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2168058 No.2168058 [Reply] [Original]

Why did (You) give up ?

>> No.2168062

I haven't, I'm just waiting for my next paycheck because all my liquidity I dump into either refried beans or ETH

>> No.2168365


As someone who's almost completely given up and gone nearly full hikki NEET mode, after being fairly successful, in the past. On that list

>Live in the past
>Dwell on mistakes
>Feel the world owes me
>Assume problems are unique
>Feel sorry for oneself

Biggest one though and that's not on there

>Utterly refusing to take life/ business seriously and treating everything as just another video game and always just chased the next buzz/ dopamine rush, instead of investing, scaling and expanding into other business etc.

>> No.2168401
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>As someone who's almost completely given up and gone nearly full hikki NEET mode, after being fairly successful, in the past.

iktf. Sometimes i think about myself from 7-8 years ago and can't believe that was me. It's weird. And yet I don't wanna be that again either. I don't know what i want.

>> No.2168448

I havent. I have people I need to fuck over for both vengeance and satisfaction. I need as much money and success as I can get to do that.

>> No.2168513

Thank you kind sir! This is just what I needed. I'll believe in myself more and not give up.

>> No.2168743


So much this

>Nearly this time four years ago decided to get back on it, after a long gashout, and immediately preceded to make £83k profit/ £105k EV, tax free, in just over four months, from a £10k starting bankroll!

So much other crazy shit/ plays from 2010 – 2015. Just not that guy any more and have no idea where he came from or went.

Also, like you, don't want to be that guy, any more. He spiralled way out of control, degenned 300k away, so over 500k if it had been put in S@P 500 index fund instead: 250k gambling and the rest on hookers, strippers, fancy restaurants, drugs, top shelf liquor etc. Plus literally millions in opportunity cost lost from shitposting on chans, playing vidya, netflix etc, when could have been working and making £1k+ a day.

Also have no idea what to do next. Should be a multi millionaire, but instead am broke and had to move back in with mother. Liquidated business recently and found out that cash bankroll is actually now the same as best ever month, £31k ffs! It's just tragicomedy tier shit! Really can't be fucking bothered to start again from the bottom + might not be as good at other businesses. Developed a massive ego, over the years, and just can't accept it all! Alas, also lack the constitution for suicide.

Sigh, it's all a clusterfuck. I urge the talented young up and coming Turks, not to waste their youth and take their business/ operation seriously right from the get go, start investing at eighteen read serious novels/ non fiction etc. Learned way more from recently reading the Meditations/ The Intelligent Investor than I ever did wasting years playing vidya or shitposting on POL/R9K. Ya really don't want to have high IQ, genius level talent and end up broke at 30+ and being faced, with having to start yet again at the bottom!

>> No.2168792

t. nocoiner

>> No.2168796

this desu

>> No.2169003

Video game addiction taking up all my free time

>> No.2169373

Not to be a downer, but my reason isn't on that list.
I got sick a couple of years ago and haven't fully recovered yet.
I'm a non welfare NEET.
Spending my savings on ETH though, so I guess I'm doing something productive.

>> No.2169967

> tfw you fail cause everything and more