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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21622034 No.21622034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

His name was Zachary Arifi of Texas A&M university. Usernames zachry48. Links to Tomball, Texas and Goodyear, Arizona, Estrella Foothills High School. Fuck jannies.

>> No.21622046

is he a paid shill?

>> No.21622060

yes. But he took money from two masters

>> No.21622082

Whos the second master

>> No.21622095

Anyone else disgusted how these crypto twitter Chainlink celebrities are taking away all the credit what anonymous NEETs did in the year 2017?

Crypto Oracle, ChainlinkGod are interviewed by Bloomberg and acting like some sort of "it is because we were so smart that we found this project early" when in truth anonymous NEETs in 2017 did all the heavy lifting for this project and now these disgusting faggot shits are taking all the credit for themselves, even from Sergey himself

>> No.21622130


>> No.21622139

Yeah most of them are giga-zoombers barely in puberty when ICO launched

>> No.21622152

I'm not gonna lie, it gets under my skin somewhat

>> No.21622200

on one hand yeah it sucks, but on the other imagine if these twitter fags didn't fill in and link had the "discovered by 4chan hackers" project stamp on it. would hurt it long term. now they just pretend it never happened.

>> No.21622248



>> No.21622275
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His ex

>> No.21622289

WAS .....

>> No.21622322

it was always going to happen. there was a noticeable influx of newfags in mid 2018 who really took credit for work that had been done by others. Just look at Delphi, an entire "secret group" of brainlet charlatans who were part of that 2018 group.
And as Chainlink grows it will just bring in louder and dumber people who want more personal attention. It couldn't be any other way, really, it would never get to a multi trillion market cap without people noticing eventually.
Chainlink would not be in any way affected by that association. newfags are still hung up on the fallacious idea that chainlink needs fuckwitted moonbois hyping it to each other. it doesnt.

>> No.21622333

Yeah its annoying but they’re retards that trick normies into buying LINK at the top so idc

>> No.21622341

>the truth
you better believe in psy ops, you are part of one. Make money Niggers

>> No.21622348


>> No.21622368

It was 100-500 ETH, some with 300 minimum, but not everyone bought into the presale pools. I personally thought you guys were insane for contributing (and in some cases overfilling) the pools. I thought you were going to get your money returned with no LINK, or even scammed completely by a fake pool.

>> No.21622374

Don't give a fuck about "fame" but they literally shot themselves and early holders in the foot by shilling this to normies too soon.

Imagine Link had stayed around top 50-20 even after staking. Early stakers collect fantastic Link returns for years and the value increases organically. Instead we get lower staking gains (in the amount of Link) because the token value has pumped before staking. Also we're apparently the new XRP army.

Thanks you shill faggots.

>> No.21622390

Kek, so he's a sandnigger or a kike

>> No.21622401



>> No.21622407

half kike, he simply couldn't say no to extra shekel

>> No.21622424

Where's the proof of him being CLG?

>> No.21622447

Yeah ICX was a crazy pump, one of the last projects to run up to 100x before it all ended. I remember a couple of "Korean Ethereum" shill threads on /biz/ but not much discussion until the token actually launched.

>> No.21622458
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>> No.21622468


Yeah. Pretty annoying. All these guys joined mid2018. I ahte the retard kid Max the most. Dude is dressed like he's attending a funeral, even writes like some old school phil;osphical investor like Naval. I was the one who had discovered the Mulesoft conneciton way before then. I mean idgaf, we still absolutely smoke them in terms of stack size lol

>> No.21622502

Go on twitter and search

until:2019-01-01 to:@chainlinkgod

You will see messages from @sofiiiar_ and only those if you click his original username will be as window title @zachry48. From there you can find his steam account, eBay account, trading view, and from there whatever

>> No.21622503


Invites to private pool = $300

>> No.21622527

>t. BAND faggots doing everything in their power to attack their competition

>> No.21622542


>> No.21622807

I think his parents possibly live around Volente, Texas

>> No.21622834

Yeah he is, wonder if he is reporting his shill earnings to the IRS

>> No.21622869

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

>> No.21622871
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>investing in a russian money laundering ponzi scheme shilled by butthurt zoomers that missed on bitcoin

>> No.21622954


>2 posts by this ID
> Attacking like a fudder

Look good for chainlinkgod that he has a following on twitter, but let's face it. he's a zoomer who stumbled onto biz in 2018. That's it. He's not arrogant to be fair. Plus he still only came in in 2018. Doesn;t matter how much he makes yeild farming or whatever. Few of us got to start that 2017 bullrun with hundreds/ thousands of eth in shitcoins. You would't believe where my actualy ranking in LINK is lol.

If you really wanna talk truth, its all abotut Assblaster and the other anons back in late 2017.

>> No.21623090

The fag dumps and takes profits on LINK at key resistance levels while simultaneously telling Bloomberg and Twitter he’s not selling.


The absolute state of you never selling bagholders.

>> No.21623102

you will be seth riched retard

>> No.21623182


What the fuck is wrong with you here

>> No.21623235

Money that doesn't exist.
Hug your parents

>> No.21623286

why are we doxxing him again?

