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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 507 KB, 786x840, kOtVIh0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21724534 No.21724534 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21724637

This kike has the paperiest glass fucking hands I have ever seen. Truly fucking pathetic.

>> No.21724649

This, these faggots always play these game... they tell you the market is bad and you should sell, just so they can scoop up and buy the bottom for the next run.... it happened in 2017 and it will happen again

>> No.21724714

Kek, shaken out

>> No.21724715

He probably saw he was being used as a counter indicator and this is his counter so everything doesn't die

>> No.21724758

I literally do the opposite of whatever is reported in the news, Buffet, Kramer, whoever.

>> No.21724779
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>Believing this clown words

>> No.21724836
File: 3.49 MB, 444x250, 9BB782AF-1585-40D7-8BC7-285A389B71C6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a fucking liar. Weak FUD. Maybe he’s afraid and is trying to make a statement so IRS won’t ask about his holdings or be put on a list. Either way, fuck ‘em - he’s lyin’

>> No.21724868

Lel is this real? What a fag

>> No.21724880

Honest question why do little boys idolize such an absolute faggot?

>> No.21724897

A busy normie like him could never make it. You need to be in telegram groups or on biz 247 to make fast money

>> No.21724948

WEAK HANDS. the crypto industry is too hot for these fucking boomer nigger retards, they need to fuck off and put their money in a bank for 1% gains a year

>> No.21724951

"You can pump and dump all day (high five)" based twinkle twins left that part in

>> No.21725053

You're going to make it bro

>> No.21725078

>literally starts mooning shortly after

>> No.21725674

this 100%. how come all you other idiots can't see this for what it actually is?

>> No.21725707

I think you're the best person to answer than, little man.

>> No.21725738

Imagine trusting anything coming out of these peoples mouths

>> No.21725756



>> No.21725766

I hope there is a data breach at some point regarding the exchanges so that the unwashed masses can see if celebs like him fucked them over or not. Personally I don't really care but these con artists need to remember that the internet does not forget.

>> No.21725792

>Google name
>Go to wikipedia
>Early life
>"Born to Jewish parents..."
Every time. Why must it be so, bros?

>> No.21725907

Great. I was waiting for him to get shaken out before buying more link.

>> No.21725948

you couldn't tell by taking one look?
/pol/ is always right

>> No.21725971
File: 12 KB, 317x267, kekkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally just bounced of support into the next move up an hour ago

>> No.21726013

seriously what a whiny weak handed faggot, kek

>> No.21726049

You won't fool me. I've already sold.

>> No.21726056

>barstool sports founder
who the fuck cares

>> No.21726057

why do you think he sold?

>> No.21726108

holy shit.

i had an acting class in LA with the girl in red.

>> No.21726123
File: 278 KB, 358x358, fortytopkeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude bought ath and sold low.

>> No.21726129

To demoralize people, of course. (((They)) always infiltrate groups of people and pretend to be fellow goyim, only to do a 180 and make it seem like the community is falling apart.

>> No.21726144

This. Congrats anon you’re using your brain

>> No.21726564

Ok so a low IQ literally who bought the top and panicsold at the first correction. Why should we care?

>> No.21726634

because he's a dumb fucking sportsbrain retard.
He reviews pizza for a living.

>> No.21726656

This. Never trust a kike. They hate us and want us poor slaves to them

>> No.21726705

So when will i actually see a return on these boomer rocks?

>> No.21726724

Maybe just maybe the Nazi’s were right about Jews. Geez who would of thought?

>> No.21726787
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>> No.21727012

What’s that brown spot under his nose at the tip?

Is he a brown eye sniffer?

>> No.21727223
File: 879 KB, 544x400, hehedumbgoy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoins?! no no no too risky for me, goy. You should sell too hehe

>> No.21727476

normies getting burn and exiting is a big buy signal

>> No.21727537
File: 31 KB, 321x475, F253E62E-10B3-44A4-839B-E73DD83CC073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21727602



>> No.21727648

>kicked out of every country over the entirety of human kind
who would have thought that somethings wrong with them

>> No.21727725

she a cute, got an @?

>> No.21727807

They just see him as a funny dudebro. They don't understand the Jews and their lies.

>> No.21727832
File: 445 KB, 563x432, 6da94986808abd6ff1fbdb93c3968e2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the price of a cup of coffee"

>> No.21727876

Yet they will argue that this happens because there is something wrong with us. They think that goyim just instinctively wanna kill Jews, which isn't true at all.

>> No.21728060

This clown.

>> No.21728738

Jews have higher IQ and verbal skills are much more likely to get to the point where they are famous enough to have a Wikipedia article.

>> No.21728899

i hate this guy, he tries to do the whole new york ball buster routine but he just comes off as a fag

>> No.21728902

jewish privilege is real

>> No.21728999

how annoying can one man be