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File: 62 KB, 658x613, 3CAC6762-09DB-4588-836D-D4E9624EDF4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21686011 No.21686011 [Reply] [Original]

But I’m nervous

>> No.21686027

it's not real till you cash out unironically. paper gains

>> No.21686082

i want to fuck you

>> No.21686107

Don't cut off the dick. You'll regret it

>> No.21686444
File: 382 KB, 625x408, d49f260769f6f1175e853cf54720a1823dd92ac18e7b7702657b1aa3b9b7d11c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need you to sit down and watch this in it's entirety before you make and stupid permanent decisions.


At this point you're always going to be a degenerate autogynophile, but you can still chose to be a passably happy dickgirl or a suicidal galli with an eternally seeping gash wound.

Plenty of "totally straight" dudes would date a shemale, but nobody is going to love a surgical abomination.

Tread carefully.

>> No.21686465

Nigga just wear a dress

>> No.21686485

Big time checked

>> No.21686486
File: 33 KB, 615x743, 342324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another anon trades shitcoins on /biz/ to become a faggot

>> No.21686562

Seek mental help.

>> No.21686824

In all reality this, unless you can 100% pass as a girl already by simply taping your dick up, you're going to just look like an abomination. If you do already pass, well you don't even need to do the surgery. Don't get that surgery, just be a regular gay faggot.

>> No.21686918
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, 20173807-346B-46E1-A736-90255099857B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay.....do I pass?

>> No.21686957
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>> No.21686989
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u look like a straight up man nigger

>> No.21686995

lol oh god no, you have the skelly guy look.

>> No.21687030
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>> No.21687039
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The obsession with "passing" will be the death of your mental health. The men into trannies are half gay anyway, so does it really fucking matter?

>> No.21687059

The shoulders give you away. That's your biggest obstacle atm

>> No.21687063


>> No.21687087

If FTM congrats
If MTF kys

>> No.21687101

>wide sholders
>no ass
>no tits
Nope, and cutting your dick off will not save you either. You are a man. Just accept it move on. If you want to be gay whatever, but you'll have issues passing as a femoid no mater what you do. Not that I think you should be gay either, but its your life, learn to be content with who you are bro.

>> No.21687151

What’s wrong with accepting who you are? If you want to wear makeup and dresses then go ahead, but why mutilate your body?

>> No.21687152

at least you're hairless

>> No.21687215


>> No.21687224

oh jesus lord

>> No.21687231
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To Add:
Even if you had the face of a norwegian supermodel, the ass of a brazillian hooker and the waistline of a japanese yoga instructor, there would always be a tell. Shoulders, hands, throat, etc.
If you're going to live as an androgyne, at least have the common sense to hold yourself to androgynous standards of "beauty". You are biologically male, and chasing the dragon of femininity will be the death of you. It's not a brass ring yu are evre going to catch.

>> No.21687273

I have never seen a tranny actually get dissuaded out of it no matter how much people try, they always think they'll be different and wind up a screencapped horror story for /pol/ to laugh at it
In saying that, Rest In Peace

>> No.21687334

>Plenty of "totally straight" dudes would date a shemale
Keep coping, gay boy

>> No.21687339

My uncle also trains man he is driver. Stay strong, trains is hard job.

>> No.21687436

How about you take the gnostic pill and realize for once in your stupid fucking life that aesthetics is a retarded concern. You’ll never be a real woman, accept it. You were born a man even if you feel you have the mind of a woman. I was definitely from some other planet and sucked into this gay fucking planet but I’m not going to change how I look to feel like a sirian. Seriously, you’re on par with those idiots who mutilate themselves to look like cat people or lizards. You’re just a confused gay guy who needs to find god.

>> No.21687453
File: 109 KB, 1024x1010, 1596240856670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English not your first language or are you just too retarded to understand the implications of the quotation marks?
I am taking fifteen minutes out of my day to try and talk a retard out of chopping their cock off. I'm just a kindhearted soul like that.

>> No.21687493
File: 434 KB, 554x584, 1597951532540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was definitely from some other planet and sucked into this gay fucking planet but I’m not going to change how I look to feel like a sirian
Based and greenpilled

>> No.21687540

>Wants to spend his gainz on a surgery that will cause him to kill himself
Give me your coins before you do plz

>> No.21687541
File: 13 KB, 169x240, 1nl5s4vz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try bro, i recognize those panties

>> No.21687548

This. Unironically

I'm not gay, but you do pass. If I met you at a social gathering and we happened to click I wouldn't regret having sex and finding out you were a trap after.

>> No.21687639

listen honey, you're going to be fine. but don't get SRS. it's a fucking scam and those surgeons do not have your best interests in mind, only your money. i'm not going to tell you whether or not you should be on hormones, blockers, whatever. i don't care. just don't get SRS. you can never ever take that back.

