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21629498 No.21629498 [Reply] [Original]

>professional hedge fund team
>working product, staking allows holders to earn interests from the fund
>still low market cap
>extremely low supply

ISLA is looking pretty good right now, this might be the next 10x once we hit the exchanges.
Only on uniswap with this contract address for now: 0x697ef32b4a3f5a4c39de1cb7563f24ca7bfc5947
Can't believe we are so early.

>> No.21629828

they are a professional team, which seems to be the only downfall they have.. they arent gonig for hype they are just going for building and improving their business, once it gets noticed this will fly.. https://www.mama.global/members

>> No.21629883

LMAO it's literally a recent college grad who took a 6 week course on blockchain. "professional"

>> No.21630023

thats true, let me go buy porkchop coin and tendies instead of ones who make partnerships with legit companies, are not anonymous, have offices etc

>> No.21630024

We will see what happens if it starts getting traction, now it seems way to early for this

>> No.21630131

ya it is very early and it may go nowhere, but it has a tiny cap of like 600k and are much more legit than the trash that gets pumped to 5-10m

>> No.21630168

They are actual professionals working in finance, DYOR before fudding.

That's the best moment to buy, if you are in for the 10x the earlier the better.

I literally sold some of my PNK to get on this.

>> No.21630489

Don't buy this scam, it's posted every week

>> No.21630721

This is free fud with no substance, it takes 10 minutes of research to see that this project is legit and price will only go up from here.

>> No.21630754

This is maybe true, but holding some just not to miss your moonshot is nice

I thank OP for mentioning this. Folks that want to go in crypto need consultancy

>> No.21630807


>> No.21630897

scam with offices where you can go and see them with people who have made appearances on stage w/ other defi projects :D

>> No.21630935
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this is you

>> No.21630988

ive been trying to tell biz about this since it was 5 cents. The ignorance here is astonishing at times. But alas I will make a lot off of this. Its a steal right now.

>> No.21631284

I occasionally also post an ISLA post but it's like talking with a tree. Ppl will learn the hard way that they missed another possible life changing opportunity. /biz

>> No.21631300

I got in at 1$, just added more on this dip and am already in profit. This has a long way to go before the top.

>> No.21631356

>They are actual professionals working in finance, DYOR before fudding
kek. just like everyone on biz. they're shitcoin flippers, same as you and me.

>> No.21631398



>> No.21631402

serious question...if you like ISLA, why not GVT? with GVT you at least profit when the traders/money managers profit...since the fund is shared. ISLA doesn't even share teh pool with you guys

>> No.21631408

I hold 100 ISLA. pls don't tell them I'm still accumulating.

>> No.21631434

Do you know not realize the benefit of investing in a fund that does that instead of you? One word.


>> No.21631447

but that's not what the ISLA token is...did you not realize that?

>> No.21631465

You do profit when they profit from just holding the token..

>> No.21631470

gvt has 12x bigger market cap

>> No.21631514

Both projects are good, the thing is GVT already had a market cycle, ISLA is new and about to go for new highs.

>> No.21631545

top 100 isla holders also get a % of their funds profit

>> No.21631550

ok Ill help explain it since you cant see the bigger picture.

1. ISLA is a company that manages crypto hedge funds.
2. You can become a client of theirs and let them invest on your behalf.
What is the benefit to that? You dont have all the taxes associated with all the transactions. just the in and out of fund.

Now for the token.

1. The token is one million total supply.
2. By holding the token you get 10% of their profits just by holding it in an ETH wallet.

So in short there are two ways to benefit from their services.

>> No.21631605

This garbage shitcoin is being shilled hard. "Give us your real currencies and we will give you our shitcoin!"

>> No.21631663

I think you guys fundamentally misunderstand this token.... it's not an investment pool. If you want to actually invest funds and have this team manage your money, you put money into the Insula Smart Fund on CoTrader.... insula the token has little(nothing) to do with that. you can pay fees using their token...that's what its for.

>> No.21631689

>>women president from goldman

>> No.21631723

wrong. the token does not give you 10% of their profit. you get 10% of the fees they generate....meaning what other investors are paying them to manage their funds. this is offered to you via staking rewards. its absolutely retarded imo.

>> No.21631732

you get 10% of the profits from their success from just holding the token. I think you are misunderstanding it.

>> No.21631772

which is their profit....................... what do you think those fees are based on?

>> No.21631841

so let me explain it to you in a way that's more clear.
I don't know what the fee is for moving money into their fund....say 1%. so if I was retarded and wanted them to manage $1M of my money (nobody is doing that)....the fee for that would be $10k. 10% of that fee goes back to ISLA token holders....so $1k ($1k worth of ISLA).....released to stakers.
why are you buying this garbage coin?

>> No.21631940

because bullrun is coming and people outside the crypto world will want exposure but wont want to hold keys and trade and all the stuff we do so they will turn to a company to do it for them.

Why are you in this thread?

>> No.21631962

The project is only a few months old and they have a working product already and are making profits with the fund.
This might not seem like much now if you look at the numbers, but once people start to understand the fundamentals it will 10x in no time.

>> No.21631963

ok, sure. the companies profit...not the gains from their investments though. those belong to the investors. just making sure we're clear....cause biz is retarded and I think is confused about the upside potential of this kind of fund desu.

>> No.21632060

what's their fee?
this is their entire fund right now.... doesn't look like much to me. you guys wanna pretend like some recent college grad shitcoin flipper is managing millions of dollars for mega whales or something, but that's absolutely not true. nor will they ever. who the fuck is going to give these guys significant amounts of money?

