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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21722067 No.21722067 [Reply] [Original]

Top 3000 isn't even selling. I check my wallet rank every day and I'm still ~2850. It's literally all the newfags who FOMOd in selling with maybe a whale here and there.

Unfortunate too because I was hoping to move up a few hundred ranks during this dump but the top 3k has iron hands apparently.

>> No.21722495

never selling. let these retards panic selling learn their lesson.

>> No.21722539

went from 50k to 57k today.

>> No.21722617

So you're telling me this dump is literally nothing? $1000 EOY it is then.

>> No.21722896 [DELETED] 

can confirm, I'm in too 200 and check my position multiple times a day, I've not moved at all today but have moved up a 4 places in the last few days

>> No.21722991
File: 352 KB, 434x464, rAB0PPm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had years to accumulate, the pain I feel when I see link threads

>> No.21723142

Last stakeout. Normies, redditors and bizfaggots that never bought link until it was 10$ are selling because they have 0 discipline and just want easy cash.

Keep holding the line marines.

>> No.21723294


can confirm, I'm in top 200 and check my position multiple times a day, I've not moved at all today but have moved up 4 places in the last few days

>> No.21723325

it really bad that big boys arnt selling

>> No.21723404


>> No.21723433

Londonfrog is that you

>> No.21723525

Who cares Not buying

>> No.21723543
File: 25 KB, 474x355, IMG_20200619_095225_834_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top 3000 isn't even selling
its monkey season

>> No.21723589

I almost FOMO’d at $17. Glad I waited, I got 150 linkies at $12.96 lel. We $25 next week

>> No.21723699

What's the cutoff for top 3k right now?

>> No.21723708

The whales can now open massive short positions and sell to reinforce them then buy back. Like what's happened with BTC after futures. Then they just let it crawl up 300% and start clubbing it again. LINK is done now without some news that causes a massive threat of liquidity to disturb that strategy.

>> No.21723789

I've seen a lot of people mentioning they gained a few ranks in the top 2000 recently but they don't seem to realise that a lot of top wallets split their stacks up further when it pumps. I did. There are even less top holders selling than people assume

>> No.21723797

how do you check your wallet rank?

>> No.21723887

how do i check wallets?

>> No.21723930

I don’t own any link I’m not going to buy at this price either but desu I wouldn’t be surprised if it literally hits 1000 eoy. I remember all the week hand posting when it hit 4.00 and then all the pinkies when it dropped back down to like sub $1 and then back to $4 with in a few weeks. And it’s now at $13 and anons are posting the same week hand wojaks.

>> No.21724168
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>how do I check wallet rank
>how do I check wallet rank
>how do I check wallet rank
We're still flooded with newfags. I thought this dump would have scared them away.

>> No.21724230

That's not a good thing, that mean that there is still plenty of selling pressure ahead

>> No.21724353

this "dump" just precedes the fomo. Now that link awareness is actually raising in minds, they will have to deal with both the fomo and knowing they could have bought a dip

>> No.21724361
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I have probably been on 4chan longer than you have, that doesn't know I know how to check wallet rank lol

>> No.21724391

Can someone please link me where to check my wallet ranking?

>> No.21724581
File: 84 KB, 233x533, 21502D06-983C-4C15-8F52-A90E05AAD94D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been in on the ride since avg daily volume 100 btc on Binance
>went all in at .31c never selling
>rush of newfags fomo like Portnoy & pump my bag past 20 a pop
>correction occurs buy high sell low
the shakeout executed perfectly marines see you later at $100

>> No.21724691

This is 4channel, newfren

>> No.21724750

I just did it on excel, is that how you do it or is there an online tool?

>> No.21724755


>> No.21724767

>There are even less top holders selling than people assume
Which is bullish if it means that my top ~2850 wallet is actually a top 2000 wallet.

See for yourself

>> No.21724783
File: 66 KB, 1248x900, 24-e1588309315841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you lie, you know we can easily check that on ethplorer. Big wallets have been massively selling since $20

>> No.21724809

> sell pressure ahead
Yes, just wait until we reach $1k, the selloff will be massive.

>> No.21724839

Top 1% here, I've gained like 40 ranks in the past 3 days but it doesn't necessarily mean big wallets are selling, they could be splitting their wallets

>> No.21724841

is 12k link top 3000?
i’m too lazy to look

>> No.21724843

Would you feel safe with 100k LINKs sitting in one wallet? No, you'd break it up in to 10 wallets of 10K or 5 wallets of 20K. No one is going to break up wallets in to 5K splits because that would be too many wallets to the point of massive inconvenience. You can assume most whales that decide to split do so in increments of 10 or 20k link since that would be more convenient for them. Maybe super whales do 50k splits but I'd assume most are 10, or 20k splits.

hi newfag. Feel free to provide proof newfag. I can only tell you that my wallet rank has hardly moved.

>> No.21724847

where can you see wallet rank

>> No.21724854

I'm only a top 4200 wallet and I just lost like 30 ranks, people are definitely buying and there's lots of faggots who fomo'd in that gave up (thanks Portnoy you fucking kike)

>> No.21724874

Not going to spoonfeed you newfag.
I posted it in a previous post newfag

Holy shit the amount of newfags on /biz/ lately who FOMOd in to link lmao.

