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21648688 No.21648688 [Reply] [Original]

Is California still a good state to live in for tech people?

>> No.21648733

>Uber: you'll get your money as soon as you wash your car!

>> No.21648808

if you like feminist whores and boomer prices yes

>> No.21648873

I like whores

>> No.21649077

No, it sucks. It's expensive, the people are generally brainwashed leftists that have the need to project their personal problems onto you at every god damn turn. You can't do anything because of the lockdown. The homeless problem is getting worse and worse. All of the nice nature surrounding the bay area is fucking packed with retards thanks to covid or shutdown.

They also want to have a wealth tax, police budgets in SF have been cut, and the gun laws are fucking disgusting. I can't believe it's legal to require a $10 background check to buy a box of ammo. It's a fucking scam. Yeah the weather is nice, but you can just fuckin visit on vacation and live somewhere else.

Also a lot of companies are getting the fuck out, so it's only gonna get worse with $$$ leaving the govt. Expect taxes to go up even more.

I would have left already if it wasn't for my girlfriend. I'm trying to convince her to move to AZ but it's not working. I am basically miserable here but she's the only reason I stay. I don't even know what to do about that because it would be the end of the relationship.

>> No.21649103

Maybe LA but SF is fucked.

>> No.21649157

Why AZ?

>> No.21649176

Well I can’t leave the house because of the smoke. The state is literally burning down. But sure, it’s a great place to be. Especially if you love loud obnoxious people and traffic.

>> No.21649179

i live in eastern europe and i matched with 2 us citizens this year

both were talking about their mental disorders like it was something they should be proud of

also in instagram they were sharing political views on their stories like "let me tell you what i think about trans black men

i hope the US will burn and never raise again, they were so annoying, i fucked one and after i cummed she started sleeping in my bed i told her to wake up and leave my flat and she acted like i was a monster

burn migafags

>> No.21649196

AZ is just as fucking dog shit, the only difference is you're not overpaying for housing

>> No.21649200

no since tech is phasing out physical workplaces in general post covid. they realized they can save tons of money on commercial rent by just making everything remote. also commiefornia is a shithole, high taxes, high homeless rate, high tattoo rate, faggots everywhere. just watch as the californians flee to red states and vote democrat and turn them into a shithole all over again

>> No.21649264

it's ok but there is no reason to pay the rent here anymore. I am in tech, make six figs and live in soma. it's not 10 years ago anymore.. SF is no longer the center of the universe for tech.

>> No.21649267

why AZ? i moved into the mountains (not Cuckarado) and my quality of life is so much better as a result. i vote red.

>> No.21649276

Yea it sucks, the one polish chick i ever met was all on about getting tattoos and how she dated a black guy once. Bitches are trash man.

>> No.21649289

I already lived there and have friends there. It's not the best place but the weather is good if you can handle the heat. Gun laws are amazing and there's a good amount of tech jobs because there's a lot of data centers and computer shit because of the lack of natural disasters.

Downsides are illegals everywhere, it's hot, the water quality sucks because of all the mining. You have to go out a ways before you see natural trees instead of deadly things that want to kill you.

I can't take the CA gun laws anymore though that's what really did it. I like shooting as a hobby and Cali has basically made that very expensive and difficult to do.

>> No.21649298

Dont move to AZ. At least Phoenix is an absolute shit hole with everything overpriced because of fucktards from Cali flooding in. Move to flagstaff.

>> No.21649299

Oh also my 95 pound dog rolled in human shit last week because we have homeless people shitting everywhere. California is done. All OGs moved to Northern Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Colorado

>> No.21649320

Is AZ really that bad? Can you lmk more? I'm considering moving there from NYC. I have good friends that moved to Phoenix, Glendale area 3 yrs ago and I went to visit few times, seemed pretty chill. Got to shoot a gun in a canyon and take a pickup way offroad. Can't do that in NYC

>> No.21649324

Hope you like reloading as a hobby, ammo prices are fucking astronomical right now

>> No.21649341

fucking kek

>> No.21649385

Anything is better than shit NYC. Arizona is a beautiful state outside of Phoenix. It is a rundown shithole. Why would anyone live in a big city anymore is beyond me. All amenities of big city life are done.

