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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 313 KB, 591x446, 1597856460864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21667849 No.21667849 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this allowed? Imagine being a restaurant wagie.

>> No.21667905

Clown world gets closer and closer to a clockwork tomato every day.

>> No.21667977

I just imagine elites hysterically laughing as they add more and more absurd requirements for the public

>> No.21668103

Wtf? Just wear a mask instead

>> No.21668109
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Also ban tipping. You know that paper money might have Covid on it so wagies shouldn't touch it incase they infect the guests.

>> No.21668115

Haha guys, let’s make them wear dog cones!! They’re animals after all!!!! *elitist laughter*

>> No.21668143
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No tip wagie, now wear your cone.

>> No.21668186
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Top kek

>> No.21668212
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>> No.21668242


I'm surprised there aren't more low wage workers committing mass shootings and stuff

>> No.21668257

Why is it that every waitress thinks their job is the hardest ever? I worked at a restaurant as a server for a summer when I was in college and it was so fucking easy. You literally just write down what the customer wants and then 20 minutes later bring it to them...

Compared to bricklaying and landscaping that I was doing the summer before (for less money when you include tips), it honestly felt like I was getting a paid vacation where I got free food.

>> No.21668282


>> No.21668284

Woah cool it with the anti semitism buddy

>> No.21668287
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Have you looked at the prices of weapons and ammunition recently? Wagies are broke and typically in debt. Mass stabbing maybe..

>> No.21668336

There is only one place that I tip and that is my local breakfast joint. Still today...they don't say shit to anyone about masks and they treat everyone like family. Plus, they know that I like heated syrup with my pancakes instead of the on the table cold shit.

>> No.21668390

Who the hell do you even responding to?
Guys I think we got a live one!

>> No.21668397

I’m reporting this thread to the Ashkenazi-Israeli Political Action Comitee. But it’s not foreign influenced and your a BIGOT if you think otherwise.

>> No.21668398
File: 212 KB, 686x526, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2021 restaurant wagies must wear hazmat suits

>> No.21668421

you tip them by tossing coins in their cone (or straw wrappers if you are based)

>> No.21668433

If youre basedboy immune system cant fight off the common cold 2.0, then stay the fuck inside. Society is completely bitchmade now. Most these people need to get their ass kicked so they have something real to fear besides "much germs."

>> No.21668436

We caught a live AI bot boys! It’s a big one!

>> No.21668457

probably this guy

>> No.21668488

it's partly because we are protecting the weak, but more because they're using this as cover for another bailout and mega wealth transfer plus a money system reboot of some kind

>> No.21668554

You know too much and have been deemed dangerous to society. You’re now on a watch list and your access to the FedCoin system has been revoked. Thank you for your understanding.

>> No.21668607

they already coordinate all payment processors to cancel people, the scenario you described will eventually become reality (unless people fight back)

>> No.21668622

I was about to quit my job but the Wuflu came at the perfect time, ive been milking the stimulus and tripled my free gibs with crypto.

I got a new job starting in October when the free gibs are over.

Fucking perfect.

>> No.21668642
File: 240 KB, 1329x1429, 1597161444616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty filthy animals. Make them wear cones, eat bugs and live in boxes. Useless eaters one and all.

>> No.21669251

This is from an anti-vax doctor, so probably bullshit

>> No.21669322


>> No.21669555

>hostess: oh God, here comes anon, not wearing a mask again. he must be pushing 400lbs.
>waitress: can't we just ban him? he creeps us all out and only tips like $2 for 5 stacks of pancakes
>boss: no, he might get a lawyer and sue us for discriminating against a retard. now go heat up his syrup now before he throws another temper tantrum
>waitress: o-okay
anon walks in
>boss: welcome anon! we've saved your favorite seat next to the bathroom -- come on in! your heated syrup is on it's way! did I tell you you're like family to us?