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File: 199 KB, 682x643, realization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21623530 No.21623530 [Reply] [Original]

Why do poor people hate the rich? You know you can get rich too?

>> No.21623569

amberlynn is actually rich from all the hate views she gets.

>> No.21623618

fuck fat sub humans

>> No.21623681

I hate fat people so, so much. We should make them useful and convert them into biofuel.

>> No.21623707


Why do rich people hate the poor? You know you could become forced to be poor too?

Example: something catastrophic happens to you and you lose your money.

>> No.21623727
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Lmao this isnt about her I was just browsing my "hate" folder for something suitable

>> No.21623752

Invalid argument, when rich people become poor they earn their money back. I don't think they hate the poor for the same reasons the poor hates the rich.

>> No.21623956
File: 38 KB, 678x525, 1576207106701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor people rely on government aid for a subsistence life style. Whether it be niggers in the inner city, or rural whites hooked on opiates, Tens of millions of Americans rely on benefits programs to supplement their (lack of) income and see no need to find means to be more productive. I'm sure many have their reasons, but funnily enough poverty is strongly correlated with low IQ where the bottom 10% of the IQ distribution (when adjusting for government aid) in this country all live under the poverty line. It'll certainly get worse as time goes on as even the most basic of jobs will require greater and greater technical expertise. Unfortunately these people are pretty much fucked, and there isn't much that can be done about it, which makes them very angry and extremely cynical towards the system even if they don't fully understand why they're fucked.
The only long term solution would be a positive eugenics program where services like fertility clinics that provide in-vitro fertilization are heavily subsidized by the government that give prospective parents the ability to choose which zygote(s) are brought to term based on their inheriting of a higher number of genes directly correlated with higher intelligence and the discarding of those with obviously harmful ones and with a number of genetic disorders like down syndrome.
Hell you can even market it to the jews by saying that we could eliminate Tay-Sachs disease.

>> No.21623962

Rich people tend not to think much about the poor, whereas many poor people are entirely consumed by their envy and hatred of the rich, which is part of the inferior character disposition that makes them poor in the first place.

>> No.21623992
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>> No.21624038

>>Hey hitler how goes it.
Eugenics don't end with the tards. It ends when the robots take over u fucking pleb. Jews and human species traitors the rope is coming.

>> No.21624051

This. Poor people are mainly poor because of their mentality and not because of external factors, at least in 1st world countries.

>> No.21624078

we will become the robots

>> No.21624112
File: 55 KB, 900x675, reaper-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You get cancer or other terminal illness and have too much in medical bills.

You don't recover and die.

How did you get your money back?

Stupid fuck desu

Life doesn't always care about your plans or what you're capable of.

Death is more powerful than your tiny mind.

>> No.21624135

People with rich parents hate the rich because they hate their parents.

>> No.21624222
File: 84 KB, 796x588, 1576242105001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negative eugenics
There's no need to kill or castrate anyone. Genetics are probabilistic. One of the many problems of having children is that you have very little control over what they will inherit from the parents. We currently have no means to deal with the regression to the mean problem, so even if you were to consciously have two intelligent people have a child together, there is no garuntee they would inherit all of hundreds of alleles necessary to have a similar level of potential intelligence. We would be far better off if parents could have a real hand in natural selection. Killing tards and niggers is a waste of time and is doomed to failure.

>> No.21624275
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It's because they aren't smart enough to figure out how to get rich, or they don't have the balls to take risks.

>> No.21624330

Gladly wrap ur lips around a .45, u fell for the meme of negative eugenics lolol. Hitler had the same plan buddy boy. Very little control take a look into gene editing and become a GMO product so we can legally eliminate u with no legal action.

>> No.21624387

Because the truly rich are born as rich, they aren't doing back breaking labour for that money, while the poor work multiple jobs just to be able to pay the bills. The truly rich control the whole world, keeping the sheeple alive because they need the people to be able to have their fun, but they also keep the poor from truly becoming rich because then they could try to usurp them.

I bet you think having a million dollars is being rich.

>> No.21624405

Highly based and redpilled. The elite only attack eugenics because eugenics would rob them of their wage/consumption slaves. It would be in poor, unintelligent people's interest to give them children who are more likely to be intelligent, but society has been manipulated into thinking that it is wrong. Imagine not wanting to give children the one tool that could get them out of poverty.

>> No.21624437

98% of poor people are actively kept poor by the rigged economic system

>> No.21624573

lmao put your goy muzzle back on you schizo.

>> No.21624676
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>The distinction between positive and negative eugenics is perhaps the best-known distinction that has been made between forms that eugenics takes. Roughly, positive eugenics refers to efforts aimed at increasing desirable traits, while negative eugenics refers to efforts aimed at decreasing undesirable traits.
I think you're confusing negative eugenics with dysgenics.
>Dysgenics (also known as cacogenics) is the study of factors producing the accumulation and perpetuation of defective or disadvantageous genes and traits in offspring of a particular population or species. The adjective "dysgenic" is the antonym of "eugenic".
Calm down.