>> No.21649399

poland is not eastern europe

>> No.21649436

Yeah I know right? At least if I live in AZ I can afford a garage and space to have a reloading station. I have a 1 br apartment in SF now and I have room to shit and eat and that's it basically.

If not AZ, where are other califags fleeing to that doesn't suck? Nevada?

>> No.21649438

NYC is literally the biggest shithole on earth that isn't a warzone

>> No.21649448

fellow slav can confirm anglos are cursed children of satan every country should ban them they can go live onthat fucking prison island australia or stay in the US

>> No.21649470

If he’s in Cali, he probably washed his car an hour before the pic was taken.

>> No.21649485

umm US aren't anglo

>> No.21649489

my doctor moved from california and he used to make $1200 an appointment you know its bad you wouldnt even live there as a millionaire

>> No.21649494

Why do they owe him half a million dollars?

>> No.21649500

I would move to Idaho but all you fags from LA are ruining it already. The USA is done as far as reputable places to live. Move to South America or Mexico and live like a king.

>> No.21649532

yes americans are anglo dutch mutts stay the fuck out, US/UK/AUS theyre all cursed they have nothing spiritually in common with us

>> No.21649534

California is nice for anybody that's rich. LA and San Francisco are long gone, but everywhere else in Orange County is still nice. The only people that are leaving are all of the fucking poor people that can't afford it.

>> No.21649535

Because he's an entitled cuck

>> No.21649616

before the pandemic, yes.
i don't know what comes next.

>> No.21649689

probably because slavs spent the last 300 years fucking themselves technologically and socially into a vodka pithole

>> No.21649694

AZfag here (Born and raised in Gilbert).

My general opinion on Glendale is that it's rundown/trashy; sure there are probably nice pockets, but I see the entire west valley (West of Phoenix) to be shitty. Before all the Californians invaded where I live, it was nothing but cornfields, but now it's high-end houses/apartments. Still, all I see is white families which is nice.

>> No.21649740

NYC definitely sucks for a myriad of reasons but it isn't even in the top 5 shittiest places in New York State. Places like Utica, Binghamton and Elmira literally have no reason to even exist.

>> No.21649780
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>> No.21649785

vodkabots are unironically still more enlightened and culturally advanced anglos are obsessed with pushing sodomy and rainbowflag parades everywhere in the world and they have false Christianity truly demonic

>> No.21649786


>> No.21649808

When you say ruined yeah they're ruining liberal shitholes cities like Boise but that's like .0001<% of the state.

I live in rural Ohio. It's O.K. but the niggers are pretty upitty around here. Like in the south most niggers know their place and are still pretty segregated but here they're everywhere chimping out fucking up nice neighborhoods and white women love them. Other than that it's decent.

If I make it I'm planning on rural Alaska, rural Washington, Montana, Oregon, or Idaho.

>> No.21649815

yes but the part about NYC which makes it suck so much ass is that it attracts the most sociopathic, social climber snake head fucks who also commonly go to LA to "make it", and think they're the shit for being in "the big apple" and lower the consciousness of the entire planet with their delusion

>> No.21649854

slavs are just 25 years behind the curve of anglos. is the same shit just slower

>> No.21649861

Palantir, Tesla, Charles Schwab all moved out just to name a few. The big tech companies are trying to expand into Austin and other cities. The DA of SF has ties to legit terrorists and doesn't do shit while junkies shit in the streets. Everyone knows about the homelessness, but it's worse when you see it. There're enclaves of them out in Oakland. And in the City it's side by side with fake fucks in patagonia vests. Everyone in SF is so concerned with being morally superior to the rest of the world while walking over needles, junkies, and feces. When it gets hot it smells like piss.

SF is more and more like Hollywood though in the sense that studios don't actually film in Hollywood, but Hollywood has all the branding. The headquarters are usually in Mountain View. Which is expensive as shit to live in and ass as fuck to commute to.

The Bay Area just shuts down after 10. If you're not a outgoing type that's probably not that bad, but it sucks when you do want to do something.

TLDR: No. For the average techie, Silicon Valley is a meme. I hear Austin and Atlanta are better.

>> No.21649877

What are the best mountain states/areas?

I want to move, but havent identified the right area. Im in Ohio now so its not awful, but could still be way better.

