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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 291 KB, 2836x1290, Screen Shot 2020-08-21 at 10.23.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21712935 No.21712935 [Reply] [Original]

Liquidity Lock: https://etherscan.io/token/0x11A2Ab94adE17e96197C78f9D5f057332a19a0b9?a=0x840336e57708b8ba1e864b2b7db78aabeeba1691

And Dev Burned every single token he holds - https://etherscan.io/tx/0x49E9BD7ABC951980B8B14FD802B019F05E0B36CCF14C9751F890C9A4A5D3DE0D


See ya on the moon, not even 12 hours in and theres almsot 600 wallets and $2mil volume

>> No.21712990


I'm in and comfy as fuck.

Keep me posted OP

>> No.21712996

Thank you because I have no idea how to find this stuff myself haha... I should probably learn though

>> No.21713014

5c EOD

>> No.21713029

Yes. You really should. These are the fundamentals to shitcoining.

>> No.21713045

How do I buy? All I see is the contract address on here

>> No.21713047
File: 410 KB, 1536x2048, EflQqqaWkAI1_iX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to be in the top 100 addresses.

>> No.21713061

I found it through a whale I'm watching like a hawk. Awesome project.

>> No.21713067


Well done anon, jelly.

>> No.21713090


>> No.21713097

God... it's gnna be another long day of handholding it seems lol

You paste the contract address into uniswap as a custom token and buy


>> No.21713160

is 20k enough to make it? when should I sell this?

>> No.21713191

I’m holding out for .25c

>> No.21713219

When you feel youve made enough profit... some people will go for the x100

>> No.21713221

haha another completely organic poster here haha
thanks for the tip OP haha

>> No.21713228
File: 394 B, 10x10, 1593507869776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest money of your life
literally just got on coingecko

>> No.21713238

have you used uniswap before? link it to your metamask

>> No.21713395

where is the chart that shows the price?

>> No.21713419

Go to uniswap and search the pair

>> No.21713427

Went to the moon and came back halfway to pick up passengers before mars. I hopped in. YOLO

>> No.21713445

You DON't fucking sell it. lmao.

>> No.21713476


>> No.21713480

>Liquidity Lock: https://etherscan.io/token/0x11A2Ab94adE17e96197C78f9D5f057332a19a0b9?a=0x840336e57708b8ba1e864b2b7db78aabeeba1691

Unicrypt for the retards who can’t read Unix timestamps

Someone post the anti-fud screenshot for the muh dev can mint tokens fud from the telegram.

>> No.21713551
File: 562 KB, 1125x2436, D370FE82-8E4F-4845-A710-3C032391D0F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. No owner function on the contract. Dev can’t mint anymore

>> No.21713581

can't believe it dropped to .004 this morning

>> No.21713637

What's the use case? Nothing lmfao

>> No.21713648

won't happen again, hope you were lucky enough to pick some up

>> No.21713660

chad here, that's where I bought. this is going to 10c

>> No.21713676

There was a coordinated FUD this morning where a guy said the dev can mint tokens.
Ngl I sold my stack then, was a top 50 holder, now just top 100.
The dev stickied this >>21713551 and I rebought it then, some people just want to spread FUD to accumulate their bags.

>> No.21713729

I am jelly chad
I bought in at .012 last night

>> No.21713736

You need to understand that biz will fud anything to accumulate.

ESPECIALLY a rugproof coin like this. I'm sorry to hear you lost half your stack

>> No.21713772

You've got a strong hand, that dip would have terrified me

>> No.21713796

You probably would have sold flow when it dipped from .42 to .17 too lol

>> No.21713865

I was sleeping.

