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File: 75 KB, 827x885, EUFYGnDXgAAzaS_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21657802 No.21657802 [Reply] [Original]

Get in on the ground floor lads


>> No.21657847

Is there an app to make your crypto or something? How are these meme coins popping up like 3-4 new ones a day?

>> No.21657850

I’m so fucking tired of you hucksters building shoddy new coins and sites like fucking Ed Edd and Eddy trying to siphon all the retard newfags out of their 0.06 eth. I’m going to do something terrible to you if you keep spamming this fucking board with your schemes.

>> No.21657920
File: 1.23 MB, 625x352, 1597819418473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.21657937

>total supply 6 million Hitler
Chuckled IRL

>> No.21657987

It's a pandemic, all the nerds who can do it are doing it

>> No.21658007

few clicks of a button to make a new coin.

bro. Need some liquidity

>> No.21658029


uh, you make it sound like it's difficult to create a crypto coin. i'm a entry level programmer, and i could bang one out in a few days...and that's not even pulling all nighters, i'm talking regular work hours, with more than a few long coffee breaks.

>> No.21658090

Coinbase listing coming on the 27th!

>> No.21658202

Please do

>> No.21658213

This is it. I can feel that the United States will announce this as the new currency by the end of this year. Get into HITLERCOIN before the normies! Explain this transaction to the jew at the bank when you make it.

>> No.21658229

Top kek

>> No.21658247
File: 17 KB, 228x221, 1552085252403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda want to buy some

>> No.21658455

Will (((tokens))) be burned?

>> No.21658569

Gas prices too high.

>> No.21658955
File: 16 KB, 190x266, gasbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21658975

I will pay super fast gas for this gem

>> No.21659004

Fuckin kekked so loud at that pic I think my neighbours called the police

>> No.21659067

yes you can literally generate one in an instant. You can check out the code for any unishit coin on etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3435fed7211bd3af1ecb26d1e62da56e7271e8d2#code

most of them are made with this generator

>> No.21659166

Just got 1488 of them

>> No.21659186

Nah, we know that never happened.

>> No.21659271
File: 64 KB, 1270x463, Screenshot from 2020-08-20 00-37-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airdrop me coins nigger you own 99% of the supply and are already selling

>> No.21659277

please, help out biz

>> No.21659367

Whats your address

>> No.21659399

Had to sell a little to get ether to add liquidity

>> No.21659461

And Heil Hitler

>> No.21659550

Let's get this moving, I'll match whatever you send, in for the memes and will hold long term why not

>> No.21659588

Probably not sending 10k USD worth but that would be the max limit that I'll match

>> No.21659604

Tell the MSM about this coin so they run coverage on it and make it PUMP

>> No.21659612
File: 520 KB, 768x1149, SergeyHitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats some nice dubs Oberst

>> No.21659634
File: 218 KB, 360x346, 1561267101193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21659674

Let us grab some bags first but should definitely contact media and plead the case for why this is bad

>> No.21659815

Thanks anon

>> No.21659924

Too late already emailed CNN

>> No.21659977

Morons, enjoy declaring this in your tax returns. Oh wait, you’re all kids playing with $500 so you don’t have to worry about it.

>> No.21659982

Send some coin, I'll make some memes

>> No.21660077

Sent. I recommend you hodl onto them, I'm not going to rugpull this. The only major sales are from the same 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D bot who swoops in at the beginning of every new token.

>> No.21660164

>token amount 1488

>> No.21660337


>> No.21660341

HH brother

>> No.21660473


>> No.21660544

Ya I’m going to need some of these in my wallet. You still giving them out OP?

>> No.21660683
File: 85 KB, 540x411, 1594783955061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, airdrop me some HTLR and we can get this panzerwagen on the road

>> No.21660744

send some

>> No.21661077

I’ll match

>> No.21661237 [DELETED] 

0xcE16b1e86D77b623FB2A0Ea08d476bA1B16011B3 You air dropping this shit?

>> No.21661558

Here you go fren

>> No.21661820

I already have JEWS in my wallet. These tokens won't gas them right?

>> No.21661941

Profit Farming is an innovative way to gamify yield farming and reward profit seekers. This is the next levet De-Fi shit. Dev is one of old collabrators from Ample and exphantom member. This is your 10x for the day.


>> No.21662529

Pretty pathetic people would turn someone as based as Hitler into a meme coin. This man wanted to change the worlds financial system. Just like Bitcoin.

>> No.21662793

If you could donate some HITLERs to my address 0x8B498C87bcE5B24aB566A1C721D99f35d246fc32 I would be pleased. When JEWS coin appears, I will burn them with the highest gas possible.