>> No.21687986

He needs to man up and stop all the sissy business in general. OP, have a beer and ogle some ladies.

>> No.21688028
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>> No.21688083

Don't do it. Pray to jesus. You have a mental illness. Get a grip of yourself. Don't let them take you anon, please.

>> No.21688129
File: 490 KB, 979x709, turtle power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP, have a beer and ogle some ladies.
He's way too far down the rabbithole to just jump into that. Little nigger needs three months of nofap, an exercise regiment an probably an entirely new diet before he's in any kind of shape for that.
Unless he's looking for some antifa bitch to peg him, then go for it lmao

>> No.21688450

I hope the transition is from alive to dead.

>> No.21688502

Is this that greek goddess from Billy & Mandy?

>> No.21688556
File: 115 KB, 427x640, Chaos Thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, also the one from the glownigger psyop religion of the 60s.

>> No.21688609

Transition to a AMPLEFORTH powered alternate dimension?

>> No.21688809
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, 1593662347820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're cute and I would fuck you. I'm bi though so don't know what to tell ya.

Don't get the sex reassignment surgery. Get tits and maybe some facial reconstruction, but keep your dick. You really just can't remake genitals. I'm sorry. You're still attractive though, and you can for sure find a man that will fuck you as well, even if you have a dick. I know people shit on you all the time here but I just want to say I love and support your very much and just want what's best for you. Much love <3

>> No.21688905

You are going to kill yourself if you go through with this surgery anon

>> No.21688982


Somewhat agree with this anon. I’ve seen a ton of documentaries of people going through transition and becoming horribly depressed, suicidal , Kill themselves etc. there’s a large group of transitioned people out there warning against this from what they’ve been through

Is fuck and suck a cutie dicked girl. But once it’s gone it’s a whole different story

>> No.21689038

This, keep the dick but just add some boobs

>> No.21689134

Ya'll toastin in a roll bread faggots.

>> No.21689138

>We conducted a systematic literature review of all peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1991 and June 2017 that assess the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being. We identified 55 studies that consist of primary research on this topic, of which 51 (93%) found that gender transition improves the overall well-being of transgender people, while 4 (7%) report mixed or null findings. We found no studies concluding that gender transition causes overall harm.
>Regrets following gender transition are extremely rare and have become even rarer as both surgical techniques and social support have improved. Pooling data from numerous studies demonstrates a regret rate ranging from .3 percent to 3.8 percent. Regrets are most likely to result from a lack of social support after transition or poor surgical outcomes using older techniques.
Now, 0.3% to 3.8% isn't insignificant. If there are a million trans people, 3% is 30,000 people who regret it and might post about that regret online. That doesn't mean transitioning is the wrong choice, all the data we have suggests it's the best choice for people with gender dysphoria.

>> No.21689224
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>all the data we have suggests it's the best choice for people with gender dysphoria.
41% yourself.

>> No.21689337

That's a weird statistic people throw around. It's like saying if 60% of people with major depressive disorder attempt suicide, they what....shouldn't take antidepressants? Like yes, that's the point, gender dysphoria is a mental illness that has a good chance of leading to a suicide attempt...and all the research we have over many decades, around the world, indicates gender transition reduces that risk of death.

>> No.21689342
File: 93 KB, 1080x844, 1514174915498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With good fucking reason, its the worst, most catastrophic, irreversible and moronic decision you could possibly make if you lived a thousand years. Just fucking don't, you will destroy your life. Jesus fuck, how I hate this modern society. An almost completely wasted generation of men, so demoralized, so distraught, so fed up with being treated like garbage that they think the answer is to stop being men. Goddammit, we need a fucking war, and soon.

>> No.21689372

You should use that money on testosterone instead. I'm serious, I was a sissy too before I started using gear. Now I'm not really a Chad but I am manly, I feel powerful and in control of myself, and I am horny for pussy 24/7.

>> No.21689416

Bullshit, you'd know instantly, and you definitely are gay. How the fuck would you mistake that frame for a female? Those shoulders? Hips? It's a MAN. A scrawny, weak looking one, but unmistakably a man.

>> No.21689475

you are a piece of shit for pushing people to mutilate themselves instead of accepting their healthy bodies and realities of life. you are actually fucking evil

>> No.21689494

Super based, and yeah we need a catastrophe which kills like 75% of the male population in order to even consider fixing this broken planet.

>> No.21689527

Saying that transitioning is the treatment for gender dysphoria is like saying that amputation is the treatment for body integrity disorder. It's monstrously wrong.

