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>> No.21693371
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>> No.21693399

fuck anime
also checked

>> No.21693423

How’s your outlook for big titty anime girls?

>> No.21693523
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>> No.21693529
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Imagine not being in the top 10% net worth for you age group

>> No.21693556

If it weren't for student loans I'd be there

>> No.21693579

Tesla will shift from pretending to care about cars and batteries to primarily producing deep OTM short dated calls on its own options chain.
We've done it bros. The market is now crypto.

>> No.21693581
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>> No.21693634
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>tfw only top 20%
should i just end it bros?

>> No.21693727
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nah, you'll make it don't worry.

>> No.21693751
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>> No.21693755
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I'm not going to make it.
I'm going to wage slave for the rest of my life.

I don't even wanna be rich. I hardly fucking buy anything new, I eat like 1 meal a day and a bowl of cereal or something as a snack, and I don't own/want a car not a large house. Just wanna fuckin live life and not fucking wage. I already tried doing things the legitimate way and can't climb the corporate ladder due to autism during job interviews. I objectively outperform and overachieve based off my portfolio and how my company practically applied my programs and scripts to replace their old shit. But I'm tired of trying so hard to please fucking boomers who LITERALLY don't even know how to use Excel but make six figures. I just wanna fuckin leech now. Rip my degree apart and toss it into the toilet cause it's not worth shit despite being STEM.

I want this market to fucking crash so I can just yolo into leveraged stocks. I don't even fuckin care if they never climb again because I'll fucking off myself. But it'd be retarded to all in at the top like this. Where's the FUCK is the crash? If it doesn't crash by November I'm literally shooting my workplace up. I'll blame Obama in my fucking manifesto. If you guys hear anything in the news about a corporate shooting, be sure to read their manifesto. If it begins with "Fuck Jannies" then you will know it's me.

>> No.21693791

>he fell for the college meme
I joined the marines at 18 with $500 to my name and 2.5 years later I’m worth $46k just by saving and stocks, and I’m going to eas here in a year and a half with probably around $65k, no debt at age 22 and 8 years of full ride college afterwards

>> No.21693831
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So bullish on TSM. I think they're gonna make chips for gundams

>> No.21693852
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25% soxl
25% nail
25% fngu
25% tmf

Sell fngu after the splits because I worry about tech correction and buy something else. Dont plan on touching these for a while.

>> No.21693862
File: 958 KB, 1782x1228, tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla will have a market cap of several trillion dollars in a few years. I still don't get how anyone could doubt it. It's one of the most shareholder friendly stocks there ever could be. The CEO's salary depends solely on the stock price and nothing else. Only two of his 12 tiers have been unlocked so far. There is no way it doesn't break 3500 per share soon so Musk can have his pay day.

>> No.21693875
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>buy puts on TSLA before split
>immediately drops $1600
how isn't this easy money?

>> No.21693920

why not just buy into TQQQ and make money like the rest of us?

>> No.21693930

Because pretty sure that isn't how it works.

>> No.21693963
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>> No.21693986

You faggots sound like the bitcoin retards from a couple years ago.

>> No.21693997

RTX jetpacks tomorrow.

>> No.21694002

i don't feel long term on nail but i can understand why. lumbar shortage and i forgot the other thing

>> No.21694026

I feel like these are boomer charts. I expect the median net worth of 20-something millennials and zoomers to be -$30k. That's one college education, a car, maybe some credit card debt and an unexpected medical expense. If you're stupid enough to get married and have an expensive wedding, add it to the pile. If you're fortunate enough to be buying a home in your 20s, make that about -$300k.

>> No.21694028

I can't wait until after the split when tesla announces a second split and the stock goes to alpha centauri

>> No.21694048
File: 95 KB, 767x1024, 52994D3C-983E-42AD-A390-D6BA70D51706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy AUY

>> No.21694062

Precisely, it's free money.

>> No.21694146
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Sell it to me.

>> No.21694157
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who is she

>> No.21694162

Holy shit you're a genius. Can't believe nobody has thought of this. Please do post gains

>> No.21694240


>> No.21694249
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>he didn't buy RKT at 18-22
The IPO PnD is over and we've been climbing all this week. once we blast through 26 we're going to skyrocket.

Revenue: $5 billion
Adjusted Net Income: $2.8 billion

Based on these two numbers alone, we can estimate an EPS of 28 (with roughly 100 million shares outstanding) and an upcoming P/E of 0.82 (based on the current price of ~$24).

This is way less than the average P/E of the market of roughly 13-15, making RKT an absolute steal.

>> No.21694277

Key thing is that all those net worth charts is a generic thing. Where you live & how much debt you got plays a huge ass part into figuring out how much you actually need to retire and not fuck yourself afterwards. If your smart with your money from an early age that can give you a big leg up. Basically if your doing fine with an annual expense of say 20,000 a year then double that amount to account for inflation. So If you can pull 40k and have that be a constant stream of money at retirement you'd be set. This is just a bare bones example. Ideally you'd want that to be more to allow for "shit happens" or other life shit that pops up past retirement. The goal is to retire and stay that way till your dead. (other wise what's the point of retirement)

>> No.21694322

Are there any downsides to owning multiple brokerage accounts?

>> No.21694328

If I'm willing to use $4,000 for credit spreads how much should I aim to earn, percentage wise, per week while also having a decent safety cushion to avoid being btfo'd? Is 5% a good safety net or is a gain of $200 just not worth the risk?


