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File: 2.33 MB, 2982x2122, 20200502_2313571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21641419 No.21641419 [Reply] [Original]



>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

>Bullion tax info by state:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]

https://youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

>Additional /pmg/ resources and info

Previous thread: >>21635811
FWTDHW status: running out of chinese crap

>> No.21641474
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>> No.21641478
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looks like i forgot to remove the embeded and put a space for the FWTDHW's, but i'll do better next time

>> No.21641488
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first for comfy/kino coins

>> No.21641496

bought 1000 Aurcana at .58 am I ruined??

>> No.21641510

why numbers go down why is schiff not stopping it

>> No.21641518
File: 37 KB, 657x527, 8eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BREAKING NEWS: Jews are scared and are currently dumping paper contracts to crash (((price))) of gold.
Unbeknownst to them that a small rag tag team of internet autists are hell bent on destroying the jewish banking cabal at any and all costs. NEVER SELLING. KEEP BUYING, LADS.

>> No.21641560


>> No.21641572
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a-am I rich now

>> No.21641582
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>> No.21641599

Tell them their Rabbi is disappointed in them for fucking things up again.

>> No.21641636
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Bit of Estonian Silver I did a cleanup on- had green growing all over the shield and wreath. Came out pretty nice for a 10 min treatment.

>> No.21641640
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>> No.21641682

nice stack based spoonman

>> No.21641726
File: 978 KB, 2494x719, 20200819_162036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love some of those skinny bars, they just look silly to me lol
i ordered a few coins off of universal coins, they sent me 3 generics that turned out to be asahi rounds, was pretty happy to get those for 30 bucks a ounce compared to some buffalo rounds

>> No.21641745

The whole thing is literally a joke

>> No.21641764
File: 406 KB, 1330x1262, 20200709_033208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers go down so you can buy moar!
also yeah the the banksters just don't want to give up on silver, i guess the fed will just have to bail them out again lol... i hate clown world

>> No.21641794
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Mike Maloney lied to me, there is no market crash, there is no pms golden bull run. Can I sue him?

>> No.21641807

Too much worthless silver and mit enough gold.

>> No.21641814
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no, you need more
>bought 5,000 at .59

>> No.21641815
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>> No.21641822

always scary to hear people cleaning their coins, but that one does look nice anon

>> No.21641823
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>> No.21641843

To the anon that said the next time silver's overbought it will dump hard to being oversold, it seems as if you were right. At least on the 1h chart

>> No.21641849

Which ones did the premium increase on? The Asahi rounds actually went down by 20 cents.

>> No.21641900
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>> No.21641907
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Everything I love is dumping

>> No.21641937

In the last thread someone said crypto is crashing. What are your thoughts on how crypto will perform after the dollar crashes?

>> No.21641947
File: 52 KB, 644x850, silverandgold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck is someone angry at metals. how much paper are they going to sell today?

>> No.21641959

a man of taste i see

>> No.21641974
File: 170 KB, 1252x446, 1597760209335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine. We could see $1800 / $20 by the end of the month and it'd be a fantastic opportunity. We're still early.

>> No.21642001

i hope as much as they possibly can

>> No.21642002
File: 196 KB, 1003x1023, 1597351773201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt matter, ill buy it all the way down, and all the way back up

>> No.21642012
File: 5 KB, 314x160, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what pms are about to do once this shit snaps

>> No.21642044

I hope you're right i'm ready to get my serious stack going

>> No.21642064
File: 1.68 MB, 2413x2335, 20200512_011225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the leaf glittery like that.
crypto has started its crash, i'm amazed stocks haven't yet. but i would expect the banks to be stocking cash to sure up their assets at this point.

>> No.21642070

I'm out of gas to buy anything anymore.

>> No.21642072

hey I bought jewelry instead of a coin, does it make sense to meltdown?

>> No.21642144

save up, pay debts, ready yourself, everything points to an eventful q3 and q4

>> No.21642158
File: 279 KB, 1518x766, uwu cute bat you got there fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo hol' up
*eats grape*
lemme get dis straight
*gets eaten in a soup*
so you be sayin
*enables echolocation*
so you be sayin that we
*sleeps upside down*
hol up
*eats banana*
we finna be worth 2-
ayo hold up
*gets minted on 5 oz silver coin*
lemme get dis straight so u be sayin
*looks cutely at you*
we be worth $200 now?
*gets blamed for coronavirus*
*flies off to the moon*

>> No.21642160

if the jewelry is nice, then no i wouldn't. but if its just cheap nicked up old crap then why not

>> No.21642175

They can sell unlimited paper after all. The big money is using this to close their shorts.

>> No.21642191

Market is closed opens in 1 hour come in japs don’t let me down

>> No.21642202

That was a fundamental move though. Had nothing to do with metal technicals and 100% to do with the dollar, treasury auction, and fed minutes

>> No.21642219

No, you're going to make it.

>> No.21642241

I'm a wagie so debts will be paid, but I shot my load earlier today buying more miner stocks, 21toz of silver last week, and one toz of gold on sunday. I didn't expect a dip like this so soon after the 15% drop.