>> No.21713901

Me too east coast fren, me too. I chartwatched til about 3am, woke up at 10

>> No.21713918

573 wallets already? It’s been less than a day... this has almost double the volume as it’s marketcap.

this is a gem in the making

>> No.21713922

what the fuck niggers why do all replies here sound so fucking forced and unorganic lol, i bought this shitcoin but when i see this shit it's like robots are talking between each other. Hello fellow humans

>> No.21713924

Top 100 wallet as well. I went (almost) all in rw I saw the hype. Got lucky desu because I was on lunch, saw something on Twitter and came here. There were only a couple posts in the thread at the time and I said fuck it, this seems legit. I sold way too early on ZZZ, I won't for this

>> No.21713940

I'm on the west coast. I try to get to bed at around 10pm

>> No.21713966

very good coin sir please buy sir
but seriously its actually a solid investment, ground floor of a rugproof liquidity locked shitcoin

>> No.21714021

Oh never mind, and that's very responsible of you. I bought in last night at exactly 1 cent, would've liked to have gotten in on that juicy dip. Guess I'll just keep bagholding on the way back up, I swapped some FLOW for this but now that's down too

>> No.21714049

What the fuck does this shitcoin do

>> No.21714077

How do I store orbi on my ledger? Get nervous about reading people getting their funds stolen off metamask.

>> No.21714109

honestly I have no idea, just buying in because of hype and promises of wealth

>> No.21714111


you're early anon.

>> No.21714180


lmao why? You want to be able to trade off your bags the moment it shoots or dumps.

>> No.21714214

Does anyone see this puppy hitting $1?

>> No.21714235

I mean... its not impossible but could take a while

>> No.21714254


it's an ERC20 token. Send the token to your eth wallet on your ledger.

>> No.21714266

$1 is pretty optimistic
but it can still easily go 20x from here

>> No.21714280


It will hit 1 dollar sooner than CNS, at the very least.

>> No.21714291

This reminds me of when Flow first started

>> No.21714309

Solves the lambo problem apparently.

>> No.21714318

fud is just as strong too

>> No.21714412

Yeah the FUD on this is maybe even stronger than Flow....the funny part is it's people who are salty they missed flow and they could still get in this under $1mil lol

>> No.21714425

Isn't dev admin. They gave themselves 1 mill.

>> No.21714495

No. The dev burnt all his. Some teammates have a minimal amount (like 10 ETH worth) lol

>> No.21714497

Wasn't FLOW's starting price like .16c, though?

>> No.21714511

This is everything.. the dev burned his whole supply.


>> No.21714520

what's a dex that
-hooks into metamask like uniswap does
-is cheaper than uniswap's predatory gas
-isn't uniswap
-is better than uniswap
any thoughts?

>> No.21714534

I believe its two people that got given 500k each, which is nothing.
Even if they both dumped at the same time it wouldn't be an issue for more than a couple hours

>> No.21714538

No it started at .06 .. and what does that matter they have different supplies lol.... this is basically at where Flow was when it was .36c

>> No.21714563

at a very similar mcap, yes. I bought in when it was sub $1m mcap as well, and it's at around 5. This is still sub $1m. FLOW is easier to understand though, SINE tokenomics which this incorporates goes over everyone's head.

>> No.21714691

In the end, all that matters is the contracts, and if OP is any indication the dev is in it for the long haul

>> No.21714715

Exactly, but biz is littered with LINK newfags who bought at $15 and dont even know what etherscan is lol

>> No.21714960

this has all the attributes. fair distribution. token burn. liquidity locked. absolutely no reason we can't see 10c this week.

>> No.21715100

How does /biz/ keep finding these fucking moonshots?

>> No.21715272

Browse new tokens listed on uniswap, look into the etherscan to check if the liquidity is locked, if there are large whales that bought in early, if the contract creators tokens are locked, etc. Then find the website, read the whitepaper, and see if it has good tokenomics. It's time consuming DD that pays off when you can buy the ground floor below where everyone else buys, and then you can start to shill it here to achieve the beginning hype. Or you can wait for a spoonfeed and be on the lookout for the original thread last night, which a lot of people took notice of.

>> No.21715301

How do you even browse new listings on uniswap?

>> No.21715316

how does one do that?