>> No.21694345

>double that amount to account for inflation
That seems a bit too much

>> No.21694351

>tfw i panic sold
yes i know i'm a retard it's something i'm trying to work on alright

>> No.21694372

I fomo'd in during the IPO hype around 25, but don't really care because I'm very long on it.

>> No.21694385

>2nd dip of the depression
Huh? 2nd dip? Estimates on your guess? It's one of the reasons im not all in, not gonna get btfod by a rugpull and not have any available money for cheapies.

What do they do?

>> No.21694409

nope. i guess the PDT rule on each account but thats why you have multiple brokerage

>> No.21694435

Is there a way to have multiple robinhood accounts to circumvent the pdt rule?

>> No.21694443
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>Buy stocks in companies owned by Jews
>Use my gains to found the propagate the fourth Reich

>> No.21694470

one of the largest mortgage company.

>> No.21694474

It's quicken loans rocket mortgage etc.

>> No.21694480

I'm making 72k right now not including bonuses with a guaranteed promotion in 9 months straight out of college. Its not a meme, it was a worthwhile investment for me.

>> No.21694499

not sure if multiple accounts would be possible unless you use someone else's social

>> No.21694519

Which currency should I keep my spare cash in? USD may as well be a paper shredder

>> No.21694545

More 1099s to deal with at tax time.

>> No.21694555

How much debt do you or did you have?

>> No.21694568
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>linkfags are all melting down

>> No.21694571

I missed the food discussion :(
> Go grocery shopping every two weeks
> Eat a bowl of cereal/oatmeal/hand full of trail mix for breakfast
> Meal prep, cook yourself 13 meals for a week
> Meet up with the lads on Friday night for a nice dinner and maybe some drinks.
This is how you eat good responsibly.

>> No.21694581

Guy is going to college after military so he doesn't believe it to be a meme. Just pick something useful and not a meme degree like east African women's studies

>> No.21694582


>> No.21694584

95% but it’s mostly real estate not liquid cash goodness

Feels good though, but need to learn stonks to balance out a bit as I’m very re heavy.

>> No.21694588

>The CEO's salary depends solely on the stock price and nothing else
This sounds fishy as fuck. Did ENRON have the same system?

>> No.21694603

Dangerously not based. Your wagie coworkers are not at fault for your inability to make money.

>> No.21694635

Major? Job?

>> No.21694693

31,000. Paid down to about 28k now. Still paying off during covid forbearance to take advantage of no interest. Will refinance them after forbearance is over.
That's fair. And I agree.
Bachelor of science, cyber security
Job title is cyber security engineer

>> No.21694729

Thoughts on Remark? Prospects seem good and it's pretty cheap.

>> No.21694780

It's an extremely common scheme. Sometimes they have a very small cash salary, often it's literally $1/year (not a typo) as a nominal token. Normally all CEOs and most of all C-execs get paid entirely in stocks.

>> No.21694788

This pepe always makes me feel better
You're going to make it unlike anything ever seen in the history of making it

>> No.21694883

I was top 25 Percent until I got laid off in April. I CNC machined plane parts. Made almost 60 k Canadian. Now I collect 2 grand every month on unemployment and I find I have way more free time and shit to spend money on.

>> No.21694888

Lumber shortage? Just plant more trees wtf

>> No.21694926

that would be good for the environment of course they wouldn't do that

>> No.21694949

you're in /smg/ and you think smart people want dollars instead of shares?

>> No.21694960
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You bought the dip, right?

>> No.21695010
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That sounds cool. What does a Cyber Security Engineer do?

Who's going to harvest them, retard

Go long on LL instead

>> No.21695018

Imagine not being in the top 5%

>> No.21695039
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 76ABCD43-E042-4CFB-9173-2F87A5594563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to his speech tonight I honestly had the urge to support him and go out and vote for him, up until he began mentioning immigration, niggers, and the “real american” - immigrants. The democratic party, running on a platform of economic justice, a fair tax code which holds corporations accountable, a green energy industry, social security continuity, a reduction in healthcare costs, and economic and manufacturing initiatives could attract many white voters such as myself. I think biden could actually really boost the economy. However I am completely alienated by the total repudiation of my race and my national heritage. Both parties can burn, Im writing in Adolf Hitler.

>> No.21695058
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For real, what idiots are selling Tesla?

>> No.21695077

Biden was allowed to speak?

>> No.21695111

and everyone says biden will tarnish the economy.

>> No.21695131

Hes reading a teleprompter right now at the dnc for his acceptance speech. I turned it off at the first mention of nonwhites

>> No.21695145

Maybe I'm misunderstanding. I thought the "salary" was based on the stock price but it was not necessarily in the form of stocks. If it's in the form of stocks it's redundant to say it depends on stock price.

>> No.21695183
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I want everybody tonight to take a moment and imagine how it would be if we were at the beginning of another legendary 10 year bull run like between 2009 and 2019 where leveraged ETFs like TQQQ, SOXL, TECL, UPRO, etc. 100x'd. Imagine that happens between now and 2030. Now imagine we're all huddled around on this godforsaken corner of the internet but we're at the beginning of this thing having shilled TQQQ so much it's retarded. To the point now that at least 3/4 of the general is at least half in.
Now fast forward to 2030. The collective wealth of /smg/ would be comparable to small nations. /smg/ declares sovereignty in the middle of the pacific ocean all from the decks of our 400 foot yachts.
Just imagine. It could happen

>> No.21695216
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What else do I do with my money?

>Almost half my account is in Apple.
>8k in credit spreads and buy calls combined.
>About $37k in cash not counting cash outside portfolio.

