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File: 189 KB, 1536x659, Virgin stinky vs. chad musky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21665353 No.21665353 [Reply] [Original]

Woke up this morning to my raging erection, and the sight of 4 random 10/10 asian qt's fighting to see who would get the honor of giving me my morning blowjob.

I just increased my DUSK stack to 100k as of a couple days ago, they must have sensed the increased alpha chad muskiness emanating from my pores.

My anus has also started fizzing uncontrollably ever since I first started accumulating my duskies, is all of this normal, /biz/frens??

>> No.21665537

strange that you mention it anon- I also feel like I’ve getting a lot more attention from girls lately, my gf has been commenting on my smell as well and it’s kind of weird desu

>t. 10k dusklet btw

>> No.21665598

The dev team has run out of money, they have no more btc or fiat.
No they need to sell their dusk but nobody is interested so they come shill it here on biz.
Just do a google search on the project and the team of look at the bitcointalk threads.
Massive clusterfuck project and team

>> No.21665723

I've had a similar experience anon. Here is my story

>be me and wake up
>decide to not shower and go out to get a morning coffee
>Stand in line for a double shot espresso when I hear two girls talking about some smell
>worried they notice I didn't shower before going out
>one of the girls looks at me and asks me if I can smell something weird
>she then realises its me and screams to her friend its this guy who smells.
>I get ready to awkwardly get out but before I know they are both close to me telling me how wonderful I smell they want my number and want to meet up later.

After my espresso and coming home I realise I became a Dusk holder a couple days before. I've seen people talk about Musky Duskies so this must be normal for Duskchads.

>> No.21665769
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One of two copy-pasted responses that have been posted here for more than a year, it's getting old, fudjeets, and it's too late to keep DUSK to yourself now.

I can smell the low testosterone from here already fren, might I suggest a dedicated lifting regime, a reduction in craft beer consumption, and perhaps an introductory 10k dusk chadlet suicide stack to assist in your overall male pheromone profile?

>> No.21665933

They have enough funds to last for many years. Don't listen to the guy. Team has been very transparent and check their Business review report from Q1. The guy definitely sold the bottom

>> No.21665945

In response to (ID: B3RrSp4m)

>> No.21665946
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I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this frens.

I swear I can feel my posture improving as I sit and walk, I speak with more confidence and a deeper timbre to my voice, and am effortlessly maintaining eye contact and conversation with qt's that would have me becoming a stuttering mess even just a few months ago.

It's been an interesting progression already- I wonder what's next

>> No.21666054

Send messages to @jwp55 (jelle pol)

Since Arie deleted his telegram account

Ariefounder AKA Jelle Pol founded CCG Syndicate dumping on its members, pocketing Community Management contracts on said projects without disclosing it's affiliations through Informance.io

This informance.io company is linked to multiple scams.

Previous scams are
>Open platform
>Apex network

>Ariefounder of CCG dumped pool tokens before distro, delaying distro & pocketing difference

>CCG operated VIP investor group, hidden from the others. Insider information and earlier distro of tokens to dump on the rest

>Silently got community management and marketing contract through Informance.io BV for pool deals.

>Insider trading and organised dump of the pool projects

>Bragging about dumping on members while drunk

>All projects exit scammed

Emanuele Francioni Dusk CTO

> Self proclaimed genius
> Can't get mainnet out
> hyped announcements and pumped and dumped his own token
>Lied about partnerships
>Changed token utility. Dusk token no longer required for STO. Fundraising will be stable coin & €. No Dusk.

>Team keeps hitting delays after delays

>Mainnet announcement for Q4 2019 failed

>Roadmap delayed x2

>Lied about Bitfinex partnership , Changing company records after private sale

>Only 400 real erc20 holders. Team created 13.000 fake addresses with tiny airdropped amount of token to make it look like they're a bigger Community

Team doubled Hardcap after private sale.

Team token unlock has started even without delivering anything

Stay away from this project

>> No.21666067


>> No.21666139

The progress from dusklet to duskchad started slow but is progressing faster each day.

Female's are crowding each other for my attention. I think my dick even grew a couple of inches.

We are in the same boat anon and just like you I am extremely curious to what is next.

>> No.21666156
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Any DUSK thread would be incomplete without the presence of based fudjeet, thank you for your efforts as always

>> No.21666355
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Alright frens, it's time that we discuss in more detail what exactly makes the investment proposition of DUSK so lucrative.

In case you weren't aware, DUSK is the leading private smart-contract-enabled privacy platform, built with the needs of the trillion dollar securities market in mind (i.e. privacy, programmability, transaction throughput, etc...)