>> No.21642258
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buy the dip

>> No.21642287

i bought 35 oz today, i have to start steeling myself for more gold

>> No.21642355
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fuck gold until silver hits $30/ounce

>> No.21642367
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA why is it crashing I recently almost emptied my bank account to finish my stack

>> No.21642384
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>> No.21642394
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x1164, 1597032886103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy crypto instead of PM's
>walk into grocery store and shop for an organic beef as poorfags outside protest
>approach checkout
>emaciated woman rings up my item and gives me my total
>"that will be $289,638 and 71 cents s-sir"
>never takes her eyes off my 6oz organic beef burger patty I plan to grill later
>seems like she might have been pretty before the collapse
>"sure thing babe"
>pull out my chainlink wallet
>"heres 1/100th link, keep the change sweet tits. Just need the stores address"
>she looks confused
>says they dont take whatever that is, they only accept Fed Coin, USD since there is still a few months left to turn them in for Fed Coin, or Gold and Silver
>try to argue with her
>security comes and takes my beef away and kicks me out of the store
>walk back in and demand to see the manager
>start yelling at the woman and the manager who calls security again
>"Excuse me, what is going on here?"
>everyone stops, I turn around to see what silenced them
>see a 6'2" gentlemen in a suit with a cart full of whiskey and steak packages driven by multiple young virgin women
>"y-your eminence! this man here tried to buy his burger patty with something called..link I think? he is causing a scene..im so sorry"
>the man in the suit chuckles as he looks at me
>"Here you go fren"
>tosses me a small weird looking dime, seems old
>everyone in the rooms is wide eyed, manager looks at me
>"shall I ring up your 6oz burger patty, our dear customer" he bows his head as the woman goes to the register
>"Not so fast" speaks the well dressed man in the suit
>I turn to him confused
>"He needs to earn that Mercury Dime" he says with a twisted grin
>the girls to his side giggle to each other

>> No.21642399

>pay debts
where we're going debts don't matter

>> No.21642402

it kind of has, its essentially 31$ and up everywhere, i paid 30.5 an oz today and that was lucky

>> No.21642405

When you sell it it will be melted down because it's been cleaned. Sure it looks nice, but you've effectively caused a piece of history to be destroyed through your actions.

>> No.21642407

Gold is gold

>> No.21642412

I have one new and some old ones, just over an ounce. I will not wear it because I am allergic to gold and silver :(

>> No.21642478
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>90 year old coin in dire need of love and care
>melted because boomers

>> No.21642508

What does he need to do?

>> No.21642517

Maybe I was thinking about this economic warfare in the wrong manner, as Einstein said, everything is relative. Wouldn't it make sense for a bottom of the barrel country to crash the economic system and by extension bring their status up relative to the powerhouse countries?

>> No.21642540
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>> No.21642571
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I've got $10K line of credit in 0% APR CC's through 2022. Bring the fucking dip baby.

>> No.21642600
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>> No.21642608

alright anon, i feel ya but heres where i'm coming from
gold won't surpass $3,100 silver might hit $75
so right now, way more growth in silver once you have to start paying $40 an ounce for silver, sure look at gold but chances are it'll just keep going up just slower in relation to silver at this point

>> No.21642644
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>> No.21642652

>When you sell it it will be melted down because it's been cleaned

what about generics?

>> No.21642663
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why can't we pass her lads?

>> No.21642665
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Not sure what to think of those USD bars.

>> No.21642710

yeah i gotcha, gotta be on the train though

>> No.21642722


>> No.21642736

Are they silver or gold?

>> No.21642744

It’s he same as getting silver/gold with FDR on it

>> No.21642745

i cant wait to see what she turns out to be like in 20 years

>> No.21642758
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Mike Maloney?

more like Mike Baloney!


>> No.21642761

I clean all my coins. I have a few 1890s Morgan dollars and I cleaned them nicely. They are shiny and neat. I cleaned my mercury dimes, I cleaned my 1938 Reichmarks, I cleaned my Napoleonic silver coins.
Silver is supposed to be shiny, boomer. Deal with it.

>> No.21642762

Why? It's still the same coin.

>> No.21642767
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I want to shove my silver eagle monster box up her ass

>> No.21642799
File: 43 KB, 400x400, YMNtkjXO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't give two shits about her. I care more about the possibility of fucking Tesla shares costing more than gold than that.

>> No.21642855

>Random numbers from a random anon who probably owns more silver than gold to justify his own decision

>> No.21642863
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to be fair, they are right, you should never clean your silver.
but at the same time i think its only a tragedy on rare coins, if we still got a few million merc dimes in circulation then who cares if you clean a couple lol

>> No.21642905


>> No.21642975
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>> No.21642976

I dip them into potassium and aluminum foil and scrub them with a soft brush. On stubborn coins I use fine eraser. They look as good as new, even after hundreds of years.
Even the rare coins are okay to clean. Wanting your silver to be all dirty and grimy is sick and every boomer who does that should be shot.

>> No.21642996

If only there were a permanent filter for that vile pink hair disease bucket thread slide.

>> No.21643015
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why on earth would i buy gold, it isn't nearly has undervalued or manipulated as silver? also last i checked samsung wasn't making solid state batteries with gold
even if you have so much money they its not feasible to store that much silver in your home, the paper silver should still out perform gold (fuck paper though)

>> No.21643023

Dude selling eagles for 31 on Craigslist.

Should I buy him out? Has 5 rolls

>> No.21643047

TSLA will crash, HARD, after the split when everyone sells it off. I have never heard so many fucking people talking about what a sure thing it is to buy TSLA, wait for the split, which will 100% result in an increase after the split, so they can sell after for huge gainz

>> No.21643090

only if you bring 2 large friends and some electronic equipment to test them on site lol

>> No.21643103
File: 1.71 MB, 3837x1733, coinbuythedipbreh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm, soft white eraser is very good at removing things like milk spots.