Really should've bought a few more shares of Apple so it'd be 300 or 400 shares after the split. At the same time I'm trying keep some cash in case something big happens that would move stocks hard downwards to get massive cheapies.

>> No.21695237

Write in money printer and cut out the useless boomer middlemen
Money Printer 2020

>> No.21695257


>Normie Youtuber makes a video in all caps titled this
Is this a sign to actually get out?

>> No.21695324

Based, you're gonna make it

>> No.21695345

Half the shit he says is the same as Trumps policies

>> No.21695384

Checked. That cat is so fucking based

>> No.21695387

Based. Fuck it, I'm going into TQQQ. Good idea lads?

>> No.21695401

Trumps a fucking midwit nigger. He doesnt do anything ever. Biden would at least make an effort to give us working roads. I popped a fucking tire today on a pothole on the INTERSTATE. How pathetic this country has become

>> No.21695409

>median household wealth
Inaccurate. This counts everyone in the house and makes it looks likethe country is wealthly. Its like when they say "americans make 50k a year"* asterisk on outside cause they dont even use that even when it is critical to understanding this
*average household income

Show me the median income of employed American citizens. Spoiler it's less than 30k.

>> No.21695435

not to get out but to consolidate your stocks in corona-proof picks
watch closely to take your profits in shit like Tesla and Zoom very soon.

>> No.21695456

>what does roads have to do with cheap immigrant labor?

>> No.21695511

hold some. 3x scared me but said fuck it and did it anyways about a month ago. nice gains. telsa is almost 1000 P/E i'm really seeing
>green line go up
and tqqq goes up x3

>> No.21695520
File: 8 KB, 226x166, Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there such a thing as investing in tourism stocks? I'm not talking about retail chains that depend on tourists, I'm talking about stocks that are tied with the ebb and flow of tourism itself.

>> No.21695539

Wide variety of things. Most of my work revolves around identity access management, implementing and maintaining tools to that end.

>> No.21695553

Resorts & Hospitality

>> No.21695557


Hotels cruise lines and airlines loosely I’m sure there’s more airbnb when it iPos too and Uber-Lyft loosely as well

>> No.21695563

>hurrr white americans cant fix potholes

FUCK YOU. Youre a fat incel loser projecting your SLOTH onto this entire country. Youre like the fat niggers in walle that have their slaves come and do everything for them because theyve grown so lazy and stupid. KYS

>> No.21695639

I'm going off what's "normal" and nothing specific to TSLA, but I think you're confusing several things.
- He gets a compensation package, mostly in stocks.
- If the stock price reaches a certain target, he gets a "performance bonus". This is typical in growth-stage companies.
- That bonus, like virtually his entire compensation package, is stocks
- Usually the compensation package is calculated based on the nominal value of shares vs the attribution value, not as a fixed amounts of shares. For example, he would be given 200m worth of share, regardless of share value, as of the date of record, not (say) the fixed amount of "1000 shares", so if the stock price goes down to $1 before the day of record he gets 200m shares rather than 1000.

>> No.21695641

The stock market will crumble if any democrat gets in. You're throwing money in a fire by doing that, democrats don't stick to any of their campaign promises they just listen to whatever the Jew tells them to do.

>> No.21695645


I’m sure it feels euphoric and I’m certain you’ll be fine but just know you’re one really bad day away from being wiped out.

>> No.21695647

calm down anon it wad a joke your talking to the guy that shopped 3 counties for an all white roofing team.

>> No.21695675

Also, looking at that pic, it seems like the compensation he gets for reaching target goals is in pre-set share amounts rather than in nominal value units which is more common.

>> No.21695684

Hop on the LVS train, friend. To the moon we go

>> No.21695735

Reminder to ignore literally ALL boomers that think which team's boomer in the WH matters
Buy their cheap shares and let them FOMO back in at a higher price

>> No.21695748

How do I handle my friends coming to me for investing advice? I really don’t want to say why they should do, but they keep asking what I’ve done.

>> No.21695795

Up to you. Nothing wrong with helping a friend out. Just don’t lie or make bullshit up. If you don’t want to talk about a certain investment, that’s fine just don’t talk about it. If they ask, just say you don’t wanna talk about it.

The only way to hurt someone asking for investment advice is to be dishonest

>> No.21695904
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Any advice. I'd be in make it territory had I pulled the trigger several weeks ago. Albeit in the sense I can play safe risky moves but with a greater sense of iron hands. Alas I did not which is why I'm at 70k range.

>> No.21695940

Just tell them that that's what worked for you, past performance is not an indicator of future results, you're not qualified to give financial advice, to always do your own research before risking your money on any investment, and to only invest what you can actually afford to lose

>> No.21695951

Huurrrr muh democrats bad repubicans good. KYS! ALL JEWISH TRAITORS WILL HANG!

>> No.21695978

Do reverse engineering challenges, get sponsored for a security clearance, and get a job exploiting. You're welcome.

>> No.21695985
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Yo I just woke up and this is in my notifications. What happened?

>> No.21696030

Wtf did u buy

>> No.21696048

Fuck Jews but the economy under Trump has been retardedly strong. Imagine throwing that away for another 4 years.

>> No.21696068


it actually had a 10-1 reverse split

>> No.21696091
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I've been in the 70k range for a while, crabbing. Anyways half my portfolio is in cash in case market crash happens so I can get cheapies. Also refer to >>21695904, I've already been higher, just didn't sell....closest to being wiped out right now via stocks would be losing 8k + something like 30k if Apple goes to 0 (seems unlikely anytime soon and if they do odds are USD won't matter anymore)

>> No.21696124

>Fuck Jews but the economy under Trump has been retardedly strong
Economy has been utter trash since 2009. Equities have been booming but that has been at the expense of everyone else. Why do you think there has been so much complaining about education, housing, healthcare, etc. costs so much?

