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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21660372 No.21660372 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread I'll answer your questions about RSR. No FUD, no bullshit.

>> No.21660387

Insider here with some valuable information. Just got a phone call from a colleague of mine. He said there were some huge contracts and deals that were signed with RSR, but there were some legal stipulations involved, and now everyone is pulling out. The situation is looking grim. RSR will most likely pump to .7c short term, then crash back down to .005c and ultimately fizzle out and die. I'm just sharing this info with people because i sincerely care about the welfare of everyone and their families whom are involved.

>> No.21660415

Holy shit, can't believe anyone would stoop this low to FUD

This is the coin I'm most bullish on, venture capital behind it is huge

>> No.21660432

The Reserve team had to sell some of their tokens to pay for all these shilling threads. If everyone hasn't figured it out yet the real defi diamonds aren't shilled endlessly,

>> No.21660491

You don't have to shill when you're backed by Peter Thiel and Coinbase

>> No.21660504

Whats up with the US? Ronald Blump no likey RSR?

>> No.21660560

Insider here with some valuable information. Just got a phone call from a colleague of mine. He said there were some huge contracts and deals that were signed with RSR, but there were some legal stipulations involved, and now everyone is pumping in. The situation is looking great. RSR will most likely pump to 70c short term, then keep rising to $1 and ultimately moon up to $5. I'm just sharing this info with people because i sincerely care about the welfare of everyone and their families whom are involved.

>> No.21660578

I’m just shilling because I literally want to suck Peter Thiel’s dick.

>> No.21660664

>Whats up with the US?
The team is avoiding listing the tokens on US exchanges until mainnet is out.
The reason for this is that having a functional mainnet is one among a handful of considerations necessary to pass the SEC's Howey Test.
You can Google for more info on this (there aren't 100% hard and fast rules on how it applies to cryptocurrencies) but the general idea is that if you sell US citizens some ERC-20 placeholder token that doesn't actually do anything (like RSR is in its current state), the SEC has the discretion to classify it as an unregistered security and BTFO the team/project.
Look up Kik's "Kin" for an example of this happening.
There's actually some reasoning behind this from the SEC's end: without a working mainnet RSR isn't really a project, it doesn't "do" anything. You're "investing" in the promise of future returns from other "investors" based on complete speculation.
Of course we can all see the team's GitHub activity, whitepaper, investors, working app etc and have a pretty rock solid idea we're not getting completely fucked up over but from a regulatory standpoint you can't just say "muh Peter Thiel."
The team is being extra cautious about this because
1) their project is extremely ambitious and potentially disruptive to major world currencies and markets, hence for it to succeed they need to avoid regulatory snafus as much as possible
2) they've already seen how Facebook's Libra, a very similar coin, released to a bunch of hype and immediately got fucked over by major world governments who said they wouldn't play ball, partners dropping out etc.
Hence it's to their advantage to stay under the radar as long as reasonable, and once they've got a working, decentralized coin that's out there in the world it will be harder to stop.
As for "US when": probably not until Q1 next year at the earliest. Mainnet won't be out until Q4 2020 at the earliest and even then there will be a delay between mainnet / US exchange listings.

>> No.21660739

he's not even involved with rsr anymore

>> No.21660815

very informative danke

>> No.21660836


>> No.21660845

Does the rsr army have rankings? like the link marines?

>> No.21661090

There is no source, it's old, retarded fud.

>> No.21661138

This is baseless FUD. If he had distanced himself from the project you wouldn't see him on the front page of their website. You'd also never hear the end of it on here.
In reality, Peter Thiel hasn't said anything publicly about RSR either way. This isn't unusual - actual seed investors don't blather on shilling their investments like /biz/raelis.
The closest thing we have to his commentary on the project is Nevin's comment here: https://medium.com/reserve-currency/reserve-protocol-ama-with-harmony-protocol-part-ii-7e9ccd8bdbed
"People always ask us why Peter Thiel purchased RSR. We didn’t know this going into the project, but it turns out the original PayPal team wanted to build something like this, and time pressure and available technology led them to pivot to a much smaller project. So Peter and other PayPal co-founders understood what we were yammering about within a few minutes!"
All you need to know is that Peter Thiel has only invested in three coins: BTC, EOS, and RSR.

Yep. Pic related, also >>/biz/thread/S15117414
>t. staff sergeant

>> No.21661205

there is no pic fren

>> No.21661218

Ya sry bro u r wasting so much of ur time on rsr u will be disappointed very soon when us whales crash the price to .003.. the reign of rsr has come to an end

>> No.21661233
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I had to reload because of the captcha
The waruso thread has more extensive rankings but realistically speaking not too many people are gonna drop over $25,000 on this as an initial investment at this point so this pic should be mostly fine

>> No.21661273

How high you think rsr can go short term and long term?

>> No.21661359

Next month major exchange listing. Any clues which one?

>> No.21661378


>> No.21661562

Corporal checking in

>> No.21661724
File: 193 KB, 1189x406, 5xvgpg6np6c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm averse to giving exact price predictions but I think this thing has extremely high short and long term growth prospects. I'll give three reasons.
1) "Significant" exchange listings very likely coming in the next few months, see https://medium.com/reserve-currency/treasury-funds-will-be-deployed-to-grow-reserves-presence-on-exchanges-c37723aba48b.. To >>21661359's point I think it's very unlikely there will be any US exchanges included but this could mean high/medium-volume SK exchanges like Bithumb and Upbit or, optimistically, non-US Binance.
2) Coinbase and Binance US likely coming after that - Coinbase is an investor and the only thing keeping RSR from listing on the US Binance if it's already on the Shanghai one is the team's aversion to US trade at the moment
3) Most crucial point: RSV arbitrage incentivizes team / early investors / whales to hold on to their fat stacks, which means more listings !== big dumps. The pooling effect plus token burn is designed to put ambient upward pressure on the price. There's a (frankly kinda weak) tl;dr here https://reserve.org/blog/why-arbitrageurs-should-hodl but it's described at better length in the whitepaper and in pic related.

>> No.21661803


>> No.21662706

Corporal checking in

>> No.21662942

OP here, IP might have changed, I'm still around to answer questions for a bit though

>> No.21663117

I have 200k, should I accumulate more? I'm thinking of buying a house next year and may either use some of those savings or sell some Link

>> No.21663520

Depends on your risk tolerance. RSR is higher risk/higher reward. LINK has the best fundamentals of any token on the market right now so it's "safer" but also has a lower growth ceiling.
$5000 already puts you in the top 20% of wallets and I'd be really surprised if we didn't keep doing doing multiples from here based on hype/defi bubble alone... I wouldn't really worry about it desu.
I wouldn't sell too much LINK to get RSR because you never know when staking or some crazy partnership will get announced, whereas RSR is lower cap, the hype could cool down before mainnet while LINK gets unexpected mass normie traction, etc.
I personally have 500k RSR / 500 LINK and that's my whole portfolio. I'll be following the profit-taking plan described in >>21531192, extracting from either RSR/LINK at each sell ladder based on what growth prospects look like at that time.