>> No.21632095

1ETH...15 link....829 lend.....
most of us have portfolios bigger than this entire 'professional crypto investment fund'. wake up

>> No.21632149

they don't have a working product. they have a fund on cotrader. you can set one up yourself in 5 minutes. you guys got fucking scammed and you're too dumb to even realize it.

>> No.21632165

no one is saying they are managing millions.. No one is saying this is risk free.. We are saying this has potential and it is early. Very early.

>> No.21632234

And this is why I am buying right now and you should too, we are early as fuck and with the bull market this can really get big.

>> No.21632299

they are managing less than $10k...i don't know the total, but you can see all they tokens they have and it's pitiful. it's most likely just the guys personal money that he seeded the fund with. what potential does it have for you? the token get 10% of the fees.....paid out in ISLA...kek

>> No.21632530

fuckign kek. I just checked to see what the manager fee was on cotrader...... 0.3%!
you guys are hopeless.

serious question....why invest in the ISLA fund on CoTrader and not any one of the other funds available? there are many available, you can see the ROI and investment strategy of each...so why ISLA? because they have a meme token? that meme token was simply a way to extract money from a dumb market, so that they could pay themselves for managing the less than $10k fund for their very important clients....

>> No.21632698

This is not about the RO!, in the end we are betting on the token, everything else will help us achieve the 10x. The defi craze is just the beginning of this bullrun and tokens like ISLA will skyrocket.

>> No.21632796

Insula is a member of MAMA (along with Credit Suisse, UBS, Bitcoin Suisse, MakerDAO, Tezos, AAVE, Akropolis, etc.) Check the market caps of the members, insula is just a fraction of theirs at the moment. This could get fairly big, that's why I'm accumulating now while it's super early. If this takes off, massive gains could be made fairly quickly.

>> No.21632797

you are betting that people who are more retarded than you will buy the token...I get it. there is fundamentally no reason for this token to go up in value though....in fact, it's quite clearly overvalued buy a fucking lot! what is the MC of this 'fee token'? the fund is only a few thousand dollars....and the fee is 0.3%.... so please explain to me why the fuck you would buy ISLA at any price above $0?

>> No.21632903

everything in crypto is overvalued.. how is this a reason why this wouldnt go up?? fucking tendies, porkchops, cat coins and duck coins went over 5m ffs lol

>> No.21632913

If you want to take no risks go ahead and buy your BTC ETH or link, making money is about risks. Right now ISLA is one of the most promising tokens around, there is only room for upside from here, this is literally just the beginning.

>> No.21633008

explain to me why this person created a fee token for a cotrader fund? real talk... this token exists only to cash in on the dumb money being thrown around, and he did that. you were the fool. every other fund on cotrader accepts payment in ETH....because that's the way it fucking works. if this 'company' thought they were going to be able to make money on their fund (from fees) then they wouldn't have created a secondary fee token to sell to you. they would simply collect fees for their work..... do you not understand the game yet?

>> No.21633168

now as a reward for buying this shitcoin, the guy is going to pay out 10% of his fee profits....in ISLA. kek. so he mints a token for the cost of gas....sells it to retards. has a shit fund on CoTrader where he collects 0.3% on deposits.... then pays out 10% of those "profits" using the made up currency.

>> No.21633194

What you see right now is only part of what will be the entire insula ecosystem, that is why I am investing early while the price is low. The token will go up in value as new feature will be added by the team. Even if it ends up being just the fund with the current mc and supply the upside for this is huge.

>> No.21633411

what upside? how do you not get it yet? do you not know math? 10% of a 0.3% fee is payed out to ISLA stakers....
so far less than 10k has been deposited into the fund. let's just call it 10k. for every $10k deposited into the fund....the team gets a $30 fee. and ISLA stakers then get $3 worth of ISLA to share. are you fucking retarded anon? for every $10k that hits the fund....ISLA HOLDERS GET A $3 STAKING REWARD TO SHARE!!!!

>> No.21633527

You are probably one of those people that would've sold BTC at $10, I am investing now exactly for the reason you mentioned. Being so early means that the project can only grow from here, this is the bottom.

>> No.21633572

kek. there are literally hundreds (thousands?) of CoTrader pools....but this one is the next BTC. you are a very special kind of retarded anon....I've been here a long time and legit can't think of anyone as dumb as you are being right now.
>we are so early guys!!!

>> No.21633589
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>> No.21633823

This is not just about the CoTrader pool, if you really think that a token like this can't have a market cycle in this market with the defi craze and bull run you are out of your mind.
We will see at least 10x in a month or so.

>> No.21633994

fundamentally....it is just about the CoTrader pool. whether or not you can scam retards into buying it at a greater price than you did is another story. there's literally nothing else going on here though....the token utility is quite literally offered as a fee token for the CoTrader pool. you're going to be btfo every time you post this shit on biz from here on out...maybe try scamming reddit or something next time...

>> No.21634071

Right now yes, that's all there is, and this is the reason investing now is good, this is just the beginning, you will probably fomo in once we get to $5

>> No.21634534

He's probably accumulating

>> No.21634772

Usual fudders, that's how I know a project is good. Personally I went all in in this dip, now I am ready for the moon

>> No.21635417


>> No.21635944

I feel bad for all these people missing out on the next 10x, maybe we can even go 100x who knows how high we will go.