>> No.21696168

I assume that chart is for murricans rather than worldwide

>> No.21696222

Fr this country is in the shitter. $5000 for a fucking mri. Then u pay $50 a month+ for insurance then still have copays out the ass its absurd

>> No.21696241

>Any advice
Create a limit where any money you make over that amount is set aside until you have a substantial amount to fall back on if your gambling doesn't work out. For example a 100k limit with a 100k goal.

>> No.21696275
File: 64 KB, 695x498, 15-10-global-wealth-pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, worldwide isn't anywhere close to that.

>> No.21696280


>> No.21696325

Worldwide is a crap comparison because it doesn't account for ppp.

>> No.21696361

That’s a bearish sign anon. Exit the market and tell your friends to go all in on Tesla and zoom

>> No.21696395

this is why i want healthcare for all but i'll get shat on for saying that

>> No.21696433


>> No.21696450

Should i buy more apple tmrw at open?

>> No.21696460
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>I think biden could actually really boost the economy.
Nope. If the US dems are anything like the leaf liberals, they don't keep promises. All they do is spend and spend and spend and hike tax so they can spend even more. Fuck shit up. Leave a big mess for the next suckers in power to clean up. And even worse, the shit they choose to spend on does not benefit the middle class at all.

>> No.21696471

I agree. Im a healthcare accountant the main issue is retardedly high instrument costs. We pay $10000 for fucking SYRINGES!!! Im not even exaggerating a ten cent syringe is being charged thousands of dollars. This all goes to the patients bill. That on top of salaries for doctors and nurses being through the fucking roof. Our travel nurses make $96 an hour in one of the poorest states in the country! HOW IS THAT FAIR!!! 96!!!! And they only work three days a fucking week!!

>> No.21696501

Good idea, thanks. Had a similar idea but the plan was to throw any excess to long term holds (which could be considered gambles just like my apple shares cause let's face it I wouldn't be sticking money into apple if I didn't think it would go up long term, feels like the stock market is nothing more than gambling desu)

>> No.21696514
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1597428184712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna have any chance to buy TSLA calls after the split? They are so fucking expensive I might be forced to just buy the actual stock...

>> No.21696528

continued.. FUCK THESE PEOPLE! These nurses and doctors are nigger leeches!! The nurses are all LITERAL NIGGERS and the doctors are usually so stupid and dont give a FUCK theyll misdiagnose patients and have them come back three times clogging up the fuckin system because they cant be BOTHERED!!! AND THEY MAKE 500k a YEAR!! FUCK. These people need to be rounded up and shot

>> No.21696531

>All they do is spend and spend and spend
What the FUCK do you think is going on right now?
It is the Boomer Modus Operandi, regardless of which flag the boomer hails from.
Rack up debt -> print it away
> Leave a big mess for the next suckers in power to clean up. And even worse, the shit they choose to spend on does not benefit the middle class at all.
This is 100% a description of the Fed post-Bernanke. He and his "legacy" has done far more to destroy the middle class than anything else.

>> No.21696584

WHY IS THERE NO REGULATION TO THIS HOLY SHIT. I heard it's even worse for insulin it honestly fucking sucks here.
>turns into race
>tfw i'm black
y you don't hate me do you anon. but if you get misdiagnosed i feel you should get refunded for that not just some bullshit compensation and there should actually be penalties for that shit

>> No.21696642

Part 3. What really pisses me off more is how my boss rants about “not having enough time to relax at her pool” or “not being able to go to nassau this summer” while she makes 170k when everyone else in the office that does 75% of the amount of work she does makes 40k and get NO HOLIDAYS!! I ONLY GET FUCKING CHRISTMAS OFF!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! I have grown to hate the wealthy and this country so much

>> No.21696667

Trump wants to drive down the price of pharmaceuticals, that's why he wants to get away from China.
Imagine having such good policies that your opponent copies them.

>> No.21696683

no i actually agree with that even then it depends on how low he gets them

>> No.21696700

like, seriously. I should be more reckless with my money.

>> No.21696718
File: 127 KB, 1000x640, 1587881846637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you sound a little bit rattled
have you tried working smarter, not harder?

>> No.21696737

Serious question: didn't you notice how fucked up things were as a kid? Maybe I was just sickly so I was there all the time, but I saw how awful and corrupt the medical industry was. Also, why stay in it?

>> No.21696741

What other than the pure crony capitalism that was the KODK deal?

>> No.21696821

First job hoping to move to federal government with the army next year. Id get 18 paid holidays a year and double the pay

>> No.21696848

Its called darwinism. time to suicide yourself (for the good of humanity) or at least accept youre a loser and become zen

>> No.21696849

>He didn't get in on KODK
Imagine not capitalizing on this. Whatever Trump brings up moons.

>> No.21696874
File: 137 KB, 1080x1350, 5808542D-E078-4E7B-A86F-DACC9450E28D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, he’s gonna win. It settled. Our president.

>> No.21696891

>Imagine not capitalizing on this
What does that have to do with moving pharma from China? All that mess did was translate taxpayer dollars into CEO options that he cashed in and might face prison time for.

>> No.21696903

>yes lets defend the exploiters

Why dont i get thanksgiving off to spend with my family? Is this the power of the free market and the american dream? Because if so you can shove it up your ass. It makes me sick

>> No.21696927


>> No.21696972
File: 34 KB, 720x549, 1595864672693.jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually people who think this
good thing your post is b8 and only to get (You)'s

>> No.21696998

Kill your self

>> No.21697005
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It's been gaining slowly. Why should we buy it over Barrick?