>> No.21643110
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gold, 100 Corona Austria, also some 20 Corona

>> No.21643116

Nobody will buy cleaned coins, most dealers send cleaned coins (except for numismatically valuable ones like morgans) to the refinery.

>> No.21643128
File: 20 KB, 248x273, sfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

í̵̭͇ ̸̛̞͉̓̿̆ë̶͉̭̺́̓͂v̴͈̫̏͜e̴̗̤̙̿̈́͘͘n̵͈̪̓̆ ̸̩̝͉͗̏̈́̚l̸̨̗̈ỉ̷̡̱͔̌̉̽k̴͕̗̟͑̍̉e̵͈͎̜͙̓̽̏̎ ̵̼̹̚̚͠t̶̢̐̀̓̕h̷̜̿e̵̡͋ ̶̩́͗̉w̶̙͓͔̓̄̈ä̵͔̳́̿͑̋y̴̮͂ ̸̰̺̔͑̆͋i̷̢̭̤̓̀͜t̸̫̫̤̻̔͛ ̵̦͇̹͍̈́͒f̷͔̳̰̮́e̶̪͓͈̍̓̊e̷͉̼͚͘l̸̛͖͕̮̺̃̂̔s̵͎̮̎̄ ̸̢͇͓̤̌͝i̶͇̥͗̎ñ̵̹̂ ̴̟͕͛̽m̵̢̝̙͗̌ỹ̴̧̓̾̕ ̴̫̘̮͈̒̈ḣ̴̼͆͘á̴͍̈́͐͐n̸͇̦̬̆̓̚d̶̢̯̈́̋͑s̷̝͎̭͌͒͝͝

>> No.21643134

I wish. It's crazy how much nonsense has been dumping in these threads since shit really took off in july.

Bold. I have access to 300k in credit at 2.75%APR but I am not ballsy enough to play with it for investing right now.

>> No.21643170

It doesn't matter for generics, they're treated the same regardless of condition.

>> No.21643283

Holy fuck they’re gorgeous anon

>> No.21643284
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i don't know, i think you're being overly negative. i do believe you though that it usually makes them less valuable, and i could even see people being like well, "i'll buy them at spot and throw them in with my generics" lol. instead of giving you a dollar or 3 above spot for them

>> No.21643293
File: 420 KB, 980x768, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clever tricks for a ghost

>> No.21643320

Fed came out today and said something other than "whatever it takes".
Prepare for market crash 2.0 boys.

>> No.21643349
File: 590 KB, 1803x1758, 20200628_194933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried cleaning one of these with an eraser and it still looks like shit, just less so lol

>> No.21643350
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They sure are, and you know whats even better?
I can buy them in my country (Austria) for under 1% premium anyday, most often they are offered for 0.3-0.6% over spot, cheaper than any gold bar below 250g.

>> No.21643374

>Prepare for market crash 2.0 boys.

Please, I am tired of waiting.

>> No.21643385

I'll be honest with you, after what I saw today on the market and after the news of another Bank manipulating the price AND NO ONE WAS FUCKING ARRESTED, I'm beginning to think that we just can't win against the system they've created in the last 10 years.
I just don't see the way out, I'll keep my respectable 10,000GBP stack, but I won't buy more until either there is a Civil War in America or someone finally decides to give the Bankers they justice they've avoided for so long.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.21643388
File: 1.40 MB, 3840x2560, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AUNFF ran up to $50 during the last silver explosion in '11-'12, it's happening again

>prepare for blast off


>> No.21643403
File: 2.64 MB, 4128x3096, Commem Quarter Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E pluribus unum

>> No.21643445

do they melt down generics you sell to coin shops no matter what?

>> No.21643586
File: 73 KB, 824x494, roping-moon-dream.jpg.824x0_q71_crop-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only dream

>> No.21643591

Banks are in full panic mode I think. While Buffet jumping into GOLD was good news for us, but it signaled REALLY bad news for the banks.
They're pulling out all the stops to suppress and control PMs now.

>> No.21643619

FBI decides to tweet out the Elders of Zion Documents today. Quite interesting, here's an audiobook

>> No.21643659

Because the FOMC numbers came out and the Fed said they're not doing yield curve control.
Keep in mind this whole economy is running on debt. If interest rates rise, everything is fucked. It was like that long before Covid, now with the whole market so distorted things are far worse.

>> No.21643660

Didn't post my link

>> No.21643695

Congratulations goyim, you've finally accepted the truth.

>> No.21643759

mostly, if its a cool design and they don't have a bunch they'll keep some, otherwise yeah straight to the refinery. but i've heard of dealers selling off maples and other respected coins to the refinery if a new year is coming out and they need more money

>> No.21643787

Should I buy puts? pls respond

>> No.21643798

Holding up my end lads.
Fucking bury me with it because I don't sell gold at a loss.

>> No.21643801


I'm holding SLV and I'm terrified. It might never go up again before the COMEX defaults. I feel so stupid. I wish I had listened to all of you and bought physical.

>> No.21643804
File: 1.02 MB, 568x714, 1544891376692c.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, $50 confirmed

>> No.21643890

They aren't doing YCC *yet*. Wait for the September meeting. I was not expecting it today. The language today was a "maybe we'll do it at some unspecified time in the future...but we're not telling you September."

