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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21685352 No.21685352 [Reply] [Original]

I have no friends.

>> No.21685368

If you live in Jacksonville, FL I'll be your friend. If not tough luck.

>> No.21685386
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>> No.21685415

Same. It hurts to know that people out there are sharing feelings, expressing themselves, being reciprocated, laughing, enjoying each other, and having sex while we spend our lives on a sugar cube molding forum

>> No.21685446

what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.21685447

You're an adult then, congratulations. Now to share a beer with your acquaintances at the local bar and be misserable like a normal person

>> No.21685496

>Jacksonville, FL
i feel bad for you

>> No.21685557

Ugly, short, poor, awkward
People literally run into me all the time like I’m invisible

>> No.21685622

>Crave the idea of having a friend or 2 or even a best friend
>Get extremely disgusted at actual human beings
Is it mental illness?

>> No.21685668

Not a used sponge quantitying forum


>> No.21685697

Having friends is gay, do something with your life maybe, then you meet other normal people

>> No.21685754

I've literally never had a friend and never wanted one. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but who cares.

>> No.21685770


>> No.21685799



>> No.21685808
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>be me
>high school 2011
>no friends
>went to hide at library
>just sat there and pretended to read or went on computer
>eventually library ladies put up chessboards
>nobody went, I went to go set next to the table
>eventually weird nerds started showing up
>I made friends
>we played chess all lunch time
>it was about 6-8 of us
>interesting autista who enjoyed HP love craft and a ripped dude who talked about his nazi ancestry
>have a psychotic breakdown months into high school and drop out, finish online

That was the last time I had friends

>> No.21685856

join a chess club

>> No.21685933

What's wrong with Jacksonville? Low cost of living my expenses total are $1000 a month and I get paid $80k a year plus bonus. Fuck living in a hustling and bustling city

>> No.21686050

friends are for niggers

>> No.21686132

I like people in theory but they rustle my jimmies constantly I just got inside from watching the sunset with my dog. I consider that top tier entertainment these days. I could be doing pretty much whatever I want and that's what I end up doing.

>> No.21686152

based, friends are for faggots

>> No.21686474
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I havent had a freind IRL since middle school, the rest have just come and gone. I got to fuck average whores though that was nice at least they give me asshole before they go. cheers frens you guys are miserable toxic Autist but I understand your pain frens

>> No.21686534
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I honestly don’t feel the need to socialize outside of this board. We give each other shit, we share feels, we joke around, and we don’t have to make any awkward or burdensome commitments. I have “real” friends I go through the motions with for the sake of appearing normal but I don’t give a shit about any of them and always lie, saying that I’m too busy to hang out and come here instead.

>> No.21686537

How do you meet friends that have drive, discipline, and want to find more meaning in life than hedonism on the weekends and drifting through the work week with no plans more than a week in advance. A group of people that wants to grow from each others knowledge, skills, and resources instead of this weird game of everyone showing how much a of better slave to the system they are than the rest. Its fucking weird man.

>> No.21686591

nobody is your "fren" here everyone is a crab in a bucket in this board

>> No.21686620

no plans for their future*

>> No.21686676

You guys are better than frens. This is the ultimate socialization simulator minus the physical aspects.

>> No.21686685


Imagine believing that. Ironically 4chan is one of the last refuges of moral and honest people. If you were here during the Golden Era of Chainlink discussion circa 2018 everyone was helping each other

>> No.21686699
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you dont , this is a new era you eiether grow numb to it or enjoy it. Everyone is in this for sexual gratification/ status and wealth

>> No.21686728

so what happened ? I dont even hold link so dont call me a "Nulinker"

>> No.21686731

I have no legs.