>> No.21715410

It reached Twitter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the normies are here, we didn't have time to accumulate

You can use the free dextools too, it has filter on top right in Pools section which says new.

>> No.21715440

>didn't have time
tell that to all the guys who bought in over .01 last night. WE WERE TOO EARLY

>> No.21715466

Holy fuck so many newfags. I can smell another bull coming.

>> No.21715520

This although again, it's extremely time consuming and you're probably going to sort through a lot of trash. Spoonfeeds have made me /comfy/ these past couple of months provided you either get in early or buy the dips when people are about to neck themselves (except for rugpulls obv)

>> No.21715524
File: 114 KB, 1143x1012, TRNDdappj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Etherscan, THIS is how you find coins with less than 10 holders, and it verifies the contract for you and liquidity... everything

>> No.21715591

I have a 500k, should I buy more?

>> No.21715715 [DELETED] 

there's 113,000 in existence....

>> No.21715725


>> No.21715729

Fuck, guys its hitting twitter hard lol... guess biz only got the first 500 wallets this time

>> No.21715775

I was trying to buy but it kept changing price and dod uniswap doesn't have limit offers. And it shot up to .000021 eth and I've been trying to buy at .000018 eth
In the end I was gonna buy 40k buy I had to just settle for 20k.
Which is only like $150 oh well, all my money in in eqmt so can't do anything here.

>> No.21715809

Nearly hitting 1c..jesus

>> No.21715974

it nearly hit 2 cents last night

>> No.21716060

This was my original buy-in price after the initial pump. Grats if you got in this morning.

>> No.21716352


>> No.21716473


>> No.21716483
File: 101 KB, 1485x771, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trendering app misses so many coins it's not even funny. Go ahead try finding all the coins that pumped 10-50x in the last hour in their dashboard.

Proof I own it dashboard screenshot

>> No.21716524

It just won't buy for me in uniswap
Guess I'm missing this one

>> No.21716616

It’s the beta of the app that’s live now, and there are two tabs— one for mainnet and one for Uniswap. Either tab only shows the last 50 coins released. The app hasn’t missed a single coin issue; it just doesn’t show a history beyond the most recent 50.

>> No.21716852

WTF WAS THAT?!?!?!!??!?

>> No.21716939

increase your slippage tolerance

>> No.21716989

the retard pumped for 20eth and immediately sold for 18

>> No.21717034

He aded a 0 by accident?

>> No.21717068

dips getting eaten immediately

>> No.21717086

no idea
either way the dip got eaten in 30 seconds so the joke is on him

>> No.21717351

Let the games begin

>> No.21717403

Shit is kicking off
Buy now or stay poor

>> No.21717413

Imagine being one of the weak hands who cashed out at 1c

>> No.21717436


>> No.21717463

no but the rocket has launched
get on now

>> No.21717550

what's causing this to pump right now?

>> No.21717554

I was so close but held my nerve

>> No.21717573

It's too late
And I'm not gonna get fomo dumped on
Oh well
There will probably be others

>> No.21717577

help i just tried to swap and i 'approved' instead what did i do

>> No.21717605

probably the twitter action its getting

>> No.21717633

you have to approve the coins to swap them
you can swap now
approval is a small fee to allow the trade
I bought in at around 0.9
when they were dumping the last couple hours I almost lost my nerve when my stack was 60% of the initial investment
so fucking glad I didn't

>> No.21717660

The incredibly strong fundamentals

>> No.21717697

I'm holding until $1 then taking 25% out

>> No.21717707

kek...another rug pull...which discord you coming from niggers and pajeets

>> No.21717739

dev burned all his tokens
rugpull isn't possible

>> No.21717743

>fudding so he can buy more
it's all so tiresome

>> No.21717776

Come buy make stacks

>> No.21717806

Garbage token not needed. Buy Suterusu you brainlet.

>> No.21717818

Have to go to the shop for beer. Don't dump it while I'm gone lads.