>> No.21644009
File: 1.83 MB, 1125x2001, 1571779048403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy options and wait till the markets recover in a week and sell its easy money
fuck I wish I had some extra cash at the moment. fucking dirt poor and will probably have to find a new job

>> No.21644048

bathwater isn't a COMEX recognized commodity even though it should be. They can trade paper bathwater by the gallon and leave PM alone.

>> No.21644053

so anons, i've noticed aurcana isn't on robinhood. is it worth using robinhood to buy some miners stocks?

>> No.21644160
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, 1483666412760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schiff is live right now with two other guys talking tech stocks and gold at the moment

>> No.21644171
File: 2.18 MB, 5184x3888, MeatyMercury1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried finding the least cleaned coins from the Cull box at my LCS, I would never think of cleaning my mercs.

>> No.21644175

Is this the bottom for gold? Looks good to buy a little

>> No.21644228

no, asia will dump again

>> No.21644233

True, I personally am not sure they will ever even formally announce it. They'll just start buying more and more and more until the yield curve gets where they want it, and then they'll release another announcement saying "see we don't even need YCC".

>> No.21644257
File: 150 KB, 600x600, 8ACD5A21-2457-4ACD-9E76-DBBEAE54FB0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best design yet

>> No.21644283

I guess we will have to find out

>> No.21644287

why do you say that?

>> No.21644291
File: 2.53 MB, 1200x1098, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They mint a lot of cool coins

>> No.21644320

they wont buy, because they are afraid that US would dump on them - and rightly so, because we are going to retest 23, this shit will be wild till the next thursday

>> No.21644405


>> No.21644449

Rolling for $20/oz

>> No.21644458

>retest 23
Why are you so sure on this?

>> No.21644522 [DELETED] 
File: 634 KB, 640x480, milkies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls gib asian momentum

>> No.21644527

So close to quints, guess it’s back on the moon mission we go

>> No.21644552

during the last week's dip we reached 23.5, COMEX stands for delivery, they have to scare people into selling, so they will try to go below the last dip in order to do so

>> No.21644567


>> No.21644584

What's wrong with cleaning them

>> No.21644594
File: 599 KB, 1686x846, 82233C25-FC91-4941-89E9-9EF11E04B1AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One member of TFMR posted this. I tend to agree.

I thought /pmg/ would like to read this perspective.

>> No.21644666


it removes any fecal matter they've collected over the years, which has intrinsic value to historical biologists.

>> No.21644667

That only has to happen one of the days of the week you know. This can be done in a few hrs.

>> No.21644767

Digits of sin

>> No.21644773

There is smart money and then there is the elite above them.

>> No.21644775


nice job, satan

>> No.21644778

Complete fucking loss of momentum, I wonder if the moon like in 2008 is still possible if they just smack the prices with paper. Maybe that was the point of the whole system to begin with?

>> No.21644792

Damn I almost got us a brief sale.

>> No.21644799

except they have to do this before thursday in case any other major player decides to go against them and frantically buy all the paper they dump before the day ends

>> No.21644825

cleaning coins does much more than remove its original coloration. In fact, in most cases, anything more than a simple surface rinsing with water to dislocate loose debris will actually remove tiny bits of metal from the coin. Abrasive coin cleaners, such as baking soda, toothpaste, jewelers rouge, and acids will literally remove the upper surface of the coin, leaving it in an irreparable state.

>> No.21644860

Unless they went long. I have been asking for a little bit now on where a person can acquire the data on what positions they hold. I feel as tho these should be public record.

>> No.21644882


>> No.21644911

i'm just tired of this fake and gay bs, gold should way higher than in 2011. i actually wouldn't mind, except i already created a 150k position over the past 5+ years, so i'm not looking for dips, i just want to ride it up.

>> No.21644920

Lol, I don't have any friends. I'll bring two guns

>> No.21644933

Bros should i take my 35 college savings and invest it in a precious metals royalties company?

Or have we just been completely demoralized by banker jews?

>> No.21644942

We haven't even had the crash yet. The crash might never come for all I know.


Why? 2011 was 2 years after the heavy QE, wasn't it?

>> No.21644956
File: 604 KB, 854x480, BogWars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinks ruining the sale

>> No.21644958

grab a seat bud, gonna be a while

>> No.21644977


>> No.21645028

What about using soap and just your finger to clean silver? I wanted to remove the oils from fingers when I first got them.

>> No.21645032

No one's stopping you to buy now, anon.

>> No.21645035
File: 1.66 MB, 2601x3403, Booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having cash during a recession is king, so many good deals come by but only if you have lots of cash, right that second
but hording silver won't do you wrong lol

>> No.21645066
File: 142 KB, 736x1488, Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 6.17.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a bad day

>> No.21645100
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 2020-08-14 19.09.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovely bat boi. Does your have some like kinda scuffy marks on it? I can't tell if it is a fingerprint or something from manufacturing or what... Probably just my autism and nobody will notice.

>> No.21645115 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 500x488, Alina Buryachenko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>distilled water soak
if that doesn't work
>acetone soak

>> No.21645125

Ok is this actually an issue? Have you weighed your coin before and after and were able to get an actual lower weight?

>> No.21645135

Dude that’s insane, I’ve looked around a lot for these and Francs but bongland charge pretty high premiums. Might just bite the bullet though cause they look amazing

>> No.21645164


yeah, it was. it's not like that QE was ever removed from the system, look at the feds balance sheet, it has only gone higher.