Quoting from the tech lead Emanuele Francioni
>if it comes to compliance+privacy (i.e. primary and secondary market for securitized or confidential assets), yes I would say we are light years ahead of any other distributed ledger technology

>> No.21666400
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And what exactly is that bold claim of being light years ahead of any other DLT based on?

>Our stack has been created from scratch to accomodate compliance (achieved throught encoding rules in smart contracts) and privacy (through our zero-knowledge tools)
>In order to fulfill this vision we had to implement a number of tools that were entirely missing when we started
>Poseidon (developed by our lead cryptographer Dmitry) to solve hashing and merkletree inclusion performance when dealing with zeroknowledge tools
>PLONK (created by Aztec on top of Supersonic and developed by us) to solve the circuit-specificity and the bloat/inefficiencies of zero-knowledge proofs (initially we developed zerocaf on top of Bulletproof for the same reason)
>Kelvin (developed by our core dev Kris) to solve the entanglement of data-structure/DB-backend and immutability of the smart contract storage layer
>Phoenix, to solve smart contract confidentiality, the linking problem and the UTXO incompatibility when spending multiple digital assets
>Zedger (developed by Dmitry and Tog) to solve decentralized auditability of securitized assets
>I am not even touching upon the networking and consensus layer- these are all native technologies within Dusk. So, at the risk of coming across as bragging, I sincerely believe that we are pioneering a new breed of DLT

>> No.21666445
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>But anon, why wouldn't institutions just use Ethereum since they have so many industry partners already

Quote from Paul Brody, big swinging dick Global Blockchain Leader at EY
>Enterprises Would Use DeFi, if It Weren’t so Public
Ethereum is a public blockchain- making valuable data that corporations don't want everyone to be able to see available to everyone. Not ideal at all.

>Sure anon, but couldn't they just build privacy platforms on the ethereum chain and eliminate the need for DUSK?
Ethereum is designed as a public blockchain- privacy solutions on ethereum will always be limited and will be making sacrifices when it comes to true privacy of information, as well as transaction throughput. DUSK is built FROM THE GROUND UP for privacy and for these usecases, and is tailored specifically for complete privacy as well as speed of execution. For a more detailed discussion see pic related from the DUSK technical lead explaining it more completely.

>> No.21666563
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And let's not forget the three fundamental memes that underly the DUSK investment proposition: three extremely powerful memes that will propel this project towards the top of CMC:

>Leading player in the STO meme
These guys are already in a joint venture with bitfinex to launch the first legally compliant, zk-enabled (so privacy-enabled) security token exchange (https://www.bitfinex.com/rm-2019-05.pdf - page 10)

>Leading player in the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) meme
These guys are already closely advising the Dutch central bank (DNB) in the implementation of central bank digital currency.
Reference: https://dusk.network/news/dusk-joins-cbdc

>Leading player in the tokenisation meme
Dusk is already working with one of the largest Dutch shareholder registries to tokenize up to 35,000 newly incorporated companies, easily tens of millions of euros of tokenized value right there just as a start, for a project with a sub-$30 million marketcap.

>> No.21666701
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Now, what exactly makes DUSK so unique compared to any other existing blockchain platform? Let's take a look at an answer from the team on the latest Binance AMA:

Question 5: How do you compare to other smart contract blockchains, or privacy blockchains for that matter?

>There are smart contract platforms OR privacy blockchains. before Dusk, the two were competing alternatives. And, there is a reason why privacy-oriented DeFi is not a thing outside of Dusk.
>Other protocols either offer privacy (required by regulations and securitized assets) or the capability of doing disintermediated processing through smart contracts. When you have a smart contract you need to spend gas. Permissionless ledgers have rewards in terms of coinbase tx. These are public information. We developed Phoenix as the only transaction model that allows confidential spending of public outputs.
>Additionally, no existing model allows for the native support of functionalities required by regulated securities, including dividend claims, voting, forced transfers, which was the main reason to create Zedger.
>This is exactly what the big corporations have been requiring for adoptions and what SMEs need to enter the decentralized market inexpensively...
>These kind of use cases lead to a staggering number of transactions, now all inexpensively at the fingertip of any size organization and individuals.


>> No.21666868

I'm going to sound like a total newfag but what is the definition of suicide stack

>> No.21666933

A suicide stack is what you will want to hold to not kill yourself when it moons.

Many thanks anon, so much valuable info.

>> No.21666942

Hi newfren.

A suicide stack is the minimum amount needed to to keep you from an hero, the minimum amount needed to make it.