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21651501 No.21651501 [Reply] [Original]

in 2005, i bought 5,000 shares of apple. it was my first time owning stock, and i had just come into a good chunk of money, so i wanted to try out investing and playing in the stock market. the share went up and down in value for a period of months, and i got sick of checking the stock price every 5 minutes throughout the day. so i sold them all. fast forward to now. aapl did a 7:1 stock split about a decade ago, so my 5,000 shares would be 35,000 today. i just read today that they will be doing a 4:1 split. so i would have been looking at having 140,000 shares of aapl at a price of around $115 each. big picture: my $400,000 would now be $16,100,000. normally i don't fret too much over having sold them, but man, today i'm thinking about how the universe handed me the financial chance of a lifetime and i blew it. anyone else have similar tales of woe. misery loves company you know, haha.

>> No.21651550

i did the same with LINK, bought in during the ico and sold at $0.33. we probably wouldve sold at some point before our assets reached their ATHs anyway

>> No.21651752

I sold Link at 40 cents to buy XRP. Granted it was only 2k link

>> No.21651929


Could've bought BTC at $2. Had 5 btc n sold for $1.2k. Had opportunity to buy 14k worth at $800 to ride to 20k. Plenty of times to become filthy rich.

Though I don't beat myself up about it. Cause I'm not mature enough now or even mature enough than to handle that kind of wealth. It takes a strong mind.

Much can happen with too much wealth at a young age or wrong mindset that'll just result in a worse position in life than you'd started.

Money can be dangerous. Why you think people that win the lottery end up dead or homeless. Point is, don't beat yourself up about the past n focus on future opportunities.

>> No.21652299

>we probably wouldve sold at some point before our assets reached their ATHs anyway
yeah, that is true for sure. i like to think that i would have held on to some, but who knows, yeah i might have sold it all once i had doubled my money.

>> No.21652597

You would have sold well before $16m

Think about what you would have done at $400k? Thats life changing money... I personally would have sold and bought property to live comfy.

Those that hold forever are those who don’t need the money, that the money isn’t life changing for them or know for a fact what is coming in future

>> No.21652708

There is always opportunity. Think about all the chances you had to “make it” since then. The key is to change your strategy. So many people are addicted to quick gains but the truth is that you need to find investments where time does the work for you. Look into companies that will likely be spearheading AI and hold for 5+ years. My bet is on Tencent.

>> No.21652813
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Thanks for sharing, reading experiences like this helps the iron hands.
Though I feel it's similar to reading about BTC in the past, if that were me and I bought in super low I don't think I would have been able to see the big picture, would have sold way too early.
Look to the future, we'll all make it.

>> No.21652828

I used to have 55 BTC worth of crypto. Much, much less now.

>> No.21652835

XRP is our last chance

>> No.21652857

AGI my man. Thank me in 5 years.

>> No.21652867

You could buy it right now.

>> No.21652953

Now you have LINK, don't you?

>> No.21653008
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>> No.21653042

yesh i have a similar tale of woe..

i sold 10k chainlink under 2 dollars. im a retarded faggot. i know that feel.

>> No.21653092

Missed link missed btc missed all the coins that went up 1000%

>> No.21653105

>not mature enough to handle that kind of wealth

kek the levels of cope are unimaginable. all you've done is guarantee generational poverty. you have made sure your life will be miserable as well as your childrens. "level of maturity" kek just fucking put it in the bank and do what you want its not that fucking hard. bring in a financial advisor if your so concerned. simple as shit. you gotta cope though i get it. i know the feel of being poor. having chances and not having the balls to see it through. sorry for interrupting your cope.

>> No.21653153
File: 143 KB, 750x935, 1507A135-246B-4916-BFF0-149AE631B975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry OP this sounds painful. I’m currently holding all these coins and I will mostly likely kill myself if I sold them and I missed out on millions

>> No.21653194

Actually have been looking for a good gold miner, thanks man.

>> No.21653236

kek you barely have shit my man. you will be lucky if that nets you 100k .

>> No.21653297

>sold at $0.33
Hey, that was my first buy in price. Maybe I bought some of yours. Thanks bro, I'm making it!

>> No.21653499

kek underrated.

>> No.21653517

Cope no linker

>> No.21653615

I was playing roulette in Biloxi. Beating around 10 - 15 dollars a spin

It rolled red 5 times in a row. I start getting red.
Hits red, five more times. I start leaving chips on the table. Progressive bets ya know.

Rolls red 4 more spins until it rolls black and I lose. Still a huge winner. Watched several people bet 1000s on black.

If only I had started getting red on the third spin rather than the 5th

>> No.21653641

>bought 5k shares of NFLX @ $8
sold around $30 thinking I was a wolf of meme street

>> No.21653777

>life changing
Maybe in India, poojeet.

>> No.21653835

literally everyone has fucked up in similar ways

>> No.21653847

Nice trips. And maybe not life changing. But definitely a solid economic boost