>> No.21697024
File: 6 KB, 250x219, 428E5587-DD23-4732-9A3B-513FFD3BEB92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight proved it. I was going to vote trump because I thought biden was senile do to all the me mes but after the speech tonight it is clear it was all fake.

>> No.21697121

lol you are Cattle, good luck with your new age red army

>> No.21697138
File: 98 KB, 694x720, 1597983470948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here come the Biden shills
Please fuck off, no one cares about how much biden shits his pants. He killed his campaign tonight when he announced that he'd raise taxes. You have no point to prove, /smg/ only cares about profits.
Please go back to /leftypol/ and stop embarrassing yourselves.

>> No.21697157

>We pay $10000 for fucking SYRINGES
really? got any proof?

>> No.21697216
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1592676482764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when had AUY and sold at $4

>> No.21697243

>he didn’t buy Tesla when it was $400
It’s like you hate making money

>> No.21697299
File: 63 KB, 680x506, 1597733804857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are always wrong, if normies are calling it a bubble it probably isn't.

>> No.21697388
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1596331341270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interstate highway maintenance is the purview of state DOTs, you just outted yourself as a cuckfag living in a cuckstate

>> No.21697437

Yeah this, sorry. Too many retards focus on who gets to be the puppet president and neglect to make informed decisions or even participate in local and state elections. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.21697470

Just try to make it way harder than it looks. Most normies will lose interest.

>> No.21697511

fuck Biden, buck BLM, and fuck liberals

>> No.21697649

95% of normies and zoomers are spending every dime of gibs they get on Tesla and apple stocks because they unironically think they can double their money with them, and having no idea that they’re buying them at ridiculous valuations. It’s a bubble.

>> No.21697657

Is it possible to make a money financial plan to make yourself a millionare by 40 I'm almost 30 and a felon so in curious

>> No.21697711

Buy Tesla and zoom

>> No.21697741

>there are unironically still RTX shills on this board
you fuckers cost me significant gains back in april... wasted 20% of my poorfolio on shitty useless missiles

>> No.21697767

It depends on how much money you have to start, how much you are able to funnel in to the market on a regular basis in addition, and what your risk tolerance is. If relatively small starting amount and regular income, the returns required will be very difficult to achieve.

>> No.21697797
File: 91 KB, 960x1024, 1589064473918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we get it, you browse /pol/

>> No.21697823
File: 33 KB, 396x385, Pepe-Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm voting for Trump.

>> No.21697833

lmao i remember when they were shilling RTX like no tomorrow, sucks you fell for the meme

>> No.21697838

Fuck Biden. I import from China and I'll still take Zion Don's 25% base tariff on all my shit than vote for the senile faggot Biden. Fuck all politicians though. At what point do we call our government communist? 30% tariff on Chinese imports, then my profits are taxed, then customers pay sales tax, as do I on any personal items I spend my profits on. What if we literally had 60% taxes and a centrally run economy with fake fucking manipulated money... At what point is it fucking communism? Corporations will sell out and implement their own "social justice" so they can retain power. Fuck kikes.

>> No.21697909
File: 18 KB, 358x270, 1592619607879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all so tiresome

>> No.21697978
File: 56 KB, 264x258, 1594859925739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's import trillions of shitskins to drive down wages and kill unions!
Don't mind me, just making what my supervisor makes without having to deal with middle management bullshit

>> No.21697995

tldr, voting trump no matter what

>> No.21698008

Trump is hardly a politician.

>> No.21698098

in 100 years illegal immigrants will be viewed that same way slave ownership is viewed now but stopping migration will be our fault and the illegal tax less and low wage economy will be equated it indentured servitude. Cap this and put it on my tombstone for a mexicans nieto to piss on

>> No.21698165
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>> No.21698232

What did you do?

>> No.21698436

Who you're voting for doesn't matter.
What you think is important is trivial.
You've convinced yourself you can choose which is the lesser of two evils. It's a false choice.


in effect there's no difference between the dems and reps when it comes to monetary and fiscal policy.

>Trump is hardly a politician.
nigger he's a gameshow host turned politician
hate him or love him, just tell it straight

>> No.21698482

This seems off. There are a fuckton of heavily indebted boomers out there underwater on mortgages and credit cars. Way more than 5%

>> No.21698591
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>> No.21698616
File: 111 KB, 1125x1341, 87C96892-4FAE-44C9-A4E5-548CE0DAB053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this foliage

>> No.21698686
File: 236 KB, 534x900, EfTBJwBU4AAtQNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked your old one better. What app is this?

>> No.21698701

>retard zoomed, line only go up/ 10

>> No.21698792
File: 164 KB, 1379x1402, Ef6oCZMUcAA0lpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else #ridinwithbiden?

>> No.21698823
File: 153 KB, 520x600, Kamala-Whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-Trump Cope

President Trump is a business and finance genius and everybody knows it.

>> No.21698828

I'd work back from your yearly desire. For 50% gains, thats about 1% a week.

>> No.21698831

Imagine you sell a bull put spread for credit and the market decides to dip hard putting your puts way in the money. Remember you are in a spread consisting of a long and a short. As the market is dropping, the long put you bought is steadily significantly increasing in value in your favor even if the entire spread is losing you money (up to the original collateral amount) since you still have the short put liability.
If in your judgement the market has gone down far enough and is poised for a rebound and you are still in both of those puts, just sell the long put and keep the short put. You will pocket the appreciation from that put you bought (after receiving it back from collateral) and if the market rebounds well enough maybe the long put will end up back out of the money and you'll owe nothing on it.
Always remember in a spread you can leg out of it one at a time if the conditions are favorable. For a credit spread the proceeds just get added to collateral which you get back if things go your way. This goes for bull puts, bull calls, bear puts, and bear calls in any direction just work the math correctly.