>> No.21717851

no website...nothing. enjoy rugpull idiots

>> No.21717871

I sold for 2.5x.
It can go a lot higher, but lock in some profits.
It's another pointless meme coin.

>> No.21717874

There is a website, bit low effort but it exists.

>> No.21717889


>> No.21717902

>fudding after moon mission begins
are you new to this?

>> No.21717920

ahhh you missed the fud train earlier, you just wake up anon?

>> No.21718281

Hey i'm a new fag. How can you be sure the Dev burned ((("ALL"))) his tokens?

>> No.21718318


>> No.21718333

You can see the transaction on etherscan
100% chance he bought in again but doesn't hold anywhere near as many, not enough to rugpull us

>> No.21718386

what happens if my swap is stuck on pending forever

>> No.21718401

Doesn't matter. Show me another dev who does that. There aren't any. If he truly did this, then it's just a cherry on top.

>> No.21718560
File: 62 KB, 1242x626, burn_dev_coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> no burn and no mint function in the contract
> dev send all his coin to address 0x01

>> No.21718606

can't believe I fell for the "dev can mint coins" fud earlier, would have double the gains right now if I hadn't

>> No.21718609

then dev buys millions for next to nothing.
fair play to him though.

>> No.21718627


>> No.21718674

What I mean to say is, couldn't he bee bag holding somewhere elese? using this to meme on everyone. I find it hard to believe the dev's supply was less than 10% of the total tokens
Oh it matters shill, you basically said
>It doesn't matter if you can't be sure that a dev burned his entire bag
>show me another dev who burns their entire bag
>its just the cherry on top of a coin that has almost 0 information and no real purpose that is known to the public

Psure this is a scam. You can absolutely make money along with the scammer, but you're just stealing from your fellow dreamers.

>> No.21718768

This board doesn't care about scamming. Everyone is waiting to scam another anon while making threads "we all in this together frens". I bet if they had an opportunity to make and shill a token they absolutely would do it

>> No.21718781


>> No.21718788

Just buy link

>> No.21718854

he's using this to meme as 'super honest dev' when he actually bought millions of tokens for almost nothing. you can see the next 10 or so wallets after the burn, all likely to be his.
he's memed well, and people can meme that this isn't a scam.
not to say it can't moon, but take profits. I already have.

>> No.21719003

Why does this have any value? it just changes its supply? anyone actually been on the website?

>> No.21719060

guys I bought 14k am I gonna make it?

>> No.21719114

you need 100k

>> No.21719124

try 10x-ing that fren, we all gonna make it though

>> No.21719142

it's a meme based on ampleforth, but it's a pnd make no mistake. might carry on for a while though, might crack 5mil cap. just know what you're getting into.

>> No.21719490

Fucking had to buy ether for gas to take profits, 'pending' AAAAAAAARGH!

>> No.21720166

wft dude....a pepe for ants?

>> No.21720343

Transaction failed. 3 fucking times. Insufficient output. 24$ in fees for nothing! WTF is going on. Can't see anywhere to change gas. Halp!

>> No.21720404

change your slippage tolerance, make sure you have enough funds in the wallet to cover the tolerance if such a price change were to occur

>> No.21720495

Metamask and uniswap v2. Can't see anywhere to change slippage?

>> No.21720523

NVM found it. Thanks lad.

>> No.21720529

Click the gear top right

>> No.21720751

Waiting for a pump now, only taking back my initial. +24$ in fees.
This is not the way crypto is meant to work.

>> No.21720933

this on livecoinwatch yet?

>> No.21721024

Almost back to ATH.... good distribution happening, early whales left late last night and its getting eaten up.

>> No.21721406

Increased slippage to 5% now it estimates 15 minutes to complete. Fuck this nonsense.

>> No.21721525

how are you all tracking this?

>> No.21721541

change to 8% and execute the order on a downswing.

>> No.21721626

Still pending just now. Will see if it goes through then change slippage and try again. Absolute bollocks they take the fee for a failed move.