>> No.21645216
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x1726, 20200708_150736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no your right, all the uncirculated ones has scuff marks or little nicks in them, the US mint just doesn't care that much about silver. i have heard the frosty bat boi's look better though
the one in the silver quarter set looks pretty good though

>> No.21645227

I just bought the book Austrian School for Investors. I'm hoping to learn a bit about that from it... if my wageslave job ever lets me get a moment to read :(

>> No.21645273

How the fuck do you get a $300k line of credit, if I had that I'd DCA it all into miners and crypto.

>> No.21645282

that's pretty cool! I wish it all wasn't so expensive now or I'd buy more.

>> No.21645288

doesn't really matter if it is or not, people perceive it to be...

>> No.21645309

The lower it goes, the more I buy. Let them crash the plane with no survivors!

>> No.21645310

I am booking a flight to porto Ricko to protest under his apartment, are you with me? The more of us the bigger the chance he will give us back our money we were supposed to make on silver.

>> No.21645312

Thoughts on Belski's statement? He's just an employee of BMO. What vested interests do BMO's owners like Power Corp, Fidelity, Vanguard and BlackRock have in this?

>> No.21645313

...are you keeping your stack in the fridge?

>> No.21645345

Aside from this possibility,
They only need one day, they can do this on tuesday if they wish.

>> No.21645396

My wife is a doctor - banks give students a $300k line of credit as soon as they are admitted into medical school and then convert it into a professional line when the student graduates. We finished paying off our debts a while ago, so now that LOC is just sitting there unused.

>> No.21645409

it's a safe

>> No.21645439
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>> No.21645461
File: 168 KB, 1080x990, 1597019881118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool stack either way :^)

>> No.21645496

>neutral on gold
in other words buy as much as you can, physical, right now because the shit is going to hit the fan and they are trying not to spook the cattle

>> No.21645574

>t. a certain jew

>> No.21645607
File: 2.44 MB, 1481x1379, stack.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21645628

damn. I need a gf or at least a fb so fucking much,

>> No.21645705

hope it's physical pm

>> No.21645855


Dealers are overriding (((market))) pricing in favor of true pricing...i.e. people currently paying the premiums affirms the markup.

>> No.21645900

nah, it gets old. it's annoying. just masturbate and get a whore every once in a while.

>> No.21645968

I can't argue with those dubs

>> No.21646003
File: 1.35 MB, 877x1028, 1559675604452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general is slowly turning into a /b/ thread
>it's not even a good one like a nigger hate thread

>> No.21646098

>damn. I need a gf or at least a fb so fucking much,

Here's my plan:

>le habbening
>trade metal for real estate
>premo pro boipucci when bored
>gf? wife? women? lol...nope
>buy egg, rent womb, secure superior offspring
>manage real estate empire
>raise redpilled offspring

>> No.21646102
File: 1.17 MB, 1512x2016, 1597379362565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coomers are relentless. Why can't we just stick to wholesome waifu stacking pics?

>> No.21646138

fetus derivative market when

>> No.21646150

That's crazy man. I'd use some of it, but you'll have to convince your wife and get her buy-in too. Good luck.

>> No.21646189

You, PAN MAN, and a few other namefags and anons are my only hope.
I wonder how PAN MAN is doing? Hope he had fun on the heli.

>> No.21646261
File: 90 KB, 235x237, Snake1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Silver EOY predictions

A very mundane 28.44

>> No.21646263
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>> No.21646318
File: 134 KB, 1009x1287, Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just an admirer of Yukari-anon, but he, PAN MAN and the others are definitely the best among us. PAN MAN seems like he's been having a good run lately. Hope that main site won't give him and the client much more trouble.

>> No.21646407
File: 1.51 MB, 1492x704, Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 9.57.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's all part of their final solution

>> No.21646420

that looks like one of those toys japanese people cum on in porn videos

>> No.21646519

I just want to live somewhere less warm. That picture looks comfy.

>> No.21646546

Looks like a shocked face.

>> No.21646591
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>> No.21646990
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>> No.21647038
File: 251 KB, 471x480, 1597716242059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.21647042

I'm out of ammo /pmg/. God said to buy. APMEX has 1oz silver culls/errors, poorfag stacklets.

>> No.21647106
File: 85 KB, 1000x716, gorilla_marketing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a friendly reminder to all my fellow stackbros thatno matter how much money these shortie stockfags make off their ETFs, Miners, Options etc - all that monopoly money is gonna be worth jack diddly fucking squat.
They aren't playing the system, they're simply lotophages; unaware that the noose is fast closing around their necks - that noose being when there simply isn't any physical left ot conver that monopoly money into. There isn't a graph which accurately logs it, there isn't a chart which can tell when local supplies dry up - they're gambling completely blind, thinking thinking the gamble is the game in front of them, and not when the doors to the casino lock shut.

>> No.21647191
File: 489 KB, 1023x658, 1597690965708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

>> No.21647196
File: 30 KB, 375x375, CC20C763-8F08-4E7C-B55B-108BB38ABB86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people invest in this meme metal when platinum is less than half the price

>> No.21647219
File: 300 KB, 1080x1687, MANTIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>praying mantis body
>with daddy-long-legs spider legs
no thank you

>> No.21647292


Even Peter Schiff has the majority of his portfolio in miners, and Mike Maloney keeps most of his gold in a vault. RoadtoRoota-style fud about using private vaults and buying mining stocks is nonsense. In 1933, it was the people holding physical who had to turn in their bullion. if you owned Homestake Mining, or held offshore bullion, you made a fortune. Am I saying not to hold physical in your own hand? No, but what I am saying is that "If you don't hold it, you don't own it" applies to GLD, SLV, and futures contracts only. Otherwise you are simply exposing your ignorance.