>> No.21698962
File: 751 KB, 3508x1966, crab1593693163021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I'm so bad at organizing my pictures, when I look for pics with anime girls with crabs in them that I've saved it takes like 10 minutes)

>> No.21698964

My Stocks app. The other folio was my actual one this is just a meme one I made

>> No.21698966

All personal preference & finding what works for you, 5% sounds like an average OTM spread for SPY or QQQ

>> No.21698989
File: 511 KB, 822x1200, 6b7ff041b12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a dedicated snibby folder this year.

>> No.21699025
File: 180 KB, 500x512, 1588056979529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use GPT-3 to randomly find and post his anime girl crab pics
ngmi desu

>> No.21699042
File: 303 KB, 778x455, 1597732552866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of my crab pictures are probably from you
except this one that I saved from /g/ a couple days ago

not smart enough :p

>> No.21699049

Nah you’re a retard
You bought into the lie that there’s a good party and a bad party. You swallowed the blue pill and went along with party politics like the masses.

I really hate that Cummies got the nomination. Couldn’t it have been Tulsi?

>> No.21699123

I always start talking about how I can’t get a good night’s sleep because I’m sure I’ll wake up in the morning having lost it all. Scares them off quick

>> No.21699139
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>> No.21699212

>Bachelor of science, cyber security
>Job title is cyber security engineer
I tried to get an analyst/investigator job with a digital forensics degree, but nobody's hiring and I moved into opps instead. Dunno why they weren't interested.

>> No.21699224

Stop turning /smg/ into /pol/.. stay on topic please

>> No.21699250

or at least relate politics to the economy some how.

>> No.21699275
File: 29 KB, 427x599, John-Hancock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More Anti-Trump Cope

President Trump is a business and finance genius and everybody knows it.

>> No.21699324

It looks like all 1 or 2 post by this ID drivebys. Dunno why. All week now.

>> No.21699559
File: 252 KB, 354x354, 1597988993108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its reddit/ 8/leftypol/ raids.
I really don't know who they're trying to fool since its unbelievably obvious
Just ignore them

>> No.21699564
File: 36 KB, 843x281, 8E564B70-A5D7-4DF0-B04C-C6EF7AD0B317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight bro's. How many genetically engineered catgirls am I gonna be able to buy when these babys print?

>> No.21699686

Fuck. They all go to zero if it doesn’t tank

>> No.21699687

So it seems like 95% of people who bought Tesla this week only bought it so they can sell it for nice gains shortly after the split. What will happen to it once everyone takes profits?

>> No.21699735
File: 703 KB, 900x1200, 1597968988612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no stimulus update
>no eviction extension
>no Unemployment extension

So, who's holding stock over the weekend?

>> No.21699768

>imblying people won't sell it just before the split to not get a rug pull

>> No.21699795

You're not getting anything, even during initial corona crash it didn't go below 200. If your puts are printing then it signals the imminent collapse of the US

>> No.21699804

they'll announce another split

>> No.21699808
File: 65 KB, 678x616, gfgCNnt-8J8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself faggot

>> No.21699818

>We pay $10000 for fucking SYRINGES!!!
Prove it. I don't believe you.

>> No.21699840

Kek has spoken

>> No.21699851
File: 416 KB, 1061x755, Screenshot_20200821-010122_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit....brahs....

>> No.21699852

i am

>> No.21699888
File: 821 KB, 959x638, ZA̡͊͠͝LGΌ I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell is coming

>> No.21699907

The problem is if it gets that point you're not going to be able to profit off those puts

>> No.21699930

Spy will never be under 200 at the absolute worst

>> No.21699971
File: 90 KB, 771x733, 2E421B58-4DA9-4F26-9CCE-4D6DF4DB09E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it all comes crumbling down...

>> No.21700088
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>> No.21700167

based bonker

>> No.21700187

post your calls

>> No.21700192
File: 742 KB, 320x240, BonkOnTheHead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700197
File: 651 KB, 629x767, 1597340759915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm constantly flipping between wanting to hold value stocks long-term and wanting to sell as soon as I see any green numbers to just keep my gains.
This keeps me up at night and makes me miss market open.

>> No.21700206

If I could time travel I would simply travel 1 year in the future and research every pump and dump that happens

>> No.21700248

That's retarded, just travel back a year and buy tsla leaps

>> No.21700296


>1400% - 14,000% increase in 15 years
Where do these "analysts" get their numbers from? Their ass?

>> No.21700470
File: 78 KB, 552x768, extra muddled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh some MM out there loves you
You think they'd be embarrassed attaching their real name to nonsense like that, pays to remember any lunatic can write articles for seekingalpha

>> No.21700597
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>> No.21700640

If I could time travel, I’d go to the ancient Egypt to prove that they were indeed white.

>> No.21700659

if only i could see 5 minutes in the future...

>> No.21700679
File: 8 KB, 256x105, 1593548946833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oooh some MM out there loves you
I have a plan

>> No.21700682
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Seeking alpha is fucking garbage for "analysts" review.

>> No.21700732
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>> No.21700751

All in on QQQ. Am I going to make it?

>> No.21700793

>tfw sold TSLA at $1,000
Should I go full Sir Isaac Newton and buy back in?