>> No.21623313

Why are new posters so obsessed with CLC?

>> No.21623342

he is a risk

>> No.21623417 [DELETED] 

Pisses me off so much, I've been here since 2016 and this piece of shit comes late 18 and takes all the works of anon bizlets and acts like he was the one who found out all the crumbs. It truly gets under my skin, and of course he has the most punchable face in the history of zoomers aswell. God attention faggot normie kys

>> No.21623437

I see. Can't you just let him be? He's done more for Chainlink awareness than most here.

>> No.21623483

why do i see this insignificant random dudes ugly face here every day?

>> No.21623505

unironically this

>> No.21623528

>He's done more for Chainlink awareness than most here.
thats the opposite of what we want

>> No.21623534


I cashed out a large majority in late Dec 2017, and rode TRX and plenty of others. Hell MOON and SIGT in 2017 both got me x 10, NRV in late 2018 got me X15.

If you wanna hear a real sad truth, is that being a millionaire makes zero actual difference. Many make it their purpose to try to get there, but there's veyr much a reason why rich people keep working

>> No.21623545


>> No.21623562

>Chainlink awareness
Fuck off newfag.

>> No.21623565

he does it for free

>> No.21623572

he's a faggot for pretending he surfaced all the breadcrumbs and juicy details and regurgitates shit others have said already
HOWEVER hes done alot of the community, more than any of you level 3 lumbridge goblins so he's one of the good goy- good guys in my book

>> No.21623588

lol so a couple of people on CT could buy a couple of grands worth? He actually hasn't. He simply refutes the same facts over and over that were provided by anons here. He doesn't admit or deny that though, so I imagine his ego is relatively in check.

>> No.21623594

Wtf I went to that university
You know that pic of a pepe frog blowing another pepe frog among a pile of LINK cubes? The shelf it was sitting on was an A&M dorm.

>> No.21623630

imagine how satisfying it would be to take a deep breath, wind up, and just blast this little faggot in the face with a full strength haymaker

>> No.21623774

It is ALL about Assblaster. He made so many on this site decide to invest. Dude is a legend.

>> No.21623870

>at the top
Hasn't even started climbing the mountain.

>> No.21623988
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>> No.21624058

>thats the opposite of what we want
We're not in stealth phase anymore. You think your continual shitposting on biz is helping Chainlink all?

>> No.21624276

Normies are finding out about link anyways due to the price action. I think it's helpful having an intelligible marine on the front lines who can string a sentence together and actually knows what the fuck they're talking about. Without that, we're no better than those band jeets.

>> No.21624298

Retail is not needed. Institutional adoption is what's necessary.

>> No.21624540


Oh you're right there, I agree. The moonboi was 2017, now it's about being the "stoic marine", all the nufags see the older fags not caring about price, all only syaing 1000EOY, and they beleive it too.

I think the issue people on here have, if they do, is that these guys are essentially customer serivce to the retarded masses. They were given the info on biz, even chainlink god said that. He came across a 17 page document written by neets back in 2018. I had made one in 2018 as well as a senior VP at a literalt fortune top 10 wanted info, but I don't think it was that one.

People get mad because they were here before CLG, and think he's taking credit for their work. I don;t think he is personally. He never shills anything, and never says "Look what I have discovered". UNlike that max schaffer whatever the fuck guy, he writes like he's Naval and as taks about his portfolio updates as if he's a CEO updating shareholders new resource allocation.

its always been like this though, just like how bitcointlak was ruined by ICOers and pajeets in 2017, biz is ruined by normie nulinkers. Anyone worth their actualy weight in LINK cleared a million USD once LINK broke13/14 USD. A few around 5 USD lol. FUnny thing is I too have a pepe avatar with a link name, but fairly unknown. I'm literally a top 100 holder though lol

>> No.21624567

*for a senior VP. She bought at 35-50 cent and sold at 2.20 if anyone was wondering.

>> No.21624642

most underrated post, anyone who defends the teitter shills needs to have this pasted in the reply

>> No.21624694
File: 513 KB, 1876x862, clg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did an art

>> No.21624713

IMAGINE, just IMAGINE if we kept the stealth mode on and keep on fudding reddit AND twitter full on, things would have been much better and less cringy

>> No.21624785

This guy is gonna get murdered by some whale, isn't he.....

>> No.21624804

why are you trying to dox some Twitter zoomer? Kys OP

>> No.21624811

In Minecraft of course

>> No.21624853

Great way to piss off someone helping Chainlink and the entire defi space. Congrats on being an asshole.

>> No.21624902

he will get a yacht party invitation

>> No.21624935

Holy fuck where did all these newfags come from?

>> No.21624955

Whales don't give a shit. Only faggots here with less than 10k do, just because they were fed information years ago by assblaster. Let's face it, nobody in this thread has contributed anything significant.

>> No.21624971

Damn remind me to never piss of turboautists

>> No.21624993

You do know what rules 1 and 2 are dont you nigger? Go back to your subplebbit board