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21652225 No.21652225 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw lost 10% of my stack swing trading today

I’m honestly close to roping I just want to HODL but I can’t, I’m a gambler. Is there a way to securely lock my funds so I can’t touch it for a year?

>> No.21652270

yes, send it to me

>> No.21652278

Live and Learn. By the time you figure it out, you'll be about 65-70 yo. Have Fun young man

>> No.21652386

Fellow gambooler here. Had a bad stretch where I lost all of my crypto on eth dice plus another 20k in cash I put in to gambool.

The answer for people like us is to diversify to at least 4 or 5 coins. That way something is always moving and if you do get the overwhelming urge to gambool you can make a more informed decision on what to sell.

If you want to gambool by swinging just do it with 35% of your stack and never buy in higher, just for on it for a week and if it looks like it's not going back down (99% chance it will) move on to something else with that you sold.

>> No.21652909
File: 996 KB, 1308x924, rndr image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The RNDR network makes your iExec useless. The only way to succeed in the decentralized computing space is to have projects that dont already encroach upon centralized solutions. iExec is just trying to become a more costly and painful version of AWS and Google Cloud services. RNDR on the other hand has identified the problem of there not being enough GPU power on public clouds and has found a proper niche where it will continue to grow.

Watch CEO of OTOY/RNDR founder address this problem and promote RNDR to AWS at an AWS conference:


>> No.21652957

just stop checking on the price action. look maybe once a month, and just go "huh, interesting" then close the app.
you should never sell, only find new coins and buy.

>> No.21653228

I sold at 1.49 (hit stop loss)
Bought at 1.77
Kinda pissed but hope to recoup my losses with ocean

>> No.21653393

You’re born with it. If you sell once or twice and get fucked over you ll never stop

>> No.21653453

I know people that chase losses and lose everything, sad but some people cant help it.

>> No.21653506

Fuck off pajeet. Make your own shill threads

>> No.21653678
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, 1597688471103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cope with the fact that the director of star wars and star trek movies is using the rndr network whereas iexec cant even print hello world?

>> No.21653888

>The RNDR network makes your iExec useless.
They both do different things you retard.

>> No.21653950

You need this lesson. Feel it. Point at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself what a cunt you are and you'll never do it again.

>t. Invested 20,000 USD and lost it on swapping falling coins

>> No.21654106
File: 1.25 MB, 833x1280, renderman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you that they do different things, but you really have to ask yourself. Is there really a need for general decentralized computing power? Right now with an AWS virtual machine I am able to run print hello world close an an infinite amount of times yet the iExec network is unable to even one iteration of hello world. So yes, both are different in that they are addressing different problems but both are under the same umbrella giving me the right to compare them both, and frankly I am going to stick with solutions that work.