>> No.21700802

>not TQQQ

>> No.21700809

the dot has joined team crab

>> No.21700811


>> No.21700840

I sold at $1100 profit per share and I’m considering FOMOing back in too

>> No.21700861

This trend of letting anybody write columns has to stop. Editorial section of so many sites is pretty much just threads posted by the eternal faggot OP.

>> No.21700917

There’s gotta be at least 20-25% left in her until the big dump

>b-b-but it’s never going to du-

>> No.21700919

Based, but you forgot jannies.

>> No.21700966

used to have every possible image from gundam wing in the internet saved on my computer. this brings memories

>> No.21701000

>Someone who sold TSLA at LMAO $1000 now giving stock advice on it

>> No.21701039

>someone who bought Tesla at $1800 giving stock advice on it

>> No.21701074

>The choice has never been clearer
This doesn’t mean what they think it means

>> No.21701078

I clearly said shut the fuck up
>someone that can’t even read giving stock advice

>> No.21701093
File: 245 KB, 1080x1397, deleuze sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful fren, are u gonna sell against those contracts or something o_o

>> No.21701157

Are you fucking retarded lol

>> No.21701165

No, I bought it at a $220 average and I actually have more shares now than I originally had despite taking four times my original investment back. Both of you must be seething right now, I completely understand why you're upset.
Uh sweetie, you said shut the fuck up in reference to the bubble, not to people making fun of you. I'm sure you're used to that by now.

>> No.21701192

dont think i have ever been this hangover

>> No.21701208

>cloudflare CSO charged with felony
uh oh

>> No.21701221

I have found a number of factual/numeric errors on seeking alpha after only looking at a few articles over the past few weeks.

Most of them from girls that somehow became editors and whose comments are full of people correcting them on previous errors.

>> No.21701233

Wait are saying you currently have an average cost of $220?

>> No.21701392

I bought shares at a $220 average. I then sold some near the first top, bought the dip, sold everything in March as Covid hit the US and bought again much lower. I then recently starting taking some profit again. Realized profit is almost four times my original investment and I have more shares now than I started with.

>> No.21701642
File: 425 KB, 768x768, 1533710128113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never in to cereal as a food. Maybe because when i was a kid i had milk allergy and dry cereal is no. Oatmeal did not like for orher reasons. I am a peanut butter on toast man. Shall forever be.

>> No.21701704

This sounds convoluted, I just meant to imply that my dollar average doesn't mean anything when I've already taken my investment back.

To put it more simply, I bought 8k worth of TSLA shares in Spring of 2019. I now have 90k worth of TSLA shares and 30.5k worth of realized profit.

>> No.21701751

You wouldn't even need a year. Two months of perfect data on every ticker would be enough to turn 1k in to million.

>> No.21701762
File: 63 KB, 1155x863, 89466366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting, looks like we're not in a Hype Bubble after all. So these pumps are big players jumping in "early" to sell in 10 years?

>> No.21701894

That might mean something else. Something like the fever hype being mostly in the share price and less in consumer interest in the company.

>> No.21702053
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>tfw bottom 5%

>> No.21702087
File: 55 KB, 563x691, 1589520907475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're waiting for the markets to open, what do you guys think of the crypto crowd on biz? Are they shills shilling shills?

>> No.21702168
File: 138 KB, 1124x1487, D3EAD49F-9DE8-47AE-8EE8-DADEB4FE79AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21702247

They're teenagers with no father figure in their life

>> No.21702256

Well shit, still not the peak. You think we can ride this wave for a few months after the split, or it will dump 60% in September/October?

>> No.21702271
File: 149 KB, 1738x1277, Screen Shot 2020-08-21 at 1.33.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-tip: Buy SLV short-term Puts ASAP tomorrow & sell by the end of the day
Silver is going to have a big red day - potentially 50-100% gains on your Puts if you get in at market open (hopefully London holds the price until US open..)

Tokyo Opened / Closed red
Hong Kong Opened / Closed red
London Opened green, but quickly went red

Look at this position someone exited in 1 minute - silver was pushing key $27.50 resistance and someone exited 10-20x normal volume; this large of an exit last happened on Tuesday of last week when silver saw it's biggest daily loss in this precious metals bull run
Someone only market-sell exits like this on a rally up to $27.50 because they know there will be enough buy orders on the book to sell without decreasing the price too much

Good luck!!

>> No.21702287
File: 55 KB, 720x628, 1597267207865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying SLV

>> No.21702317
File: 11 KB, 216x234, 325729629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So realistically the market is not going to crash again, what do I go all in on /biz/?

>> No.21702358
File: 12 KB, 236x230, getaloadofthisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding what a put is

>> No.21702367

nvidia, failsafe gains

>> No.21702388

Why do pussies always say to not pick individual stocks and just invest entirely in etfs? Do they have no backbone?

>> No.21702392

Not crashing soon yes
Not crashing ever no

>> No.21702420

Shut the fuck up and stop namefagging. Go to a site with usernames if you want attention.

>> No.21702479
File: 41 KB, 600x404, youseemupset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21702533

Hi Celchad

>> No.21702544

Why Nvidia? See people shilling this all the time.

>> No.21702562
File: 453 KB, 901x804, Screenshot (680).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this list bullshit? Thoughts????