>> No.21647368
File: 347 KB, 965x480, perth mint today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order from Perth Mint yesterday
>they're out of stock on a few items
>check the site today
uh oh is it happening?

>> No.21647373

Bought some generics today at 30.51 and One eagle at 32.76. Lads did I get scammed?

>> No.21647384
File: 94 KB, 392x589, verspot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin' for deals...

>> No.21647406
File: 218 KB, 1261x688, jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somebody needs to come in and clear out all these degenerate pornographers.

>> No.21647416

very good, especially on the eagle. Nice grab, anon.

>> No.21647421
File: 914 KB, 2450x3000, shiny rocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my US Mint silver in the mail today. Sure the Weir Farm coin costs a little more, but I wanted one of each. I also threw in a meme coin.

>> No.21647437

You're using simly incomparable standards; since you aren't taking into acount a global finanacial crash, and a global crash which takes out the stocks like the bubble is setting up to be.
You're a fool, but I won't get in your way if you want to learn the hard way.

>> No.21647451

Liquidity moron. If you have a connection who takes Platinum good one you, rest of us in the real world only have guys that take gold and silver rounds.

>> No.21647488

anon how is the quality on these rounds? they look sharp af, wonder how the polish and ping is

>> No.21647489

>I got my US Mint silver in the mail today
friggin nice fren
i got mine too.

>> No.21647530

Thanks for the reassurance. I bought from a local coin guy. Direct exchange of cash for metal, no shipping bs or such. He seemed like a good guy, but I wasn't entirely sure.

>> No.21647580

checked redpill

>> No.21647620
File: 50 KB, 860x574, hsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Homestake Mining soared 90% as the Dow Jones was crashing 90% during the Great Depression. All in all, Homestake Mining rose 500%. Homestake is the ancestor of Barrick Gold, by the way, the stock which Warren Buffett just bought. This Harry Dent fud about deflation causing metals and miners to crash is simply more nonsense. Mining stocks crashed in March because there was a general panic, as well as a manipulated crash of precious metals on the COMEX. If we got a genuine currency reset, and true price-discovery in the metals, nobody would be foolish enough to toss away their mining stocks no matter how much the other stocks went down.


>> No.21647658

>where we're going debts don't matter
Until the Biden administration brings back the CCC camps and makes participation mandatory for debtors.

>> No.21647674
File: 524 KB, 2359x1749, 1597816408619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lad better prep the BHLL.
76 Mill float with 20ish mill warrants.

Gonna be Bananas frens.

>> No.21647681

The cost to mine gold will also be increasing soon. The EROI has crashed significantly since then too. Oil is going to get very expensive in the next 5 years my friends.

>> No.21647692

The federal reserve owns the government the president has just been a figurehead since 1913

>> No.21647702

I wish I understood what all this shit meant

>> No.21647713

sehr aesthetic anon

>> No.21647718
File: 315 KB, 1162x653, 1589261877157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something big is coming anon. I don't know why, but I feel like physical fomo is the right answer. Anons that aren't on this boat are already stacked or traders. It's in my bones

Asahi's are nice. I like them a lot, but I wouldn't set them aside in capsules unless it was for personal enjoyment

Don't just trust me, look it up yourself!

>> No.21647731
File: 221 KB, 610x591, 1597097408742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not prepping the BHLL.

>> No.21647749

he posted and was talking about palladium spergburger

>> No.21647758
File: 533 KB, 1920x1080, beradu runnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyber bois

>> No.21647762
File: 1.18 MB, 2048x1536, 117734509_647630649292849_7409565664845087679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing well! was busy with the day off from proper work so I went for a hike with that map book i found recently. I also went to see the local mad trapper known as "Toni". Had a good conversation with the old boy, hes 97 and still kicking it mining all alone in the middle of fucking nowhere. Anyone want to see what the proto NEET looks like? Mans not been to civilization in 9 years.

>> No.21647782


>> No.21647805

you can't expect jannies to actually work, can you?

>> No.21647807


If the GSR reverts to 1:14, as Sprott believes it will, and gold goes 7x, as Schiff and Rickards believe it will, then the cost of mining metals out of the ground is a negligible concern.

>> No.21647811
File: 224 KB, 1299x879, 1597143148806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

granted other anons might say that you bought high. they might be right, but I'm not in that camp at all. I'm betting that this shit's going berserk and people would drool at your purchase. get it in your hands as soon as possible is my feeling.

>> No.21647832

But that makes it look like I did get scammed?

>> No.21647911
File: 223 KB, 1299x805, 1570439756249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got it for 30.51 (likely before the dump to $26)
>it's the best deal around except for literally once place
I think you're good. those are cash prices, not credit.

>> No.21647951
File: 69 KB, 350x350, bcjy84ppzzk11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear it! And I envy that man. Those locations always look so peaceful. Seems like the perfect place to get off the grid.

>> No.21647969
File: 48 KB, 836x693, derps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow leafs, am I a fucking retard for thinking pic related is a good idea?

I have about 35%+ of my value in physicals and the rest in RRSP/TSFAA accounts. Plan to buy a home in the spring and do not want to tie up the cash in physical.

Are these Exchange Traded Receipts (ETR) for silver and gold a good idea or a (((bad idea))). Want to ride the wave up and be able to liquidate when needed quickly.