>> No.21687079


Well where do you think "We are all in this together" came from? There were easily 6-12 going discussing technincals and if they could succeed in their mission, the team and their background, potential investors, tokenomics what realistic price valuations looked like, institutional breadcrumbs/integrations, people doing write ups that destroyed FUD flavor of the week etc. The list goes on, everyone here wanted everyone else to win. Literal emotional support and the reminder that it takes time for the market to fairly value what we all knew and they it was a 3-5 year hold(late 2017 discussion was starting then even). Psychology is what kills investors the most greed and fear. The community helped keep that in check for people. Hell the ICO required a 300 ETH minimum to even participate and a bunch of /biz got together and pooled their ETH to buy. Normal people were never meant to have the project.

>> No.21687099


>> No.21687121

6-12 threads daily*

>> No.21687309
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Idk been on this board since march and everyone here now seems to either want to scam each other or shit on each other for not buying in early enough. all this " fren were gonna make it talk" seems to be directed towards people interested in buying. At least thats my observation

>> No.21687368

Friends are a meme anons. I probably older than most of you, and this is how life is. Those 2 guys you hung out with in school? Thats it for life. After that its jim and bob at thr office talking about local sports team. The rest of the time is wageslave or make money to be free.
Find what you enjoy and do it, the darkness is coming.....

>> No.21687528
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my friends outgrew me. they all have kids, a respectable career, wealthy. we don't connect anymore.
the best I can do is trick 19 year olds from tinder into sleeping with me, that in itself feels like a full time job. in terms of socializing I have to dumb myself down so much to talk on their level, I really need a better job with better work colleagues

>> No.21687614
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The whole purpose of frens in evolutionary history was so that we wouldn't fucking die, there's no need for frens nowadays. you still need a waifu for procreating though

>> No.21687701


Me neither. Just my wife and to a lesser extent, brother and sister. Got my kids too. Don't like being around ppl all that much and I'm not even close to being an introvert or autistic retard. Most ppl are low level degenerates is why.

>> No.21687905

I tried to make friends this year. Really. For outside in bars with guys from the gym, and was even invited at a party. I can't stand them. Really. I have to drink a lot to be at ease. Then drink more. I'm only at ease with these retards when i almost drunk. But then i become slightly dangerous. And i never want to tell those untermensch the tinyest secret i have because of alcohol intoxication. The girls are trash also. The usual sluts with a bad temper and tatoo. The retard girl, still in love with her looser ex, drinking to forget her feeling, to very, very, very bad latino music (god i hate this shit, this and modern rap, it's just awful). I mean look and hear those finest human specimens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU-MrRcAkuY
These normie people, they are not even nice, friendly. They can be pretty mean. The guys are overprotective of their girlfriend. Even those who don't have girlfriends, but female friends with benefit, sometimes don't invite you anymore, in case you might "steal" one of their fucking friends. Which are trashy anyway.
In the end, i'm better alone, at night, with a book. Fuck them. I have some pick up artist skills. So i don't need them in order to meet girls anyway, i don't need their company, and if someday, shit really hit the fan, like civilization collapse, they would be useless anyway.

>> No.21687919

look at the bright side, nobody to fuck you over

>> No.21687963

nigga what the fuck, are you me

what jobs do we get tho

>> No.21688187

Most friends that people have are not actually friends. Normies are soulless who have no loyalty to eachother. Hardly any people have true friends in our modern world.

>> No.21688291

I blame my autistic christcuck parents personally.

>> No.21688479

>Normies are soulless who have no loyalty to eachother.
True. Why would you spend time with people who will give up on you at first sign of trouble? Hell, they even give up on you when you have your shit together.

>> No.21688594

>true friends in our modern world
don't think you get that without experiencing real hardship together. like a war, that's where you can build real trust

>> No.21688717

That's what i was thinking. That in order to have real friendship, you have to go through difficulties with other people, who then truly are your friends. Partying won't create those bonds.

>> No.21688749


That's bullshit OP, we're your friends now shut up

>> No.21688800

All my friends are dead

>> No.21688936
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unironically based

most people aren't worth befriending anyway. build yourself up so much so that you have allies instead of friends

>> No.21688946

>Christcuck parents
They must have been evangelicals lol