>“So, ‘what do you think of the market?’ is less interesting of a question than, ‘what do you think about banks, commodities, emerging markets, defense stocks, tech, etc?’” Hayes said.
>Some names he mentioned that could come screaming back in a post-pandemic world include: Bank of America BAC, -1.56% , JPMorgan Chase JPM, -1.19% , Apache APA, -3.91% , Murphy Oil MUR, -2.74% , Boeing BA, +0.18% , Lockheed Martin LMT, -0.55% , MGM MGM, -0.33% , Las Vegas Sands LVS, -0.02% , Southwest Airlines LUV, +0.55% and United Airlines UAL, -1.13% , to name just a few with compelling set-ups.
>“Announcement of a vaccine, or major breakthrough that pointed to near certainty and timeline on vaccine/treatment... would shift consensus FROM slower recovery/growth (lower rates) — which benefits tech — TO faster recovery/growth (slightly higher rates) — which benefits cyclicals,” he explained in his post. “When these groups turn, it will be abrupt.”
>Banks, in particular, should see a big move higher, he added.

>> No.21702581
File: 51 KB, 1056x571, ikz0y1aug8i51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean?

>> No.21702637

Biz anons when will natural gas and oil recover 2 years out 3? Am I better off getting some meme tech or bio stock?

>> No.21702644

nvidia is the market leader in machine learning hardware and research, betting against nvidia is like betting against the future of human civilization

check out how much it costs to rent their flagship deep learning V100 GPUs

https://www.leadergpu.com/#chose-best this price is only going down in the coming years which means they'll be at the forefront of AI.

>> No.21702653

Many of these stocks might not survive long enough to rebound. Companies come and go, they can be replaced. When Dow Jones composed his index all these years ago, the only company that still exists to this day is GM, that's it.
Perhaps it's time for a better managed airlines.

>> No.21702672

Airlines have been a shitty stock for a few years now. Banks and casinos will rebound soon. Maybe cruises too but i don’t know anything about the cruise industry

>> No.21702689

it means clinton was president during the tech bubble but not when it popped

>> No.21702717


I believe cruises will be the last to recover. They are the worst places in the world to go during a pandemic that affects mainly old people.

Most young people don't go on cruises.

>> No.21702735
File: 350 KB, 368x450, Is that real.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't argue with that anon, nvidia it is.

>> No.21702756

That democrats ruin the economy so you can buy low, republicans build it up again so you can buy high. If it had been republicans the whole way, perhaps it would have looked better than the democrat curve (but the inverse is not implied).

>> No.21702953

TSLA up 1.6% in premarket... when will it stop?

>> No.21702962
File: 221 KB, 1600x1067, 17-914-alsaciens-ont-decroche-leur-bac-cette-annee-photo-dna-michel-frison-1594828290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will by reopening the immigration floodgates and then giving them all medicare, thus inviting more in and so on until your country finally becomes like Europe.

>> No.21703032

Any medical anons here can tell me if this nanox vision is a bs invention like TMDX?


>> No.21703207

Not before it makes it hits a trillion dollar market cap. At least 6k per share.

>> No.21703294


>> No.21703365

What do you guys plan to buy when the correction hits today?

>> No.21703469

AUY is one of my favorite penny stocks. Too high for me to get into now though

>> No.21703717

Imagine not buying TSLA shares at a fair price of $1000. After the next selloff and split, it will just go back up to $1000 again. What are they gonna do? Split again after 3 years? Normies will be priced the fuck out in 2021.

>> No.21703726

woke up to a massive margin call for seemingly no reason this morning
hoping DEGIRO just fucked up or something

>> No.21703736

>what even is market cap anyways

>> No.21703828

>muh market cap

>> No.21703942
File: 107 KB, 598x517, 1597639981948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bubble is so big the FOMO kids can't even see the edges

>> No.21703958

It is literally a test from god himself to not FOMO back into TSLA after I secured 400% profits a week before they announced the split

>> No.21703981

Have you said thank you to our Lord and savior Elon Musk yet anon?

>> No.21703992


>> No.21703996

Nigga, your fucking ID is "Musk", if you don't see what the universe is trying to tell you, I can't help you anymore.

>> No.21704089
File: 2.25 MB, 955x1281, monster_starship_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla is not the interesting part of Elon's ambition.

>> No.21704100

everything he said about the pandemic was total lies and bullshit

also hes a corrupt fucking piece of shit, dont forget that when he tries to act preachy and goody goody

>> No.21704133

he was allowed to read a carefully scripted speech aloud, with a handler speaking it out word for word through an ear piece in his ear

>> No.21704156

you are like a catholic priest if you don't, be brave.

>> No.21704172

maybe your state is run by retard democrats who waste all the money

>> No.21704191


>> No.21704205

Please dear god, pump my portfolio so i will see some nice gains. Especially pump my losers because they annoy me.

>> No.21704279

luckily Trump is the best president in 100 years for the middle class and unilaterally forced hospitals and doctors to be transparent about their costs so patients can see how much they are getting ripped off and shop around and pressure hospitals to lower prices. not surprisingly its democrats and big pharma lobbyists that are fighting this in court


>> No.21704293


>> No.21704306


>> No.21704314

Trump is trying but demoshit millionaires and big pharma are putting up a hell of a fight

>> No.21704351

he is senile, he cant think on the fly or even hold normal conversation. who knows what drugs they had to inject him with just so he could read through a speech off a teleprompter while echoing someone reading it to him in his ear

>> No.21704381

it will go up forever

>> No.21704424

seeking alpha was charged by SEC for fraud the dude writes articles on shit he holds to manipulate the price up and down. he got in trouble recently for slandering ATHX and causing them to collapse just a week after he shilled them as the best thing ever

>> No.21704581

Probably something to do with the flatexbank thing.
Did you set up the bank account already?