>> No.21647971
File: 17 KB, 280x381, 117944723_308223527072838_3956295775547598474_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a neat little coin showed up in the mail today! now to wait for the prospectors to show up!

>> No.21647980

I would crack her in half.

>> No.21647988

Well it is a concern, because why would silver be triple digits if you can mine it for $15? At $100 an ounce, all sort of non profitable closed mines would be reopened yeah sure, but its not like you will have $100 silver with $20 All In Mining Costs.

>> No.21647992
File: 1.17 MB, 1793x2103, 1585097940054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone want to see what the proto NEET looks like? Mans not been to civilization in 9 years.

>> No.21648008
File: 115 KB, 1280x960, Commem Dime Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21648041

>Want to ride the wave up and be able to liquidate when needed quickly.
why not miners? why trust the federal government?

>> No.21648050
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, 118074805_1223082814707513_150824554039422811_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here he is in all his glory. Old boy doesnt like cell phones but he is desperate to get an internet connection so he can keep ordering books.

>> No.21648089


What matters is the ratio of real things to real things. If silver goes to $100 because of simple inflation, it means nothing. But if silver goes to $100 because of a reversal in the GSR, then that implies a real and substantial increase in purchasing-power. Now imagine if gold triples in order to go 1:1 with the Dow; and silver reverts to the historic GSR within the context of that.

>> No.21648092
File: 78 KB, 786x687, 1597603093436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only have 76 million shares on the market and a little over 20 million more shares to add to the float.
@ .43 a shares the total company's market value is 41.2 million $.
They are reopening a former 5th largest zinc/lead/silver mine in america. Former too 20 in the world.

>> No.21648101

kek based reader

>> No.21648164
File: 311 KB, 3701x2644, Industrial-USB-Cell-Modem-with-Soracom-Global-IoT-SIM-Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lives alone
>reads books
>makes money without other people
living the dream if you ask me
you should hook him up with a cell phone modem usb dongle and a laptop if he does not have one.
The best part is if he only needs occasional access he can get a prepaid card and not have to pay a monthly service

>> No.21648168 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 300x524, Bella-Delphine-Nude-Sexy-TheFappeningBlog-16-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being bell delphine
>be bell delphine
>walk to store and buy 100 $3 jars
>walk home
>turn on sink
>fill up 100 jars with Just tap water
>label it as bathwater and slap a brand sticker on it
>30 minutes of "work" to make $2700 profit
>less if she buys the jars in bulk
>just do this every now and then be set for the month

>> No.21648181

But these metal ratios can meet in the middle, while the dow screams higher Zimbabwe style.

>> No.21648223
File: 2.29 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200819_190615762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New acquisitions at $29/ozt.

>> No.21648290

this is literally what she did, there was a pending lawsuit at the time for some sort of medical issue with one of the simps that bought it. guy drank it and when he complained he was told the jar tells you not to consume it and its just tap water.

>> No.21648307
File: 145 KB, 571x806, 1597618866718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, yukari-anon's posts are pretty positive (combines /pmg/, /k/, /ck/, and anime all in one)

contrast that with the stress posts, freaking out every time a metal price goes up or down

no wonder yukari gets all the love. you get what you put out into the world

>> No.21648312

issue is there is no cell service in his area. He lives 3 hours east of Likely BC on an old mine property thats been abandoned for decades. He uses a radio to call friends for things he wants, than has another person bring the stuff he wants in too him. He doesnt like visitors much, i am also sure hes utterly mad, but he has survived out there since 1961. I may try and get him hooked up with a satellite internet connection, that way he can communicate better and watch some new movies for a change.

>> No.21648343

>Mans not been to civilization in 9 years.
legend does what we all wish we had the balls to do

>> No.21648422

Thank you Yukari-chan

>> No.21648425

I don't think I will ever order from Scottsdale Mint again. I'm 5 weeks out from an order. Spot was lower then than it is now, and they would still want to charge me 20% to cancel the order. I have ordered from 3 other retailers in the last 2 weeks and they have all shipped. I won't be making this mistake again.

>> No.21648445
File: 126 KB, 1061x1018, 45674541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good person PAN MAN. Much respect to you

>> No.21648454
File: 127 KB, 900x900, 2017-ukraine-1-oz-silver-archangel-michael-proof_202057_slab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone's opinion on proofs? Surely not the most economical for stacking purposes, but the quality is pretty tempting on certain pieces. Looking at this one and a South Korean coin.

>> No.21648456
File: 479 KB, 758x866, 1518066187998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always packet radio if he has a ham radio license but that is slow and he would have to be technically literate to get a rig like that up and running.
satellite is going to be expensive.
you are really stuck and that sucks

>> No.21648499
File: 843 KB, 1060x831, Johnson-paper-gold-sdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Yukari-chan

>> No.21648512
File: 138 KB, 500x704, 6A7E9EBA-0471-4A9A-ACFB-5436B4BF5D5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is silver going to return to the $20 mark?

>> No.21648556

That means it's over.

>> No.21648557

soon, brother, inshallah

>> No.21648569

it only gets expensive because bilderberg, wef, etc want it that way

>> No.21648638

we can get simple internet connectivity here for fairly cheap prices, i am sure it can be worked out. Toni already has a huge radio mast outside his shack so hes not too hard up. Hes just started having issues getting things ordered, especially his books.