>> No.21689629
File: 224 KB, 521x937, baseddepartment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is almost too based

>> No.21689645

post boipussy faggot

>> No.21689668

I didn't say they should mutilate themselves. Not everyone who transitions gets SRS. There are positive outcomes by socially transitioning and taking hormones, not necessarily surgery. Also, it depends what your starting point is. My primary concern is people's happiness, and it seems like your primary concern is the sanctity of the body. My position comes from this place: there are people with gender dysphoria, this is fact, and so we must research what can be done to make their lives better. It turns out, after decades of research and dozens of studies around the world, that just talking someone out of it does not work, it's as useless as talking someone out of bipolar disorder. Whatever is wrong with them is too deep in the brain to fix through culture or therapy, and a lot of research suggests it has a physical basis (there are observed differences in brain structure with trans people).
So if they have dysphoria, and you take the stance that you should help them live better lives instead of just letting them suffer, you have to research every possible treatment. And it turns out that gender transition leads to the best outcomes. As per my link above:
>Among the positive outcomes of gender transition and related medical treatments for transgender individuals are improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction, higher self-esteem and confidence, and reductions in anxiety, depression, suicidality, and substance use.
If you disagree, alright, but you're disagreeing because you believe in something besides their mental wellbeing, e.g the preservation of a traditional society, the sanctity of the body, etc. OR you don't give a shit about them and are only pretending to care.

>> No.21689711
File: 467 KB, 2048x1204, discord meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a sexual predator
We know, bro.

>> No.21689754

>tfw scamming OP into buying shitcoins would literally be a win-win
Don't cut your fucking dick off

>> No.21689767

There's a problem with this argument. Amputation impairs function. We cut ourselves up in minor ways all the time in ways that don't impair function. Piercing your ear or nose is okay. Getting plastic surgery is fine. Cutting off your arm permanently impairs function and is not okay. A person with sexual reassignment surgery can still have sex, there is maintenance involved but it's not the same as losing a limb.

>> No.21689783
File: 129 KB, 500x709, Orca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. Im not angry at OP. I angry at the ones responsible. This is not intolerable.

>> No.21689840
File: 13 KB, 332x298, 1560323942995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it. cut it off. you will be a queen.

>> No.21689843

I think Internet culture has really fucked with the way people talk about this issue. It's really best just to approach it in the most boring, impartial way possible, by looking at it as a psychological condition like anything else in the DSM and then doing research on what leads to the best outcomes. Any other approach besides an evidence-based one is just way too "online", like the predominant 4chan opinion is just as unscientific and shit as your random tumblr user's. The research on this is impartial and clear: transition improves outcomes for the vast majority of people with gender dysphoria.

>> No.21689866
File: 185 KB, 1631x1859, 1592351885485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't say they should mutilate themselves. Not everyone who transitions gets SRS. There are positive outcomes by socially transitioning and taking hormones, not necessarily surgery. Also, it depends what your starting point is. My primary concern is people's happiness, and it seems like your primary concern is the sanctity of the body. My position comes from this place: there are people with gender dysphoria, this is fact, and so we must research what can be done to make their lives better. It turns out, after decades of research and dozens of studies around the world, that just talking someone out of it does not work, it's as useless as talking someone out of bipolar disorder. Whatever is wrong with them is too deep in the brain to fix through culture or therapy, and a lot of research suggests it has a physical basis (there are observed differences in brain structure with trans people).
>So if they have dysphoria, and you take the stance that you should help them live better lives instead of just letting them suffer, you have to research every possible treatment. And it turns out that gender transition leads to the best outcomes. As per my link above:
>Among the positive outcomes of gender transition and related medical treatments for transgender individuals are improved quality of life, greater relationship satisfaction, higher self-esteem and confidence, and reductions in anxiety, depression, suicidality, and substance use.
>If you disagree, alright, but you're disagreeing because you believe in something besides their mental wellbeing, e.g the preservation of a traditional society, the sanctity of the body, etc. OR you don't give a shit about them and are only pretending to care.

>> No.21689869

>preservation of a traditional society, the sanctity of the body

Yes. Not saying their happiness is irrelevant, only that its NOT the only consideration. Right now, people act like it is.

And that is just absolutely false. "Sexual reassignment surgery" is on par with lobotomy, and in a few short decades it will be considered with the same abhorrence. It's a grotesque perversion of everything medicine should stand for, and it ALWAYS destroys the body of the patient. How in the flying fuck can you even dispute that?

>> No.21689907
File: 2.01 MB, 925x1161, 552B3C33-F666-4955-8548-03BB1C5C9360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay lady sir but I have just but one question to ask you, have you done the needful and purchase the Kleros coin?

>> No.21689932
File: 132 KB, 1200x1203, 1597002985401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A person with sexual reassignment surgery can still have sex, there is maintenance involved but it's not the same as losing a limb.
>there is maintenance involved
>there is maintenance involved
You mean years of agonizing, hours long dilation sessions every day?
You mean the hairballs that grow inside your new "cunt"?
You mean the eternal stench of fecal matter and pus seepage?
You mean the daily cope of never be able to orgasm again?
I think you might actually be evil.

>> No.21689946

Bros, requesting help posting all those fucking examples of axe wounds oozing pus and shit, of frankencocks looking like something Giger would dream up, of that poor soul Jaz. I don't have any of them with me, but you know what I'm fucking talking about.

