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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 699 KB, 926x615, file-20171108-14177-a1lv3m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21662831 No.21662831 [Reply] [Original]


6,000,000 SUPPLY 5,900,000 OUT OF CIRCULATION!


LAST THREAD I FORGOT CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x3435FeD7211Bd3af1eCb26d1e62Da56E7271E8d2


>> No.21662900

>glorious pump
And dump.
Reminder, Hitler wasn't too fond of kike shit

>> No.21662919

Nasty fucking hateful scum bags all of you are. I'm a 56 year old truck driver who is married to a Jewish women who saved my life. You fucking people think the world would be a better place place if she was dead and you disgusting fucking animals deny the historical FACT that 6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust. How fucking dare you, if I met any of you fucking scum bags in real life and you have the balls to spew your hatred in front of me I will sock you so hard in the jaw your grand kids will feel it. This anti semetic crap doesn't have a place in our modern world you horrible fucking offensive dogs.I'm more than happy to be an avid member of the Jewish community of Montreal's events where we share food and dance together with people from all walks of life and different cultures, diversity is beautiful and I have my wife to thank for introducing me to those community events. You're all slime balls, nasty fucking humans, you all should be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.21662929

This thing wont even dump back to these levels, its brand new.

>> No.21662939



>> No.21662963
File: 532 KB, 1597x1600, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21663026
File: 187 KB, 1280x768, STATERA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Because it'll dump pass 0.

>> No.21663059

we will see about that anon

>> No.21663068
File: 115 KB, 510x306, HH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21663092

1488 brother

>> No.21663116
File: 545 KB, 960x871, Asian FatBoySalami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not being able to make up your memes

>> No.21663161

cope youre being cringe right now anon

>> No.21663184
File: 285 KB, 474x768, smugcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall enforce a memetax on all those who do not support the coin.

>> No.21663201

Anyone buying this scam is obviously retarded and deserve to get dumped on

>> No.21663229

If you bought this shit, even if you're at a loss, just fucking sell right now, better to lose some than everything when the discord trannies dump on you

>> No.21663243

Lol yeah right, no jewess would marry a truck driver, Kek.

>> No.21663247

Unironically this.

Retarded poojeets trying to larp as /pol/ and /biz/ with a coin that has no absolutely no purpose. They can't even meme their own scam. This is criminally embarrassing compared to COOM.

>> No.21663428

no one is dumping retard this thing will fly

>> No.21663460

by flying into the ground retard

>> No.21663472

how do you fly to the ground retard?

>> No.21663494

Is this a buy signal? I do think it is!

>> No.21663504
File: 486 KB, 779x824, wall, now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By crashing and you digging your own hole.

>> No.21663547

youre going to be mad in an hour

>> No.21663559

I bought 1488 of these.

How much is it EOY?

>> No.21663607

$0 EOD

>> No.21663609

See you EOY. This isn't going anywhere but a quick moving scam. I could really careless about an hour, a day, a month, a year. It'll all be the same. Sad discord trannies trying to make a quick buck off /biz/. To ultimately the scam not going as planned or you dump all your bags on the stupid fucks who've unironically bought into this.

If you're not a shill, get out ASAP. Thank me later.

>> No.21663961

Based scam caller can you tranny check this one for me >>21662277

>> No.21664085
File: 1.17 MB, 445x250, hitface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are only 100k of 6m in circulation
hitler would not approve of these jewish tricks

>> No.21664260


there is already a adolfhitler coin

>> No.21664410

Shut the fuck up Kenneth Parker, chinks get the rope.

>> No.21664442

You’re right, it should have been 150k.

1488 suicide stack
6 gorillion make it stack

>> No.21665291
File: 139 KB, 300x300, hitlercoin small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post address and I'll airdrop you some HITLER.

This isn't a discord token, this is a /biz/ token.

Meme it. Spread it. Contact media.

>> No.21665358

why 6m? seems like an odd number

>> No.21665399

Yeah, almost implausible.

>> No.21665417

I'll invest only if it includes massive coin burns

>> No.21665444


>> No.21665476

Your ancestors must be proud