>> No.21648737
File: 20 KB, 170x273, 1503802405116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh maybe satellite is cheaper up there because of demand. last I checked in the US it was a a little on the pricey end but that was a while ago.
well good luck you should be able to get him squared away

>> No.21648795

that's my next buy gunna see if I can get some real value tomorow

>> No.21648821
File: 1.44 MB, 3024x2943, IMG_20200819_171321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Phoenix came in the mail today

>> No.21648844
File: 314 KB, 1068x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of boards (outside of /lit/) have book lists
what are essential reads for /pmg/ bugs?

>> No.21648856

>silver goes down
What did you mean by this?

>> No.21648926

Should I put in my monthly order now or wait for further dippage? It's really hard to know what it's going to do in the short term, it's so volatile.

>> No.21648953

price is no concern to him, dude digs more gold than i can bar none. The definition of a closet millionaire. He sends a little bit of gold with someone once a month to buy books, hard groceries etc. I still have no idea where he actually gets it from, his mines even secret from me.

>> No.21648970
File: 992 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200819_185741_1284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks frens for the kind words and support.
just so happens we received a delivery here today. don't usually do these on the weekend but what heck, midweek unboxin here we go

>> No.21648971

>Half kek half cringe

>> No.21648976

liquidate for cash? Why not just buy SLV?

>> No.21648985

it makes them look like shit
put an old but well-kept uncirculated coin next to a matching coin that has been cleaned and it's pretty obvious

>> No.21648993
File: 61 KB, 680x558, 1596645683031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm prepping it for midterm pump that will most likely dump. If they give a firm operation startup date and zinc stays high along with silver in the high 20s it could moon.

>> No.21649008
File: 1.96 MB, 3024x3202, IMG_20200819_172302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21649039

Ok where is this going

>> No.21649041

Not strictly /pmg/, but /commonsense/

>> No.21649044
File: 836 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200819_190217_2492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw crap. was trying to say, dont usually do unboxing posts during the midweek.
usually unboxing happens on the weekend.

fresh from the US Mint

>> No.21649078
File: 451 KB, 629x489, schiff gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice!

>> No.21649101
File: 302 KB, 1360x592, What Would It Be Like If Hitler Won - Digits Confirm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21649116
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I just finished placing my last order for the time being. Like you said, it's hard to know where exactly the price will end up, but in the long run I feel like the small fluctuations will be irrelevant. Could've probably saved a bit more cash for the next dip but never want to spread myself too thin.

>> No.21649129
File: 933 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200819_190633_8338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got some 5oz. San Antonios

>> No.21649148

Go on...

>> No.21649180

Is the US mint pricier? What u pay / oz?

>> No.21649181

I'm soooo not impressed with the San Antonios, the River Of No Return is such a cooler design.

>> No.21649240

I've got $30 9/11 calls doesn't look good. Silver is gonna bounce hard pretty soon thoigh I think

>> No.21649254

Now that I have a bit of gold and silver, I'm going to slow down and just buy a little every now and then and average it out. Maybe a large jump if the price falls a lot.

>> No.21649257
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x3024, 20200819_152646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the before, but ok boomer you fucking retard

>> No.21649262

>fedcoin activated
>sorry anon, you can’t sell gold or silver for fedcoin.
>fedcoin is only legal tender
>stuck with paperweights

>> No.21649310

I bought some two weeks ago when the price/oz was $28.00. I ended up paying about $32.26/oz if you count multiple orders and shipping costs.

>> No.21649319
File: 1.33 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200819_195436969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too chose the San Antonios!

>> No.21649335

5ozers direct from the mint were $154/each. so about $31/oz

i paid $775 for 5 of them
+ $4.95 S&H

>> No.21649336

If you guys would stop playing the paper games and get physical, the manipulation would end overnight. For years the the big banks made money on pushing the price around to steal the premiums on as many call options and put options as possible at any given time.

>> No.21649353

>only do business with people that accept metals
Checkmate glowie

>> No.21649367
File: 784 KB, 800x600, 1597282858175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. I gotta get me some of those at some point.
Yeah I'm getting pretty comfortable with my stack at this point. Definitely need to start going more heavily into gold though. Honestly for the price drops it seems like we aren't even saving all that much, at least with the large dealers. The premiums have to be a sign that spot and physical prices are way out of sync.

>> No.21649447

I guess solar panels, smart phones and a ton of different products will stop being made then because silver is a vital industrial metal.

That's the beauty of silver. They COULD outlaw gold and nobody would even notice except for some people missing their jewelry. You CAN NOT outlaw silver ownership or modern society will break down because of how VITAL it is to almost every technology. That's why they're so afraid of silver, not gold.

>> No.21649468
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>> No.21649493

yeah. im ready to start adding a little gold to the stack. little at a time for me, maybe getting those old 20franc roosters one per month or so

>> No.21649586
File: 280 KB, 900x900, 1915-austria-gold-1-ducat-bu-prooflike_14772_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a solid plan. Nice choice as well, I really like the Austrian ducats

>> No.21649799

Newest bread

>> No.21649869

interesting read
thanks anon

>> No.21650474

Is this a 1.5 oz

>> No.21650552

Phoenix looks awesome wish I had one

>> No.21650565

thank you yukari-chan

>> No.21650622

Nah they've been outta stock on those for a few months now, they're just slow at updating the site

>> No.21650647

I believe so yes but i ll double check later

>> No.21651278
File: 37 KB, 474x474, external-content.duckduckgo-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you Yukari-chan

>> No.21651486

Thank you Yukari chan.

>t. Shimechan