>> No.21689958

>"Sexual reassignment surgery" is on par with lobotomy, and in a few short decades it will be considered with the same abhorrence

>> No.21690004

iirc, at least one of those studies had a devastating methodological flaw. the "percentage reporting improvement OR no regrets" was calculated by dividing the number of people who said they were happier after the transition by the total number of PEOPLE WHO COULD BE REACHED AFTER THE TRANSITION - but this number was FAR lower than that of those who participated in the study at the beginning (think about reasons why this might be so). I'll see if I can find it.

>> No.21690010

You need to take hormones for like 3-5 years, get facial feminization surgery, and a bunch of other weird shit. But DO NOT, I repeat,

That WILL be the greatest mistake of your life. You have a mental illness, and at some point, you may have a moment of rationality and realize this. EXCEPTING THE MASSIVE COMPLICATIONS that come with chopping your dick off, there's also the fact that it is fucking permanent.

>> No.21690025
File: 379 KB, 800x722, considerthefollowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your parents will write your real name on your grave.

>> No.21690144
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I'm not based, you should think the same, this stance should be the norm, and it has nothing to do with me personally. The fact that you think this is based just shows how far we have fallen.

>> No.21690197
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>> No.21690221

Shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking tranny. Join the fucking 40% you piece of human trash. I feel so bad for your poor father for the utter disappointment that you have brought into his life. I sincerely hope a pack of niggers beats you to death on a street corner, but maybe if I'm lucky I can be the one to put my boot on top of your adams apple while you're laying on the ground whimpering so I can just slowly crush the pathetic life out of your skinnyfat degenerate body.

>> No.21690223

Assuming they haven't disowned OP to even bother with burying him?

>> No.21690241

What do you propose instead of gender transitioning? This has been studied for decades, we have no other solution with today's medical technology that can reduce the rate of depression and death and increase happiness, confidence and quality of life. If your answer is just "suck it up and live as your birth sex", "learn to love yourself", etc, this has been studied! For decades, in multiple cultures around the world! We know it doesn't work, and that intuitively makes sense because gender dysphoria is probably a physical problem in the brain.
For example:
> In 2010, a team of neuroscientists compared 18 female-to-male transsexuals with 24 male and 19 female gynephilic controls, using an MRI technique called diffusion tensor imaging or DTI.
DTI is a specialized technique for visualizing white matter of the brain, and white matter structure is one of the differences in neuroanatomy between men and women. The study found that the white matter pattern in female-to-male transsexuals was shifted in the direction of biological males, even before the female-to-male transsexuals started taking male hormones (which can also modify brain structure).
There are lots of other examples that found physical differences in transgender people's brains before they even started hormones. So if it's a real physical condition that exists outside of a cultural meme....what do you propose we do to help them, if you don't want us to do the thing that almost every study says leads to better quality of life?

>> No.21690246

before you spend all that money chopping your dick off and hopping on the fast train to suicide town why dont you take some of your profits and go get a solid haircut, get a custom suit tailored, and rent a high class escort for the night with dinner. tell her you want to be made to feel like a king and just try and pretend to be a man for once in your life. If that doesn't do anything for you, I mean you really can't see how life could be better as a male then by all means chop your cock off.

>> No.21690321

>taking hormones
also fucks up your body permanently. also, hormones fuck with your mood and these people are already not well
>primary concern is people's happiness
delusion is not happiness
>your primary concern is the sanctity of the body
if it actually worked, i wouldn't give a shit. you are lying to people. maybe someday, with crispr there will be a way. right now, there simply isn't. all you do is frankenstein people who are mentally ill
>there are people with gender dysphoria, this is fact, and so we must research what can be done to make their lives better
doesn't justify human experiments under false pretense
>and a lot of research suggests
blah blah it's all VERY early stage without any definitive answers or poorly conducted outright fraud

you can't change sex. that is the reality. telling delusional people otherwise is careless at best

>> No.21690325

This just be trap, don't be a tranny

>> No.21690406
File: 355 KB, 997x2041, 1596279033116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be an idiot OP. Read the greeks.

>> No.21690440

>What do you propose instead of gender transitioning?
Failing testosterone therapy, which is somehow more controversial than castration in this clown society, how about you accept that your autogynophilia is a fucking fetish and start treating it like one and chill the fuck out asking doctors to break their hippocratic oath to mutilate people with irreversible Frankenstein surgery?
I don't see foot fags trying to get severed feet grafted on to their wive's cunts

>> No.21690447

>you can't change sex.
Alright, so what? Forget the cultural part of it, just fuck that, people get caught up on language and what people "REALLY" are, blah blah blah, those are problems for later. The starting point is how to help people with this psychological condition. We know that transgender brains appear to have structure similar to the opposite sex's, it's not some impossibility, all sorts of weird problems can occur in development. We know that taking hormones to better help the body match the brain improves quality of life. What our culture seems to be deciding is that, given that this is the best treatment according to years and years of research, the path of least resistance is to let them socially transition because it'd be more awkward to call people with boobs men. What people like you get so caught up about is, you think they're "deluded", redefining language, etc. etc, when really the question is just how to build a society where people like this can get the treatment they need and everyone else isn't really awkward about it.

