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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21708850 No.21708850 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, I just sold

fuck this shit fuck you fuck biz fuck sergey fuck link fuck crypto fuck everything

I'm out

>> No.21708871

Decent move.

>> No.21708874

Good, sell everything. It's the only way anon. Leave Crypto and Biz behind before it consumes you and you spend every second checking graphs and seeing people lie about making gains.

>> No.21708919

I've literally lost 10k fucking piece of scamming shits fuck all of you can't believe I fell for this fucking meme

1000 eoy my ass try 1000 satoshi eoy piece of motherfucking shit coin

>> No.21708993
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You know this needed to happen to create a leg to 25$ right...

>> No.21709050

no it didn't you are fucking delusional this is a fucking cult you are losing money yet still act like nothing's wrong

shit's been dumping for days every day I lost fucking money, I'm down 10k so I got out fuck that shit

>> No.21709085

You’ll cry even more when it’ll shoot up to $25 overnight

>> No.21709140

If you can’t bear a healthy correction, stay out of the market

>> No.21709192

you've been saying this for days yet it keeps dropping like a rock, fuck off cultist

>muh healthy correction

that's literally what everyone says every time their coins dump. you are coping, there's no way that a dump can be healthy or positive

>> No.21709334

I literally don't believe you, like at all. There isn't a single person this dumb

>> No.21709414

down 30% in 5 days is not a correction. its a death sentence. especially if its a top 5 coin. learn your history faggot.

>> No.21709430

dude chill, biz has telling people to buy this when it was like 20 cents. If you had done that you would have made alot of money. If u have patients you will still make good money.

>> No.21709429

how am I being dumb? you are all blinded by the promise of 1000 eoy and meanwhile whales are taking a big shit on you every single day. they are playing with your emotions and naivety

>> No.21709522
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I bought 2000 more links

>> No.21709538

Ok moonboy keep buying high and selling low you’ll make it

>> No.21709546

those people who bought at 20 cents are dumping on you, wake the fuck up

enjoy my bags I guess

>> No.21709565


>> No.21709575
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>> No.21709596
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you wont regret it. shit will crash hard

>> No.21709632


There are people on this board that unironically lost money on LINK.

>> No.21709634

looks like the bottom is in

>> No.21709642

that's what they said about eth. jus chill trusts me. it will bounce back in a few months

>> No.21709679

Welp. He sold guys. Time to pump it.

>> No.21709753

Buying 2k at $14.55, let’s do this

>> No.21709774

Right. Because Bitcoin going to 8k was a death sentence

>> No.21709829

it's still down from ATH isn't it?

I doubt we'll see double digit link again after tomorrow, what a fucking shitshow. glad I got out

>> No.21709847

Low iq I don’t believe you even had 10k$ anon.

>> No.21709883

Thats way too soon anon ... I expect link to hit $4 - $5 dollar with in a month.

>> No.21709901

you are fucking blinded by the promises of endless wealth, you are literally a braindead cult member and you are saying I'm low IQ?

I got out of the cult unlike you

>> No.21709912

Its not like i have a great stack or anything, im not even down 20% yet so im gonna hold and if the price gets juicier i will buy more

>> No.21709985

Your thinking about cult things. When you could just look at the chart and see that this dump needed to happen. You sold at 14 instead of 19 then blame /biz/ YES you are low IQ

>> No.21710008

We are straight-up telling you to leave so you don't end up like us asshole. You deserved to lose it because you are a cunt.

>> No.21710061

Dedication to the larp I admit, but no one could actually be dumb enough to buy something and sell it three days later because it didn’t make them rich. Nice try OP

>> No.21710087

you are all mentally ill, how can the price dumping can be a positive thing please explain to me

>> No.21710134
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Newfag here, I started 3 weeks ago. I've been on 4chan for a long time though, so I trust you niggers. I listened to everything /biz/ told me to buy, now everything is down, what the fuck cunts

>> No.21710156
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>> No.21710172

So you thinking something pumping forever is healthy. But it retracing and finding a foundation for a next pump isn’t. Are YOU mentally ill. How you manage to get 10k$ in the first place?

>> No.21710188


>> No.21710187

do you honestly think that BTC shot up straight to $12000 without going down since 2011?

>> No.21710209

a little correction to $17-18 is normal, not $14

>> No.21710274

Post iq

>> No.21710281

>that's literally what everyone says every time their coins dump. you are coping, there's no way that a dump can be healthy or positive
And every time there is a healthy correction, literally everyone says "IT'S OVER FOR ____ IT'S GOING TO ZERO"

>> No.21710319

Any you get to decide what normal is?

>> No.21710318

Link going to 12 is still a healthy correction. Link started from 7..... seven dollars!

>> No.21710352

So you bought the top after a literal weeks long 300% pump, and are now mad at biz because you lost money after the dip that was obviously coming happened?

>> No.21710353
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I believe in link but I regret not selling the top, sold while up on my initial investment and will wait til it dumps a bit more before getting back in, just want to get back the 100 linkies I lost swinging

>> No.21710366

hownu.ru? A few months ago this exact same shit happened when link dumped from 8.80 to 6.50

>> No.21710378

I thought the whole idea was to just hold for 1yr plus. If you are in this long term the price swinging right now doesn't matter

>> No.21710390

higher than you cultist

look at the chart of every crypto, they all dumped and never recovered. link will be the same

>losing 40% of your value is healthy

ok cultist

>> No.21710429

Is this a troll? During the 2016/2017 bull run, do you think eth and btc climbed up to their ATHs without any dumps along the way?

