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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21720354 No.21720354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we exterminate Jews?

>> No.21720378

fuck off back to pol incel

>> No.21720387

Marry their daughters and get them to convert

>> No.21720396

They do need exterminating though, how do we profit from them eventually being wiped out?

>> No.21720399

By getting your ass off the coach and accumulate wealth instead of complain and bitch like a little girl

>> No.21720400


>> No.21720407

Jews are based. Go back.

>> No.21720425



>> No.21720439

Kike seething

>> No.21720466


>hurrr I hate people because an internet message board told me to

Fuck off retard. All types of people fuck over others financially. This entire board is dedicated to doing just that. The fact that you are on the short end of this stick is just because you are a low IQ piece of shit.

>> No.21720491

but jewish people seem to do this the most

>> No.21720510

We don't you fucking schizo

>> No.21720549

Judaism is transmitted from the mother, so the best is to get goy girls to have children with male jews

>> No.21720611

you need to go back

>> No.21720817

it's a cultural thing. the only distinct difference between judaism and christianity is that jesus said we should all love everyone and strive for some manner of equality, whereas judaism explicitly believes that a society is unequal in that it needs a leading class and that some must remain goyim forever. they believe that god granted them special rights as the chosen people.

both approaches are retarded, but an AI-led government might work, in which case the jews might be right yet.

>> No.21720964

Start moving nogs into their neighborhood.

>> No.21721166

by putting a penny in an oven and waiting for them to go in to get it.

>> No.21721330

Make circumcision illegal
Indirectly subvert and outlaw their cultural and religious practices and beliefs
Jews have white genetics, within a generation they'll be white culturally

>> No.21721500

glue a penny to a pool floor

>> No.21721570

Why are Jews obsessed with sex shaming?

>> No.21721609

wh*tes are too low IQ.

>> No.21721784

Circumcision is also what makes Jews psychotic and sexual deviants. The ritual permanently changes the brain. The Jews circumcision rituals are much worse then goyim circumcision, so the circumcision effects the Jew much more. It is very important part in making a Jew a Jew. Get rid of the practice and Jews will have a harder time indoctrinating each other into their satanic cult.

>> No.21721805

I too was 14 once

>> No.21721877

People say nasty things here and sometimes it's even funny. But this is just brain dead idiotism and disgusting. Go back to /pol/

>> No.21721882
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 90696927_10157326114133299_7054886986619813888_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All types of people fuck over others financially
Jews actually believe this.
No different than a murderer saying "fuck off, all types of people murder others." You are still a piece of shit murderer. You Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries over the years for doing the same shit over and over. Now you lash out when called out by citizens of the host nation you are doing the same things in. American's are sick of your shit and anyone even slightly fluent with the internet wants you OUT.

>> No.21722034
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>The fact that you are on the short end of this stick is just because you are a low IQ piece of shit.
>wh*tes are too low IQ.
Then why can't you stay the fuck out of our Countries? Why do you follow us around and bitch endlessly until people give you things? Not so different from leaches or other parasites.

>> No.21722073

Nice try Rabbi

>> No.21722188

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