>> No.21690449

if only people were this enthusiastic about male genital mutilation better known as circumcision.

>> No.21690452

Please shut the fuck up. Pedophilia is a mental illness too, ever notice how the solution isn't to give them fuckloads of child porn? In fact, no fucking mental disorder has a treatment THAT ENFORCES AND ENABLES the continuation of that mental disorder.
So why the fuck do trannies get told to buy and shoot up hormones, then chop their cock off?
The medical/psychiatric industry doesn't give a flying fuck about them. They are an exploitable source of income.

>> No.21690485

The answer is simple, we don't have a cure yet. Transitioning is far worse than doing nothing, that includes both hormone replacement therapy, and the surgeries. Firstly, do no harm, is that how it goes? We cannot help those people, not yet. What we're doing right now is mutilating them and destroying any chance they might have at a normal life.

>> No.21690527
File: 33 KB, 540x720, just fuck it all up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know that transgender brains appear to have structure similar to the opposite sex's, it's not some impossibility, all sorts of weird problems can occur in development. We know that taking hormones to better help the body match the brain improves quality of life.
Notice with these sick predatory faggots it's always matter of changing the body to match the brain, not healing the brain to be comfortable in their natural body.

>> No.21690541
File: 45 KB, 905x369, auto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about you accept that your autogynophilia is a fucking fetish
The person who coined the term autogynophilia says that most people with that should still transition if all else fails. I know his credentials but what are yours, exactly?

>> No.21690550

lol how much shit did you have to wad through to obtain that one offbrand shit-top study that does literally nothing to prove your point?
>There are lots of other examples that found physical differences in transgender people's brains before they even started hormones
show it

>> No.21690574

If we could heal the brain that might be a preferable outcome for sure. We don't currently have the medical technology to physically alter brain structure. If we did, that means we could do crazy shit like turn a male brain into a female one, or a straight brain into a gay one...and we obviously can't do that.

>> No.21690583
File: 5 KB, 452x523, 1389758912637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it anon cut off your penis right away you will finally be happy and you will be a real girl.

>> No.21690588
File: 2.28 MB, 1766x1080, ridethetiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only desease is people like yourself promoting this for socially subversive purposes. He did nothing wrong.

>> No.21690610


i was talking about studies like these. scroll down to "Table 2" and note the astoundingly high dropout rates. it seems ludicrous to use any of these studies as a suggestion that we should encourage people to undergo SRS - when, for any such study, there is an ENORMOUS portion of people the outcomes of which we either know absolutely nothing about, or know that they're dead.

>> No.21690621

>show it
>In 2008, a new region with properties similar to that of BSTc in regards to transsexuality was found by Garcia-Falgueras and Swaab: the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), part of the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus. The same method of controlling for hormone usage was used as in Zhou et al. (1995) and Kruijver et al. (2000). The differences were even more pronounced than with BSTc; control males averaged 1.9 times the volume and 2.3 times the neurons as control females, yet regardless of hormone exposure, MtF transsexuals were within the female range and the FtM transsexual within the male range

>A 2009 MRI study by Luders et al. of 24 MtF transsexuals not yet treated with cross-sex hormones found that regional gray matter concentrations were more similar to those of cisgender men than to those of cisgender women, but there was a significantly larger volume of gray matter in the right putamen compared to cisgender men. Like earlier studies, it concluded that transsexuality was associated with a distinct cerebral pattern.

>> No.21690638

>The person who coined the term autogynophilia says
The person who pioneered the idea that gender was different from sex was a horrific child abuser. Who cares what he says? Fucking cumwit.

>> No.21690694

40 people is not a fucking study worth SHIT for any medical field, first of all.
Secondly, this male brain, female brain comes from the same people who spew the horseshit that men and women are equal and capable of the same things.
Open your fucking eyes and see the scam.

>> No.21690696

>well, something must be done. we can't just do nothing even though we have no idea what to do but lets do something
sounds like middle east policy of the united states
>we want to feel good about ourselves and say we tried. sorry we fucked up countless lives. we didn't mean to

>> No.21690736

Before this board becomes super mean. Men into trannies, traps, shemales whatever. We don't really care if you look like a proper girl or not.

In fact, as somebody who likes girls and men (I'm a man), the only men I like are those I can dress up as girls and are feminine. I like to take their manhood away from them.

