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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21663772 No.21663772 [Reply] [Original]

I have seen many people saying that after the newly release of Chrysalis which upgraded the IOTA network a lot, that developers from Ethereum and blockchain in general will swich to IOTA. Is this because of scalability and no fees?

Please give some reasons and points to this and how you think this will grow in the future.

>> No.21663842

I have a project on ETH. IOTA is interesting but does not provide the required toolset yet.
I will re-evaluate after Smart Contracts are introduced.

>> No.21663871

Thats interesting.
Smart Contracts will be out in September. Excited to see what you will develop.

>> No.21663963

Interesting to hear a dev perspective. I know that their ecosystem fund currently offers quote big grants for devs to build a toolkit which enables easy migration from blockchains like eth to the tangle. hopefully that will drive some extra network usage once available. Unfortunately smart contracts won't be here in 2020 but its good to see that iota is at least on devs' radars as potential alternative.
Out of curiosity, would your business model be feasible on eth with the current level of gas fees?

>> No.21664003

Wow IOTA has grown by leaps and bounds. Remembered IOTA from 2017 and thought it was a cool project. Surprised to see them doing well in the space. Will def check it out.

>> No.21664041 [DELETED] 

IOTA to the moon! Strap in boys!

>> No.21664042
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I have a small stack of IOTA since I'm a poorfag.
It's going to moon obviously. However you can't compare apples to oranges OP. IOTA has a whole lot of other use cases but being used to swap on Uniswap is not one of them.

To my understanding IOTA will be used for the Internet Of Things. It's for machines/robots etc to communicate with each other (5g). It won't be used for payments like I've saw some r*ddit posts about how this could be used for UBI.

Ethereum had it's use but seeing the gas fees and then seeing all the news about Ethereum 2.0. It's obvious that he won't live up to those expectations and it's gonna crash.

>> No.21664069

a tool like that would help a lot
i wonder of that way people could copy smart contracts over

>> No.21664116

Are you able to simply swich ur projects from ETH to IOTA or would you have to rebuild it?

>> No.21664164

Look at my last message,the aforementioned tools might be of great help and lower the boundaries of switching for the sake of a try-out.
Such tools do not exist yet.

Fees are why we are looking at alternatives. IOTA is not the only tech we are looking at.

>> No.21664221

ETH maxis want to neck themselves with all these gas fees

>> No.21664236

Look at holochain

>> No.21664251

Fair enough. Well best of luck with the project. Hopefully we see more of it in the future. And feel free to join the IOTA Discord if you have any questions. The comunity is always active to help out with whatever it is.


>> No.21664261

IOTA is undervalued like crazy. I'm actually waiting for chrysalis pt2, finally UTXO, and bye to bundles.

Then industry adoption will go crazy. Especially few months later after coordicide

>> No.21664265

What other tech are you looking at?

>> No.21664269

Thats still to be figured out. There have been a few applications with proposals how to solve this, but they have been OK at best so far. The ideal solution hasn't been found or funded yet.
Iotas ecosystem development manager frequents /biz/ quite a lot, maybe he can add more to this.

Again, not defined yet. But the idea is that it would take minimal effort to migrate onto the tangle without the need to build everything from scratch.

>> No.21664485

Please gtfo. These low quality shills make iota look worse than any 2017 pajeet scam. Add something useful or go back to wanking off David in #casual

>> No.21664488


>> No.21664529

sir, i have washed since being outside, please check the thread for stinkings agains?

>> No.21664775

Iota may or may not moon but no devs are switching over without years investment in dev tooling (which iota doesn't have) and no corporations are switching without a good reason, and the fact that smart contracts aren't even out yet means this shit is DOA.

Why does it smell like curry in here??

>> No.21664795
File: 34 KB, 553x569, 5b82c2369d4937db1cfae878da596e2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nigger

>> No.21664873

Thats is a highly stupid text to your statement you dumbass. No need to become a recist just to show off some good tech

>> No.21664936

your pussy stinks

>> No.21664990

And still no official wallet that doesn’t lose your funds. Fucking incredible. Actual clown shit.

>> No.21665055

There will be an MVP on the Pollen coordicide testnet; absolutely nothing like "out in september", idiot

>> No.21665065

Haha you havent even bothered to do research sir.. wont even try do have a discussion with u

>> No.21665192

german scam shitcoin

>> No.21665267

Today the product manager at Bosch Connected Devices is giving a presentation about their sensors INCLUDING IOTA.. So corporations ARE switching ;)


>> No.21665309

The literal founder used to play call of duty 4 online and sell hacks for it. Fucking cheating scamming bastard

>> No.21665350

i've used the official wallet since the very beginning. never lost my funds. didn't use a scam seed generator. not a retard, not a problem

>> No.21665947

IOTA will be a standard, the rest will be shitcoins forever

Check out MOBI, smart cities, JLR, don't be an idiot fag

>> No.21666106

your a fucking infant brain retarded clown if you manage too lose your funds

>> No.21666120

Iota is the best fuck the rest. Best vision and best market orientation. It is aimed for IoT and machine to machine payments. This thing will blow up in no time! Go buy some before it gets expensive!

>> No.21666152

industrial developers already have a focus on IOTA. Just watch this TECH TALK today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZUPpvWB4po
Even if Ethereum had lower fees there's a big difference in 0,1 and 0 if you have billions of transactions.

>> No.21666237

>he thinks eth maxis are upset that eth has the highest usage ever with 2.0 inevitably coming
Fucking newfag KYS