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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21648894 No.21648894 [Reply] [Original]

I have 26K STA, 2 ETH and 7K XRP. Will I have enough money to move south come November?

>living at my mom's house with my girlfriend is cucked.

>> No.21648917

go all in on STA, what could possibly go wrong amirite guys?

>> No.21648962

>7k xrp
You'll be able to afford a room on the arks at least

>> No.21649139
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You have a shrunken down version of my stack minus PNK and ALGO. I think you'll make some decent gains by late October. Who knows what will happen come November and the election though

Best of luck my dude

>> No.21649142

Drop the XRP, it's not gonna go anywhere, get FLOW instead. Even f the price stays exactly the same (it probably will go to 10-15$ by the end of the year), with the daily 1% you'll get 1500$ in 2 months and 16.400 in the 12 months after that. If the price goes to 10$, you'll have about 110k just in FLOW by end of 2021.

>> No.21649395

With 26k STA? Yes.

>> No.21649599

Agreed. FLOW is the way to go. Listen to this based anon.

>> No.21649771

Why flow over xrp?

>> No.21649845

Because they’re pajeets

>> No.21649993

I have 25k and I won't make it so no you won't.

>> No.21650007

Drop XRP, get some promising DeFi <10M market cap - my choice is PlutusDeFi.

>> No.21650074
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sorry anon, literally 25999 is line between making and not.

>> No.21650099
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>> No.21650501
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QQQF is a tokenized index that tracks crypto and defi

>> No.21650596

Why even own XRP? Put that into STA before the pump happens.