Like, it doesn't really matter, as long as your not fat is all we ask (and your defo not) <3

>> No.21690750
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I wonder

>> No.21690765

quoting some dropout rates here
- these are the percentages of people who did not complete the post-op questionnaires. think about what might be the reason for the "disappearances".

>>21686011 don't do it

>> No.21690792

Why is that hard to believe, though? Would it really be surprising to you that there are physical reasons why transgenderism is a thing? We are physical animals, consciousness comes from the brain, and gender fuckery is a consistently recurring problem in cultures throughout human history, albeit given different names. Why is it so hard to believe that in a minority of people something goes wrong with the brain and we get an intersexed brain? Bodies can be intersexed, after all, there are XX people with penises, XY people with vaginas.

>> No.21690795

It's just as I suspected. Worthless studies on a dozen or so trannies that prove absolutely nothing given how little we know about the brain in general.
I know you've probably Ctrl + C'd that section of wikipedia about a thousand times, but the amount of minds you've changed with them is still probably 0. Given all that effort, you're still just a mentally ill tranny.

>> No.21690845

Doing nothing has been studied and leads to significantly worse outcomes than doing something. Do you really think the blowback against trans people comes from science or research? Of course not, it's a cultural thing, people pushing back for cultural reasons, they don't like to see the direction society is going or whatever, but it has nothing to do with a rational determination of how to best treat people with this condition.

>> No.21690857


>> No.21690869


The short of it is, the entire modern approach to gender and sexuality is rotten to the core, perverted and outright evil, in the most traditional, literal meaning of the word. It is founded on the rape of children, the mutilation and disenfranchisement of men, the debasement of women, and the destruction of the family. One day people will burn and die for this. Many are already burning in hell, Kinsey first among them. Let this fucking thread die, OP is long gone anyway, there is no helping him.

>> No.21690871

>Doing nothing has been studied and leads to significantly worse outcomes than doing something.

You have no good proof of this if the "something" here is SRS.

>> No.21690895

I'm not trans but I am friends with a couple and I'm only posting here while I'm waiting for my current DeFi farming crops to be harvested, it passes the time. Really I'm not too interested in changing minds since I know you're mostly uneducated bigoted NEETs who think you're rational agents but are anything but, but it is good practice for discussing this with people I do care about.

>> No.21690917

How is it rational to ignore culture?

>> No.21690979

>people like you get so caught up about is, you think they're "deluded", redefining language, etc. etc,
oh silly me actually giving a fuck about reality. if your internal model of the world doesn't match reality you'll run into problems

>> No.21690988

Bro I am literally THE straightest man alive. And you are...? Nobody, a literal fucking homo on the road to becoming stright. Except you're blind to the fact that you're on a crooked road and not the straight road you need to be on. Don't @ me again homo

>> No.21691020

Obviously there is something wrong with their brains. They have a mental illness. The problem however, is that researching legitmate ways to cure these people is impossible to do because it costs money to launch intensive medical research. Whereas u lie to them and feed their mental illness, you profit off of them till the day they kill themselves or get murdered by a straight man who got trapped.
This. Is. A. Scam.

>> No.21691027

I believe that culture should be shaped by whatever the best treatments for various medical conditions are. So for example, if the best treatment for people who can't walk are a wheelchair, we should build wheelchair ramps. If people with bipolar disorder need to take time off work during a manic episode, we should accommodate that and understand we shouldn't take what they say totally seriously because they're being psychotic, so we should be understanding. To me this is a simple sort of equation here....if hormones and socially transitioning improves outcomes for patients diagnosed with gender dysphoria, how do we build a culture to accommodate that in the least awkward way possible? To me, if there's a person with boobs and who looks like a woman....yeah, I'll call them a woman, that's the path of least resistance here given the medical reality of the situation.

>> No.21691070
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Kids these days

>> No.21691081

This is a buy signal

>> No.21691117
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This but unironically

>> No.21691132
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Very prep-the-bullish

>> No.21691151

You just admitted to wanting to fuck a man. You're gay. End of.

>> No.21691158

It's not like language was handed down to us from the high heavens here. Words mean whatever we want them to mean. There are "XX male" intersex people, people with female chromosomes but external male genitalia and anatomy. What's the path of least resistance here? Well a lot of the time, it's just to call them men. What's the "accurate" word here? Well that's complicated...phenotypically they're male, genetically they're female, socially they're male. You gotta understand, words are just tools we create and use to make sense of the world. Concepts don't exist as some absolutist thing that we only discover and conform to. If we can make better sense of the world by grouping in someone born with a male body and male genitalia but with female chromosomes (that we could only discover today, with modern medical tech, otherwise we'd never have known)....then so be it. That's not "redefining reality", it's just sorting people into the appropriate box so life is easier for everyone.