>> No.21724891

i wonder why whales would wait to split their wallets?
do they just think in USD?

>> No.21724901

security reasons I reckon

>> No.21724918

are you nibbers trolling?

>> No.21724927

nigger i was in the preico and bought more on ether delta

>> No.21724930

Easier to hack 1 wallet than multiple ones

>> No.21724932
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The burden of proof is yours, pal. Enjoy holding og bags

>> No.21724992

I have gained 50 ranks and iam now top 1000. Havent bought any

>> No.21725031

>doesn't know how to check his rank
>claims he isn't a newfag
lol k buddy

My personal point of view is I want people with more LINK than me to sell now rather than later. I'd rather they sell and have my rank increase while the price is lower. When LINK is widely adopted in the industry and smart contracts are common LINK's price will be huge and I want to be as high rank as I can by then. I don't want all the 100k+ whales selling at 1000+ I want them selling at 10-20 USD.

hi newfag! Your the acccuser so you post proof. This is an American board. (:

>> No.21725064

I started browsing 4 months before the date in your pic, not that it really matters. Knowing how to use etherscan and ethplorer is pretty basic knowledge.

>> No.21725071

learn to read i said i was too lazy

>> No.21725197

I agree but you gotta realize if you're already like top 5% of wallets and link does what it intends to it doesn't matter you've already made it. The only way people can leap frog you without even owning link at this point is if they're rich or institutional investors, which will massively increase the price, which will make your stack 10x-100x. Or just look at top % of btc or eth wallets, and imagine what that will look like for you in a couple years.

>> No.21725229

I don't see a feature on etherscan that lets me see where my individual wallet lies on the list of all holders. Ethplorer I admittedly have never used

>> No.21725472

Shoutenings at n00bfag

>> No.21725734

i'm not sure how reliable rank is
a whale holding 3 million can sell 2 million and still be above you in rank
and i imagine the big players have lots of wallets spread out with smaller amounts
it's a semi way to gauge interest but idk how much i'd trust it

>> No.21725783

damn nice anon, you swung?

>> No.21725887

OP ur analysis literally means nothing

people could be going in and out

either way, just hold for 6-12 months and stop looking at the charts

>> No.21725964

Rank still important. For a project like LINK it should produce several thousands of millionaires so you most def wanna be in those several thousand wallet.

>> No.21725970

wow i hadnt checked in a while, im in the top 800 wallets kek feels good

>> No.21726100

i think overall rank is, yeah
but idk how much of a gauge it is during a bear downturn or not
could be top dudes just splitting up wallets and not selling so it's hard to say
(unless they're sending to binance so i guess that whale watcher twitter would be good)

>> No.21726132

nah, just liquidated some other stuff. 50k is my DR;NS stack.

>> No.21726179

How many you have. I have 60k does that put me in top 500 or so?

>> No.21726239

if i had all my link in one place, i'd be in the 700 wallets. but i don't, and probably lots and lots of other people don't also.
>fatass chunk in a private wallet, chunk on binance, little chunk in coinbase

>> No.21726274
File: 356 KB, 612x468, 1537493831567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the top 7000 wallets.. how pathetic..

>> No.21726289

also, you people are retards
how the fuck do you have 60k link and not know how to use etherscan?

>> No.21726376

how do you even know you are top 3000 wallet if some whales are keeping their link on exchanges

>> No.21726735

You don’t. It’s a decent metric but not super reliable.

>> No.21727491

Is there a way to chart the historical ranking for a given address?

>> No.21727577

there's a site called glass[something] that might track those kind of things
i'm not sure though because i'e just heard of it and not used it

>> No.21727603

Are you both retards? Link on an exchange still has an eth address which means it still shows on ethplorer.

>> No.21727845

If whales are splitting in multiple wallets but I’m keeping the same rank; wouldn’t that mean that some top wallets are indeed selling to offset it?

>> No.21727883

yes, of course some whales are selling, many sold the 20 top and some will probably be swinging rn

>> No.21727886

How new are you?? Ever seen the BINANCE addresses on etherscan?

>> No.21728303

This, surprised other people also don’t realize.

>> No.21728320


Who else do you think propped the price up from $4 to $20? When the newfags sell out that's where you go back, to $4 until a new hype train occurs next year so long as no new competition moves in with a better product and takes the marketshare or spotlight.

>> No.21728488

20 was just too much of a juicy profit taking target and perfect to get another short accumulation phase for dolphins going

>> No.21728502

Not in the same wallet, dumbass. That means you really can’t tell how many people have so you don’t know your own ranking.

>> No.21728785

>tfw only top 9500

>> No.21728789

Is now a good time to AAAAAAAAVE into more? On hand still up at double what we were a few days ago, but on the other smartcon is close and it just might not be a nothing burger this time. Easy way to double the stack, of course if it dumps too hard it goes from doubling my stack to fifthening it so it's got me a bit spooped. If only I knew how the markets will react after smartcon this would be an easier choice. Why did it explode in price recently? Delayed response to BLS and Telekom or insiders acting on smartcon?