>> No.21721643

Uniswap info for me

>> No.21722232

Mmmm positive rebase coming. Free money. Yumyumyumyumyumyum.

>> No.21722655

so where are we on the current Sine Wave cycle shit? doesn't matter this shit's going to keep mooning regardless, truly a FLOW 2.0 blessing from Kek

>> No.21722815

Checked for flow copy going to $2. Fuck me. Lambos all round.

>> No.21723233

Almost 700 wallets... I don't even think Flow grew this fast

>> No.21723344

just threw in an ETH. i looked at it earlier when it was .0076 but the emoji symbol they have made me skeptical, couldve doubled my money just by buying a few hours ago. oh well.

>> No.21723402


>> No.21723455

If you can’t see that this is a telegram group all talking to each other to pump the bags of their scam...

Anon I....

>> No.21723566

So I got about one eth worth of orbi, now where do i send it? Using metamask n uniswap for the first time. Fuck, this reminds me of when I bought link on that autistic etherdelta back in '17

>> No.21723612

retard this isn't some long term hodl. Get in and get out with free money
don't go by the token symbol especially when looking for easy 10x coins. Verify the token address, verify the contract/liquidity/volume, buy your bags

>> No.21723672

so many ultra newfags. So Bullish.
You leave it in your Metamask wallet unless you want it somewhere else kek

>> No.21723711

when to bail?

>> No.21723727


Fucking 2x, get your initial +fees + 25% profit out.

Then ride the rest

>> No.21723728

It says I've got 25k of orbi do I just paste my metamask eth adress there? I have no clue of what I'm doing.

>> No.21723770
File: 12 KB, 458x333, chrome_2020-08-21_20-58-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even counting the 100M total supply this is sitting at 1.5M fully diluted market cap right now, it's so early!


>> No.21723809

I seriously hope to ride it to $2 like FLOW who knows though
Keep an eye on the chart

>> No.21723821

Dude you're playing with fire, a nufaggot in another thread burned his money by not knowing what he was doing. If you bought on Uniswap you shouldn't need to do anything. Leave it in your Megamall wallet.

>> No.21723863

this is what i get for phoneposting. Metamask not Megamall.

>> No.21723893

Got it, ty. Being this new isn't easy. Normies shouldn't be allowed to do this shit, its nerve wracking.

>> No.21723931

God if this hits $2 I will be ecstatic.

>> No.21723936

Yeah man, like other anon said you're playing with fire.
Incorrectly moving your crypto means it's gone forever. Why tf do you need to move it out of your Metamask?
Leave it there, it's fine especially since you have no idea wtf is going on lol

>> No.21723973

Not so easy with metamask and uniswap. Tried 3 times to take initial out. Transaction failed. Slippage on this is a nightmare. Wait for the moon and set slippage to silly time and hope for the best.
Crypto is robbing people.

>> No.21724095

You're buying during a pump on a very volatile coin. High slippage and some gas is standard with this shit.
Hesitating and worrying about little fees is how you fuck yourself out of 10Xing

>> No.21724638

lets go

>> No.21724724

Yep absolutely. Set slippage to 1% and pay the gas fees. It fucking pays for itself in 10 minutes

>> No.21724973

Lol it's such a scammy pnd, they will shill the fuck out of this to dump on your face.

>> No.21725035

And theres the all time high... lolllllllll

>> No.21725132


Before or after $1?

>> No.21725160

what if it happens in your sleep and you're left with bags

>> No.21725202
File: 46 KB, 646x720, 1531694444722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

71% of the liquidity is locked

>> No.21725305

AAAAAAND theres the ATH.... congrats to everyone still thinking this is a scam despite LITERALLY SPOONFEEDING YOU THE CONTRACTS lol

>> No.21725458

aaaand it's gone

>> No.21725475

Yes, these are called dips my friend. They've been getting eaten up since .003 this morning

>> No.21725485
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1598026053108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-scam proof

>> No.21725493

you will pay more in gas fees trying to get rid of this garbage than it will ever be worth

>> No.21725638

I'm the dev. If it is a pump and dump, I don't know who is doing the pumping or dumping. There were a lot of pump and dump groups trying to get me to give them my own tokens so that they could pnd, but I blocked them all. I hold zero $ORBI and am continuing to work on this and watching all the degens do their thing for giggles.