>> No.21691185

I'd do you

>> No.21691216

>blowback against trans people
there is no blowback against trans people. indoctrination in schools/hormone treatment of children without or even against wishes of parents/compelled speech are some of the problems people have
>they don't like to see the direction society is going or whatever
do you? it's a clusterfuck

>> No.21691217

It's worth noting how not a single one of the tranny-pushers posting these trash "studies" has ever responded substantively to any of the criticism towards said studies, but prefers to digress into retarded soliloquies.

>> No.21691224

cutting your dick off is like committing suicide. It’s a permanent solution to your own faggotry which is always temporary. Ironically however if you do cut it off you will ALSO commit suicide.

>> No.21691241
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>the face is actually vitalik

>> No.21691254
File: 10 KB, 201x251, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that bulge.

Its Sayuri mattar you LARP

>> No.21691255

w-wait how does God and even just life on other planets fit together? didn't make man to his own image? or he put man on other planets as well? or we're creatures of his own image, but other planets are ruled by not-godlike creatures?

>> No.21691262
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>It's not like language was handed down to us from the high heavens here
What's it like to be so wrong?

>> No.21691355

Just do hormones but dont cut off your Dick. You would pass if you had tits and ass.

>> No.21691370


>> No.21691421

It's merely conjecture to suggest the high drop-out rate is indicative of dire outcomes. Yes, the high drop-out rate means it's less reliable, but a hypothesis is useless and stands as much ground as me seeing they were so happy they didn't bother with doing the questionnaire because they wanted to move on with their lives. Sounds like bullshit, probably is, we don't know unless they do more research.

>> No.21691479

Cope: The Post
>Really I'm not too interested in changing minds
15 posts by this id
>since I know you're mostly uneducated bigoted NEETs who think you're rational agents but are anything but
Yes, we're the ones with wrong think, we're the freaks. Not people like you that try to normalize this stuff.
>Really I'm not too interested in changing minds
Who are you trying to fool, a quick browse through the archives shows the same shitbox study being shoved down people's throats with the same talking points. People didn't buy it then and they're not buying it now.
>muh neural imaging patterns

>> No.21691573

>15 posts by this id
You gotta understand, I'm an autist with two monitors watching a yield farm. I've gone on this long about inane shit like Castlevania or Spider-Man before, it's a problem. But I really do genuinely care about the issue, but I also think most of you are pieces of shit who I wouldn't trust to look after my dog, I'm more interested in convincing bigoted relatives than you guys but you're a not-bad stand-in.

>> No.21691606

you want societal rules to work for the exceptions. they can't by definition. in the process of trying you are destroying the fabric of society and real lives without giving a shit. also, fuck your critical theory semantical bullshit. people see through that shit
>so life is easier for everyone
only it's not. you are doing the exact opposite but you don't give a shit because ends justify the means, right

>> No.21691691
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>I've gone on this long about inane shit like Castlevania or Spider-Man before,
We know

>> No.21691727


>> No.21691743

Honestly it depends on the culture. I don't live in Burgerland and I think for in a lot of places the sorts of accommodations that trans people want or need aren't really tenable because their society is too shit. I'm not saying they shouldn't fight for it, but practically speaking it's gonna cause problems, the same way I wouldn't recommend homosexuals openly kiss in Somalia. In the long run though, since trans people DO exist and gender dysphoria, as far as we know based on all available evidence, is best treated with gender transitioning....yes, society should conform when possible to that. I live in a relatively non-bigoted city, have transgender coworkers, and everything runs very smoothly and without difficulty. It's as banal a thing as there being a gay guy in the office or white people working with black people. But in broken societies with deep rifts and lots of discontent like much of the United States, yeah it's more complicated, if people are so deeply hateful.

>> No.21691767

Why do you Reddit fags compare everything to videogames and comics. Fucking fags.

>> No.21691774

>you're mostly uneducated bigoted NEETs who think you're rational agents but are anything but
>but it is good practice for discussing this with people I do care about.
pick one

>> No.21691796

dont cut your dick off

>> No.21691807

No. Just, no. I don't think dialogue is possible between us, the differences in thinking run too deep. Sooner or later, those questions will have to be settled with violence.

>> No.21691839

dont cut your dick off.

>> No.21691848
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>> No.21691863

doooont! D:

>> No.21691872

Hypothesis' are never useless. It was you who said that SRS improves outcomes in those who undertake it - I simply pointed out that you have presented NO good proof for this.

Stratospheric dropout rates like these (>>21690765) wouldn't fly in, say, ANY drug trial. You're just grasping at straws because you have no good argument.

>> No.21691908

>My primary concern is people's happiness, and it seems like your primary concern is the sanctity of the body

The issue is you are messing with semantics at this point. What is happiness? If your concern is the maximization of a person's utility then maybe this is what you mean? The issue is if you are a non-materialist then happiness isn't something related to a utility function or that you can mess with by doing x to make person y better. Example if I were to give every person an extra dollar the world would not be a better place with more happy people in my mind. Happiness to me at least comes from accepting who you are and being content to live your life given what you have been given. You are not happy if you desire more and when you get something new to fulfill said desires you are obtaining pleasure not happiness in my book.