>> No.21649899

anglos are vehicle for anti-christ

>> No.21649933

AZ sounds like it sucks

>> No.21649941

well if there was a slavic country i could move to without making 60-80% less money a year i would if that makes you feel any better.

>> No.21649983

you can still make 100k usd if youre not retarded

>> No.21650018

The stereotype is that "tech people" never go outside and spend their time at their computers indoors all day, for that you'd want a state up north so that there's lots of cold weather to be indoors and comfy with and also to keep computers from overheating. Microsoft had the right idea with Washington, but Minnesota and Montana would be good choices too.

>> No.21650033

>attracts the most sociopathic, social climber snake head fucks
True, NYC might have the highest rate of cluster B “””people””” per capita that I’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

>> No.21650062

good software developers in mid career make upwards of 300k usd at FAANG. downside is you have to work at FAANG.

>> No.21650113

fuck off, we're full
t. AZ resident

>> No.21650132

The weather in Minnesota is perfect, but people there will look through your windows with binoculars if they think you’re up to something strange I swear.

>> No.21650184

my cousin used to work at amazon in early 2000s and got over 1000 shares in stock options i would still never live in states because its disgusting and people are horrible i would never choose to live in anglo country

>> No.21650214


What confuses me most about feminists is how they talk about female empowerment and all that, but every single one of them that I've been with likes to be choked, slapped around, and treated like a fucking piece of meat. It's kind of hot sure, and it feels good gagging one out on my dick, but jesus christ these women aren't marriage material at all. I need to get my boys snipped and some baby fluids frozen before the worst happens.

>> No.21650231

The south and coasts are Anglo, but the Midwest is all Germans/Dutch and Swedes/Norwegians.

>> No.21650258

SF is a shithole. Went to school in the Bay Area and worked in SF for a couple years. Too expensive, too boring, too much incompetence in local government. I moved to NYC which is a little bit cheaper and less boring. Many of the tech giants have offices here, and there’s a decent selection of mid size and pre IPO companies here as well. I’d recommend NYC over SF any day, but it’s not amazing.

>> No.21650291

Tы мoжeшь жить тaм в Cиaтлe кaкoм нибyдь гдe ecть бoльшoe кoличecтвo pyccких

>> No.21650308

Feminism is a sex game played by women with a rape fetish.
Most women worth talking to are misogynistic or prefer not to talk/think about it.

>> No.21650318

flushing is actually nice desu

>> No.21650369

If you’re a faggot liberal maybe, otherwise the benefits don’t outweigh the struggles.

>t. Bay Area straight white male

>> No.21650376

not true when i visited seattle i accidentally walked through ghetto its dangerous and gross lol

>> No.21650430

You say that as if most slav and yuropoor cities don't have ghettos

>> No.21650495

if you are in tech, salary worth it in your 20's then move. the downers cant get the good jobs so they shitting on it

>> No.21650521

they dont have black ganbanger who will take potshots and taxis driving by like in US ive never even seen a ghetto in belarus or ukrain just poor areas that arent even that dangerous

>> No.21650545

they shoot at taxi for fun in US its an actual warzone not even comparable to be honest

>> No.21650562

>need to be rich to live in CA
>but wealth tax: you get punished for being rich anyways
Who the fuck chooses to live here lol holy shit.

>> No.21651284

Everywhere that isn't a shithole is getting turned into a shithole

>> No.21652026

so how does this effect porn, or photography or any kind of media thing that isn't a hollywood production? If you have a youtube channel and you pay someone $200 to act in a video that's breaking the law and you need to pay them minimum wage for the hours they spent

>> No.21652034

Sammy the Bull ?

>> No.21652063

Spot-on. I really don’t understand how people ignore the DA’s history... you’re the first person I’ve come across who’s aware

>> No.21652078

Gate Creeper

>> No.21652099

That's illegal and you owe them $495,949

>> No.21652136


How does this affect the production of fake taxi? Won't people know that it's fake taxi since taxi's won't exist anymore?