>> No.21725656

Brainlet question here but what does it mean by approve in uniswap if im trying to swap back to eth.

>> No.21725854

Oh. Hi dev! How you doin! guess ill sell it all now!!!


>> No.21726315

you must first approve the coin for swapping back to eth. you will pay a small fee for this "transaction". then you can do the swap

>> No.21726354

And just like that, we're never seeing sub 1c again

>> No.21726584

>dev shilling

>> No.21726687

Hi dev, do you hype for hotdogs much?

>> No.21726699

391 wallets left till we take this from biz to reddit and twitter, then youtube.


>> No.21726753


Yes, my hype for hotdogs can be found elsewhere as well, if you know where to look.


Please keep reddit out of this for as long as possible.

>> No.21727388

Rundown on how the rebase works before I grab some?

>> No.21727696

What more can anyone ask for in a new coin from. A dev. We all should be supporting this...: it’s fair launch like Flow

>> No.21727729

Im in pure profit now, i had 1.1m - go initial out sub 1c and now got 500k just chillin. Feels good, ill ride this till it either makes it or breaks it

>> No.21728121
File: 2.57 MB, 568x360, 1548549486090.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.21728342

This is a great compilation for any new frens

>> No.21728396

when will the sites name be changed?

>> No.21728559

How much orbi for a gf like that?

>> No.21729212

checked and BASED this is really FLOW 2.0

>> No.21729527

This is a very cool idea for a rebase protocol. I’m in just to see what happens

>> No.21729631

Why anyone would be in ampl and not this and flow is beyond me. No team wallets to dump, its fucking golden

>> No.21729719

Pretty sure the dev just got the new domain name so could be any moment, is that why you’re not buying tho lol, cause that is low IQ

>> No.21729899

No I bought last night pre-dump @ .012
Then some more this morning at .007
I was just wondering when the name change happens
but I'm still pretty low IQ my dude
to be honest

>> No.21730340

Rebase in 1 hour. First one. Fuck yeah

>> No.21730360


>> No.21730423
File: 8 KB, 150x150, jewpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21730823

Wash trading

>> No.21730866

Okay yeah this coin has a god tier first day

>> No.21730897

> someone who doesn't understand the definition of washtrading

>> No.21730912

Lol... 750 wallets in a day “wash trading” you guys are not that smart. Every coin that gets off the ground is subject to this same retarded FUD. From Link up through Orbi

>> No.21731002


>> No.21731106

People are scared. 8% is nothing here. no worries.

>> No.21731138

everyones going for that early YFIE

>> No.21731324

Lol this is early stages, it will swing. You can be down 20% one hour and up 60% the next, just hold and wait. Once this hit 1000 wallets it'll go parabolic

>> No.21731682

I could be retarded but if the sine function mechanism works the way I think it does shouldn't we be buying three and a half days in when supply is the highest? Since 2 weeks is one cycle of supply increase/decrease. Unless we are so early the mechanism doesn't matter?

>> No.21731761

I'm cozy

>> No.21732046

what's the mean?

>> No.21732148


WIll i make it?

>> No.21732257

fucking go to hell dude

>> No.21732308

is it possible for this to ever get listed on an exchange with how the rebase protocol functions

>> No.21732823

whoops. I wasn't in ampl. I guess buying before the rebase was absolutely retarded? Guess I could try to average it out

>> No.21733120

haha totally organic haha... haha

>> No.21733795

Looks like rebase worked perfect, I’m hoppin in

>> No.21733852

telegram group is having a fucking meltdown right now, where's the popcorn?

>> No.21734110

Whatever it is it fucked everything up!