I could argue based upon your other arguments regarding the empirical evidence subject to debate but I think it'd be pointless consider we have a different moral axiom. That said you seem to misunderstand our different axioms and so I think it is best you come to understand our differences. Please do not straw-man our side anymore.

>> No.21691963

>society should conform when possible to that
>as banal a thing as there being a gay guy in the office or white people working with black people
not banal at all and doesn't work and has never worked
>if people are so deeply hateful
so are you, obviously

>> No.21691979

I have more empirical reason to think the way that I think than you do. Studies that need more data but indicate positive outcomes is better than no research that suggests what you're saying. A shaky evidence-based position is better than your gut feeling.

>> No.21691981

>business and finance
I dont understand how I cant post an unrelated albeit NONSENSITIVE topic without getting banned but a post like this gets 100+ replies? Yup, jannies love trannies

>> No.21692023

If you feel like you're in the wrong body, just realize that "you only live once" is (((propaganda))) and you'll be reincarnated into a new body, eventually you will live as a girl. In fact, you probably have lived a past life as a girl and that's why you feel like you're missing it. Your karmic destiny is to live this life as a male, you have a Y chromosome and will never be able to shed it. Focus on that which you are destined to become instead of running from it.

>> No.21692076


most trannies kill themselves after transitioning, probably not a good idea to go through with it.

>> No.21692089

>a homo calling anyone a fag
>thinking the ramblings of a faggot are even heard by a the straightest man alive
I'm not even sure why you bothered replying, your statement means literally nothing to me.

>> No.21692151
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As evidenced by your seething reply.

>> No.21692170

transition to what?

>> No.21692312
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It's not a matter of data, it's a matter of methodology - if you were to increase the initial sample size by 1000, but kept the dropout rates equal, the studies would still be trash.

By the way, even these extremely shaky studies do not show particularly great improvement: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28603386/,

"The scores of SF-36 showed a non-significant trend to be lower(!!!!!) 5 years post-GRS compared to pre-operatively"

>> No.21692374

Underrated post.

>> No.21692398

Before you become part of the 41%, mind giving me some of your coins?

>> No.21692487

>Studies that need more data but indicate positive outcomes
That's called a lie.
>is better than no research that suggests what you're saying.
A lie (false positives in this instance) is not better than a faulted hypothesis.

>> No.21692519
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>I finally made enough money to transition
to daytrader?

>> No.21692768

take your meds

>> No.21692876
File: 91 KB, 227x228, 1560274788000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. I'm one of those "totally straight" dudes that has fucked a few trannies. Keep the dick. Just like some dudes like a girl with a big ass or tits, I like mine with a dick. If a I was talking to a tranny and found out that they went through SRS I would immediately lose interest. I have no desire to fuck a gaping wound.

>> No.21692992
File: 89 KB, 960x960, 1551791619562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone above this post is a faggot.
they bump shemale shit.

they slide autism shit.
you fucks are gaming on shemale.
when the only thing worth paying attention to in biz is the autism.

you all fail. this thread is over.

>> No.21693011

Trannies are cuter when they just take megadoses of E and shrink their dick

>> No.21693083

Retype this post into a coherent statement redditor

>> No.21693149

Also would like to add if you do get surgery just get FFS, boobs (spend the extra money, get a good surgeon and get the naturally shaped implants) and your Adam's apple shaved. Keep your dick and embrace being a top tier dickgirl.

>> No.21693325

Keep your clit, and DON'T add implants. The smol cute breasts from HRT enough.

>> No.21693384

Look I don't know if you are serious or not, but do not go through with this. You are walking down a dangerous path that leads to destruction if you do not change your ways. Go pick up the Holy Bible and read it now. Don't have one? Go buy one or go to some Christian church and they'll probably give you one, albeit be careful of JW's and Mormons they might give you an additional book that is not the Holy Bible, ignore those other books as iirc one or both of those denominations have information that goes against the Holy Bible. Now read the Holy Bible. Jesus Christ, who is God, came to save us from sin. He preached, He was persecuted, He was sentenced to death and died on the cross. He sacrificed Himself to save us from eternal damnation. 3 days after He died on the cross, He came back to life, conquering both sin and death. He offers salvation, but will you take it or deny it? Turn back from the path of destruction you have taken, you are not immortal and there is a time limit. You die unsaved and there is nothing I can do for you at that point, if you reject Him, then He will reject you. I come here to offer a hand to pull you from the path you have taken. I do not know if it's just the wickedness of your own heart or the work of a demon or some other reason. Whatever the reason you must change if you want to see eternal life. Turn from the path of wickedness and come onto the path of life.

>> No.21693495

good post

>> No.21693611

Based and blessed pilled.

>> No.21694052
File: 367 KB, 761x591, pepepanik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this board is full of unironic faggots