>> No.21652199

I am a multi- generational sf resident who works in tech (extremely rare nowadays) and I’ll be the first to tell you this place has gone to shit, figuratively and literally. The counterculture vibe and unique local culture has all but evaporated over the past 15 years and all you have now is one big HR department of a city. The nature is no longer what it used to be as all the tech workers flock there on the weekends for Instagram pictures. I’ll be leaving as soon as I can. (Not FUD btw)

>> No.21652222

NO. Fuck you. Fuck off. I've been building sites since the '90s and born and raised here. All you fucking maggots from the east coast and midwest and Bombay, India fucking RUINED this state with your homogeneous "culture".

>> No.21652257


>> No.21652381

Nevada is cold as fuck, or hot as fuck, no exceptions. Reno is infested with liberals, east nevada is rather sparse on resources, Las Vegas is infested with niggers.

>> No.21652510

that is very rare. when I worked in the city (I grew up in san joaquin valley), I always befriended the locals, because they were the ones I could relate to the most. all the other faggots wanted t:
>day trip to stinson beach!
>go to crissy field!
>go to outside lands
>go to burning man (this is my favorite since all the transient nobodies leave and you can actually do what you want to do in the city/east bay)
I'm trying to get the fuck out, as well. if you want to see what a perfect exemplification of globalism is, look at SF today.
>muh diversity
FUCK diversity, because the more you try to force it, the less of it you will have when everything is a "melting pot". I'm tired of it.
T.5th generation Californian

>> No.21652584

Yeah man exactly, the people who aren’t even from California give the state a bad reputation

>> No.21652783

Reno sucks and all the surrounding little towns are even bigger shitholes.

Vegas is for degenerates and everything off the strip is garbage. I wish the place would burn down.

>> No.21653207

I absolutely feel this, having friends from Minny

>> No.21653349

Lmao Jesus imagine being proud of being a slavshit

>> No.21653372
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Standard California electric bill.

>> No.21653416

true. only reason to stay in CA is the money.

>> No.21653474

Flagstaff, AZ

>> No.21654028

Wtf is this? You running miners and the a/c 24/7?

>> No.21654140

>move to AZ
fuck off we're full

>> No.21654816

Lol no it's not my pic, it's that of some rich dentist in SoCal, has a huge fucking house

>> No.21654890

Seems like California is the embodiment of late stage capitalism.

>> No.21655347

Which the govt takes half of, brilliant.

>> No.21655373

who are you quoting?

>> No.21655426
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>> No.21656243

Checked and based and boomer pilled

>> No.21656335

bro ive lived in seattle, newyork and japan some places in eastern europe is literally the best if youre not poor

>> No.21656486

>seattle, newyork and japan
What are the highlights of each?

>> No.21656758

ny i would say has no highlights unless youre a foodie like chinese food and delis then go to flushing because youll find the best chinese food in the world outside of china
seattle is same it has some cool musuems and really good food like pams kitchen and bizzarros if theyre still open stay off street called "martin luther king jr way" no one one warned me you cant walk there. these big metropolitans are terrible i find because everyone is like lonewolf everything is transaction i feel like no one has friends in these places/?

japan is just amazing the food and groceries are actually cheap, rent isnt that bad either you can get decent apartment for like 2k a month my favourite vacation spot is called ginza onsen this little town on a river definitely go visit, tokyo and all the little cities are great if you dontlike driving ive never found better transportation system, a lot of cute girls too i like theyre mostly still feminine and dress in department store clothes

>> No.21656832
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If you live in California, stay in your fucking containment state. No one wants you. I don't care if you're "conservative" you fucking scum.

>> No.21656887

also in bookstore most covers are erotic and perverted i thought it was just meme but thats actually real lol obviously best part of about japan is the peoples civility no gypsy pickpocket

>> No.21656941

Liberals are a disease. Also from the Bay spec berkeley and let me tell you they bitch about getting rid of peoples park cause it will displace the homeless.

>> No.21656976


The counter culture was the start anon, those counterculture fucks were the same one to force globalism and diversity onto the city and look at the shit hole it is now.

>> No.21657021

>take job voluntarily, under no duress, and with complete understanding of the compensation involved
>owed something extra

no wonder china beats us out every fucking time lmao.

>> No.21657117

fuck off we're full.

>> No.21658023

Peoples park is a mess, but so is Berkeley. FUCK Berkeley.
T.lived on Elmwood

>> No.21658040

It never was

>> No.21658045

In* on Stuart.

>> No.21658177

Where was then?