>> No.21710452

only reason it pumped was because smart money, smarter than everyone in here, knew the Smartcon event coming up would boost interest.....price spiked. price always spikes way earlier than /biz/ thinks when an event like this is coming up, but not on the day OF the event, it's always weeks earlier.

you guys really thought this shit was going to go up forever? you guys really thought it was a natural rise, that this token bounced between $1 and $4 dollars, but then explodes up to $20?

do you understand how hard it is for a high market cap token to QUINTUPLE in price, especially in a matter of days? that shit was not natural at all. I was super early on Link, started buying around 30 cents, I got out throughout the years. you guys got greedy and now you're going to pay the price for it unfortunately. it's not an easy thing to deal with, so get ready.

>> No.21710471

What are you talking about, we grew 13$ from 7-8$ dollars non stop in like 5 days its natural to get a correction of around 14$ or even 12$

>> No.21710481

bogged. see ya later newfag don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.21710501

It's literally your fault for not taking profits sooner and just blindly buying into the memes.

>> No.21710506


>> No.21710529

Prove it then you fucking fagget

>> No.21710531

How fucking retarded are you? Buying in a middle of a pump? Enjoy rope once it hits 100$-150$ in a few years.

>> No.21710553

It’s crypto. Did you come from the stonks or your a 40 year old boomer?

>> No.21710565

Ofc Im in it for the long run, I didnt expect literally all my coins to go down heavily within my first few weeks though.

>> No.21710580

Just make sure you sell the next top anon. I believe in you.

>> No.21710614

Look at some of the corrections on the ETH 2017 chart kek

>> No.21710663

I have seen this thread before.
0.3$, 2$, 4$, 8$,18$

Its okay if you can handle the feels after link hits 200$ and you have none.

>> No.21710670

Thanks OP for buying my bags, then selling your own bags so I can buy new bags. Thanks again, let's do this more often.

>> No.21710718

it was $8 in july. last month...

>> No.21710730

Still up 280k lol

>> No.21710757

itll be $8 end of this month

>> No.21711180

What a dramatic little girl you are. We haven't lost 40%. We are down just over 25% from the 20$ peak.

>> No.21711273

18% actually, we could still dump another 22 percent and it would still not be as bad as some ETH dumps in 2017

>> No.21711303

Kek what about when we went from 8.9 to 6? Or from 4.8 to 1.5? Or from 50 cents to 20 cents? $20 to even $9 wouldn’t actually even be the worst drop we’ve had

>> No.21711314

Not proud but I sold too. Yes it might go past 20 but I'm just so damn tired

>> No.21711342

I'd be more worried if ETH and BTC weren't down too

>> No.21711361
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Maybe Zeus Capital was a whistle blower trying to help us out all along...

>> No.21711433

Can't wait till this shakes all the fuckin normies who wanted to get rich

>> No.21711437
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>> No.21712182

I was kind of surprised by the appetite which senior folks in this thread had at responding to OPs LARP in a near term.

So when I started reading I was thinking that the degree of appetite didn't exist and by the end reading, i had a very genuine feeling that this was priority on a senior level agenda. Which I was very impressed by.

>> No.21712316


Now you know.

>> No.21712587

Never buy the top you idiot

>> No.21712700

>I listened to everything /biz/ told me to buy
/biz/ doesn't care about you, all cryptos are overvalued P&D schemes (aka pyramid schemes) that rely on newfags like you getting tricked into to make those who invested earlier (biz) rich

>> No.21712740
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>he fell for whale manipulation and sold his winning lottery ticket ONE WEEK away from smartcon
Anon, I...

>> No.21712758

>muh smartcon
imagine being THIS retarded

>> No.21712836

I bought. That's 2500 dollarinos on this bad boy. Surely smartcon will make me middle class.

>> No.21712865

Bro I bough link at $2 and even then people were saying the price was too high. I makes me kek when people are fussing at $14 lmao

>> No.21712900
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>> No.21712968


>> No.21713744

>you are losing money yet still act like nothing's wrong
Some of us didn't buy chainlink in 2020 you know. Its been here for 3 years.

>> No.21713820


>> No.21713917

If you didn't sell at $20, you lost your profit. You can have rebought at $14.

>> No.21714062


>> No.21714064


>> No.21714128
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>lost 10k from being a newfag

Big fucking yikes.

>> No.21714156
File: 661 KB, 1125x1766, F28FE25B-1267-44A9-87F8-7409CE38B26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSI has cooled off to where it was at
the start of the pump but still bullish. uptrend still intact. should get a bounce here.

>> No.21714234

I didn't because I nearly sold at $10 so the old "b-but what if it DOES keep going up and I miss out by selling at $20?!?" mentality.

Literally same shit happened to me with BTC at $20k fml.

>> No.21714327

You are the weakest link


>> No.21714365

Lol you're a pussy. Just hold. It's a few days, who cares? How big is your dilated vagina anyway?

>> No.21714510

imagine not having been through this experience endless times
imagine getting scared and selling
imagine being this new

get a grip, buy when anons are shitting their pants and sell when they're cooming in them.

>> No.21714532


>Yeah according to meme magic these lines state that the price of link will be 100k EOD

thanks bro, almost would have missed it

>> No.21714713
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you've obviously never met Bog