.
It's boring.
You do you.
Leave us be.

>> No.21733886


Just like the last threads, getting emotional again. PRQ deserves it's current price and nothing more

>> No.21733901

Just like the last thread, you have no arguments
don't reply to me again until you have one mate

>> No.21733963


kek you must be new here

>> No.21733970

Then don't buy it anon...It's a simple concept.
But that's not enough for you...Is it?
You have to be right.
Some understand...Others don't...It's simple.

>> No.21734018

nigga if your ONLY point is
"lol you're getting emotional"
then you got thoroughly blown the fuck out

>> No.21734070


PRQ volume and liquidity is so low you're relying on a pump from anon and not getting it. That's why u mad

>> No.21734133


Proof of organized shilling

>> No.21734259

I'm not a shill.
I specifically argue against it.
You mind has been decimated by the fud.
You can no longer disseminate fact from fiction.
Play the ball...Not the man.
This thread is a discussion on Parsiq...Not your opinions on the anons partaking in the discussion.
Why are you here?

>> No.21734456

> Why are you here?

To help frens from losing money

>> No.21734609

I'll take you at your word...That's a noble cause.
But what if you're wrong...What if you're costing them money?
What if your spreading fear?
What if you're spreading doubt?
Do you think Parsiq is a scam...Or just not a good investment?
I'm trying to understand you anon...Help me...please.

>> No.21734685

>Why is he here?
Mental illness
>I'm trying to understand you anon
give up on that
>To help frens from losing money
prq is down 25%, that's an insane deal, you're actively hurting anons financially

>> No.21734855

lol you're black

>> No.21734915
File: 41 KB, 752x478, 1551744240181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello to you too, my friend
hope you still listened and made money off prq
truth is, we were all gonna make it from the start